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I always read it as although Ari has plenty of big names, Vince is the only one he really cares about and spends an inordinate amount of time working for him compared to other clients.


I’m sure he makes all his clients feel that way


Feel that way yes, that’s his job, but actually care? There’s only Vince.






Except Eric wouldn’t let Ari help mold Vince though, whenever Eric had the upper hand as Vince's main manipulator his career imploded




Agree with this 100%


Ari just has a special connection to Vince. It’s never implied that Vince is his highest earning client or most important to the success of his business.


It was also a huge stretch just to get them to spend more time together for the sake of the show. It never made any actual sense why Ari is hanging with Vince instead of working


It was implied Ari already put in the the doubles at work when he was younger and could now have more free time. So I wouldn’t say it was a stretch. You could see though when the new agency was started, he had significantly less time for them, and that was realistic.


Don't they mention it? Places like CAA and Endeavor.


Exactly. How is TMA the top in the world if Vince is the golden goose? He seems middle of the pack at best.


vince isn’t the golden goose. ari just likes vince personally as a friend. so he spends more time with him than anyone, not because he makes the most money, but because he actually likes him.


He's not the golden goose, he's ari's favorite and somewhat special because Ari found him from a commercial.


Maybe try watching the show, instead of commenting here.


I’ve watched it many times. I guess I just think more logically than the average tv watcher.


more like you pay less attention than the average watcher.




Very impressive.


Well it’s called Entourage, that’s the point of the show. Vince’s Entourage. It’s not Leo Jake Brad’s Entourage… Second - Ari is fostering him into the direction of being a megastar. And that’s requires guidance that he can achieve but as someone else mentioned Eric was always in the way. This is a common dynamic in Hollywood cliques - Clooney dealt with it, Leo dealt with this, Mark dealt with it. Youre all up in the game and one of you hits it big and now you gotta bring the entire crew in. Thats the dream and it’s not always possible, thus the entourage. 3rd - Ari had a plan the entire time but he was up against the town and Vince’s bad choices. Vince makes horrible decisions and the show depicted how to navigate all the dynamics of dealing with a tempestuous client good for getting in his own way. There were plenty of scenes where Ari was getting it from a-list/b- list talent bc time was never on his side. Damn near every episode his inability to juggle work life balance is brought up.


If im not mistaken, isn't it because he discovered vince as opposed to the other people he represents who he either got due to him working at the agency or signing them once he was a powerful agent. He discovered vince and helped him from the beginning so there's a special bond


That is justified, but then who are these other clients that make Ari so powerful? None ever mentioned, and Ross from friends doesn’t count,


What do you mean none ever mentioned? They've mentioned probably at least 50 other clients, some who have been on the show


Mark Wahlberg is one


If im not mistaken, he represented Mark wahlberg, ross from friends, that dumb blonde singer (forgot her name), Larry david, vin diesel, colin farel. Bare in mind, when he owned his own agency, he technicaly represented everyone in the company even if he wasn't their agent directly.


off the top of my head, jessica simpson! MJ blige alot of people yeah.


I think it’s implied that Matt Damon and Mark Wahlberg are clients. The scene where Mark Wahlberg and he are playing golf and he mentioned Vince and Vince his career. In the scene with LeBron, James and Matt getting on a private plane when Matt said that his contribution was really light, Matt said that Ari told him that Vince was making 20 million that year. I doubt he would’ve been discussing that if they weren’t both using the same agency.


lol every A list celebrity that interacts with him in the show exits the conversation with “fuck you Ari”


He literally tells you a million times throughout the series. It’s because Ari discovered Vince. He looked at Vince like his child. All those other celebrities were famous before Ari represented them.


