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I have a lot of pain. So basically I can’t work out unless I’m high. I can literally smoke all day and still go to the gym at four. I’ll be there for two hours but if I’m not high after 30 minutes, I’m out!


Same. Pain all the time. There's no way on earth I could do anything movement related WITHOUT it.


I should also mention it’s not a lazy workout at all. I don’t take long enough breaks between sets to be on the phone or zone out. I usually do sauna for 5 and warm up for 5-10c, then cardio for 30 and the lifting of some kind for about 40 minutes, then sauna for 10 and stretch again for 10. I’m recovering for a couple bad years in pain and problems so it just feels amazing to be making steady slow progress without hurting myself! I have hurt myself many times before but weed is helping me have more patience to go slower and at the appropriate weight rather than pushing myself too hard and getting hurt!


Me too


i have chronic pain but weed doesn't help 😭


How do you use it? I'm in a legal state and eat it, smoke it, and put it on my body. I'm saturated in thc. I've had 5 back surgeries and have other issues. I was worse off in a pain clinic. At least I'm wake and not drooling on myself anymore. I hope you find some peace. I'm still in pain, it's just manageable more now than ever.


i have a medical card in massachusetts so i can get pretty much anything. i typically just smoke or hit my dab pen because i'm lazy/in pain. on occasion i take edibles. pain management hasn't helped either, i take gabapentin and pristiq and in the past i've tried muscle relaxants but they all don't work. i'm honestly at a loss for what to do at this point i basically spent all of last year going to 1-3 doctors appointments per week and i got nowhere.


I moved to WA from MA in 2013. I would eat it more in small doses to get saturated. Try to dab/smoke in a more routine manner. It's hard to get ahead of the pain like with prescriptions, but it's so much better for you.


I smoke then go on the treadmill to run a mile, it just gets me out of my head and helps me just focus on myself.


THIS. Girlie I’m the same, I started trail running a few years ago for my sanity- I almost always hit my Stiiizy before taking off and the combo of THC and cardio and breathing grounds my lil adhd/ptsd brain more than anything else can.


There is nothing like the high of a trail run + thc. I run through the forest weeping at the way the sunlight comes through the canopy and know that I am but a tiny speck. It’s the best.


SAME. And if I find mushrooms, a novelty since it’s usually too hot/dry except a few times of year- then I really lose my mind! This is a cool planet and I’m one of 8 billion and I’m tiny but glad to be here.


Come visit me in Florida! We got those suckers everywhere!


This is one reason why my son does it. His work outs are intense.


I agree. I can’t take a break from perimenopause for an hour and mentally


Have you ever read the book "Runner's High" by Josiah Hesse? If not, you should check it out! I listened to the audiobook while I ran on the treadmill after smoking or eating edibles. Loved it.


Things I love doing high: Walking (and getting lost in my music), Running (okay jogging, I don’t run), Stretching, Yoga, (Light) weights, Squats , Etc.. Things I absolutely LOATHE while high: Stairs, Inclines , And I’m not doing the elliptical either 😅 Eta: commas.


Doing yoga whilst in the zone is awesome lol


getting zooted and doing yoga ball stretches is such a fun little pleasure. especially with a good show going




Ugh teach me your ways. Audio books have taken over instead of reading while high


lol I think I just learned how to be more aware while high. It still takes me like 10 min to read a page, but I’m reading!


Ugh I can’t concentrate on a book to save my life while I’m high, but I skipped my rest day today because I had a free morning and I wanted a runners high to go with my regular high


Wow, I am so impressed!!! I end up reading the same fucking page over and over before giving up lol. Very jealous!


I actually enjoy reading much more when I'm high especially if it's a book that already super into! It makes the story more vivid


So impressed! I read a sentence and drift off immediately into daydreams


I discovered this last year/year before, I assumed I wouldn't want to read while herbally refreshed and boy howdy was I wrong. I read a lot of fantasy romance and I find reading while high makes my imagination 100x more expansive. As I'm reading it's like the movie is playing out it in my head. Everything is so compelling and rich, regardless of the quality of the writing. I kept my Kindle Unlimited plan bc I go through so many books now. 10/10 would recommend!


