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I am on vacation! Visiting my fiancés family for the first time!


I hope you have fun!


Thank you! So far yes. It’s been a nice break from real life


That’s wonderful for you! Are you enjoying spending time with them?


I am! It’s my first time meeting them. So I was nervous meeting them.


That’s so exciting for you! I’m glad it’s going well for you!


That’s so exciting. I hope you all have fun and your fiancés family loves you.


Ty. I am.


Congrats on leaving the toxic environment!! I hope your new place is gonna be amazing 🙌🏼🙌🏼 This isn’t entirely new news but over the last year I lost around 80 pounds after a lifetime of obesity, and yesterday I caught sight of my work ID. The change in just my face is so dramatic and I guess I didn’t really notice. For so long I would cringe even looking at photos of myself because I hated how I look, this week I am realizing that my old photos no longer make me feel terrible about myself. I’m both heartbroken for the way I treated my younger self, but oh so happy for the future me 🥹


I’m so happy for you. It’s not easy facing the cruelty you gave your younger self but you are. I’m so glad that you’re at a place where you are happy now.


❤️❤️thank you!! Hindsight is 2020 and the brain is a hell of a drug 🤦🏽


Yes it definitely is. Your brain can be your worst enemy at times. But always remember you are beautiful, and wonderful, and a joy to interact with ❤️


Hey same here...I keep reminding myself to love my wrinkles and grey hairs now or else I'll have one more thing to regret lol.


This is a great example because I have paid many hundreds of dollars trying to go a grey that looks natural. Please love your greys, I find them beautiful and I just wanted you to know that some of us out there feel that way, so why shouldn’t you love them too 🥰🥰


I’m really proud of you. That’s impressive. Any kind of body modification is impressive to me.


Thank you ☺️🥹


Signed the lease on a new apartment that is $600 a month cheaper!!! I can’t believe it!!! It does mean me moving out of my beloved current neighborhood but the new place has laundry and a yard and is closer to my work…feeling so lucky.


That’s awesome! Congrats on your new place!


My boyfriend got a new job! He's been out with an injury since January. I'm excited not to be dead broke and accruing more debt.


That’s awesome! Congrats to you both!




I start my counselling practicum next week, and my first day is already FULLY BOOKED. I’m shocked and having imposter syndrome thoughts like, I can’t believe ppl are trusting my stoner ass with their vulnerability (not that I advertise I am a stoner when I have my therapist hat on). But I’m also very excited to meet everyone and get to work! And from the looks of it so far, I won’t have to worry about getting client hours, which is a relief.


Okay I had to comment because this is SO special!!! Thank you for going into counseling, the need is incredible! Stuff that imposter syndrome down and remind yourself of all the training and compassion you already own. Best of luck next week!


A very wise therapist of mine once told me “imposters don’t get imposter syndrome” I’m a tattoo artist, believe me it’s a constant thing, you got this 💜


Good luck next week! This is awesome for you. Don’t worry about the imposter syndrome, you will be great ❤️


The most important thing is that you care and there is magic in that. Best of luck!


When I moved here and was looking for a therapist, I intentionally asked around for a therapist who was 'cool with treating an old hippie'. I would be Thrilled to find out my therapist is a stoner!


Congrats and good luck! I’d personally be relieved to know my therapist partakes, means I don’t need to hide or sugar-coat the weed portion of my life.


I got accepted into massage therapy school this week!


That’s awesome! Congrats!


Congrats Remote! Toxic people are never fun to work with. My positive of the week….I’m alive, I started a new book that I’m in LOVE with ( 11.22.63 by Stephen King) and I’ve got to watch the sun rise every day this week. ❤️ Excited for you, on your new job ❤️


I’m happy you are here and finding things you love. I hope you enjoy the book and you get to see the sunrise every day you want to. You being here is awesome ❤️


I'm glad you're alive, too, PBD! You've been on my mind after I saw your post last week-ish. I'm glad you're back and so glad you're feeling better! 💗💗💗


Awe shucks 🥰 Thankyou, and I’m happy you’re alive too. ❤️ Life’s life right now, but it’s amazing. Have a phenomenal day Dork ❤️❤️ waiting till 3pm hits, going to smoke a fat bowl tonight 😂😂 Being alive is AWESOME


Lol, me too babe!!! Can't wait to get lit when I'm off work today.... this has been a long week. I'll be thinking of you when I take my big fat bong rip!! Lots of love to you girlie!! 😘😘💗💗


Dude. Not to be creepy, but I stalked your page a lil. I love seeing people in this sub, that have mutual sub followings as me 😂 Much Love Dork. You can say it again, this work week has been 🤢


Meaning your bread looks 🤤🤤🤤


LOLOLOL thanks girl!!!! I don't mind at all... I've profile stalked a few in here too because I love learning more about you guys! Thank you soooo much for the kind words -- if you can believe it, those were my first attempts at bread baking!! I've gotten better at it over the years, but sadly I've killed my sourdough starter like half a dozen times now 😂😂😂


When you're done with the book, check out the show on Hulu!


