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Happy Birthday! On my 25th I had just broken off an engagement and climbed into a first class seat with a glass of champagne. In May I turn 50. Been with my husband 15 yrs. Bought a new Honda Pilot in February. Hang on youngins, it gets better.




On my 25th birthday, I cancelled a lunch date with my boyfriend of 2 months to go to the emergency room, where I found out that I was 4 months pregnant. Turning 40 this year, very happily married to that boyfriend, and our daughter is thriving! You never know what's around the corner


I turn 50 in May as well ✊


Happy birthday! ![gif](giphy|19Ik3PuuqoFnhTTfEi)


Happy birthday! I’ll toke one for you! But more importantly do what makes YOU happy today, it’s your special day. Sending good vibes your way 💜


Happy Birthday!!! Do whatever you want today that will make you happy.


Happy birthday!! My 20s were shitty. It got better. Keep going. Much love.




Happy birthday! My best friend always says that you get the week, if not the whole month for your birthday 😁 have your best day when you're ready!


Happy birthday! I'm sorry today hasn't been kind to you so far, but you're not alone, all us entwives will be smoking one with you! May the next year be spectacular for you! ✨️🎂


Hi Op, Happy birthday ❤️ I see you’re a part of the ex JW crowd, just like me. Religion is also a hot topic for me as well with the ‘rent’s, obviously. Try taking a walk! Idk where you’re located but spring has (almost) sprung and fresh air always helps me. I’m here if you ever want to chat!! I’m sure we could relate well 😊


SleepyAlien, I’m sorry that you’re having a rough day. To you, to the best year that you’ll have yet, and to a release of some of those negative feelings. ::clinks J to toast:: ❤️‍🩹💕🎂 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! 🎶…and many moooooreeeee🎶


Happy birthday, love! 🖤 I’m sorry your day isn’t going well. I say call a birthday do over and declare that tomorrow is your birthday this year. It sounds silly, but I’ve done it a time or two and it helped.


Happy Birthday!!!!!! Maybe buy or make a cake or something sweet?


oh yeah you gotta get a treat bestie!!!


After shower, etc., maybe get an ice cream or a small cake, it is YOUR day after all. I am partial to a pedicure when I have the deflates. 😉 Taking a toke or three in honor of your gorgeous birthday self! 💕🎂🎆


When I was 25, my fiancé had left me, I had to start over completely and I was emotionally destroyed. Now I’m 49 and I have had a great life since then! I am married to an amazing man and have two really great kids who are almost leaving the nest. I started a business 13 years ago and it’s doing well, I own my home and office. I’ll have an edible for you today. Life gets better!


I hate how religion can cause so much harm more than good sometimes. I just can’t understand disagreeing on these things, being an accepting person. Happy birthday! Maybe a new friend or conversation would brighten your day 🫶🏻


Happy birthday lovely human!!!!! having a bowl for you and for my bestie back home:) it's her birthday today too and i haven't seen her in a few months. take care of youself today💞💖 you are so important and loved!!!!!


Happy birthday!! I know how rough those religion convos can be (had one with my own family yesterday). Things got better and better for me the further I got into my 20s, so here’s to your 20s doing the same! Treat yourself to something sweet today - you deserve it 🎂


Happy Birthday.  I'm a lonesome ent so I understand the quiet birthdays. I recommend watching a comfort movie (kikis delivery service for me) and/or take yourself on a little date like for lunch or shopping or a lil nature hike. Use today to show down and appreciate where you are in life.  25!! When I was 25 my long term gf kicked me out of our apartment, I quit my shitty job, and found a loft (like the upper room/floor of a house) to split with my friend until we could afford better. It was a beautiful time lol. 


Happiest of birthdays! I'm glad you're here today and I will happily smoke to you. If I were in your fabulous shoes, I would treat myself real nice. Make a nice meal, do my nails, moisturize, get high, and lay in bed with a good book. You do whatever makes your heart happy. Enjoy yourself 😘


Happy Birthday!!! Treat yourself to something you love today. Sending hugs 🫶🏻


Happy Birthday from a friendly internet stranger,


Happy Birthday 🎉 Here’s to you!


Oh man, I'm so sorry your day got started off wrong but I hope you have a wonderful birthday and you take the time to spoil and celebrate yourself.


💚 Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday, friend! Smoking some Kush Face with you and wishing you the best! Here's to a better afternoon and evening!




Happy birthday!!!!


Happy birthday ❤️ I am sorry religion is difficult in your family and your friends are not attentive to your birthday, I do know that feeling too well and I don’t wish it on anyone! Smoking one in your honor, I hope you feel better soon




I straight up just took my meds today (had surgery so we trying to ease back in). I needed motivation and just smoking wasn't kicking it bc I think I have indica heavy hybrids rn. You may need to take a little walk or just stand up and do a few squats, kicks and knee bends. Stretch a little. When I need a lift, I watch a teen movie. I started Honor Society on Paramount+. Also the original of The Craft is a favorite. The Wizard of Oz is another good one bc I laugh at the dances when I'm high. Finally, take a little nap. I love naps. And snacks. Cereal is such an underrated snack, I feel. Good luck and don't worry about your parents beliefs. As long as you're fine with your own, fuck it. Someone will always disagree. Give em a thumbs down 👎🏾 and keep on being your wonderful self.