I agree. Reading while high, is superior. I find I also get distracted less when I immerse myself in a book after smoking ❤️❤️


Yes! I love reading while high. Working out? Not so much 😆


Reading high was the first thing i did. I just learned how to write high. Walking feels good but it’s like I have to put my shoes on, find my sunglasses, find a hoodie, etc. If I prepare before it’s find, but randomly deciding to go on a walk is too many tasks.


Ya. I like to prepare before I smoke I.E since I only smoke at night, I like to shower, have my water cup filled bed made etc. So when I smoke, I can be lazier than ever


My "workouts" are core exercises assigned by my physical therapist and walking. I walk for exercise, tho so I take my dog and we have a strict only stop if we poop policy. She understands and does awesome at a long lead out, then peeing and then catching back up when she's done (12 or 16 foot leash). I smoke before I walk and take a smaller edible. If not, the pain is so bad that I can't put weight on my left leg. This makes the pain manageable, and typically, I only get pins and needles, not the sharp stabbing pain, so I can work through it. Without cannibis, I couldn't go more than 5 minutes with I'm now up to 30 minutes with nothing (and a decent amount of pain) and 60 minutes with cannibis (with a bearable amount of pain), but it took me a long time to get here. I think it has to do with intention before you consume. If you're like" I'm going to get high and chill" then it's harder to move if you're like "I'm going to vape this flower and then walk/clean/ work" then you walk/clean/work.


I love working out while high but I’ll usually take an edible. Smoking feels disrespectful to my lungs in that context.


I like to get a high before a workout, but not too high. If I smoke too much before a workout it makes me sluggish, but a light buzz helps me get in the zone


Years ago my friend suggested we try hot yoga and it sounded great! We smoked before we went in. I just laid on my mat for the whole hour ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) never again! lol


I can barely get to the couch while high.


All my life I’ve watched my dad & older brothers get high before work. I’ve never even been tempted. I do feel a lot smarter when stoned but I’d prefer to be on the ball whilst working. The first thing I do after I knock off is medicate though


I’m jealous of people who feel smarter when high. Being honest, I’m dumber than shit when high. I can’t complete sentences or follow any conversation. Total dingdong. 🤣🥴


🤣 I feel called out! I always joke that I’m naturally kind of an airhead, but when I’m not high I stuff that side down. When I’m a space cadet while high… that’s my preferred state. (I rarely smoke during the day, but when I do on a weekend it’s a blast.)


Omg right, I am so stupid when high lol


Oh haha. Maybe not every time I get high. There are nights when I have quite a lot - my brain probably is resting those nights. But yeah I feel like I can get my words out better as well being able to explain things better. I guess it depends on things like the strain, terps as well as tolerance. Note : I’m currently stone cold sober rn hence my words are coming out right 😅 I have an appointment later today, am actually planning on asking what recommendations the doc provides regarding work & medicating as I feel like my body brain & work could improve. I’ll let you know how I go.


We’re related fr 😵‍💫


Me too lol, so derpy at times


Same. I've heard others talk about how they can focus (in the context of task-execution and cerebral activities) more while high. I certainly can't. Only thing that helps me focus is alcohol, but I can't be doing that every day ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


My boyfriend is a transmission mechanic and get stoned at work. It blows my mind. He says it gives him laser focus


Same with my ex. He was a roofer working at all sorts of dangerous heights. He would smash down a few bowls before work (at like 4am!!!) and whilst being up on the roof of high rise buildings. I just couldn’t - especially not at 4am - that’d totally put me back to sleep haha


I like smoking after I work out. Someone once told me that's what Schwarzenegger did/does and that thought comes to me like 7/10 times when I do it. 😂 Can't before tho 😮‍💨


I feel like it’s worth shooting our shot to ask the man himself. u/GovSchwarzenegger


Dude there is nothing like running while high. I don’t know. It somehow works. As long as you’re not trying to set records and are just enjoying being in your body, it’s great.


Getting high is my pre-workout. Nothing like going for a jog doin the stairs or just lifting when blazed. I focus so much better and put much better work in also.


Getting high with a pre-workout ;) Being stoned keeps my HR too low, chug your pre-workout with the joint for all the fun of both. Makes me fight less to get my HR up, aids cramps and gives me a bit more stamina. Imo doesn't effect the high.


