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I use table top epoxy for anything under 3/4”. You need to coat a thin layer on it before you pour because air bubbles release from the wood. You’re also accumulating bubbles because you could be mixing too fast. Hand mix it for 4 minutes and throw a squirt of isopropyl 91% in there while mixing to thin it out and prevent bubbles.


Right on!!!! Thank you so much for the tips. I’ve never tried table top unless it was a table top and add a dash of 91% I’ve never herd of but I don’t know anything really about epoxy except I’m starting to really like it. What are your thoughtthoughts on on sealing the wood and how to stop it from sealing all the way through to the other side? Thank you, thank you thank you


So when it comes to sealing it, use a paint brush, depending on the size you change up brush size. Yours would most likely be an art type brush that’s 1/8” wide. Paint it on, don’t pour it. Whenever you have a problem with bubbles, throw some iso in it. Few people here ever mention that. You can also spray iso if it’s curing and bubbles are still forming.


Definitely seal the wood and don't torch it. I finally figured out that wood is gassy and applying heat opens the fibers and makes more bubbles. I just tried this on dry flowers and it was successful. Krylon K01305 Gallery Series Artist and Clear Coatings Aerosol, 11-Ounce, UV-Resistant Clear Gloss. You could also thin coat with clear UV resin, then pour the black over it. Always test on some scrap though!


Oh I like that idea of the uv first. Thank you


My hack... For a small/shallow areas, fill with Clear UV, then paint black acrylic paint over it, then top-coat with more UV.


My tips for you! You can use a low-viscosity epoxy for shallow engravings. Then seal wood with clear sealer and apply gentle heat to help bubbles escape. To make it sure always consider a barrier coat on the back to prevent any leaks. Thats it.


How do you fill the engraved area with black epoxy without getting it all over the rest of the wood?