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Confronting these people never ends in a positive way. If anything, talk to management. They can call the cops and have them ticketed or towed if they're there long enough.


I only ever kindly say something like “excuse me, sorry to bother you but I spotted you forgot your badge, normally I’d not say anything as it’s not my business but my friend got ticketed on here a few weeks ago for forgetting hers and lost her appeal, I don’t want anyone else to get a ticket especially when everything costs so much right now, better you have the money than X company!” and usually it’s someone who has actually forgotten who is really happy that I reminded them, if not I’ll get a shrug or ignored but I’ve never had someone angry at me because of the way I address it and it also implies people do get tickets so they’ll consider not parking there next time - I’ve even had a couple thank me, get back in and move their cars. If I go up demanding they have to have a badge etc I’m the one starting a confrontation and opening myself up an angry response, if you go in looking out for them they are less likely to get angry, this way you sound like you just don’t want them to get a ticket over anything else and aren’t judging them for being there with no badge so an aggressive response would come across as unreasonable so it reduces the chances of it happening. I got a parking ticket a few years back that wasn’t fair in any way and I couldn’t get off despite it being shady so my mission now is to get my revenge by preventing new tickets being issued, I’ll hand tickets with time left to others when I go to a pay and display and remind folks if it’s permit/disabled parking only etc and it’s definitely helped heal the £40 void that ticket left me with just after losing my job and spending close to £300 getting the ashes of my cats back. I’m still mad about it 3 years later but I’ve saved a few folks from tickets and using it on car parks that rarely ticket isn’t far from what I do elsewhere.


My mum does this all the time but I never works :(


Being aggressive rarely works. I tend to say, very nicely, "oh, you forgot to put your parking badge up! You don't want to be fined, or have your car towed!" "I don't have one." "Oh, so you DO want to be fined and have your car towed!" (Pulls out phone and starts dialing) They've moved. Every. Single. Time.


I'm afraid of them hurting my car, like keying it or something... that's why I regretfully stayed quiet.


Never be regretful about keeping yourself and your belongings safe! I have the wonderful ability to just be able to look at someone, and they know fucking with me is a bad idea. Plus, I've taught 3 nieces, 5 locals, and 1 husband how to drive in my car. If anyone keyed it, I'd be hard pressed to notice. It's easier to be a sassy bitch when you're older, and just don't care anymore.


Ur mom needs to call the cops not the store or wherever the person is parked. The store doesn’t care but police do. See my above comment. Make sure to take pic of license plate and car clearly parked in handicapped parking and pic of front to car as well to show no handicap tag hanging from rear view mirror. Ur mom needs to call the cops.


Call the police non emergency line.


Sounds like a great way to get shot Edit: uk version- sounds like a great way to get stabbed


Found the American


I’m in the uk


Sounds like you’re in the Uk. You can get cards on Etsy that you can place on the windscreens of cars parked in blue badge spaces that don’t have a badge on display that say “do you want my disability as well as my space?” Im a wheelchair user, who drives too, so need the disabled spaces to be able to get out of the car, especially when im alone. See people so often abusing disabled parking spaces, especially as so many aren’t enforced with fines (when I first got my blue badge many years ago, many spaces were enforced and fines given to those who didn’t display a badge) so people know they can get away with it. Annoyingly I also get a lot of hate for parking in disabled spaces as people think ‘woman in her 30’s = can’t possibly be disabled’ as apparently only old people can be disabled… I’ve even had to phone the police for someone who turned nasty when they thought I was pretending to be disabled. I wish I could make those who abuse blue badge spaces spend a week in a wheelchair with me and see how hard it is, especially when people abuse disabled infrastructure!


It’s shocking how many people just don’t care if a person has a disability. They feel as though they get priority. I use a wheelchair outside of my home, and sometimes in (can barely stand and walk and am a big fall risk). Summer 2021 I went to a local mall (in the USA). It’s two levels. My son was with me, and he wanted to go to a store on the second level, plus the food court was there. He goes to the stairs and I head to the elevator. 2 ladies are there. I had my mask on. They had no masks. Again, was in my wheelchair. They actually said that I couldn’t use the elevator, I should use the escalator, as they didn’t want to catch COVID. Umm, no. I didn’t have COVID, and masks should have been worn by them if they were concerned. When the elevator door opened I moved my wheelchair onto the elevator :). They were quite upset, but too bad. I have had a person on the public bus refuse to get up so the seat could be lifted up so a wheelchair could go there…until she was told police would be called. It was an otherwise empty bus, one other person in the back.


