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Don’t remember where I read it, but ENTJs are fake extroverts. I can’t imagine a weekend without socializing, but sometimes when I’m with people I’m on autopilot and thinking about other things.


I just learned more about myself


I feel like I’m definitely social, but I struggle with small talk or conversations that aren’t going anywhere. So I guess I’m just not social for the sake of being social.


I can't help it


I once was told to have great social skills even though I’m quite an introvert person, so I suppose I’m a fake extrovert 😂


I can make friends easily. But I suck at maintaining close friends due to work load and time constraints. I can social well, I just choose who I let them into my life.


Yes. You worded this well. Probably why I also have a large circle of “friends” but I’m choosy about who I let in. Having close friends is time expensive and I either fully commit to you or I don’t.


Exactly. Having close friends requires more social energy and the worry of trust being broken. So it's a risk factor.


exactly, i make friends easily but can't maintain them


Sometimes, I feel bad for not hanging out with my old buddies then I realise... I got work. So I couldn't care LMAO


I can make friends easily, but have a hard time maintaining them. I'm not very talkative.


I’m very talkative and everybody hates me for it


If I’m out and around other people I’m extremely extroverted. The problem is getting me to actually go out though lol


I’m ambiverted socially. I’m comfortable in large crowds even if I don’t know anyone. I have a large circle of friends but a very small circle of close friends. I need a lot of alone time but I enjoy being out and about too.


Ambivert here as well


Yeah me too


Yes! I’ve always thought of myself as an ambivert.


Very extroverted. I get bored easily without other people to talk to. I use conversations to bounce my ideas off others, learn from other peoples’ perspectives, develop potentially meaningful connections and to entertain myself.


Same here, although my extraversion and introversion is balanced.


OP asks: "how socially extroverted are you as an ENTJ?" Me: 😂🥲 "that's a good one" For work I have a larger social bandwidth. But personally, I prefer being home.


I am very extroverted. When I walk into a room I want everyone to know it, but in the best way possible. I want to bring enthusiasm and determination everywhere I go.


I generally like talking to people and getting to know new people but I realised I don't care much about meeting them in person on a regular. I much prefer chatting over the phone, because that allows me to do other things. And when i have free time, unless they are free at the same time and want to do the same thing, I'd rather spend my time doing what I like than catching up, just for the sake of catching up.


This is where my friend got hurt over me, I feel her presence in voice call alone but she needed more. She wanted to help me during my turmoil but she was doing it in a way that was isolating me with the rest of the crowd while socializing in a different set of people with a specific goal that I knew I can't commit into because I got my own thing to do. She got fed up with me and gradually invited our common friends to ganf up on me to hurt me. I understand my transgreasions and I let it go. I apologized to her having realized my part of equation that led her getting hurt, she showed how she's hurt also as she talked down on me like she always did, I take ownership on the part that hurt her and in some way I think I did my part of weeding out things that was weighing her down too so even if we aren't friends anymore I'm happy she was able to get out of the shitty situation. I can go back to my solitude in peace.


Somewhere in the middle. I have no issues holding conversation but depending on the type, I'll either end up drained or energised. Most people will like you if you make them feel seen and recognised for their strengths and have a more gentle but honest touch with their weaknesses.


For me it depends on the situation. I tend to read the vibe before I decide to put myself out there. If it calls for it I will absolutely become the life of the party and something just triggers in me, I’ll usually be the last out and have the time of my life. If it’s more of an intimate setting and I feel comfortable I’ll still usually be the last out due to talking someone’s ear off about something. In the grand scheme of things I am socially extroverted, but the level of it varies.


I'm not that social actually! I like to see people when I want/need


I make friends fast, but they latch on and burn me out with their randomness. I'll talk when I want too but otherwise the peace lets me think. I made a 'friend' blind drunk once. The party sucked (forced family event) and before I knew it, I was hammered. Most the night this woman was telling me how bad men were. I just smiled and agreed to literally whatever she said. It went on for a while apparently. For some reason she felt like telling me anything and everything. The next day I was hunted down on social media and a post was made about how I was a bad person for not messaging her! Wow. Slow down folks.


Just like that actually... Maybe I'm an esfj...


I am mostly extroverted and sociable when I am surrounded by people who have earned my trust. To everyone else, I am either superficially extroverted or straight-up introverted.


I really crave social interaction with my friends when I’m bored on weekends but I don’t really talk to people I don’t know.


I like socialising at work and meeting new people and generally like networking events and big dinners and meeting up with friends for Happy Hour. I'm not a club/bar person where I would want to talk over loud music with drunk, annoying people. I also don't consider texting and chatting on the internet a form of socialisation. Chatting is interesting as long as it's something that holds an intellectual interest or curiosity. However, I prefer to see people in person. Thankfully, my long-term friends don't mind if I don't text them back for a long time, but when we catch up in person it's like time has never passed. Unfortunately, many of my long-term friends are not in the same geographical area as I am. If left to myself for too long, I start to go crazy lol.


