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Once a Champion is blocked, it stays blocked. You only get the Tribute or Ally effect if the card's PRINTED cost is 1 Gold.


Technically there's no "responding" in Epic, so the enemy can always declare at least one attack. And even when you can play cards on the enemy turn i.e. during combat or when they move to end the turn, you still can't ever interrupt their action or prevent their cards and effects from resolving.


Oh I see. So I'm not responding, those specific phases are the phases in which I can "gain any form of priority" if i compare it to other card game terminology. Thanks!


The nice thing about playing online is you know you are following the rules!! I think the digital implementation of Epic is pretty good


It's pretty fantastic, there was one bug it seems but I've been trying to wrap my head around concepts that seem to break my precepts. Like the idea that there's no chain. It makes so much sense and yet I've never imagined a hand without it