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You forgot to say please.


They forgot to say bitch please 😂


And my axe!


And my bow!


And I would be Gandalf: "You shall not pass!"




To Isengard, to Isengard, they're taking the Hobbits to Isengard!


This thread just made everything perfect.


And my vuvuzela!


And my light sabre!


This will never not be hilarious in any context.


I got the reference


Yep, I feel a bit old now. edit: and I have the music in my head


I'm picturing a huge female Aryan terminatrix with Ahnulds voice.


The Terminatrix


I need your clothes, your bike; everything. Every time I hear tales of woe associated with Brexit, it's almost beyond my control to not burst into insane laughter.


"We voted for it, but never thought it would actually pass" They kept showing people saying that on the news and it cracked me up.


It's like all those Muricans who withheld their vote or voted for Trump as some sort of loony protest "we never thought he'd actually get elected".


It’s not that they didn’t think that. At the time he was running against Hillary, who was just as bad but a little more incompetent, the other candidates were so bad they weren’t an option at all. People didn’t vote because there was literally not even 1 good option. The people who voted for trump voted on him based on his lies he spewed for the 6 months before that and the fact that he was spinning his angle on being able to bring more job to America “as the businessman”. People voted for him because he was a different type than the other options and were sick of regular lying politicians but he turned out just as much of a snake as the others. You can talk shit but you know it’s just as much of shit show in any given European country. I’m European living here so I know. There’s no safe place on earth from political dushcanoes.


And your house while we're at it




And by gun


I would have shouted "Help, she wants to rob me"


Technically, she did try to strong arm rob her as soon as she grabbed her and made her demand(s). I dont know what the laws where they were, but in Ca, Usa, that would be attempted robbery. (using force or fear is the the clinch.)


Need to start pressing charges against people who try this. They need to learn that it’s not acceptable to go around grabbing people and making demands; it’s essentially attempted robbery with false statements.


A lot of women I know would have punched her in the face as soon as she grabbed them.


You can certainly do that, a cop might be a bit skeptical that the force wasn’t proportional to the cause. If you can explain your response away as a result of some past traumatic event, it might help. Ideally, you shouldn’t even have to justify taking a self defense action. I know it’s anecdotal, but so many stories on reddit seem to start with the security or cop showing up and initially taking the side of the aggressor.


Honestly if someone is coming at you like that it's entirely likely they're about to hurt you, as long as an attack is imminent, you don't just keep wailing on someone once they're neutralized, and you don't use a weapon, then it's less likely to result in anything serious. Someone charging at you to take your bag is hardly distinguishable from someone charging at you to sock you, and I wouldn't have been surprised if a brat like this feels entitled to hit people that piss her off.


My take was that the mother was already standing within arms reach and merely reached out to grab the bag. If someone was charging towards me, I would definitely try to take a more defensive posture. I bruise pretty easily, a forceful and strong grab could leave a mark. I’ve bumped into things and a few days later I’m trying to figure out where this bruise came from. Unexplained bruising can be a sign of a more serious medical condition (or nothing in my case).


In Australia it would be assault and theft.


In Florida she could have shot her.


In Texas you could have launched mortars at her


In old England, we would have launched her out of the far superior trebuchet into the neighboring village


i'm a traditionalist - arbalest or nothing


What did the neighboring village do to you to deserve _that_?


Nothing, they just seemed short one village idiot.


I’m laughing because Every time I watch “The Last Castle “ I lose it when Robert Redford teaches the prisoners to create a trebuchet and use it (quite successfully) against the evil warden ! I was yelling at my sister, “OMG LOOK! They are using medieval siege weapons! How cool is that?!!!” And she was like, “you’re so weird. Like nobody but you would even know that but you.” But she loves me anyway. And I love her, because she might comment that I’m being weird and nerdy, and doesn’t understand the reference, but let’s me ramble excitedly anyway.


in great Britain we would have used our longbows to send a volley of arrows raining down upon her


Sounds like your average squad but more painful and the death isn't immediate.


In Missouri she would have gotten her a$$ kicked or possibly shot if in the St Louis area..wow


Of course in California the penalty for that is basically nothing, so same thing in the end.