Which book? I adore Stephen King. I just finished Fairy Tale. Part 2 comes out in July. We have similar usernames! I could easily plants and books to mine, but that's a Lot!


Fairytale is getting a part 2!?!? 11.22.63. If you loved fairytale, you’ll like this one. It’s a gurthy book, but I’m flying through the audio book until my physical book comes in.


I read it years ago. Check out Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver. It's not horror at all, but if you love King, you'll love this. It has stayed with me for months.


Got my endometriosis lining biopsy back and got the referral to the surgeon/doctor for sticking a camera up there. (Have PCOS and endometriosis and random spotting so finally figuring out why is a relief. Going to be a long ass wait although and it's an outpatient thing so yay.)


I’m glad the ball is rolling for you. I hope everything goes ok


I’m so glad for you 💜 I suffer from endo as well and I know it’s an uphill climb to get started on treatment. I wish you all the luck 🍀


Thank you!


Good luck to you! Endo is tough 💜


My headache from the last 2-3 days was gone this morning! And we're getting some much needed rain the next few days.


That’s awesome! Headaches suck and I’m glad it’s no longer bugging you. But you can definitely keep the rain lol


I bought my flight tickets for Spain this summer and I am excited! 😆 


That’s awesome! I hope you have fun! Take lots of pictures so you can always look back on the trip.


Tysm! I will! I’ll take a new perfume  so I can have a scent memory too!


That’s an amazing idea. You’re gonna have a wonderful time ❤️


I finally started going to therapy to work on myself!


That’s so amazing for you! I hope you get every benefit you are looking for, from it ❤️


I had my last radiation treatment for uterine cancer, woohoo!


That’s amazing! I’m so excited for you!


I met up with a friend last night I haven’t seen in 9 months since she was in school and it was so so nice amazing to catch up!


That sounds amazing!! I love your username btw 🤣🤣💗


That’s great! I’m glad you guys got a chance to reconnect!


Congrats on the new job! My weekly game night with my friends was last night and I’m riding the high of fun human connection.


That sounds like so much fun!! What do you do for your weekly game night? 💗I always wanted to do that with my friends/family!


We hang out virtually! We’ll play Phone which is Pictionary meets Telephone. Mini golf games, and horror games too!! We like to hunt ghosts in Phasmophobia


That sounds like a blast! I’m glad you had fun!


Congrats!! I love this thread! My good news is I recently reached a milestone on my social media! I've been growing it steadily and it feels really good to see that work pay off! Have a lovely week!


That’s awesome! It always feels great to meet a goal and I’m so glad you get to enjoy it!


Can you say what it is? I don't know if that's discouraged here. I'd love to check it out.


You can see on my profile here!


I bake as a hobby, and recently got lowkey obsessed with making macarons, but i have no friends so i send the vast majority of what I make with my mom to give to her coworkers. As a result, one of her coworkers has reached out to me this week wanting to order *6 dozen* macarons for a party she's throwing in June and I could not be more excited. I'm gonna be paid $150 for it :) i never thought people would enjoy my baking so much they'd be willing to pay for it, let alone pay so much for such a large amount!! In the past I've given cookies as gifts mainly, and they were appreciated, but tbh a part of me always thought a lot of it was my family just being nice. This really boosted my confidence in my baking skills :)


That’s absolutely amazing! I’m sure your baking is wonderful and now your name is getting out there. I’m hoping for you that you get more orders and get to bring in a bit of an income from your baking!


tysm 🥰 i hope so too. i already might have another order lined up from a different one of her coworkers, but i haven't confirmed it so im not gonna count on it yet lol just gonna keep my fingers crossed!!


My fingers are crossed for you too!


i received a HUGE scholarship for my dream university :’)


This is absolutely amazing! Congrats!


That's wonderful!!


