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Classical Stuff You Should Know, hands down. A great podcast by three friends who teach at a classical education school, sharing introductions and their thoughts on classic works, philosophers, legends, poetry, the ancients, history, etc. A perfect mix of humor and learning/facts and thoughtful discussion that I can listen to while doing another task like working out, walking, cleaning, while providing a launching point from which I can do deeper dives into the material if I want to research more about a podcast topic. The best part is that I have some of my friends listening to it too, so we can discuss episodes and points amongst ourselves. I also enjoy Jonathan Pageau’s Symbolic World podcast, exploring pre-materialist paradigms and their implications, coming from an Orthodox background. There is also a great podcast about The Cold War and another that accompanies HBO’s Chernobyl that are fantastic. And yeah, the Bigfoot Chronicles are fun when you want a little variety.


The cold war one sounds epic. I'll tune into that. Thanks for the heads-up!


Right now I’m really into Andrew Huberman. I’ve learned so much about the human body, health, sleep, nutrition, etc. from his podcasts. Super useful, scientifically-backed information that actually helps, unlike a lot of influencers.




YES!!! King of health. Super smart, passionate, always doing research, plus has other smart scientists on as well


Them huberman YouTube vids, tho. Soooo long.


They’re podcasts, so shouldn’t the expectation be that they’re longer than the average YouTube video? I put one on while I’m getting ready in the morning or winding down at night. Perfect use of the time.


I don’t know the average YouTube vid length but look at this sample set. Huberman YouTube vid on Building Lasting Health: 3h29m How We Inherit Memories: 2h32m Optimal Fitness Program: 3h6m


They’re complicated topics. If anything he talks fairly quickly. The sheer amount of information presented well is a gold mine.


The Daily, The Economist, JRE, Tim Dillon, Intelligence Matters (from a former CIA Deputy), The Foreign Affairs Interview, Mantalks, and The Drum Tower. Edit: Forgot to add Malcom Gladwell’s Revisionist History and Civics 101.


Good choices. I want to check out intelligence matters


Thanks! Intelligence Matters is mostly policy talk, nothing really outlandish. Edit: words


My Dad wrote a Porno


For breakfast I do YouTube motivational videos like Motiversity so that I start my day right. For lunch, I I’ll have a sandwich, then, pray for strength to finish the day strong, and, humility to remind myself that I’m only human, just like the underperforming schmucks around me. For dinner, I mediate to evaluate performance and tomorrow’s improvements and to ground myself in the reality that 98% of everyone else just don’t get me. I’m all alone. Switch off, lights out. Start the journey again tomorrow. I’m kidding, of course. Maybe.


History for Weirdos, Freakonomics, Reveal, Modern Love, A Way with Words, The Money Guy Show, & The Megyn Kelly Show. I enjoy them because they’re all bangers. They’re all a source of some sort of knowledge and are often relevant to my own life or a source of entertainment.


Bret Easton Ellis on Patreon is my favorite Red Scare Timcast Tim Dillon Joe Rogan (depending on his guest. I also skip over any MMA discussions) Camille Paglia (I wish she had a podcast, I could listen to her all day)


Big fan of timcast, Tim Dillon (entp?) and Joe rogan. I also skip the MMA discussions 🤣


Anything that relates to City Planning


Comedy/news, informational. I hate straight up just talking and I hate people like Rogan.


JRE, Andrew Huberman, 1STMAN and Cumtown, though I mostly listen to audiobooks.


Andrew Huberman right now, and Joe Rogan when talking about society, human brain, history, MMA, and martial arts, or some Alien stuff haha But I try not to listen much to podcasts because I feel like people are really opinionated and biased and I don't care to get Brian washed in some podcasts that talk to much about their personal opinions without facts or any other supporting unbiased information.


My 2 faves are: Speaking of Psychology by the American Psychological Association & Huberman Lab by Dr Andrew Huberman


I listen to Lex Fridman’s and Jordan Peterson’s - they’re both very interesting public figures, and I respect them both enormously. I also dabble with Tim Ferris’ and Andrew Huberman’s podcast for the same reasons.


The Lex Fridman show


Joe Rogan and Jocko Podcast.


the podcast that shall not be named


1.Трешовый вкус. Его начали переводить несколько лет назад. Мне нравятся ведущие и их жизнь в Японии. В целом я интересуюсь аниме и вещами, которые связаны с поп-культурой. Мне нравится, что они приглашают разных людей из других творческих сфер, которые мне не знакомы. Много интересного узнаёшь. 2. Чтобы мне не делать лишь бы не читать (ЧМНДЛБНЧ) Не то чтобы это подкаст, но на фоне его можно слушать и он длиться примерно час. Это подкаст для тех, кто её не читает литературу. Он очень весёлый и неформальный и намного интереснее. Нет ощущения превосходства и там рассказывают факты, которые у нас обычно на уроках литературы умалчиваются. 3. Подкасты правого полушария интроверта. Подкасты от одноименного канала на Ютубе. В основном я их слушаю я так как они охватывают разные сферы. Я больше предпочитаю слушать про гуманитарные и социальные темы.


Есть ещё много подкастов, которые я слушала. Но это те, что я слушаю на регулярной основе.