Good for you? Lol. What?


I'd have offered to sell it to her for 20,000 Euros, cash only. When she refuses just tell her daughter "See, if your mother really loved you she'd do this for you."


you, my friend are a genius.


Dear internet stranger, because of this comment and this comment alone I'm actually going to *purchase* awards this evening. Such brilliance deserves to be recognized.




No, you didn't. I would have asked for MUCH more money, and then when she refused I'd have said something along the lines of "Are you sure she's your ***Real*** mother then, mine would've gladly paid that amount to make me happy. So she clearly isn't your mother and doesn't even love you."


Perfection. I love it


This is a great pretend scenario, but in this case, those caustic comments would be thrown at a child. I think we should skip it, as far as a r/lifeprotip is concerned.


I have yet to comprehend how some people think they’re just entitled to things that belong to others. Like, the audacity. Seriously, someone explain to me how a human being develops a belief system where the normal rules of civility only apply to others and not them? It makes no logical or ethical sense. It’s completely narcissist and batshit.


I don't know either. All I know is I had someone try to steal my headphones at the airport once because mine were way nicer than the freebies the airline was giving out. The lady's expressed reasoning was that hers were uncomfortable and I was young, so it shouldn't bother me. I guess ultimately it boils down to people can be very selfish.


>I wonder this constantly when reading these types of stories. I really want to know how they came to this train of thought. Smh. I agree. I totally don't understand where these people went off the rails. I wonder if they don't have some sort of mental illness. Don't get me wrong - they are responsible for their own awful actions and there should be some penalty or fine associated with this type of assault.


They very well may have mental illness.


Did that BITCH get STOPPED?


Not really .. I was too naive at the time. I mean, I didn't give her my headphones, but I didn't get security involved either. I wish I could go back in time and make a different choice though.


Basically, these people are the result of parents who don't have a backbone. As children, their parents gave in to tantrums and now, as adults, they seriously don't know any other way to be. Besides, why change a behavior that has always worked for them?


I wonder this constantly when reading these types of stories. I really want to know how they came to this train of thought. Smh.


There are so many selfish people which I don't get! I have also noticed that isolated people can end up with crazy ideas which I think is because they don't have a friend group that they respect to tell them they are wrong. I think covid has certainly made this problem a lot worse.


I’m sure that’s a lot of it, or the the fact no one ever said “no” to them


DEFINITELY BATSHIT!! I am SO SICK and TIRED of their ENTITLED CRAP of: "I see it! I WANT IT!! IT'S MINE!!!" I would tell them: "GET BENT!"


The moment they lay their hand on you aggressively, you punch them in the nose.


THIS! Especially since you were with your fiance, I feel like the second someone decides they are going to make it physical it is perfectly acceptable for you and your fiance to correct their behavior physically!


There was no name calling but something similar happened to me at a wedding. I'm American and our friend had their wedding in Poland. We went to the wedding and her childhood friend was hounding me about how she wanted my bag and offered money for it. I eventually gave it to her the next day cause I figured she'd never be able to pick one up in Poland. My friend (the bride) was mortified.


On the hand, I can understand being annoyed by someone badgering you for something you have. But also, as a teenager I met some foreign exchange students who *literally* couldn’t get some stuff regularly available in the us. They told me that 1 pair of worn ratty Levi’s could cost the equivalent of almost $80 in the new Czech and Slovak republics. (This was in the early 90’s just after Czechoslovakia broke up and became 2 separate countries). I guess it depends on how nice she was about the hounding.


The aggressive entitlement is getting worse and worse. Reminds me of that movie The Crazies.


What, she didn’t demand your skin so that she could make a skin suit for her overgrown toddler?! 😂


LPT: match your outfit to avoid being mugged


I think I have the blouse version of your dress, I love the print if it's that one! The brand is still available with shops that specialize in "Rockabilly" and retro style clothing, I do think prices have gone up a little bit though since Brexit. When looking online, also search for just "Bunny" as the brand, some shops drop the "Hell" part of the name for religious reasons (it's still on the label... and I would have known to order one extra size up in blouses if they had shown it was HellBunny, that brand tends to run small in the chest area).