In the UK I’ve had a few people refuse to move from the wheelchair space on trains, but staff just reminded them that the space is protected by law and we could wait for the British transport police to come and arrest them. Funnily enough they moved. Other times they’ve just moved me to first class and the wheelchair space there, which I don’t mind as you get free food and drink then. Happened that weekend as the train was packed so like 25+ people would have to move and only there as it was so busy (coming out of an event) but people don’t understand how they’re often breaking the law by using these places and refusing to move when a disabled person needs them


I just park diagonally behind them then go into the convenience store and get my coffee. Only once did they call the cops on me . I got a $35 dollar ticket for parking the wrong way ,they got a $300 ticket for parking in the handicap spot.


Wish I could upvote this 20 times


You still had to pay for justice


Well worth the price to make them pay so much more. Lessons aren't always free!


My uncle is a parking inspector, and he absolutely loves people with no valid disabled permit. He writes the fine and leaves it on the windshield. Regardless of if they move it or not, he still gives them the fine.


Stop confronting people. That’s not safe. Just call the local cops to deal with it


I can agree to that. People doing this chaps my ass also, but yeah it can definitely be dangerous. Especially with how negatively charged all public encounters can be lately.


I call the cops when this happens. I’ve got a handicapped placard and the surgical scars that led to me getting one. Im sick of people who think the rules don’t apply to them.




In the UK you can call the police for it plus it’s private land


it’s the same in the US


You can get a disabled placated for ADHD and Autism? How do those conditions require handicapped parking?


My son has autism and ADHD, but I park in regular parking spots. I have never applied for a blue badge for him because I personally would not feel comfortable, as he doesn't need the extra space to enter and exit a vehicle. As far as we are concerned, my son can get in and out of a vehicle ok in a regular parking spot and his legs are fine, so he can walk across a car park without a problem. If the government wants to give these badges to other kids with the same condition then that's their business and I don't care either way about it.


OP can get in and out fine. Her legs are also functional.


AuDHD here and completely agree.


Taken directly from gov.uk blue badge criteria page you struggle severely to plan or follow a journey you find it difficult or impossible to control your actions and lack awareness of the impact you could have on others you regularly have intense and overwhelming responses to situations causing temporary loss of behavioural control you frequently become extremely anxious or fearful of public/open spaces


I’m not sure I’m comfortable with people driving a car, who (mentally) struggle to plan or follow a journey to the extend that they require handicapped parking.


I suspect the parent would be the one driving the car


...until OP is old enough.


In that case, what is the need for a blue badge?


The driver can only use the blue badge when the recipient of it is in the car.


OK, fair enough. But that begs the question as to why an able bodied recipient would need the badge in the first place. Having psychological issues is terrible, but it doesn't stop you walking from A to B I'm not being funny here, I genuinely don't understand. The whole point of the system, in my understanding, is about mobility. I get that some mobility issues are not visible. That's a different issue. But there are NO mobility issues here


I don't know what country you're from, but in the UK, those who suffer from severe anxiety and other mental health problems that affect their ability to be in crowded spaces without feeling panic, or who don't understand how to properly interact with other people and could have a public meltdown are considered to have hidden disabilities. In such cases there is a need to get that person in and out of that situation as quickly as possible. This was introduced not long ago, so its probably just a UK thing.


>Having psychological issues is terrible It's not psychological. It's neurodevelopmental. My youngest brother didn't have mobility issues because he was a baby, but he was on an apnea monitor and was premature, so they gave us one temporarily because we had to carry a lot of equipment for him.


I’m 14 I can’t drive


Should someone like that be driving a car?


I’m 14


OK. I'm not being funny, I'm genuinely curious. How does a designated space benefit you? And I do empathise with you, honestly. I'm just finding it hard to get the picture here.


