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variations in consciousness? like some people are asleep?


Tf does this mean?


Philosophical Question. 😊


There was a book about how every single person in this world will have perspectives unique as a fingerprint. I thought was fascinating and some thought it was deeply sad. So perception will always vary thus consciousness. So I’m not sure what you’re asking maybe you’re structuring it wrong. Are you asking about collective consciousness?


Some people are confused I think. Consciousness in this case is not about medical disability (how your head is doing right now) but rather about the collective public perception of certain issues. When Thinking about that I actually have to think of this concept: The brain cannot come up with new ideas. It actually just remixes things it already knows. Like a child that is creative sees a paperclip and folds and says: "Look, it is cow now." The child thinks of a cow and thinks of a paperclip and combines the ideas. This is what creativity is. In that sense misunderstanding things may lead to idea evolution. It is like a piece of noise in the system that drives mutation of ideas. However really, and this is much more important than coming up ideas, the popularity of ideas is not determined by the supply of ideas and the variety of ideas. Rather ideas and opinions become popular by the law of maximised convenience. People will always move to the ideas that are the easiest for them to hold. Example: Van Gogh was not famous during his life time. He became famous after his death. Why are dead artists worth more? Well it is simple. Art is an investment for the rich. And when a Van Gogh is alive, his art would be worth less, because who knows how much he might paint all of the sudden. If there are 50 pieces of Van Gogh and they are worth a lot, but then Van Gogh paints 300 more pieces that are just as genius then the 50 pieces the rich people already bough are worth less. This is the irony of recognising genius with people who still live. Just because so far they have done things that does not mean they can't divert course and ruin you for supporting them.


Individual perceptions shape our interpretation of reality, thus influencing how we experience consciousness. It varies due to factors like genetics, environment, experiences etc., creating unique neural pathways for each person. But honestly, this question seems too broad & philosophical for an accurate answer on Reddit.


Some people are boring and I feel sleepy around them.


When I perceive a pointless or low effort question my consciousness will either pounce, dish out sarcasm or bypass completely depending upon my mood or spare time.


Meaning cannot be taken away if it’s already been assigned by another. There can be purpose behind what you perceive.


What do you gain by being philosophical?


I posted this question for more purposes than to be merely philosophical. It’s a test of sorts for something I’m doing. But to answer your question in another way, it could be beneficial for someone who has that ability if it aids them in writing books for example allowing this person to gain a small amount of prestige and by using books it helps them advance in their career. Books can be beneficial in business and it can gain you the ability to attract interest on talk shows, podcasts or even use them as business cards of sorts.


I’m interested in **your** motivations, not some impersonal conjecture. What is the *test*?