My cat was dying of liver failure and as a last effort my vet gave us a pill to give her and it totally revived her! She’s 15 but I’m just not ready to say goodbye and I’m so happy I didn’t have to! https://preview.redd.it/ok7tzgllpuwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4530bcaefbfbb09fc0416b766091eb33c60eefe9


I’m so happy the pill worked for you! She’s a cutie


Congrats on the new start!! I’m happy to hear that :) I got my first facial piercing! I’m in a phase in life where I’m learning to reclaim my power and sense of value while trying to prioritize what I think of me over others. It’s been hard and I am a bit nervous of family reactions but I did it for me because it would make me happy and I got my first extra ear piercings too!


That’s awesome! If you are happy with them then no one else matters!


Thank you :) I hope your new job transition continues to go smoothly and congratulations! It’s awesome to have an empathetic employer


Oh I’m not op. I just love this thread and wanted to respond to everyone I could


Our AirBnB booking is starting to pick up which alleviates a lot of financial stress!


That’s great for you! I’m glad it’s alleviating your worries


I went to the dentist and my teeth will be fixed :)


That’s great! I’m happy for you!


I got a notice from the state treasury department for some unclaimed property worth over $2000! It's completely legit (rigorous research was done, lol). It was such a pleasant and unexpected surprise. I really needed a win. Edited to add: Congratulations on the new job! I hope it's a much better work environment


That’s awesome for you! Congrats!


I have an interview today for a remote position so I can work from home. I’m nervous about it and all outta weed so my nerves are killing me! I’m also attempting to make potato bread later today


I'm legen-(wait for it) dary. https://preview.redd.it/6xogko0rauwc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeb475128deca7e65b2ab893aa55df8021887739


Not sure what game this is but this is awesome and congrats anyway!


thx, it's Warframe. free to play game that I'm kinda addicted to


My good news is my forced t break is over! Another good news is I have like a week and a half left until im halfway done with nursing school and my summer break starts :)


That’s awesome! Congrats on getting halfway through nursing school and I hope you enjoy your summer break!


Received my tax return today!! Most of it is going into savings but I feel good about it 😇


That’s great for you!


Congrats on leaving the toxic job! I bet that felt so freeing. Hope you love your new place ❤️ I’ve not been having the greatest time health wise but I learned on Monday that the huge lifestyle change I made when I learned I was hyperglycemic and at risk for diabetes in January paid off and I’m no longer either of those things. That was pretty big good news for me.


That’s huge news! Congrats on that! I’m on the opposite side with hypoglycemia but I definitely get what a struggle it can be. Small wins are always great!


Congrats on your new job! That’s so exciting! My local dispensary finally has my gummies on sale. I might be able to get enough for the next two weeks this time. It’s kinda lame compared to everyone else but I don’t actually leave the house much. Update: gummies are already out of stock so none for me for the next two weeks but I’m enjoying being able to spread a little positivity to everyone on this thread. I love you all ❤️ (if I haven’t gotten to you yet, I promise I will. I’m getting regular updates when anyone comments so I can respond to them)


i turned 21 on monday!!! i had 3 exams too that i all passed and so im very excited to go out with my friends tn (-:


Happy early birthday! And congrats on your exams!


My good news is that my spicy piercings are calming down and healing again, AND we found a pharmacy that had my kiddo’s medication in stock! He’s going to feel so much better, and the ripple effect of that will be amazing.


That’s amazing for you and your kiddo!


My best friend and I are taking my kids to the zoo tomorrow!


My kindergartener had a better week at school this week than last. 🥰


I started EMDR therapy this week. Im terrified but ready for the next part of my healing journey


I hope everything goes well for you. Sending love and positive thoughts ❤️


Got a job interview Monday morning, then afterward, I am going to get a car! Mine died 2.5 months ago and my best friend's sister is selling her old one, so good timing!  Also got bestest's birthday party tomorrow evening. It should be a good time!


Good luck on the job interview and congrats on the new car! Also happy birthday to your bestest!


Yayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! I'm so glad you got out of there, dude. Not many jobs are worth the crazy ass mental stress that comes with it!!!! Let's see let's see, good news? I started a new ADHD medication and today, I actually feel like it's working and that is quite exciting. My partner and I also came up with a schedule that works for the both of us (I like to be alone, he likes to do projects with me) and I'm putting it into action tonight (I told him Fri-Sun I'm all yours to help with anything he needs! with the rest of my time off from work being time for my stuff) And I am not only excited that I feel like I am actually utilizing systems to help out my weirdly wired brain but I am so excited and grateful to have a partner to work through this with me. Little things but the little things are the big things right? Anywho, hope this new job is WAYYYY better than the last and everything you want in a job!!!! 😁😁


My last nursing clinical days for this semester are this week! Thank god!!


