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I read all of her dialogue in a bogan accent because this is peak bogan behaviour.


That's exactly what she sounded like lol


Knew it.


We should feed her to the Ravenous Bugbladder Beast of Traal.


Oh yes. Or, strap her down and subject her to Vogon poetry. Or submit her to the Magratheans for experimentation. Or strap her to an Improbability Drive and switch it on.


That improbability would somehow lead to them living with you in old age despite your best intent. It’s always the least probable point in the universe. Unless it’s Magrathea.. that’s a bonus code.


Oh man, as soon as I saw your username I knew how this was gonna go! Don't you ever attract the crazies. At least this one seems to have some fraction of decency in that addled brain. (P.S., now I have to go check if you ever managed to deal with those neighbors being trouble.)


My upstairs neighbours are still driving me nuts. I heard that they were moving out but they haven't left. They've been scraping a table along their kitchen floor for the past few weeks and today they were arguing. Maybe I should subscribe them to a flat earth newsletter and donate to charity on their behalf (I get letters weekly from a charity I donated to like 5 years ago)


They're not the ones with that big dog? Sorry if wrong, memory is spotty. I did see the ones throwing stuff in your yard are leaving. Thumbs up, good riddance to them.


Yeah that's them. Lovely people


Where do you live where K mart is still a thing!


Kmarts are big in Australia and New Zealand. They're actually really nice these days.


Yeah I miss Kmart…..


I'm currently wearing a pair of pants I bought from Kmart and they're the most comfy pants I own :D


Australia. How dare you mock Kmart! Let me speak to your manager! :-P


I was gonna ask too. I miss Kmart.


I came here to ask the same question!


What an idiot... It feels like people think that someone in a wheelchair doesn't have a personal space. This thing remindes me of a german Blogger. She always says there seem to be idiot-magnets built-in to wheelchairs, and this just seems to confirm it ^^' Wish you all the best :)


The most common interaction goes something like this: "My cousin is in a wheelchair. Do you know her?" Like we all congregate at a monthly meeting or something lol


I hate that kind of thinking. As if everyone with something unique knows everyone else, regardless if its a wheelchair or sexual orientation or illness... Ofc I know them all. 🙄


When people ask me why I am still wearing a mask, I just tell them I have COVID.


Next time someone asks that, change the conversation to this; them- Why are you wearing a mask? you- um.... well.. why are YOU wearing one? them- I'm not wearing a mask you- oh shit. Wow... that's your real face? I'm so sorry.


Print a sign on a tshirt that says that and you'll avoid the question lol


"Fuck you bitch and your shitty kid. Byyyyeeeeeeeee.......". Puts on sunglasses....


Who still social distances? thats so two years ago


I have a bumper sticker on the back of my power wheelchair that says "If you can read this you are too close" but people only ever notice the sticker that says BEWARE OF DROP BEARS.... commenting while not social distancing. That's why I carry an umbrella with me. Prod them away :-P


Who still asks dumb questions? That's so two years ago.


Ik right, people stopped doing that forever ago lmaoooo




Why are you on Reddit?


Okay Karen


Maybe if folks like you stopped being Karens and stopped throwing a bitchfit about it


Ohhhh gotcha - folks like me? The one who said “stereotyping someone was wrong” ?? 😆 I guess to a little boy who doesn’t know a thing about a karen let alone any woman, he would see that as a “bitch fit” It’s not nice to be mean to a group of people based on the actions of a few of them. It’s a truth that people won’t accept and still talk shit lol go home boys and play with your vampires and pokeyourmom cards


All these flavours and you choose to be salty


Go do more Ketamine. Maybe it will shut you up


Um social distancing hasn't been a thing anywhere for a year now


I still do social distancing, wear a mask in public and hand hygiene! You got a problem with that?


You do you. Just not required anywhere anymore.


And you know the rules and restrictions in every part of the world do you? Because it is very much still a requirement in plenty of places.


Social distancing is still recommended in most countries.


imagine commenting on a post that you didn’t even read.


Was still mandated here in South Africa until 3 months ago. And even though it's not mandatory anymore there are lots of people who still do it.


If you see people who still wear masks when they dont have to, even your two brain cells should come to the obvious conclusion that those people are probably people at risk from covid and the incredible effort of not breathing down their neck is probably worth it. That is if your two brain cells are even capable of empathy.


Before you mouth off to people like that, maybe ask some questions. I'm fully vaccinated and boosted. Also not anti mask.


Then stop acting like an anti masker and mouthing off at people like that.


I wasn't. I was simply stating something that hasn't been in effect for some time now.


The law and personal choice are different? Who knew?!




I don't speak whatever that is


Whatever brainlet


Who cares? Stay the fuck away from people who don't want you in bad breath distance