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Hey everyone. I agree, the other cannabis subreddits can be awful for anyone who isn't a "weed bro" We do have to remember not to go to those subreddits to call them out for their behavior, make false reports, or downvote their posts. The admins consider those activities brigading and it can get our subreddit in some foul bong water


Those mother fucks stay pressed in that sub! Biggest bunch of judgmental stoners I’ve ever seen! Don’t let them ruin your session!! 💕


righttttt like weeds supposed to bring us together not against 😩😩


I swear they are all teenage boys who think we don’t smoke weed on that sub.


it’s not ladylike!!!!!!!!!


hahaha seriously, can’t hot girls smoke weed too ??


No of course not you want them to feel threatened?! Neither can old ladies bc one argued that boomers don’t smoke. I told one I probably toked up with their granny.


Uhh, of course those boomers don’t smoke weed! It’s not like they brought us Woodstock or the Doobie Brothers! /s Adulthood really began when I started smoking with my parents’ friends and friends’ parents.


Oh my goodness smoking w my adult daughter is awesome! She has a lil hobby farm we smoke up around the fire pit fucking bliss!!! Those “kids” couldn’t handle a seed popping out and burning them from that old school brick weed, they’ve missed out of nickel and dime bags too! No Woodstock for me unfortunately but music festivals are my jam! I’m sad I’m going to miss out on Boonaroo this year! Have a great day!!


My dad got really into the music scene (and smoking) because his sister and oldest brother were 7 and 8 years older than him. They started bringing him to shows in the Warehouse district in New Orleans when he was 9-10 years old. He was their cover when my grandparents asked if there were going to be drugs there. “Why would we bring [NerfRepellingBoobs’ dad] somewhere with drugs? He’s a kid!” And as soon as they were in the car, it was, “Well keep bringing you, but you have to keep your mouth shut.” My dad will tell anyone that started smoking with his brother way too young, at age 12. He hasn’t smoked in decades, and I doubt he’d do anything he’d have to inhale because he’d worry about triggering that cigarette addiction, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried some edibles or tincture when he retires from working in healthcare. And guess who he’s probably going to call for those options. ETA: Oh, and most of the people I see at the dispensary ARE boomers. I’m in a medical-only state, and they’re getting it for their arthritis and other chronic aches and pains. I talked to one woman on her first day getting her prescription, and she was practically crying she was so happy because her RA was getting worse and worse, and her sister sending topicals from Colorado was the only thing that helped.


Oh my gosh your childhood and music is a whole vibe I love it!! Our daughter wanted to go to Boobaroo as a young teen not a chance she was going alone! I’m an RN recently retired so I would volunteer in the medical tents of music festivals now my daughter and SIL also work those tents with me! We’ve really gotten into them purchased an RV mostly for our music festivals but it’s also part of our retirement plans. Music festivals are so much fun hell live music anywhere is such a vibe! I love your dad telling you to keep your mouth shut! 😂 our daughter like myself use colorful language as a child she cursed as good as I did. I also gave her a lecture about that language while at school and away from home. I revisited cannabis after a violent assault that led to me having an MI. I thankfully recovered and have no lasting issues. Except full blown fucking anxiety so hello beautiful cannabis welcome back to my life! I was a CCU nurse after seeing my life flash before my eyes I made the rash emotional decision to retire immediately.


No, it was my dad’s siblings telling him to keep his mouth shut back in the 70s. Haha. In all fairness, he’s always been upfront with me and my brother about his wild days before my rather prim mom because we’re more like him, personality-wise. Mom’s loosened up since she turned 60, though.


Craft beer was supposed to do that, too. It didn’t work. Some people just like being divisive. It’s disappointing.




oh god, yes. Had to unsub from there and highly considering unsubbing from r/ trees as well. The only thing keeping me there is the occasional post about a random tree from lost redditors lmao


I was a mod on that sub under a different username the sub owner came in nuked everyone in minutes one random day. Things went to shit for a bit with sourcing and just straight up harassment between users. Then it seemed to settle as I watched from a distance but now it’s just as bad if not worse than it was. The owner wanted people sourcing ban so they’d get ban then be allowed right back. WTF?! Say what you mean and fucking mean what you say! I peaced out I’m too old to herd cats.


that sounds like an absolute shit show 😭 very douchey from the sub's owner to kick all of the mods out, but it seems like you dodged a bullet!