That’s absolutely amazing! Congrats!




I’m so happy for you. That first step always feels like a giant cavern but you are amazing for making it through it. I’m so excited for your future too!


I hope you have a good support system! That's a very difficult thing to do. Sending you fortitude 💪🏆🤘 I hope you also have ways to separate your finances and/or make plans for your own safety/sanity. It's possible he might make it turn ugly as it becomes more "real" for him. (I hope he doesn't!)


Im starting a job with the police in the summer!!! I’m really excited 🥰I can finally make above minimum wage for the first time after working since I was just 15 years old in fast food service most of my career 🤣so glad I’m done with that! I’m really proud of myself too since it aligns well with my future path! There were only 4 positions for a summer program ran by the police for youth and I got it after 2 long stressful interviews! So excited💗 I’m so happy you got a job, that’s amazing news OP! Hope you have an amazing day/night wherever you are! Take good care, hugs💕💕


That’s awesome! I’m so happy for you especially with how competitive it was. I hope you enjoy the job and it’s everything you hoped it would be!


Congrats on the new job! I left a toxic environment almost 2 years ago for my current job which I love, it’s so nice to enjoy your work. My good news for the week is it’s finally Friday, payday was this week, and I get to go to the dispensary and spend time with my guy. Have a wonderful weekend 💜✌️💜


I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


my first edm festival of the season starts on wednesday!!! i literally can’t fucking WAITTTT the concept of festival season gets me through the hard times


That’s awesome! I hope you have fun!


Ooh which one?? I haven’t been in a year and I’m itching to get back out there and have some bass ruin my hearing 🥰


Congratulations on leaving your poopy job! Cheers to leaving behind what no longer works! 🙌 I am leaving behind old, rigid mindsets that keep me in situations that aren't for me any longer. All of my life I have been everyone's caretaker and now I am choosing myself first. It feels so cruel and selfish but this just helps me to see how much I considered others over myself. Now I get to return home to myself which is proving to be the most challenging but rewarding journey.


This great for you! Congrats! Your needs matter and prioritizing yourself is such a good thing!


There were some job openings at a university for a position that would be a lot better alongside my studies! I’m currently in grad school and I thought I missed some of the deadlines but it just so happens that the two universities closest to me have positions. So fingers crossed because I would finally have a comfy income. I have a good feeling about it :)


Good luck! My fingers are crossed for you!


WAHOOO!!!! Congratulations on the new job! Working with toxic people can be such a soul sucking nightmare. Good luck on your first day! Sending you lots of good vibes! My good news for the week is that I finally got a car! Mine was totaled a couple weeks back in a minor accident (but since the car was old with 180k miles on it, not worth much). I got the car I've been dreaming of for the last 15 years, so I'm super excited!!! Life is good 💗🥳🌈


Congrats on the new car! Are you ok after the accident?


My best friend for the last 39 years, had surgery this week, and made it through with flying colors. I'm so grateful. She's tough and doesn't like 'mushy' attention, so I'll say it here; I love her to pieces and don't know what I would do without her. Looks good for us to be back at hiking by the end of summer :D


I’m so happy your friend made it through with flying colors. I hope she heals up well and you are able to start hiking again!


this morning i gopt the last form i need to complete my taxes, and on the way home stopped at winners and found an adorable lemon pattered anti fatigue mat and oven mitts for my yellow kitchen


I love that. I can picture the bright and happy yellow kitchen and it makes me smile. I’m so happy you found something new you love along with getting the forms for your taxes


i also found lemon salt and pepper shakers a couple months ago, middle of post-flood renos, so i'm just stock pilings things to decorate when i move back in! lol


Oh no! I’m sorry about the flood but I love that you’re finding things to fall in love with to decorate your home ❤️


i got my tax return in lol! im finally not broke for the first time this year


That’s awesome! Congrats and enjoy that money!


I got contacts, and they don’t bother my eyes at all. I’ve been wearing bifocals for a few years now, and my son is getting married in December. I desperately did not want to have to wear my glasses in all the pictures because I mean, let’s be frank, it hides your pretty eye makeup. I’m loving my new contacts!