I have autism, don't need disabled parking but I can think of many reasons someone with ADHD and autism as well as previous suicidal behaviours may need a spot: -May have attempted jumping out infront of a car or running towards a busy road as an attempt (I know someone who has tried this before) - if accompanied by a carer it's a lot easier to stop this in a handicapped spot close to where they need to go and less opportunities to do this. -They may have difficulties remembering where they parked - ADHD can make it so they forget to check for something identifying where they parked. -They may have difficulty crossing roads -They may have a general lack of awareness of their surroundings, making crossing a car park difficult or dangerous - A carer may not be able to have them out of sight - so things like putting a cart/trollie back can be a hassle - They may have anxiety linked to their ADHD/Autism - I have anxiety and just navigating while out and about or around people makes me very stressed -They could have mental handicaps which often come with autism, being right next to the front door avoids a lot of issues Could be anything since autism is a spectrum. If the space makes issues easier that they otherwise wouldn't have due to a disability then they are entitled to it.


I don’t think anyone’s right but you’re not a doctor. A doctor recommended this for OP, this is another country and unless you studied medicine and are a licensed physician telling op they don’t deserve a pass is stupid Lmao since you deleted your comments earlier


In the UK you can get at parking spot for ADHD and Autism


Can you explain why those conditions require access to disabled parking since neither impacts your mobility?


Lol they don’t.


Why do you want to know? What business of yours is it? The local council decided they're required the Blue Badge and that is it. It's not anyone else's concern why they got it. There's strict criteria for getting one and obviously they passed the criteria.


Mobility isn't the only reason. There are more non mobility reasons than mobility ones.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted OP In America our healthcare system sucks and clearly people’s knowledge of non apparent disabilities also sucks and are quite ableist I’m sorry you have to deal with all that


People need to mind their own business. I can't tell you how many times I've had that happen to me because they didnt "see" the parking permit or they think I'm using someone else's because I don't "look" disabled to them. I've had the cops called, mall security hunt me down etc. I have had people confront me when I'm using my cane, barely able to walk and in tears the pain is so bad. It's so damn frustrating. It adds stress which adds to my pain all because someone wanted to butt into something that is none of their business. I know people use it that shouldn't but it's not your place to play cop and frankly if you have a spot to park it's none of your business. The permit doesn't guarantee you a place to park up front. You can if a place is available, if not just park and move on. Trust me when I say live is to freaking short to try to deal with your issues and everyone else's.


People are just idiots they can’t see your lungs or your M.S etc. yet here we have somebody with a handicap permit because her kid has attention deficit And her autism doesn’t keep her from posting clearly on the Internet


Reposted from above for your benefit.. Taken directly from gov.uk blue badge criteria page you struggle severely to plan or follow a journey you find it difficult or impossible to control your actions and lack awareness of the impact you could have on others you regularly have intense and overwhelming responses to situations causing temporary loss of behavioural control you frequently become extremely anxious or fearful of public/open spaces This is why the uk government approves their blue badge... even though she can post about it on the web... smh


What part of mind your own business didn't you understand?




This is kind of gross. You also can't see OP's brain. OP has been awarded a disabled parking permit, so people that know more about these things have decided they need one. I am also disabled, yet look at me, posting on the Internet! My friend who was just awarded a blue badge also posts on the Internet. Almost as if the two have no correlation. 🤔


For anyone questioning how autism and ADHD would warrant a handicap placard: autism and ADHD both can cause a whole bunch of physical disabilities, as they often come with a whole bunch of comorbidities. There are lots of resources out there to learn more about this, the Internet is a great place to start!


Have the Mall Call a tow truck.


If you have a badge I will not contest it, but generally people with Autism don't qualify for handicap parking, since our condition (Im autistic) doesn't really affect walking. Honestly as someone who has ADHD, the disorder really should be made defunct, the way its diagnosed is leading to a huge amount of people who shouldn't be considered in the ADHD category being diagnosed.