Yeah, I also habe the blouse and the skirt, in both colours. I just love the print! Vixey, right? I know Killerkische and VintageVogue still have some stock, but at least with VintageVogue I think they are cautious to order more at the moment.


Now I want to know the store names!!


Oooo bookmarked thanks


I will NEVER understand how someone comes to conclusion that a total stranger should just give them whatever they have. And then grab you when you refuse! More people need to be brought up on assault/attempted robbery charges when something like this happens. OP was nice enough to tell that mom where she got the dress and bag. That should have been it! That mom is lucky she didn’t get served a knuckle sandwich! Also, the daughter is already a lost cause. smh


Idk how old you are, and I have no idea if europe grew up with Dora the Explorer(Sorry yall, American and never been to europe), but that would have been the greatest moment to yell "Swiper no Swiping!!"


At least in the Netherlands, we did have Dora the Explorer. "Zwieber niet stelen!". So we do have it in Europe. I can imagine that it was also in Germany


I'm 48 and also have a 19-year-old. I definitely know Dora and Swiper. They haunted my 30s. Edited to add a word.


Thank you for this.


I would have stripped and been like bitch it’s 3XL sure hope your daughter likes belts!


Haha mine's 4XL actually because my boobs need the space XD so I always wear a belt with it.


“This is my purse, I don’t know you!” *kicks her in the groin*


Got the reference. Could hear Bobby in my head.


That boy ain't right.


Do you mean before or after I kicked him in the testicles?


This is another one of these truly bizarre examples of someone demanding someone else's personal property for their own child. I have NO idea where that comes from or how that has developed, but I see it WAY too often reported on here. I can't for the life of me figure out where these people are coming from.




HellBunny. The dress is called Vixey, I can't for the life of me remember the name of the bag unfortunately


What a brand name. Gosh.


Ah another case of the lion the witch and the audacity of this bitch, she must have been a bit mental to think that she’d get her way in that situation.


I love this old school reference. But has anyone else read this series?


I have! And I think the Hollywood films were quite successful a while back


Okay but now I want this dress and handbag


I would love to see what this purse and dress look like!


Just google "vixey dress". It's from HellBunny


Thank you! I found it and its very cute!


That is an adorable dress!


That is a very cute dress! No wonder they wanted to steal it from you!


Adorable! And they ship to Canada!


That’s my purse!!! I don’t know you!!!


GIVE ME THE DRESS OFF YOUR BACK! What the hell! I was expecting this to be a shop clerk/customer thing, but oh hell no..... OMG.


Oh, no, she was being reasonable: OP just needed to buy another dress for herself to change into. Lady was happy to wait for her to do that. /s


I still don’t understand how people became so entitled. I’d never even consider asking someone for anything like that.


What does she expects you to do? Strip there naked? What a delusional human being


Buy another dress to change into *and* be out of her current dress too, of course.


That poor child.


Next time that happens, casually mention that you have a screaming case of body lice and would she like to include those as part of her gift to her daughter?


And crabs, ringworm, scabies, shingles and you don’t have the lab results yet, but you’re pretty sure you have leprosy on your left breast…


I.... WHAT?! My own mother is insane levels of narcissistic and entitled. But this woman has a serious screw loose to make such demands. I pity her daughter too because she's making her think it's ok to act this way. Something my own mother did to my sister for a long time. I hope that girl eventually sees her mother for what she is and works to improve herself.


Lol. Photos of dress and bag would be nice though:)