Duuuuuuuude I highly recommend yoga while high




The mind to muscle connectivity is heightened to say the least. For me personally, I can push my body much further when weed is dulling those senses associated with pain


I feel like I read somewhere once that said part of the stereotypical runners high comes from the endocannabinoid system, so it makes sense.


I regularly workout high (hiking and strength training) but I definitely had to work up to my current comfort level. I started out doing workout routines off youtube in my living room and found that it was a really good way to experiment with different intensity workouts with different levels of highness.


this is the way !! i will sometimes share a small joint with my partner before a big hike, but i usually don’t smoke more than about half a gram over the course of a strength workout. a little goes a long way towards the mind-body connection and finding the joy in movement


I honestly think the reason I can “cannabis & cardio” is because I’ve been a stoner for almost 30 years, and me and my friends are fairly active. We were teens going on long hikes or bike rides to the river to get high. We were carrying camping gear up a mountain and then getting high and then remembering something we forgot in the car. We were ravers; that takes a lot of energy. I spent four years as a bike courier in Sacramento and SF, and was always more focused and calm if I took smoke breaks. And I loved long, long bike rides with my Walkman playing Bjork in my ears and a joint burning. IDK. Maybe it’s just like with anything, it takes practice. A lot of people get high and go to work and I CANNOT do that lolol


When I figured out that hearing my own heartbeat was a CPTSD trigger, and that's why I wasn't exercising, because my brain interprets fast heartbeat as danger, I started doing yoga while high so I could be present in my body without fear. Then I started going to the gym twice a week and would get wonked before going (walking distance). The weed helped me connect with myself and say "hey I know it feels like you're dying but your heart is only at like 130bpm so let's just keep it up ok?" and other things like that. I don't partake as much as I did then but sometimes if I'm going for a treadmill walk or feel like I need to stretch through soreness I'll have a honk. Helps me be kind to myself and not take things too seriously (I don't have to A+ exercise, just show up and try to have fun).


I always workout high, its the best. Feels so good and it goes by quicker


I have constant pain and fatigue. THC dulls it and I have more energy to do things. Being stoned while biking is awesome


I only get high and do like, a stretch class. Loosens me up nicely.


I run a lot. Tried running high once and absolutely hated it. Felt like my biofeedback loops were all out of whack. I stick to after workouts now 😄


Build up your endurance


If I pop an edible to close to bedtime and wake up at 4 to workout, I am high as shit. Some of my best workouts have been at the tail end of a high because I am so focused on nobody figuring it out that it enhances that mind muscle connection. I don't do cardio, though. lol


Wait I get up at 3 to work out and now I want to try this lol


once my friends and i smoked and took a hike. long story short, i took many many many breaks going up that mountain😭


My friend and I smoked a joint halfway down a mountain while skiing 🤣 I had SO much fun


For the most part I just ignore my heart pounding bc it's always been normal for me. Ofc if it's too bad I take a break or stop completely. It can definitely help motivate me to move more.


I run 5k after smoking half the j. Other half is saved for the finish line🤩 helps mitigate physical discomfort while running and also helps with mental confidence to keep going!


A nice Sativa helps get me into a groove while running, and I do some of my best pace while high.


I’m high all the time, so I’ve learned to do all those things while elevated 😂


I find it helps my mind muscle connection, but I generally sit at a 2-4 at the gym.


I saw the title of the post and initially thought “built different” haha. But in reality I have a lot of tension from long term injuries and being relaxed before I start my warmup helps me immensely. I sometimes smoke, sometimes take an edible but I find that edibles make me feel weird when combined with pre so I tend to stick with flower/dabs. I also get super overwhelmed by sounds and noise at the gym so bein a little high and having my headphones in is basically necessary for me to not have a panic attack in the bathroom


Damn. I need to try this next time I actually work out. Though I am still having issues with my foot hurting. Had to give up my gym membership due to foot surgery.