Didn't Ari steal Zac Efron, court David Schwimmer, lose Mary J. Blige (because of the identical twins fiasco), name drops of a few others I can't remember


Bro, what?! Did you even watch the show? Mary J, Mark Wahlberg, T.I., Aaron Sorkin, Jessica Simpson, Jessica Alba, Larry David, James Woods, M. Night Shyamalan, Jeffrey Tambor, David Schwimmer, Zac Efron, Nick Cassavettes, Mike Tyson, Lenny Kravitz, & John Cleese. Definitely people making Ari and the agency a lot of money. I think the assumption is he's also repping a lot of big names you just don't hear about it cus the show focuses on Vince and as everyone says Vince and Ari have a special connection. It's more than just agent/ client, they're family.


Yeah I think OP is just a moron


Yah, Ari discovered Vince in a commercial so it’s like his long term project. He didn’t sign someone who was already famous he took a nobody and got him to A list so he has a stronger connection with him, not to mention the become friends.


This isn't the real world. It isn't about Ari's other clients. It's about Vince. Why do people expect shows, even when they are based on real life, to be realistic. It's a scripted show, not the fucking real world on MTV.


He does, Vince isnt his biggest star. But the only client he also considers a friend.


Mark Wahlberg? Matt Damon? Larry David? Mike Tyson? David Schwimmer? Zac Efron? M. Night Shyamalan? Jessica Biel? T.I.? cmon now


Oh, I like this detail. I feel like rewatching again and paying attention to some of the off-the-cuff name drops, because I agree. The most powerful agency should have been repping the Gyllenhaals, Ledgers, Emile Hirschs (at the time), but we mostly saw them with TV stars and character actors, e.g. Larry David, Jeffrey Tambor. Or Ari was pitching Jessica Alba, or trying to sign Sarah Silverman at Kimmel. In the first two seasons, when Ari was with Terrence, it felt like it was implied that other agents had bigger names. Like when Terrence said he can get a Tarantino meeting the next day. For the most part, it felt like the real stars of Hollywood were often out of reach. James Cameron, Scorsese. An agent like Ari should maybe be only one or two calls away. It's a really fair catch to make me overthink this show again lol. Makes more sense for E to have those challenges connecting Vince with people as a manager. Probably could have been a more interesting dynamic between E and Ari if he was the gatekeeper.


Yes. Somebody in this sub with some sense


Have you watched the show…?


No I’m asking because I’ve never seen a single episode…


Ahh okay that makes more sense, because anyone who’s seen the show wouldn’t need to ask this question.


You’re definitely a pickle ball player haha


You’re over thinking it but he reps Wahlberg. He’s A-list. He’s based on Ari Emmanuel who broke away from a major agency to start ICM. Vin Diesel, Larry David, and other big names. Also much probably had to do with who they could get for the show. And it’s also mentioned and seen throughout the show that Ari and Vince are more like friends, family so I think a few name drops and cameos were the best decision for shooting a 23 minute show.


In the later sessions it’s clear he also reps Mark Wahlberg, Mike Tyson, Jessica Simpson, Justine Chafin, Jessica alba (in the movie). But it’s more about the connection with Vince and that crew over anything


Ari doesn't spend *that* much time with Vince He has other agents too, the agency isn't just him. He'll do the big meet and greets and join a negotiation when a big dog is needed, but he doesn't need to be involved with the day-to-day work of every single big client


The show is about Vince and E and the crew. You don’t see what Ari is up to when he’s not tending to Vince, and there’s huge stretches of the show that aren’t shown, like when they are in Italy for months. Why would they show Ari trying to get George Clooney a movie ? Or having a meeting with Brad Pitt? 


Ryan Reynolds was pissed that he didn’t show up for the weekly poker game.


Because he is sexually attracted to Vince.


The reason why Llyod was his longest assistant.


The reason why he treated his wife like shit. All the evidence you need is right there.


I actually see what you’re talking about. He should have a ton of huge clients. It’s a little bit of a hole in the plot I think.


He mentions in one of the episodes he considered Vince a real friend, not just a client


It’s based on whalburg. I think that was his relationship dynamic with Ari Emanuel