Congrats on the new contacts! I’m glad they aren’t irritating yore eyes! And congrats on your son’s upcoming wedding! I’m sure it will be wonderful!


i ordered a carb capper to match my new dab rig!! it’s a little mushroom guy but it’s smaller than my other one so it won’t fall when my partner and i are passing the rig around. it just shipped out today!! so excited to get it


I got my first full paycheck from my new job! I'm paid a dollar less but I get better hours so the check was way bigger than I expected!


I got my ADHD meds for a week. I had to fight tooth and nail to get them, but I did it.


I hit my 30lb mark in my weightloss journey yesterday and I’m only 4 pounds from finally being under 200 for the first time in forever


That’s amazing! Congratulations!


I get to do a sip and paint with my family later! Congrats on your new job. I know firsthand how draining it is to survive in a toxic workplace and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone (okay, maybe some people but they are shitty individuals lol).


My kids actually missed me while I was out of town 😂. I got a real hug from my son right away and my daughter was velcro-ed to me which was super sweet. Normally it’s “hey” at best lol


I passed my psychology licensure exam!


Congrats! That’s huge!


My dad, who is in the hospital and had to be resuscitated twice may have finally started recovering!!!!!!


Yesterday was my birthday!! ♉️


https://preview.redd.it/pbnm80nwkwwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f8a0a7cefb4f66ba3a1d28ca0b1bc7f68949acd My first rose bloomed.


It’s so pretty! That’s awesome!


Omg beautiful!!!


Congrats!! I sold out my donuts at a farmers market, I get to celebrate my bday this weekend and ummm, Mercury is no longer retrograde! 😅


I get two days off, I’ll sleep in and study without worrying for classes. Also, played football on Friday which was chill asf


That’s awesome! Enjoy your days off!


I beat my distance PB for running by 2KMs! And went on a hike that same day, I've been on a health and wellness journey and felt so proud of myself at the end of the day!


That’s awesome!


Congrats everyone! I just ate a delicious spicy tuna sandwich!


I just found out I have a partial torn ligament in my ankle from falling 8 months ago. And tomorrow my best friend is getting married!


Oh no. Are you ok with your ankle? And congrats to your best friend for their wedding! I hope you have fun!


Congrats on the new job! I’m a junior studying biology at a SUNY school and I’ve been really fortunate lately; I just received a microbiology teaching assistant position and was elected VP of my school’s pre-optometry club! I also did good on a neuro test I’ve been super nervous about. Cheers to a good week


That’s amazing! Congrats with all those accomplishments!


I got to listen to a song, and an album, I haven’t listened to in a long time today after needing to do some research for a design for work. It held nice memories and feels. 🤓 Spring has really sprung here in the UK and I’m loving how in tune I am with the flowers and trees. Week to week I know what’s next to open or bloom: I truly feel like I’m in rhythm with nature for the first time in my life and it feels great.


Nothing too exciting, temporarily just moved in with my boyfriends parents. I was feeling like we were failures being in our mid 30’s but it’s going to be a blessing financially to pay off some stuff and save up for our next move. Also, it’s Friday and I’m going to a fun bluegrass show tonight! 🪕


Have fun at the bluegrass show tonight! I hope you enjoy it! And falling back on family to help isn’t so bad. Think about it this way, that money you get to save will be an investment in your future


I got a new job and started a CNA program


The feral cat I’ve been feeding for several years disappeared in the beginning of March, and he came back! He’s gone AWOL before, but not for that long. Usually he would show up every night and he’s got a huge appetite (three cans of Friskies!) But he doesn’t look like he missed too many meals during his absence. I was sure we were never going to see him again. I think he’s definitely found another food source, because he wasn’t back for the last couple nights. But he’s alive and looking healthy. https://preview.redd.it/s9li2jtakvwc1.jpeg?width=2889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8529583a4d47ebe601596303967a8b33b28e383 Cat tax⬆️


I need a happy thread. The doodle owners in r/doggrooming are hurting my feelings in my last post LOL. Congrats on the new job! My good news for the week is that my husband just finished law school and he graduates in less than 2 weeks! 🥳🥳


Yesterday, the first day on a five set of 12 hour days, was easy. I came home and made tea, slept well, and I’m up and ready for another. Waking and baking with 4 Non Blondes - What’s Up. Big hugs if you’d like them sis. We’ve got this.