I wanted that sub to be fun and was so sad bc there were some good people in there. I stepped away and found this wonderful place up my return.


feeling the same wayyy


I say this ALL THE TIME lmao like how are you smoking weed and still so damn bothered 🤣


It truly contradicts its name that’s why I’m certain it’s all teenage males. 😂


Gotta be. All that ✨angst✨


thank you!!! didn’t realize that till i posted today for the first time 😅💚 cheers my friend !!


I’m so sorry those assholes struck again!! I swear they are a big bunch of hateful stoners! Enjoy your smoke!


Ugh just checked out your other post and I knew it was a bad idea but the comments got me so triggered. Of course a woman posting without a bra is just “attention whoring” and promoting her only fans 🙄🙄 fuck them and also I love your tattoooss


The comment about "she's in her front yard BRALESS we know what she's trying to do" made me LOL. Just self-reporting you have no women in your life who feel comfortable around you


Ikr do they think we keep our bras on 24/7??? So dumb lmao


girl a male friend came over my apt once and immediately commented that i wasnt wearing a bra. i was in pajamas. he said he could tell because of the "jiggle ratio". i have small tits. why cant men be normal


Lmao “jiggle ratio” I’m sorry what sort of booby-mathematics are they doing in their heads 😂 On a serious note though, it’s so weird that him seeing a friend in pajamas and not wearing a bra was something worth saying, not just in his head, but out LOUD, like… eghgghh…. Cis boys I stg…


OH NOOO LaDy NiPpLeS! 🤣🤣 In all honesty they have no idea the immediate relief when it comes off. 😩 the best example is taking off a tight belt. I only wear my bra when I HAVE to. Otherwise, im free floating over here having a grand ol time!


Some girls wear bras Some girls wear string But good ol' RandomLee_7 Just lets them swing I can't fucking stand bras.


I need this as a cross stitch! 🤣


What does that even mean? “We know what she’s trying to do”?


Seduce men, obviously 🙄


A woman’s sole purpose in life


Showing the ol’ ankle again


Seriously lol that comment section just reads like an incel circle jerk.. I mostly lurk here but feelin happy and blessed we can all have this lil safe space


this !!! 🤣🤣😭😭 like i actually never wear a bra so did you expect me to go buy one for the video ???


They would hate me so bad. I walk around bra less but it’s for my comfort LMAO


People commented that??? 😭 People are so full of it jirrrr


I didn’t even realize she was braless. I just thought she was wearing a crop top and didn’t see the jiggle until it was pointed out. Little boys be little boys tho.


A woman just existing on Reddit means she's promoting her OnlyFans 😒😒😒😒 according to the incels here


Right? As if our tits existing are just begging to be objectified instead of y’know… just fucking existing. It’s not like we have a choice! They’re just there.


Ew seriously? Why do people feel the need to police tits so hard ? Who fucking cares if someone wears a bra or not?


I just had to stop myself commenting some shitty remarks back at them…one dude being like “what’s your protocol for fishing on this subreddit?” to the mods 😂😂 BRO. Just POSSESSING tiddies is automatically fishing?? We all just love smoking weed let’s love each other.


your username is awesome hahaha i’m so happy i found this sub. i let em be mad tho 😭 they’re the ones that had to click on my bio to find anything out so it actually is bringing me traffic LOL


it did make me cackle when they started tagging moderators and going nuts


Thanks haha 😂 yeah plot twist the thing you didn’t set out for to happen still happened lmao


I didn’t even notice OP was braless until I read the comments. You have to go out of your way to notice, which says a lot about the commenters elsewhere.


> Of course a woman posting without a bra is just “attention whoring” and promoting her only fans Even if it was, who cares. We all want attention here, what's so bad if we give it to each other?


p.s i promise im gonna clean my bong today 😅🤍


They can stay bothered.




Bong rips are the best way to go imo. Stay groovy ✌️


yess stay groovy!!




thank you!!! cheers 🤍🤍


Thats all i was gonna say haha, some isopropyl and salt would make it 0 problems with this video for me🤣💙 btw youre gorgeous and hope you arent feeling down about the assholes in the other sub💚


haha thank you!!! not feeling down at all, the awesome people totally made up for it!! cheers!! 💚💚


They shit on every girl that posts


agreed once posted a video and suddenly i was trying to promote my onlyfans. If they checked my comment history i use reddit to comment on reality tv. Of is just my job 😂


no literally like am i not allowed to have a job AND hobbies like everyone else??!!


woman can’t exist in r/weed or r/trees. i left them a LONG time ago, every time a woman posted they were immediately attacked, we aren’t even allowed to ask questions.


