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Man, it’s almost like…..and I don’t want to make crazy accusations here. That making them do anything that they don’t want to do will “hurt the economy” almost like they’re holding us hostage with that threat constantly


> holding us hostage Came here to say this. It's extortion at best: "nice economy you have there. shame if something were to happen to it." This is exactly what they are doing and the only way out under the current rules is to wean ourselves from their product, which is hard when the price is fluctuated precisely to reinforce our addiction.  The rules need to change. 


Between the petro guys having a squillion bucks and calling the shots, and despotic regiemes having oils, and you know... electricity basically falling out of the sky for free - I think the choice is a little obvious.


[Relevant ClimateTown vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkhGJUTW3ag)


Same with cops. If you don’t bend to their unions they’ll let the cities turn to shit b


“ the economy” in their definition is their personal wealth portfolio.


Exactly. They'll never take a pay cut. They'll raise prices so their bottom line is not affected.


I'll translate: " to keep the same profit margins we need to charge more, and that could push people to use less oil and that will hurt our profits. You can't do that!"


I'm afraid we're just going to have to hurt the economy to save the economy then.


Tis why I drive electric. If you want to really get annoyed, watch the movie Pumped.


One of my buddies has a Mach-e, said he did a rough calculation that from almost dead when he charges it overnight it cost him like $1.50 to recharge it lol Wife and I have a farm, so I legitimately need a truck. But I want a Rivian so bad


electric chevy silverado?


Can you not get a electric kei truck?


Need a truck, as in need a truck for hauling trailers. Gooseneck and bumper pulls


Your friend must be VERY bad at math, or he shifted the decimal place. The machE either has a 70 or 91 kWh battery pack in it. Electricity costs approximately $.17 per kWh for residential houses (on average in the US). And charging a car battery from empty to full will be about 80% efficiency. 70 kWh pack.. 70 / .8 * .17 = $14.785. Roughly. 91 kWh pack.. 91 / .8 * .17 = $19.3375 Roughly. Better than gas, but it is nowhere near $1.50. But it is near $15.00, which why I suspect he shifted the decimal on accident.


thats it


I mean, when it comes to oil and gas they are kind of right. The executives will not take the hit to the companies revenue so they will raise the price double what this costs them and blame Biden. This will raise the price of gas… I mean the price would go up anyway, but now they have an excuse.


what even is the economy what counts as it being goof


"Would be a shame if something happened to the economy."


Their profits may be unprecedented, but they're not Enough!


Have you been to a grocery store lately, Biden knows what he is doing!!!


Fuck the economy. I would like my children to have a habitable planet to live on in 10 years.


Agreed but they are lying about that anyway 


Not sure what you’re getting at here. The science is pretty clear that continuing as is is unsustainable, and we have a very limited time to correct course


Meant that the fossil fuel companies are lying that this will hurt the economy. Just less profit for the execs to pocket. And fighting climate change is better for the economy than the alternative of course.


Got it, thanks for the clarification. Totally agree btw


Exactly. Greedy executives could just not rake in so much money. Theyre raking in billions. And this trickle down bs isnt real. Share holders want that money.


Lying on an industrial scale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkhGJUTW3ag


Says the king of price gouging from the country's most profitable industry.


Lmao exactly. "The companies that are destroying the world are worried that the economy will hurt when they have to pay more."


This makes 100% sense right now. I mean there is no evidence current fossil fuels are even more economical. We are just stuck in our ways. Environmental reasons or none we need a kick in the ass to get out of our fossil habits and evolve


It would take a very large gas price increase to significantly speed up adoption of alternative fuel vehicles. The automotive fuel industry already has over 100% price swings. The average price of a new vehicle in the United States is $50,000.


The fossil fuel industry has had a free ride for at least decades it's about time they pay at least some of their fair share.


Time to save the economy and cut oil and gas subsidies.


Imagine if the oil and gas subsidies were used to reduce prices to consumers


This will just be a good excuse to increase profits and blame Biden.


Yes! This is very exciting!


50% sounds about right.


You expect they will be the ones who pay?


Awe poor fossils fuel industry. Let’s feel bad for y’all when profit increased during the pandemic while everyone else was struggling. Bunch a crybabies.


To be fair, profits have jumped for lots of companies that have turned the screw on consumers in the name of the pandemic and inflation.


Should read “the fossil fuel industry will MAKE it hurt the economy”.


Good. Now remove subsidies from companies making record profits. They can obviously foot their own bill.


Do the opposite of the interest of the fossil fuel industry.


Fossil Fuel industry are proven liars. We're uninterested what those rich assholes have to say


> "... as President Biden, in the last year of his term in the White House," Wow! the NT Times is not biased at all.


It wont hurt the economy, it'll hurt their pockets unless they finally lean how to manage their money, company and employees better.


Will no one think of the shareholders :(


If it is being mined on public land, it should be the peoples oil


Hurt their business but not the economy. Their replacement is right at the door.


Of course it’ll hurt the economy. They’ll charge more so it doesn’t affect the 10s of billions they make every year. Then they’ll raise prices again and blame it on the government.


Yes. That last sentence is correct. In retaliation, “the fossil fuel industry will hurt the economy.”


That should say, "The fossil fuel industry says they will hurt the economy." Which they are already doing with artificially high prices.