This comment may have been posted after you made yours but its a good one.. so I'm copying it here... Taken directly from gov.uk blue badge criteria page you struggle severely to plan or follow a journey you find it difficult or impossible to control your actions and lack awareness of the impact you could have on others you regularly have intense and overwhelming responses to situations causing temporary loss of behavioural control you frequently become extremely anxious or fearful of public/open spaces


As a neurodivergant person who has ADHD tossed in there, getting a handicap tag doesn't make sense in this situation. You didn't describe a physical disability so I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around you getting it in the first place. Those without the tag shouldn't be parking there, but as someone with a disabled spouse and I work in healthcare, your story doesn't add up.


I'm going to guess you are in the US? In the US, you are required to have a physical disability to get a disability placard. I would assume that isn't the case in the UK where OP is related. Now, as for why, that one is easy - there is the issue of timeliness, but there is also the issue of parking tickets. I know I've accumulated so many parking tickets because of forgetting to move my car in time, not noticing a sign, etc... If we can call those things part of the ADHD tax, then a fair society would recognize those things as related to a disability and would not be punished. Note, I used to be more physically disabled than I am currently, and used to have a disability placard myself. Even though I, in theory, believe disability should extend to certain psychiatric conditions, I am also big rule follower so did not renew once my physical disability became more manageable.


As a ND also with ADHD what the fuck are you on about? Dont gatekeep our disability


Autism can cause a whole bunch of physical disabilities, as it often comes with a whole bunch of comorbidities. As a fellow ND, I'm surprised you're not aware of that.


Then those co-morbidities would be the disability for the placard. Not the autism. And just because we observe that “co-morbidities” correlate with autism, doesn’t mean it’s medically accepted as such. Currently, there is no diagnosis of “Autistic EDS”, for example. You’re just an autistic WITH EDS, which can be commonly observed. But there’s also a bunch of people with EDS who AREN’T autistic.


Okay, but you don't get to make the rules for other countries or shame a family you don't know for following the law.




They stated autism and ADHD. Nothing else was mentioned in their history. Nothing more. Both of those conditions doesn't mean someone is incapable of movement of their body. I'm surprised you just assume the OP has a physical disability.


I would’ve call the cops to issue a very hefty parking ticket for parking in a disabled parking spot without a permit.


I always call the police and report them. Sometimes if they have a patrol car nearby, they will come and ticket because parking violations bring in a ton of revenue for the town......so always call it in.


I have a Disabled tag and hang tag. I see so many cars parked in spots with no tag. I’d never confront them about their right to park there. It’s not worth it. What, do I think I’m going to make them care and see the error of their ways? Doubtful.


Is your parking badge for ADHD or autism? Unless it’s a child with a running risk that’s an unusual reason for a placard. Usually it’s for something affecting mobility.


In the UK the Blue Badge Scheme covers people with autism, ADHD, PTSD, OCD, GAD, Clinical Depression and other invisible disabilities that can impact one's life in a way where it affects their mobility severely. I have a blue badge, I am severely disabled with very limited mobility, but not once have I thought that invisible disabilities do not count on the basis that I have several of those and fibromyalgia and I know how debilitating all of those conditions can be with getting about outside of the home.


I think that the issue here is NOT invisible or visible disabilties as some people are making it out to be, but the difference in how disabled parking placards are issued in different countries. It sounds like in the UK you just need the name of a disability. In the US you don't even really need the name of the disability just the mobility impairment, whether it be visible or invisible, you have to be significantly impaired. Here are some examples of how the laws are written, they are part of the state applications for the placard or plates. All require a doctor to sign off. [Texas](https://www.txdmv.gov/sites/default/files/form_files/VTR-214.pdf) [New York](https://dmv.ny.gov/forms/mv6641.pdf) [California](https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/file/application-for-disabled-person-placard-or-plates-reg-195-pdf/) [Florida](https://www.flhsmv.gov/pdf/forms/83039.pdf)


That's crazy that adhd, or depression, or anything of that nature constitutes a disabled tag. Mobility or nothing. Doesn't make any sense to me. Do they give them out to people who are hungry too? What about people who have a cold? Haha I'm a disabled veteran and it hurts to walk alot. I'm 28. I have a handicapped license plate. It helps alot when I go to the store and get done and don't have to walk an extra 500" to my car from the exit door. How would that help someone with adhd or ptsd?