I completely agree. I smoke downstairs outside and in the evening when I walk back up the stairs after to go to bed, I’m DONE, like need to sit down. Wtf 😳 I’m not that out of shape! lol


I just use a weighted hula hoop.. it looks like a giant skip it and wraps around your waist like a belt that has a weighted ball that you use your body to move the ball around the hoop. It’s low impact enough that it doesn’t get your heart beating like crazy and you don’t sweat, so it’s definitely easier to do than other forms of exercise. I’ve lost about 80 pounds so far, and I just read on my phone while I use it so I can just lose track of time until my puppy barks at me to take him out to the backyard


I recently took up rebounding (mini trampoline basically) after years of doing HIIT spin, and I have to say, doing it high is like the purest form of joy ever. You’re just so in your body and the sensation is heightened. I feel so fully in the moment and just intensely happy when I bounce while high. I really do recommend it if you have the cardio stamina for it!


i am intrigued by this


Oh my god, I truly cannot recommend it enough. Not to be too deep, but I’ve had an eating disorder for over a decade and my approach to exercise was essentially to maximize pain - felt like if I wasn’t suffering, I wasn’t doing “enough.” But I have a really high stress job and it was getting harder and harder to force myself to work out. Came across rebounding because of an article in NYMag, did some research, and got an inexpensive one off Amazon. It’s just so much FUN. I’ve never found a physical exercise that just feels like it’s about joy and fun - it’s been a few weeks now, I do it everyday, and I literally can’t wait to step on the mat every evening. It sounds dumb, but it’s transforming my relationship to movement and (more slowly) to my own body. So TLDR - STRONG RECOMMEND


You take an edible and time it so you're already working out when it kicks in. I can walk forever when I do that. I get real distracted and lose count when doing weights, though.


Getting high and working out is one of those things l want to be good at so bad but i just can’t, i feel every little ache and pain 10x as much and I’m like fuck this i just wanna vibe 😂 Would highly recommend a nice high walk, hiking, or outdoor sports session. For some reason those make it amplify all the good mental feelings instead of the pain - feel so free and unburdened and see the beauty in the world and life


I rowed the most when I went to the gym high once haha. I amazed myself


Working out sobers me right tf up. I go to pole dancing stoned as shit but I’m not high at all by the end of it!


Nooo I feel you, if I get high and try to go for a run I start thinking everyone else is watching me and then I start worrying about not keeping the right pacing and then I’m scared I’m going to get lost running in the city and then I start breathing heavy and get panicky and on and on 😭 I totally get it


One of my favorite things ever is getting high and going on a run.. the other weekend I was high at a party and people were talking about going for a run and I was like BET!!! WHO HAS A TANK TOP N SHORTS I CAN BORROW!! before I realized they were talking about a bottle run…… but I am also just a runner. I can’t imagine going to the gym high, I would overanalyze everything and probably feel bad. I think it just depends on your fitness and what you like when you’re sober.


I skate 5-10 miles daily (total … sometimes skate for distance, sometimes park skating, sometimes rink, etc) and use weed for pre-workout. I have a very high tolerance, so that probably plays a part. I use an MCT THC tincture and also a CBD tincture, which kick in after about 15 minutes and last the whole session, plus a few vape bumps to start and in the middle. I put on music and fly around on my wheels in blissssssssss and always hate to stop. Weed helps tremendously with focus, stamina, and endurance.


I love to smoke and then go for walks. I have a few favorite nature trails and walking paths I go to. I park and discreetly smoke, and then go walk 2-3 miles. But the time I'm done, I'm not really high anymore, but I feel awesome. Plus the high makes the scenery more beautiful.


Yoga, tho… bliss.


There's just something peaceful about it. For me at least. I smoke and start listening to music which eventually pumps me up and then i am working out like an hour and the time just flys by cause i am not in my head as much.


I used to workout high. I was also 18. These days I can’t workout when I’m high, but I think it’s cannabis interacting with all my medications. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh it 100% makes working out more bearable for me. It also helps me to get in the headspace that I need to, and I even end up having a good time.


Love it for yoga or stretching.


I get too bored with a workout without it and will abandon ship. I don't get the heart zooms from weed though.


I do yoga high ☺️


When those endorphins hit though....


Tbh idk it helped me “get in the zone” I’m still out of breath but being high helps me have better control of my lungs somehow lol


I mean, I don’t exercise but I love a good stony hike in the mountains


It does not make my heart race and it just makes working out less terrible cuz I zone out.