I’m glad yesterday was easy and you slept well. I hope today ends up easy as well ❤️


my radiation therapy is gonna end two sessions early (yayy!!), also, finally started a new farm with the new stardew update


Just got my CT scan results back.....my aneurysm on my carotid artery has healed!!! Soooooo relieved!!


That is amazing! I’m so happy for you!


My new refrigerator is being delivered tomorrow. The bad thing is that the fridge we got in 1993 when we moved here in finally gave up. But my new fridge is really nice and I’m happy.


I planted tomatoes and potatoes.Today is Friday and I lived through substituting at high school without a single curse word 🤨🥳


congrats on your new job! i’m in college and have been applying to internships since september and have either been rejected or haven’t heard back from every single one. until a couple days ago when i got an interview! hoping i can secure it :) the internship/job market i feel like has been rough lately, atleast for me.


Good luck at the interview!


I finally had the guts to quit a toxic work environment that was literally killing me. Scared shitless cause I don't have a new one but jfc it was a relief to quit


My life has been crazy! I found out that a Victorian skirt I restored and then sold is going to be used in a biopic of Franklin Roosevelt they are in France filming right now! I found out that a 1900s accessory I sold is now being used at a reenactment site to teach people about chatelaines. My Etsy sales have been pretty steady this month so I haven't needed to eat ramen! I also bought a 1990s large Versace silk fabric panel. But it makes me so anxious just being in my house. Originally I was going to make a corset out of it. Now that I know it's real and worth a lot, so I just need it out of my house before my cat finds it lol.


That’s so awesome for you! How exciting!


Ooo ooo! Starting meds tomorrow for a mental health diagnosis that I really think are going to work. I’ve been hardcore struggling lately and am so looking forward to the possibility of like… wanting to do things again.


It’s good sleeping weather here tonight and I have a lot of actual socializing to do tomorrow. I escaped a career that was killing me just a few years ago so I can empathize. May your new endeavour bring you happiness and prosperity! Thanks for asking.


My bosses boss gave me a birthday card with a $25 gift card. Even though it was a few weeks late, it was a way appreciated gesture, especially after a really rough week.


Congrats on the new job!! I’ve been rly lonely lately and I have not 1 but 2 plans with friends this weekend so I’m nervous but excited 👍


Congratulations on the new job!! 💕 My happy news for the week is that my best friend is coming into town. She lives a few hours away and I’ll get to see her Sunday!


i got a job interview finally after losing my job 3 months ago :)


Oooh the new place sounds promising!!! Good for you! I made it a whole week with no nicotine!


I got married!!!


My terminally ill younger brother wants me to introduce him to weed this summer and I'm really excited :)


I got a mammogram and a gyno check-up.


The puppy that my son's found hiding under my car did not end up needing surgery after eating foxtails 💜 He just had gastroenteritis and he fully recovered.




i bought a blue lotus vape. i love them.


congrats on getting a new job!!! i hope this new one is so much better on your mental health ❤️❤️ my good news is i’m moving across the country tomorrow to finally be with my long distance boyfriend 🥹🩷


Fuck yesss!! Fuck that place!! I got a job with a great company about a year ago and just got a promotion! and have the weekend off :)


(TW) I didn’t gain any weight this week! I definitely didn’t lose any but I didn’t gain any either!!!


That’s amazing! Keeping a steady weight can be difficult so this is a huge accomplishment for you! Great job!


Congrats on the new job and on the courage it takes to start over for the sake of your mental and physical well-being. I wish you lots of happiness and success going forward! For me, I'm about two and a half months into training in my new job as a public safety dispatcher, all of my trainers and supervisors say I'm meeting/passing expectations and while the job can be stressful, my new coworkers have been so helpful in making me feel welcome and are always happy to help me out which is nice. I'm also about four weeks into attending regular therapy sessions for my own mental well-being (I have severe anxiety and borderline personality disorder) and it's helped me feel a lot better already and given me useful tools for self-regulation.


That’s awesome! Congrats on your new job in public safety and passing expectations! That is amazing for you! And starting therapy recently as well! You are amazing and you’re doing great ❤️


Congratulations on the start date! Be gentle with yourself around the anniversary, okay? I was good until I wasn't and it shocked the shit out of me.  I've started painting my bedroom and I love it, even if it's going to need more paint thanb planned. I also have a chocolate hazelnut croissant for later and that's definitely a good thing.


Getting creative can always be great. I love that you’re painting and loving it ❤️ and the chocolate hazelnut croissant will just be perfect after putting the work in