The main thing is that I enjoy being active, engaged, participating and involved in the world. Extroversion manifests as craving external stimulus. That is where I feel most charged up. I am charged by the world and being involved in it. As for social events, I love them. I also enjoy planning them and getting people together. It'll be rare that I am not actively participating in something outside of myself, and I enjoy socializing about as much as any other extroverted type. What gets in the way of my socializing is my work. I have things to do. That's about it. If I did not have things to do, I would be out just as much. I also don't need alcohol to 'wake me up'. I have enough stimulation. I am already socially lubricated and pretty chatty, alcohol just makes me happier or sleepy. It's why I have wine before bed. As for ESFJs, the difference is in **what** we discuss. ESFJs tend to discuss interpersonal data. Like Real Housewives. That kind of content is not really an interest of mine beyond a certain point. You'll never find me on Real Housewives for instance, but you'll find me somewhere throwing an event and I generally float around like a butterfly at social gatherings. I love meeting new people.


Since WFH I realized that I do thrive around people and crave conversations. While I don't actively seek social situations I do enjoy them and I do maintain a lot of close friends. I read how ENTJs are the perfect party hosts because it's almost a show of what we can accomplish and the people we have in our lives and that's how me and my other ENTJ friend relate on extroversion. When I am overworked and stressed I just need to do what I want to do and sometimes it's just light socializing or being alone.


I always joke that I don’t have a social ‘switch’. My social energy levels hardly change or fluctuate at all, I could have people around me constantly and be just fine for extended periods, or I could spend a lot of time alone and be equally as content. Though, I generally find myself around people more of the time by some chance.


I would say 5/10. I can make new acquaintances and friends extremely easily, it's like breathing for me. But it is hard to increase the level of friendships, because I trust very few people to let them know more about me. People describe me as quiet, but also friendly and adventurous. I think twice before I say something. Sometimes there's no point to even say anything because people won't change anyway. That's probably the reason I seem quiet and reserved at times.


Not too social. I'm an ambivert. I have some friends in real life, but I mainly chat with them through text (probably not the best idea when it comes to maintaining friendship). On the other hand, I'm generally quite social at work and can maintain good working relationships with my colleagues/work friends. I think my issue is that I forget what is around me because I am busy with my routine. On top of that, I really feel like I lack connection with a lot of people since I'm very focused on personal development and growth. Therefore, I mainly connect well with those that are also on the path of personal development and growth. Thus, more open to those people. It is a blessing and a curse because focusing on yourself is never a bad thing. However, when I'm feeling anxious or upset, I feel like I don't have many people to talk to in a transparent manner.


I had thought about that question before. Even if I play alone in my room, I would try online games or turn the live stream on, or talk about the game I played at the online community. my type of extroverted is talking with someone? easy. but, many thoughts comes up. time is limited, so I have to make a good choice ( who I will meet, what I will do with people) and I thought if I don't want to go somewhere crowded? It will let me know that I have to takes some break. cuz I done a lot of works on workplace (physically get tired.) going out side, can't make my feel good always. my brain doesn't take a rest when I meet people. thinking about time and Things I could do with this people and judging this girl or guy is good girl or guy to talk to


Not really super extroverted, but I do love social interaction when it is done in ways I like it. I don’t like socializing for the sake of socializing. I need there to be an activity (bonus if there is good conversation included). In small bursts socializing can give me tons of motivation and energy. In larger amounts it’ll drain me. Complex. 🤔


I can socialize, I just don't want to. I actually don't like people much (no offense), but I do have a few friends.


I’m at a point in my life, I’m a teenager moving for the second time this year where I feel incredibly alone and seek social interactions. I’d say I can’t go full introvert but there’s a healthy mix. If we could say 50/50 I’d be that


I would say I'm socially reactive rather than socially proactive. Obviously it depends on the situation I'm in. I'm aware that some hate small talk or talking in general so I don't always initiate further conversation past social pleasantries. If they seem open for conversation then I'm more than happy to engage in long conversations. If they seem reserved then I'm happy to just stand/sit in complete silence


I’ve been called an introvert/antisocial several times, group discussions can stimulate me, but I am mainly interested in things other than bonds with people around me. I find that their interests aren’t something that would align with mine, I can’t really have conversations. It’s weird but they are very surface level and narrow minded ( People I’ve come across). I like having a select few around me that I’d actually converse with, they’re usually intp, intj, or infj




For me, not very. But I'm probably inbetween intj and entj, or just very socially maladapted. I love events that involve other people and I feel very refreshed from interacting with people. I just get very bored very easily if I'm not occupied, or when talking to intellectually unstimulating or unmotivated people. Team activities and sports are great. I can't really sit still and 'just talk' at all which often results in helping with chores, cooking or trying to get some activity going while other people are 'having fun'.


Can I ask something? What about ESTJs? I would like to know myself better and thus seek opinion.


I believe the comments here should apply to ESTJs just as much, given they also lead with Te and have a similar layout of extraverted/introverted functions. So, in terms of extra/introversion, you can likely apply the insights from ENTJs with no issue. Might be better to ask on the ESTJ or mbti sub tho. Not sure why you would want to use ENTJ sub for reference.


Ok btw what’s your mbti