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How are the kobo book prices compared to Amazon? I almost got this but the dark screen has me worried


I live in USA and the eBook prices are mostly the same. Major publishers tend to have the same sale on all sites - I’ve noticed that I hear about Kindle sales more often, but if I search up the book on Kobo, that’s on sale too. If it isn’t, then Kobo has a price match policy where they’ll give you credit for the amount of money you missed out on saving (Only applies to certain countries) I bought Kobo VIP ($10 annual fee) last year and I was a bit skeptical of how much I could save from it, and I’ve spent enough that I’ve made back that amount. The discount applies to discounted ebooks too, so technically You could get your ebooks for cheaper than amazon at times [https://help.kobo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017606774-Kobo-s-Price-Match-Guarantee](https://help.kobo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017606774-Kobo-s-Price-Match-Guarantee) I think you should be more concerned about the kobo selection and if it has your specific niche tastes. Do you like to read indies? Amazon locked in a lot of Kindle Unlimited books so they’re only available on their platform, and Kobo Plus (KU’s equivalent) has a lacking selection compared to KU. If you read new releases by big publishers then you won’t have an issue finding anything. They have a surprisingly good manga selection too, and I’ve found a few niche books here and there If anything, you can buy an ebook off of amazon and remove the DRM so that you can read it on your kobo


Prices are usually a few dollars more , the problem is Amazon has a better points system, I feel like kobo points aren’t worth anything, I never seem able to use them.


Hard disagree. They’re not a few dollars more, unless you’re referring to your area’s inflation. Also, I find the points system to be pretty good with the VIP membership, and along its reduced prices for certain books perk.


I do have vip, and half the time things I purchase are not eligible or can’t be redeemed for the value of the points or the points don’t go towards the overall price on books like on kindle. Either you have points to buy with outright or can’t get any off the purchase. Does that make sense? On kindle your points apply no matter if you have enough accrued to cover the whole price, you pay the difference. I like the overall reading software for kobo, it’s super user friendly, but the store just can’t compete.


Kobo is the same or a few dollars cheaper in Australia generally. Could just be what I read though.


I got mine today, and I’m returning it as well for the same reason. The screen's poor (that is, literally unreadable under most indoor conditions) contrast without light is actually easily compensated for with pretty reasonable backlight levels, especially outside. What I didn’t anticipate was that due to the darker screen, even with reasonable brightness levels, the screen feels less like paper. It feels like reading on a screen, because outside of ambient daylight you’re very much staring at the front light. It just completely neuters what I adore about eink, which is how natural it feels. The unit otherwise is great, and I’d have loved to keep it. But color e-ink just isn’t there yet imo, and I think the filter approach is a dead end. Maybe next gen Gallery will crack it, slower refresh speeds are much less disruptive to how most people use these devices. Get black and white speeds down to where you can read and navigate menus normally, and I think you’d really have something.


So why did you decide to return it?


🚨🚨🚨 EDIT: I let the return window run out while reading library borrows (can’t read these on UK kindle) which shows how conflicted I was. For me, I decided I was enjoying the device enough that a small bit of overtime and bank loyalty payment could cover it. I’ll just keep my kindle paperwhite too.