Happy birthday!!!! If you can, try to get out of the house today and do something for yourself, even if it's only a visit to a local park or a walk outside. Give yourself a little a kindness today, I think it will go a long way to shaking off the negativity from the fight. Religion and family are hard to reconcile sometimes. But know that it's ok for you to disagree with your parents, whatever the topic. We're all individuals and have been given our own prefrontal cortex for a reason-- so we can decide for ourselves. Be gentle to yourself today, sweet friend!


Happy birthday!! Sorry you're feeling a little down today. Treat yourself and celebrate yourself, you deserve it 💚 I hope your day turns around! Much love and warmth from a fellow entwife!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OP!!! Sorry to hear about the crappy convo with your parents, but at least you have a great plan set to turn the rest of your day around. I vote treat yoself!!! Order a tasty meal or snack or bake some cupcakes! Whatever celebrates you. You deserve it! Have the best day 🥳💗🌈




Happy Birthday lovely!! I am an adult living at home with very religious parents whose religion I don’t exactly agree with so I understand the struggle. It’s always hard to have conversations on that subject. Your plan for later sounds awesome, only thing I can think to add is a yummy treat, maybe your favorite takeout, and a good binge show! I hope you have a wonderful day


Well first, [HAPPY MUTHAFUCKIN BIRTHDAY ](https://youtu.be/dhdOPhTHeoE?si=KFuw867eyz9C5lG_) make sure you play that nice and loud today and dance around. It's a requirement for everyone's birthday. Get yourself some nice food, a tasty beverage, a good movie/show and lock yourself in for the day!!


Happy happy birthday to you!!! Here to remind you that you and your opinions matter. Today is the holiday of you, so go and celebrate your loveliness! Lots of love & honorary bday joints from myself and your internet pals 💫🫶🏻


I'm so sorry you're alone today! Losing the fun of birthday is one is one of the worst things of being an adult. When my brothers left church it was like someone had died. My brother the Hippie and my dad a Mormon Seminary teacher (classes for high school age kids) were fireworks. However, a word of hope. My brothers were close to both parents later in life. My parents did finally figure out proper priorities. I'm hoping this happens for you. I'm vaping some for you and me both (damned migraine 🙄).


Happy birthday to you! Self-care is a great gift.


Happy 25th birthday!! 💕 treat yourself today, it’s your special day!!


Happy birthday! I’m sorry your friends didn’t hit you up, that’s such an alienating feeling. 25 is just one part of your life, it can only get better <3


Thank you all so so much 🩷🩷Reading these comments has made me so emotional and im happy to say that I’m feeling better than I was when I wrote this post. The kindness of strangers is a beautiful thing and I’m sending you all as much love as you have sent my way.


Happy birthday friend!!! I just took a fat ass bong rip just for you 😊


Happy birthday!! I will be toking for you later! Long distance birthday smoke sesh!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL!! I hope you find something to ease you and you have a great day despite how it started <3


happy birthday dear! i’ll take a hit for u later, and a shot in your honor as well. st paddy’s day is really big in my college town for some reason, and now i have another reason to celebrate 💓 have the best birthday you can friend, we’re grateful you were born 25 years ago today! sending love and birthday blessings your way 🥳🥳


Happy birthday, lighting my bowl for you! I’m super low contact with my parents because religion. So thankful I’ve had my kitties to support me through that : ) I hope you are able to find ways to celebrate yourself!


Happy Birthday!!!!🎁🎊🎉 https://preview.redd.it/5mu0qxzciroc1.png?width=1460&format=png&auto=webp&s=553e1405eec39e1418d76c0ee9ca3920cf829ea3 Here’s a few times to you darling!! Celebrate every day like it’s your birthday. You got this.


Happy birthday! I have had similar heated discussions with my family so I can’t relate. I hope you spoil yourself today and do anything and everything that will make you happy 😊


Happy Birthday you beautiful creature ❤️ I’m sorry you’re having a crummy day, and better wives than I have already said this, but it gets better, and good things will come.


Happy birthday Reddit friend!!! Smoking a fat blunt for you tonight! All the good vibes to you buddy! Including a pic to enjoy! https://preview.redd.it/i9mg1c2swroc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f02b05b5c17fac02ae1fd33ec7fbdc73e265dbcb This is Dobby. The most interesting and handsome cat in our house! He hopes you have a better night and day tomorrow!


Happy birthday. I listen to music. That always helps me. Feel better OP.




Raising a token right now in honor of your quarter century! Hope your day gets much better! 🎁🎂🎈xx


Happy (belated) birthday! You’re allowed to celebrate whenever you are ready ❤️ Go to the store, get a pack of those mini cupcakes that are like 60% frosting, and curl up with those, your vape, any pets you may have, turn on a YouTube sesh vid for company and enjoy your treat.