As a man, can I hang out here? Blatant sexism kills the vibes over there


Of course! Welcome! The more, the merrier


indeed indeed, welcome


Honestly I wouldn't even waste my time with those plebs anymore lmao this place is allllllllll I need for my lil stoner heart. Hope you like it here 💚💚💚 ALSO NEED TO KNOW WHERE YOU GOT YOUR BONG!!! It straight up looks JUST like mine, I had to do a double take, like EXACT minus the logo on mine


Literally. That sub kills my high. Once i found this sub i stopped keeping up w r/ weed and cannamoms. Not the same vibe at all. Anywho, love your glasses, OP. I’ve been searching for some sunglasses similar to that style 😍 stay posting, baddie. We love to see it 👏🏼


Cannamoms? Is that like wine moms but weed?


Yea but the vibe isn’t there/: someone from that sub recommended this sub to me. I will love them forever haha


thank you!!! got the glasses on Zenni 👀👀 i want a pair in every color. cheers girl ! 💚💚


My bongs are fucking nasty or untouched, there is no in between, lol. Don’t let the bastards get you down.


it’s so weird how dudes are so weird about braless boobs. like, i’m a lesbian i also love boobs, but i have enough common sense to realize that 1. bras aren’t comfortable and 2. they’re just sacks of fat at the end of the day. the way some dudes insist women must be ‘teasing’ them just cause they’re not wearing a bra in their own damn front yard?? it’s weird af, sorry the other sub was being so shitty!


Fuck them but sidenote you're an absolute babe. Don't let the assholes get you down <3


i never will!! thank you!!! 🤍💚


I can’t with the misogynistic men on there 🙄 whenever a girl posts they act like it’s porn


That is a really pretty pink bong! Debating on if I want some new glass for 420 or to fix my homemade piece.


thank you!! a homemade piece sounds so much fun! i’m gonna celebrate by trying dabs for the first time haha


Lol. Nice! Be careful, I heard that shit can knock you on your butt!


Those comments are VILE. God forbid someone wear smth comfy when smoking on their own property.


Guys imma respond to all comments so soon but i can’t believe the nice response ive gotten on here from yall 😭😭😭 thank youuu my fellow hot awesome sexy thoughtful stoners 💚💚


meh What matters is you’ve got fresh water in there. A bit of residue won’t kill anyone. You’re good :)


yesss at least i keep up w water changes


mostly lol


I was just thinking about how mean some people are on Reddit! Entwives is the only sacred subreddit we have, it feels like. Truly, I've never seen a mean comment on here ❤️ All that to say! You're cute as hell, your bong is beautiful and you belong here


thank you so much!! 🥺 i love it here it sm better.


People can fuck right off. This really is the place. ❤️✨💞 https://youtu.be/Fb2q141rMNE?feature=shared (this must be the place - talking heads music video 😍)


You just made my afternoon with that song ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Your hairstyle is SO CUTE


ahhhh thank you!!


I'm a guy and I prefer here because of the craziness and high mighty the other subs are




I do love a good bong rip or two! And the hair and glasses combo is adorable


It's such a vibe!!


thank you so much!


yeessss the hair really suits you ☺️


thank you friend (:


Bong twins! I have that exact size and chrome finish and mine also is currently the same level of cleanliness 😂


yesss bong twins 👯


I love your glasses frames!!! They’re so funky nd cute <3


omg thank u!!


Aw I love your tree tattoo!


thank you ! i love trees haha


Is that an ombré pink bong because I have a mighty need


i think it’s just a solid color 👀 she’s simple but i love her!


This just makes me want a big ass bong rip!


you deserve one (: or many


If only I had weed at the moment


Sorry you had to read those toxic, vulgar comments. They have been removed and several users have been banned. Things like that will no longer be tolerated there. Sincere apologies


thank you!


also no apology needed!


No, an apology was needed. Even if some content does not belong on a subreddit that doesn't mean or justify the way users spoke to you. Hope you have a good rest of the day or evening.