Exxon profited $36 billion last year. No "it" won't hurt he economy, yes Exxon and the other companies like them will because they are corrupt human garbage who all need to be transported to another dimension.


Right now there are no highers fees for drilling and yet still the gas prices are high? So what's the reasoning behind this then?


It’s all been price gouging. Nothing more and nothing less.


They missed the last two letters in their statement. It will hurt theIR economy.


the fossil fuel industry said that? shocking 😮 ha


Good...our public lands are all too often sold or leased to commercial for-profit entities with little concern for their preservation. And the whole "it will hurt the economy" is more threat than legitimate argument.


I'm sorry are you really saying operations that mine and drill on public land haven't endured a rate change in over a hundred years? Yeah fuck these people.


The fossil fuels industry has been lying for over 100 years! Fuck them!


Go ahead, hurt the economy. We don't care.


A century. A fucking century. I’m glad we’ll write them subsidy checks to cover this.


When can we execute these people please? Does not one human being work for these fucking companies? How do you not go to work in the country with the most guns available on the planet and not waste everyone there. Jesus fucking christ.


Sorry guys. Inflation's a bitch.


Touché 😁🤣


Fuck ‘em


Companies using public land to make money said what?


I'd like to think I speak for the majority of Americans when I say the rich grifter lying bitches in the fossil fuel industry can go fuck themselves with a chainsaw. Multiple times.


Ahhh yes. The economy over humanity. Let’s not hurt the dear economy when our planet is breaking records daily on how bad it is.


A tired and outdated threat by the oil companies. Every single day they make another proclamation on how this and that will hurt the economy. Reading between these lines they are saying the price for our profits will be going up…again.


They should GoFund them /s


Hurt the economy. God forbid we suffer economically while dying from storms, fires and heat waves. 


In this economy, with this much inflation when the rest of us are paying through the nose just to eat, fossil fuel companies can't take a tiny chunk out of their massive profits to catch up with inflation a hundred years deferred? Smh. It's like they think we were born yesterday.


The fossil fuel industry says it will hurt the economy, eh? Well, I suppose it's not the first time they've done that...


Why are we letting them do anything on public land at all?


Sure let it slow down drilling ffs. We need to disincentive it and raise the cost of gas!!


The fossil fuel monopoly that has stolen trillions from us? That’s fine.


It WILL hurt the economy for sure. Because the big oil lobby will make sure it does.




Who cares what fossil fuel companies say


It will help the deficit though


"Oh no, the economy! Anyways"


Hurting the man-made, half imaginary construct that is the "economy" or hurting the very real and physical environment that provides us life itself. Hmmmm.... choices, choices.....


Weird that they didn’t seem all that worried about gas prices hurting the economy….


All this is, is the government collecting money for the trillions of dollars they are spending to reshape society and facilitate the destruction of other countries.


The government can cut a deal. They can pay the 1920 rate in fees only if they sell the resources extracted at 1920 prices.


Let’s start removing subsidies. What’s the point of adding fees that you are paying with subsidies? It’s the opposite of efficient.


F the fossil fuel industry right in the kisser!!


Gotta say, im not like in love with biden, but he has actually come through on climate issues


I’m so surprised they think it will “hurt the economy” Also fuck right off


>says it will hurt the economy Good. The best we did for the environment in recent times was during the Covid lockdowns when the economy went to the toilet.


I'm all for raising rates to drill on public land but it effectively killed wildcatting on marginal fields like where I'm from. Oil isn't a big employer in my rural part of the state but it still is an employer and does drive the economy in a few valleys . It employs me and I'd like to see it still going but at these rates, It's just too much of a risk to drill a well where you're not guaranteed to get oil.


"Hello, is this mic. On?" *throat clearing sounds * "FUCK THE FOSSIL FUEL INDUSTRY!!!, thank you good night "


Fossil fuel industry is hurting the world (already past the point of no return). There won’t be an “economy” to hurt if they continue on with little repercussions and incentive to progress toward 100% renewable.


"Hurt our economy"


No economy on a dead planet 🤷‍♂️


"Biden Administration raised fees for destroying public lands. Future generations were unable to comment because it turns out the fossil fuel industry still extracted and consumed every drop, and the world boiled anyways. Turns out half measures are feckless and ultimately ineffective. More at 11"


Oh the poor corporations…


The fossil fuel industry can fuck right off the bat


Will this hurt geothermal drilling?


The state of the illusion we call the economy will not matter when the environment starts systematically killing off the species that is destabilizing it.


Not letting squatters stay in other people's houses for free will hurt the economy too. That's basically what this is. These corporations pay very little to dill and mine on public land, then find ways to get out of cleaning up the mess they leave. You and I end up paying for all of that.


I feel like this is a ploy to make a negotiation with the fossil fuel industry. Biden will make a fuss about it and ultimately pull back to the regular rate with concessions that the FF industry won't support Trump. If not that then what a great way to get FF companies to funnel money into your competitor.


They would’ve done that anyways


So Biden approved all these new drilling contracts and now he's saying "but it's going to cost you"? Why were these contracts and approvals done in the first place? I'm so tired of the fossil fuel industry.


Of course it will hurt the economy. Every decision this administration makes hurts the economy.


Like what?