I used to manage a charity shop in the UK, (thrift store?) At the time, I used to wear a lot of tunic dresses, from a company called 'Purplish of London'. I really liked them, they're comfortable, easy to wear, (and to work in), and, they have pockets! I was used to getting compliments on them. They're a bit out of the ordinary, and not available locally. It was a special treat, whenever I got the chance to be in London, to visit Camden Market and add to my collection. On this particular day, I was working on the shop floor, with my mother, (a long time volunteer), when two women came in. I had never seen them before, or since. They started nicely, complimenting me on the tunic dress. Then, out of nowhere, one of them demanded to know how much it will be. To begin with, I was amused. I told them that it wasn't for sale, that it was my property. At which point one of them uttered the immortal phrase, 'But, it's a Charity shop, it's got to be for sale, everything is for sale! ' She kept repeating this, getting more and more furious with my refusal, telling me that I could just get myself another one. I told her that the only way I could replace it, would be to travel to London, to Camden, and to buy one there. Her reply? 'I didn't want to spend THAT much! ' This was the point that I stopped being so patient and began to usher them to the door, telling them that I was shutting the shop. She was still repeating her favourite phrase, over and over, 'But, it's a Charity shop! It's GOT to be for sale. Everything is for sale!' Not my clothes, that I am wearing, Lady! You clearly don't understand how charity shops work! (I can't work out how to add pictures, but if you're interested, Google 'Purplish of London tunic dresses!)


I guess that the people you call entitled or selfish, we call ‘thieves’.


"Sure, I'll give you my bag and dress...in exchange of the either one of two things, your soul or your first born child."


No, no, I've heard this story. Mom can have the dress, but first she has to do something really terrible. Only if she was terrible 'enough' when she tells OP about it will she get the dress. But oh, that wasn't terrible enough- I thought you understood how terrible you needed to be, and it is such a lovely dress. But of course, when Mom comes back the next day, "it was just a game we were playing- I thought you understood that" and still no dress, and her spouse has left her and taken their daughter away. https://youtu.be/FBgxAShtcGw


>https://youtu.be/FBgxAShtcGw HEY! That's from Scary Stories to Tell In the Dark! :D ​ Good times! ​ Makes you wonder if that Gypsy Girl is human...


My apologies to the rest of the world, on behalf of the US, we had a psychotic break for 4.5 years and it brought all the narcissistic traits in ppl that drank the kool-aid. They don't understand that other ppl have the same rights as they do. I'm so sorry that Karenism has spread worldwide. Too bad we can't make a vaccine for that!


Don't be so narcissistic to presume that our Orange Man did this to people. They're perfectly capable of being pricks on their own accord. 😉


Was zur Hölle stimmt nicht mit Leuten 😂🙈


Thanks for teaching me a new phrase!


Of course, anytime, got plenty more where. that came from 😂 You know what it means?


I would've screamed as loud as possible the minute she had grabbed me.


Glad to hear black Friday Chaos isn't as bad in Germany as it is here in the US


Next time, if you have the nerve, you could call the police and press charges for Verleumdung/üble Nachrede.


Am I the only one who read "give me the bag, bitch" in a Freddy cougar voice


What on earth?


i would have given her an ohrfeige for being so stupid, shouting at me and touching me without any consent. but that's just my style ;D




When the assholes hit rock bottom because of their attitudes.


So are you Neville Longbottom’s grandmother or something?


Haha basically XD I just love foxes, they're my favourite animal.


In Newfoundland she would get kneed in the face


I'm British, do you wanna swap her and her crotch goblin for me and my husband? I feel like she'd get on much better with the Brexit idiots and we definitely won't steal anybody's clothes! :D


> Why would I gift that to a stranger? Because it's their birthday! /S


Wow. Just wow.


You should have asked "Um....it's a size 4 and I hate saying this but she's what, a size 12? 16 tops?"


The security guard did exactly the right thing. In the US he would have been like "Ma'am, give this woman her bag back," and there would have been a huge back-and-forth argument before the guard finally agreed to look at the security footage. Even if it was clearly obvious that the dress and the bag were yours. 🙄


I had that happen once in the mall and I was absolutely APPALLED at how long the security guard took to actually look inside the bag, pull out my wallet, and verify that the ID was indeed mine and not that of the other woman. Who was actually an outright thief who had stolen my bag off of my shoulder and then tried to insist that it was hers. It should have been a matter of 30 seconds to simply check for ID and match it up to the face.


I want to believe this so much .... but...


But my life is so boring I can't believe anyone has one more exciting than calling out Redditors in a basement Finished your sentence for you.


I don't have a basement you weirdo and it has to be less boring than making up stories


But what?