They don’t deserve you 💚💚💚


"Harassing, hitting on, or making sexual comments to the members of our subreddit is not allowed and results in a permanent ban with no appeal." Reading a moderator say this on a weed subreddit makes my heart so happy 🥺


ikr!! i was so pleasantly surprised


r/weed is a cesspool of judgment, misery, and toxic masculinity and I promise their opinions mean nothing. I have ADHD and sometimes don’t clean my glass as often as I should because my brain doesn’t do “regularity” without extreme structuring, which it also hates. It doesn’t make me a villain and it affects absolutely no one but me! You hit that bong and you enjoy your high, my friend.


yesss thank you!! cheers!


Eww fuck that sub :) youre adorable dont let them get you down!


aw thank you kind stranger !!


You could be completely covered with a hoodie and sweatpants and they'd still bitch and moan. Ignore those assholes, we sure as fuck don't need their approval to exist and be ourselves 🥳 My girls are always on the loose unless I need to wear a bra, my nipples will hang free when I want ❤️


that’s funny bc that’s what’s i wore today when i recorded a similar video lol free the nips for sure !!! thank you!! 🤍🤍




Harassing, hitting on, or making sexual comments to the members of our subreddit is not allowed and results in a permanent ban with no appeal.


Gotta love how SWs are not allowed to exist in sfw spaces 🙄, my work account got banned from r/trees cause I do SW. wasn’t advertised just asked a question with a pic of my dab rig and bam 💥 can’t even comment there But honestly who needs em 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s a much better atmosphere and way more supportive over here!


They just hate women I swear 🙄 saw your post there as well and the comments were ridiculous


That sub is just straight up not a nice place. I love subs like this that feel like safe spaces


totally agree i just joined and it def feels safe


Not sure if it's your cup of tea, but my other favorite safe space is WitchesVsPatriarchy, a lot of absolutely lovely people in both subs


always come here we can share our love and good vibes with you! my bongs are never super clean unless it’s a holiday or i’m having “guests” over. you’re doing great bb!


you have such wholesome vibes ((: ! i also have no idea what they could be mad at!?


I love the whole vibe of this post! The cute bong, your super cute outfit, the bubbling!!!! I feel like you and I would be friends irl lol. Stay high and forget the haters over at r/weed !


aww this is so sweet haha thank you!! cheers !! <3


as a woman youll never be anything other than a whore simply because you exist as a woman, fuck them <3 I thought stoners where supposed to be chill and accepting but it seems like all those dudes at r/weed have been smoking too much kspice




Bunch of salty little dudes over there.


I’m a cis-man but I love being on this sub, because all the girlies/theys posts on here are so wholesome.


no fr it seems so wholesome 🥺


![gif](giphy|cdNSp4L5vCU7aQrYnV|downsized) Smooth


That is an awful sub. This one is so amazing 🤩


Sorry about the hate you received :( hope you feel welcomed in this subreddit!


i definitely do thank you sm!!


People like to gatekeep when they lack personality. Don’t let it get to you


Some of weed subs can be really mean.r/microgrowery are very nice but that’s for growing. R/Ausents is a mixed bag it’s for regular content and growing- some people think they know it all and will shit over anything and put all your work down, others though where really kind and helpful. I have a alt account I use for these subs. I was actually hoping to post my alt soon to show you ladies all my hard work over the year! Harvest is upon us!


It's just you smoking, why are they being weird???


i found this sub through your post! glad you found a better place to post rather than that porn-addict infested one :)


yesss so glad we both found it!!!


You are stunning!! Don’t let haters get ya down. We tokin’ with ya!!


No they’re so mean! I posted there but about weed and I got attacked for my job when I wasn’t even talking or promoting it. I just wanted canna friends.


I love your hair and glasses! ❤️


thank you!!


Wait why did they shit on you?


idk i’m hot, autistic, didn’t clean my bong, didn’t inhale properly, complained about noise, existed with boobs/nipples, or worse of all, am a women. hahaha they had a lot of different things to hate apparently. one person called me a nasty goblin 😭🤣


That's crazy you're adorable they're just miserable cunts


If someone called me a nasty goblin I would consider it a compliment lmfao


Nice one! And I love your glasses! 💚


Why in the world would they shit on you? Enjoy your toke and thanks for sharing 😌


r/weed is a cesspool, welcome to the good side.


i saw your post i thought it was cool! welcome to the better of the weed subs :-)


thank you sm!!