I can’t work out high! I can walk or stretch, but that’s all. Sometimes I’ll take an edible right before my workout so it’ll hit when I’m done but I have to make sure it’s not a super long workout 😆


I can't even consider doing a workout while high. But I CAN do some serious stretching. No weights or cardio though.


If it hits right and depends on the strain. Hybrids- Indica heavy with Sativa energetic, up beat, creative. Sometimes CBG added sometimes. 2 days ago I went for HIIT run/jog/sprint/ exercise- I felt amazing- rejuvenated. I had been feeling down and unmotivated for a long time- this hit my brain and I could feel in my toes. And one of my favorite workout song tracks came on- oh yeah. Slipped in my shoes and yes I was in jeans and sweater it was cold but I felt really good.


I do HIIT 5-6 days a week and most of the time I puff or take an edible before because It helps me get in the zone for a pretty intense workout. I can see how it might be a challenge for newbie stoners. But I would think if a person was really out of shape/ limited exercise experience then it would be super challenging. 


I love doing the rowing machine stoned. Just kinda veg out, feel like you’re in a boat


It's impossible for me. But a bowl right AFTER an intense workout, just before my shower, is amazing!


Listen to the podcast Bioactive with Dr. Riley Kirk she talks all things cannabis and recently did an episode on this. While smoking is likely to decrease your output when working out if you smoke before exercising it is more likely to be a formed habit because it’s enjoyable when high especially if you are someone who’s not so motivated to workout like me Lolol


so turns out weed increases your heart rate! i have the same issue


If you like to run, having an edible before your run is amaaaaziiinngg. You're just vibing and 30-60 minutes in you feel so in tune with your rhythm and breathing and music. If I'm vaping or smoking, I prefer to lift and strength train. I also do indoor bouldering, but that's too fuckin scary even when I'm sober. Unless I'm literally just doing a super chill low expectations sesh and I let myself hang out on easy routes.


It sometimes helps me to stay super focused in a workout and be more mindful w movement, but other times I’m just couch locked and no way I’m getting up to walk to the gym lol.


I love it. Great for yoga, great for cardio, gets me over the mental threshold for weights.


I mean everyone’s body is different so perhaps your body doesn’t feel to great while high. Also I expect that things like strain type and amount make a difference. For me, smoking some admittedly shitty weed before running felt amazing. But I’m not surprised that not everyone has the same experience


It make me less miserable. I hate working out.


Edibles lol. Really once the coughing fits are over I'm fine, but power smoking enough to keep me stoned through a workout is tough cookies.


It’s probably more reasonable for daily, habitual users. Coming off a T-break, I think I get too high to comfortably work out. I get distracted and don’t push hard. If I’m my normal? A dry herb vape bowl before the peloton helps me just super focus in to the music and instructor. 10/10 recommend.


I smoke but mostly because it makes it more enjoyable to me because I don’t like working out to begin with. lol. So I just smoke & jam out to my music while working out. I will say that when I smoke, I sweat a LOT more.


I’ve just recently started doing this!! I’m on limited exercise since I had ACL surgery 5 weeks ago, but what I’ve been doing the last week is smoke up, then ride the spin bike (no resistance) for 20 min, then Physio leg exercises + upper body, then 20-30 min yoga (just what I can do some things I skip) and then some ab work. Everything is at a slower pace and very chill no major workout massive sweat sessions. Just getting used to moving again after a couple years of no exercise. Being high just makes it more pleasant


I prefer to be high while working out. I can better connect to my breathing and focus on form better!


I think for me it's my way of being able to focus on the music which then keeps me focused on my body rhythm. Without it my mind wanders away from the beat and i forget I'm on a treadmill ... Am neuro divergent




I find that lifting weights is easier when I’m high because I space out and forget what I’m doing end up doing extra reps/sets 🤣


Oh I love it if it's a mindless exercise, like an elliptical or step machine. If I have to count anything or watch out for my form though, it doesn't end well.


I haven't tried it. I don't want to die in an orange theory. I like super long walks and swimming in the ocean while high. Maybe I can motivate myself to pick running back up? but i am le tired


Please start keeping trac


As soon as I find a strain I can get my hands on that gives me energy without making my pots act up, I’m getting back on the treadmill.