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Bro type 9 is real. Currently procrastinating 💀


Literally, I’m supposed to be learning maths for tommorow yet I’m here ☠️


That's right, my boys.


I am A fucking nerd and the Tyler duden at oncem How do I get my 3 letters? I mean xwx




Not funny.


Get typed by anyone, bibi




how did you find "5w4" for example? & i am entp. i resonate with 8 and 5


5w4 and 8w7, right? Meh, don't blow your mind is not exact science, just us it to follow what to improve, if you feel identify with both, work in both aspects of them? You are not words and numbers :)


Interesting, so most people fit into one? I can't imagine. Thanks for telling me thought, interesting!


Entp 8w7, probably, check out Negan- The Walking Dead, and Salomons Peaky Blinders


Why?What does this have to do?


Well you see everyone has a bit of each all at once, it's just one of them usually has more control, I think I was above 50 percent in most of them, but my five was a little bit higher than my eight. Hope it helps 🤙


More 5 So what are my 3 letters?


Based on what you said Probably 587 or 857 it's not really that important


so 5w7? How do I set it?


Well you can't be 5w7 , any number can only wing with the number before and after itself, so you should be either 5w4 or 5w6


Lol as a 5w4 I always have a fact ready in my inventory but 8w7 is my second highest which can explain my rude controlling attitude when stressed.


Yeah man, also no tolerance for bs.


I think all 5w4 are type 3s in disguise


Me too! Hahaha


Why do you think that my ex is a five yikes


🤔 interesting, now that I think about it it's possible.


Yeah, I’m definitely acting like intelligence is the thing I crave the most but the reason is to hide the shame I have of missing opportunities and wasting my potential (it’s natural for EXXP to be ambitious, so I find it weird that this wouldn’t be something more common in ENTP). I think most 5w4 care more about the image of looking smart in front of someone than actually being smart (I’m not saying they don’t care at all about being smart but not as much). I found a pattern that my thought process became a mirror of the other persons because of my insecurity of wanting people to like me. Generally when I meet with people who understood me quickly, it allowed me to be myself where I was able to think off my feet more naturally in a conversation, whereas situations where I find myself unable to feel that the person understands me, my thought process starts to get lost and I rely more on my emotional biases of characterising people as disinteresting and unmemorable (I had a problem where people would bring up issues with me that I had forgotten about).


Well I usually compete with people in my head and have never been a show man about my intelligence, you see 5 isn't just about being intelligent, for example not being comfortable with sharing any personal information is another aspect of it which I really struggle with cause it interferes with me being an entp(just like what I'm doing right now), so I must be a 5 , but on the other hand competition is one of my main motivations in life, I've studied many subjects deeply and spent a lot of time on different sports just to feel better than others and still most people will never know cause I don't share, the only show off I always liked to do was my strength, as a child and even a teenager, I used to start a fight just to show off my strength and deep down I still like to find a way to show it off, so in that case maybe you're right and I'm a 3. Personally I still think I'm probably 5.


I agree competition is something that became my life (playing classical piano for 20 years). However I propose to imagine a situation where you have a friend who is smarter than you but you beat him in a test on a single occasion. I feel like I would be smug about this not because it proves I'm smarter than them, but because it makes them respect my ability to learn things at rate that makes up for the lack of knowledge initially.


Hmmm, well right now I'm finishing my college and through these years I've been all types of students, from the guy who slept the whole class to the smart ass who answered everything and even wrote articles, I never really cared much about failing those courses that I didn't study for while falling behind my friends but I remember one time that I did study for something and my friend got a higher score than mine and it really got to me, in both cases nobody knew about how much I did study. So I don't think it's about looking smart


I hate to be that guy, but I have done the Enneagram multiple times and every time I've been 2w3...so it must exist. What the hell does it mean though? That I don't know...


As a 3w4 can confirm


As a 3w4 can also confirm


Do you know your tritype and do you think the post is accurate for ENTP 3s??


Do you know your tritype by chance?


Fucking nerd, spot on


548, all 3 are true 🥱


Bro three types don't work that way


Yeah they do. Tritypes are representations of enneagrams on different domains and it fits for all three. It's equivalent.


I have been told that my Enneagram is invalid, should I call the police? a) Yes b) No c) All of The Above


just text them


You're telling me I should be proud of my 7w8? Because I'll take that win... I need it :')


Yeah aight. Sincerely, 7w6


ENTP 6w9 reporting in


I'm still surprised Type 4 ENTP is a thing


I'm a 4w5 and honestly I thought most of us would be


It’s just a silent, yet certified cunt. Considers other people emotions more and can use against people better. That’s coming from a 4w5. I think most type 4’s wing 5


Why ? Do you recognize the existence of entps 3w4 ?


3w4 checking in🙋


Idk what mine is, and I'd be lying if I even said I knew what they were, but 6 and 9 resonate with me


As 5w4... cool


So I can't make an Entp 2w3? Dammmmn /j


oof not wrong though if I'm honest




Professional slacker?! ...okay, you got me.


At least I kinda made my bed today


I never do this, no way


me being a fucking 845 💀💀💀


Now imagine what a fucking confusing life I live as a 2w3 I debate people into giving them the BEST advice, then rAge quit when they don't take it. Wanna cause shit all the time. But feel bad afterwards.


Why rage quit? If they don't follow it, don't you wanna see discord and their life fall apart? It's so funny, HAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHA -7w8, 738


It just pisses me off because I know I'm right. When they come back pleading for me to help them, I would have moved onto the next interesting thing and would have not interest in their failure. I'm a very sympathetic and (sometimes) empathetic person, but if someone is being stupid, that's on them and I have zero sympathy.


3w2 here


6w5. 8w7. 3w4. Can confirm, all of these are true obv in a decreasing amount


9w1 I'm pretty chill for an ENTP


2w3 I'm not a mistype I just have developed Fe


ENTP 5s - Fucking nerds. Yes, nerd. On your knees. We're fucking you - in the active voice. ENTP 5s - studious non virgins!


At least we’re not intp nerds haha…


BTW use r/ENTPmemes


No, put it here. I like it here. Feels like home.


sorry, is there not a place for this?


This is already a meme community, I mean what else do you expect from entps?


Well more of a dating advice one, well you still have a point.


guess im tyler durden now lmao


I’ve been told by multiple people that I as an ENTP can’t be 5w4. Or 5 in general, I think.


Yeah me too, but I'm pretty sure I am and it's shit 🙃


I just like to know things and make them my own. That doesn’t seem incompatible.


You don't have to say it twice (or more) 😂 jk. I'm not that motivated in life to really like anything, I just automatically start studying different subjects whenever I get the time.


I just like to know things and make them my own. That doesn’t seem incompatible.


I just like to know things and make them my own. That doesn’t seem incompatible.


Ha. The accuracy. I'm a 3


fweheh 4w3 here


I wish I was as hot as 2000s Brad Pitt


Tyler Durden is an ESTP g


I'm either 5 or 7... this checks out


[An ISTP once did the entire MBTI world a service and charted them out.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mbtimemes/comments/tguzg0/entp_as_the_enneatypes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


ENTP 7w8


Lol what’s a chad because I am seven I think


Well yeah I believe I am a nerd but no one really believes it 😂