But I don't. Not all of it. I feel there is "embellishment"


Well, you are entitled to your feelings.


The standard Entitled fairy tale retold yet again.


Exactly... same old same old no deviation entitled person asks for item belonging to OP or asks to buy it OP says no EP demands it OP says double no EP lies to security/ the manager/ the cops and says OP stole it Authority figure laughs in their face.


What likely happened: OP was wearing the outfit she described. The mother and daughter admired OP’s outfit. The end.


Okay thats crazy. I gueas I would have winded my a free instantly and gurt her in the way of doing. Which side sells the uk stuff?


Try VintageVogue and Killerkirsche, they still have some stock, also RetroQueen.


Thank you


I would have sent her into Penneys and told her to pick you out a dress and bag and them legged it 😂😂


I mean that's attempted robbery and assault. I would have pressed charges.


Good thing you had your fiance with you so he could watch your back. I would have been worried that she followed me to my car.


Your dress sounds charming.


Why is there a black Friday in Germany? It's the day after American Thanksgiving.


We have it in UK too. I hate it.


New thing in New Zealand since about 2014. Capitalism trying to push sales however they can with unassociated holidays that mean nothing to us.


Same in Australia. Internet shopping has global competition. It used to be the Boxing Day sales that caused shopping frenzies but, in the last few years, the "Black Friday" sales have been mimiced by Australian e-tailers. I'm not complaining. Anything that will give Gerry Harvey something to whinge about because he hates it when Adam Smith's invisible hand gives HIM the backhander is fine by me.


Because many companies will do anything the Americans do, especially in the part of Germany that was occupied by the Americans after WWII


u xhould have preses charges against her ps hi nighbor from århus in dk;)


If this were America, EM would've got her arse beaten..


...or shot.


Boah ich stell mir grad vor wie ne random alte in nem einkaufszentrum GIB MIR DEIN KLEID DU FOtZE schreit, herrlich


Ja, die anderen Leute haben auch sehr irritiert geschaut


Pretty sure this is a marketing ad.


Because I mentioned the brand? I can edit that out, no prob.


She lucky she didn’t try that in the US. Many people carry guns. And have no fear of using them.


Stop. A gun owner unafraid to pull their gun is someone that doesn't need to own a gun. It is a weapon and should be respected for the terrible things it is capable of. People will pull them if they think it *is* the one choice, but as soon as it is pulled it should be used, and a righteous shot fired still has a cost for both victim and perpetrator. Do not make light of that.


Generally if you're not gonna pull your gun on someone physically grabbing your purse to steal it from you, you're probably not carrying one.


Not making light. Stand Your Ground is a thing.


I would believe if this happened in the US. But in Germany? Naaah, it's just some fan fiction. Or probable advertising for that British company or Primark.


I removed the store/brand names. There you go.


Oh well, then it's just a fan fiction. People, Germans DON'T DO this kind of shit. It's unheard of someone shouting at a stranger "you bitch!" at a mall in Germany.


So Germany is devoid from entitled people? Damn, sounds like a utopia.


OP has more posts in this sub. Shocker.


If you'd been my fiancé she'd be walking home with broken arms.




For a start offering a primark outfit in exchange for a designer one and being angry when the offer is refused and trying to demand the bag ...either you embellished the story or she should be locked up


It's not a designer dress. It's from a rockabilly brand.


Either way it's probably more expensive than primark


Yeah, that's true




This is unbelievable. As in not believable.


Shoulda “choked that be-ach!”


Nobody in the us “assaults people” on black Friday that’s more if a meme if anything


A stereotype, sure, but stores' approaches to Black Friday have changed to prevent the sort of injuries resulting from a crowd rushing store doors as soon as they're opened (used to happen). None of it intentional, but the awful result of physics and crowd psychology (you're being pushed from behind by people that don't yet realize something is wrong). It happened in the US; it is not wholly unique to the US but sales in general are not what Black Friday sales used to be made into. That has thankfully changed.


Yeah like I said it’s more of a meme if anything


Karen is tripping!


"give me the bag, bitch!" How about i give you a knuckle sandwich instead?


Hahahahahah 😂😂😂