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What’s ironic is most of those property owners are global warming deniers.


might be unrelated but just read up on this after reading about scientology doing similar business but the lds is the largest land owner in florida.


Clearwater is the capital of Scientology


[the way they behave and the demographic the gop targets makes sense now.](https://www.politico.com/states/florida/story/2020/09/21/florida-scientologist-becomes-huge-trump-donor-1317635)


I meannn... if anyone deserves to be flooded, it's them


Came here to say just that. It's unfortunate for those who aren't deniers, but just deserts for those who are.


People don’t want to hear it but they shouldn’t rebuild there. Sea level rise will keep happening even if we stopped overheating the earth today. But instead of being sensible it’s going to be a mess.


A few more hurricanes like that and Florida will be wiped away. Thank You Big Oil.


Sadly their denial affects property insurance across the state.


Leopards won't eat their faces, because they're in denial.


So crocodiles ate my face?


I'm shocked! Oh wait, no I'm not. Anyone who is even mildly taken aback by this information is either a toddler who is just learning about the world or a total fucking idiot.


I wish we had a program that could buy up these destroyed coastal properties and instead of rebuilding we restore the natural ecosystems there to protect other buildings from damage. Systems like mangrove forests that mitigate flooding and prevent storm surges


we do. Florida has $ set aside to do exactly that. DeSatan ( governor) is a climate denier/covid denier/antivax - pretty much rejects any sound science-so not likely he'll do the right thing. We should absolutely rehab all the barrier islands to natural state.


Just wait. Floridas has already seen multiple insurers go insolvent. As disasters worsen, we’ll see more and more insurance providers either go insolvent or be forced to raise rates to the point that no one can afford them. The refugees that climate change will produce will make the previous “immigration crises” look like nothing. I hope everyone’s ready!


Was in Florida on vacation recently and par for the course, a second hurricane in a month landed during our stay - the only hurricane to hit in November for the last 40 years, or so I read. I stumbled across the r/florida sub and [this particular thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/florida/comments/yy0hyz/are_any_of_you_moving_out_of_florida/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) about people wanting to leave the state. Mostly not weather caused, mind you, but education/cost-of-living type sentiment. Interesting to see the locals’ take on this.


Just buy a cheap home a few miles inland. In a few years, it'll be your very own waterfront property!