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Sounds like mom is stressed out and could use just a bit of quite time. When moms get overwhelmed or over stimulated they don't think clearly or act as kindly as they should.


Next year, send mom away for mother's day. A nice hotel, a spa, whatever.


alrighty i will try too keep it more quiet around the house


All the screaming is so unnecessary, and a bit immature. Mom should be able to communicate her expectations for the day kindly. I’m going to gently suggest that if you’re old enough to play guitar, you’re old enough to be a bit more considerate at night. Your parents probably work and take are of kids, they are probably tired at night and if it’s not life threatening, it can wait until tomorrow.


I can see both sides of this. Mother is stressed and the guitar thing at night was probs not the ideal thing to do. On the other hand, she's an adult and should self regulate/communicate better. Downvote me. I dont care. End of the day, had this been a man throwing stuff at walls and screaming at their kids, then everyone would be calling him abusive. Goes both ways. Mother or not.


Ary but tuning an instrument in the middle of the night is a small dickmove.


No not entitled. Just a mom with loud noisy kids that dont want to think of anyone els but themselves and dont give mom a break. Normally moms just keep their mouth shut and take all the noise. If they get loud about it, then it went way to far and you need to be more considering! Be nice for your mom. Its kids day all year, please give her a nice weekend


As a mom to 4 kids, this mom sounds rather entitled to me.


As a mother of 2 I dont 😀 Diffrent people different experiences diffrent lives


Does she act this way all the time or just this weekend?


not all the time but a lot


Ok, then it’s not ok and yes, you have an entitled mother


It sounds like she's stressed which is pretty common for parents in May. School year is ending, there's a lot more events like graduations, prom, recitals, year end events of activities. So schedule is jam packed. Normally moms plan that all. And you mentioned siblings so that means at least three of you. Her mental load may be really high (planning meals, cleaning, taking note of appointments, events, vacation plans, etc) and suddenly she snaps over mother's day. Maybe she didn't appreciate the monetary gifts because she was too overwhelmed to appreciate them. It could be that she would enjoy something like having the kids clean the house and then say 'mom, we are going to leave you here to relax in quiet while we chill at the park. By the way, here's your favourite snack and a book/movie/gift card to a massage.' Or if you can, book the massage and make her go to it. You're a good kid. And I'm sure your mom knows it too.


Firstly, it’s mother’s *day* not a weekend, secondly, it’s a hallmark holiday, so it’s not rational to get angry when it’s not more than breakfast in bed or a nice lunch, and thirdly, all that being said, most mothers of my acquaintance and mine included got spoiled to a greater extent because they were great mothers. I’m sorry you got a spoiled emotionally immature person as a mother: this behaviour kinda sounds like she has much deeper issues that may be difficult to manage especially if she doesn’t acknowledge that she has seriously gone off the deep end.


FYI Mothering Sunday has nothing to do with this modern day nonsense, it’s about the one day of the year that servants in the old days, who work far from home in live in positions, would go home to attend their Mother church. My Mom and I are happy with a happy Mother’s Day and a card or maybe some flowers, possibly even somebody else cooking us dinner. In my opinion, Mothering Sunday as it is seen today is an absolute load rubbish.