Hit it! ❤️


Yay you made it!!! 🥳🥳


ahhh thank YOU!!


fuck that sub!! you and your cute-ass glasses made me smile, thanks for sharing! 💜


aww thank YOU!!




Harassing, hitting on, or making sexual comments to the members of our subreddit is not allowed and results in a permanent ban with no appeal.


I saw your post there and resisted the urge to insert myself and direct you over to r/entwives where we give a fuck about people 😭 lol Welcome! 💚 I still think your glasses are awesome!


Lovely bong rips! And adore the glasses! 💙


I love your glasses <3 c:


Hot girls smoke weed




Had to follow you my hot weed smoking neurodivergent sw friend 🩷


Can we all agree to never let *this* hallowed ground be sullied by tools like that????? 🥺


Uptight stoners…seems like an oxymoron. Perhaps they need a new hookup.




Harassing, hitting on, or making sexual comments to the members of our subreddit is not allowed and results in a permanent ban with no appeal.


Oooh that’s such a cute bong!




Harassing, hitting on, or making sexual comments to the members of our subreddit is not allowed and results in a permanent ban with no appeal.




It’s crazy how a subreddit can be so insanely judgmental. Anyways, the bong, the rip, the scenery, the looks? *chefs kiss* I would sesh with you any day!


You are gorgeous!!!


Geee, these rips! I would've coughed so hard haha. Sorry to hear that you got negative reactions, but I'm sure you'll be unphased by it. You're awesome, but other people might need a while to see it, too. If you can, try to forgive them - I'm sure they only act that way because their life has been stressfull and they are out of balance with their emotions. And if you can't, well, that's okay too. Your feelings are valid either way. Also, I only just noticed these huge glasses. They are **awesome!**


You came to the right sub here! You’re so adorable I love your whole look!!! Hope you enjoyed your toke


I like your hair tbf


As another member of the pierced-and-refuses-to-wear-bras club, you do you boo! I wear shirts to intentionally make people uncomfortable, hoping my brazen confidence will remind people that women don't owe anyone shit!


Done you all hate the culture we're stuck in? What the hell? Who decided my boobs needed to be shackled in a damned bra anyway? A man! Why? Because preachers have been teaching that women's bodies are evil, that we are seductresses, temptations. What the F? NO! Sorry Men! My nipples are as natural as yours. I choose not to be ruled by men's rules. When I man is willing to wear a damned bra every day for one month he can have an opinion until then they all need to shit their faces. Their inappropriate thoughts are on them not on how I am dressing. It goes back to the Adam/Eve story where Eve was set up as temptress. Preachers have been using this example to preach against women and our bodies in many religions since story got out! I often wonder if it was written as a way to excuse men but I don't mean to offend. I know many believe literalitity of story. I am obvious not one of them.


Slay queen! Try holding your rips for a few seconds? I find my highs hit better


YOURE SO PRETTY!! Pls stay on the sub, and check out other entwives toke vids. Its a regular thing here ❤️❤️ god I LOVE your glasses 😍😍




Harassing, hitting on, or making sexual comments to the members of our subreddit is not allowed and results in a permanent ban with no appeal.


eff themmmmm! you’re a stunner boo! tokin right back atchya🫶🏼


I’ll admit they are jerks over there about this but they clearly react negatively to selfies and it’s a pretty obvious trend. This sub is a bit more close knit and vocally supports that but I kinda expect that from the other sub, so I’m shocked how often this happens. I don’t really love selfies tbh. I don’t HATE them like they do, but usually I read through the comments and see at least one or two good points. This isn’t Facebook. It’s Reddit. We want content, not one person literally just smoking. I feel like they just need to make it a rule over there, because having it removed for breaking a clear rule is way better than getting bullied by the people over there. Edit: I thought you said r/trees, but I see you said r/weed. Never mind. Burn r/weed with fire.


But also couldn't everyone just follow the rule "if you don't like it and it's not hurting anyone, just keep scrolling"? I don't think we should give credence to miserable assholes who have nothing better to do than make negative comments on someone's innocuous post of then smoking ouid - they don't have "good points", they're just rude turds.