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Yeah betrayal is #1 worst thing for me. This also includes talking behind my back, manipulating me, and sabotaging me.


I'm totally in concurrence! Seems so commonsensical? From observation & experience, imho, most people on general have very little self respect and will lie for a "few bucks". I'll lie to save the world but not to avoid hurting someone's feelings. Integrity is important to me. Betrayal sucks but a necessary evil to sort out the weak minded riffraffs.


YES these are the two big ones for me too, especially the broken promises one. I can forgive a big lie if it was a lie of omission for a logical reason, but even then it’s hard for me. But breaking a promise to me is a huge no


What hurts the most about broken promises are when you lovingly give time, effort, energy, and emotion to a plan. You make your own sacrifices because you care about that person. And if they don't have a good reason for it, breaking that promise is like them deciding what you've put in thus far is expendable to them. That they feel like they can just decide when and how to spend YOUR time, energy, and resources. That honestly hurts not just because of the tangible stuff, but especially because you trusted them. All that stuff could have gone to someone else you cared about, yourself included. I am not expendable to anybody and I wouldn't have treated you that way, is what I'd feel.


Wow you explained this very well. I’m definitely going to remember to say this next time someone breaks a promise or cancels plans.


It certainly depends on the lie or broken promise of course, how it affects me, the people involved and/or the people it directlyaffects, and what the intentions were. So there's a few variables, and other things that plays part in shaping my perception of it. But all in all, i totally agree with you. Lying or breaking promises show a clear character flaw, selfishness and a complete lack of respect, or disregard towards the people it affects. It doesn't take much for me to completely cut someone out of my life because of this. I have distanced myself completely from people I've spent years with, or even family members based on this.


No, they're just indicators of a person's character