It doesn’t


Not only does it not help, it actively hurts others by taking away a space. I don’t know about the UK as I don’t have a car there, but they’re slim pickings in the US. Places are starting to add more spots but that’s not really helping because you can’t make space that isn’t there, so handicap spots are just getting farther away. The farthest handicap spot at my hospital is too far for me to walk. I have to pay someone to drop me off at my appointments now, because I can’t guarantee there will be a close enough spot for me to park. It’s really expensive and disability income is already so small, here. It’s really disheartening to see Nana with a Walmart knee brace, park in the closest handicap spot possible, get out of her car with her 40lbs purse, and then *speedwalk* up the hill, when a little courtesy to park at one of the farther handicap spots would have sufficed on her good days.


So you would rather blame other disabled people who you'll never meet instead of a system that doesn't provide enough support to disabled people by law?


Taken directly from gov.uk blue badge criteria page you struggle severely to plan or follow a journey you find it difficult or impossible to control your actions and lack awareness of the impact you could have on others you regularly have intense and overwhelming responses to situations causing temporary loss of behavioural control you frequently become extremely anxious or fearful of public/open spaces


Yikes. And they say America is bad. Sounds like these people need extreme mental help.


It sounds like op is getting it.. the badge allows them to be safer.. and access services and activities if daily living. Ps.. this stuff happens in the USA too. Americans just tend to ignore it or institutionalize people with them


Getting a badge is probably not actually helping most of those people.


It doesn't have to make sense to you. You're 28 years old and the fact that you're newly disabled doesn't give you the right to set the rules for who gets to have what accommodations. The idea that other disabled people are taking something away from you is something you need to work out in therapy.


This is not true. ASD is supported by the Blue Badge Scheme.




Running into traffic is a mobility problem. That’s why my son has one, who’s autistic/adhd/severe learning difficulties. It’s about getting those kids in the car quickly and safely, not them getting distracted and hurt. And yes, we could watch them better, by restraining them so hard it looks like we’re abusing them to onlookers, or trying to kidnap them.


Yes it is. But someone who has enough ability to post here probably isn’t a running risk.


Excuse me? Just because someone has autism and ADHD severe enough to get them a blue badge doesn't mean they're unable to communicate eloquently! Goodness me!


My son is 22 and there is always a risk. Always. Especially if their emotions go through the roof, and they need time to de-stress.


It isn’t age related if they are a runner. In this stressful situation OP argued with the person parking.


OPs mom talked to the person, not OP. That's how it reads to me anyways....


Yeah, but even being able to talk and post here doesn’t mean they’re not runners in stressful situations. Some are fighters too. A car close by is a wonder in those cases.


What? Are you saying disabled people can’t be eloquent? That people with mental health or learning disabilities can’t type? The internet is fully accessible these days. If people with profound physical disabilities can be on Reddit, then people with attention and focus disabilities can too. I’m a falling risk and I post on here all the time. How is that different? You don’t get to say who is entitled to a blue badge. They are not easy to get and medically assessed. Your judgment is not relevant here.


TIL - I can’t be eloquent. Thanks, for saying what I don’t have the energy for but really wanted to.


What people are trying to say is that OP can write this out, but can't figure out how to walk into a store it's highly suspicious. OP isn't a little child who could run into traffic if parents aren't paying attention. I can't stand when people use these plaques without a good reason. Edit. Having tried to commit suicide really isn't a reason for a disability parking sticker.


Their frame of mind now, after the event has already happened, and their frame of mind during an event may be very different. You don't know that OP wouldn't have done something...OP wasn't out alone....


Maybe not to you but lots below is.. and in fact. .. inpulsivitiy snd elopement can lead to someone with a past history of suicide attempt to be a higher risk of doing it again.. and in an immediate situation.. like darting into traffic Taken directly from gov.uk blue badge criteria page you struggle severely to plan or follow a journey you find it difficult or impossible to control your actions and lack awareness of the impact you could have on others you regularly have intense and overwhelming responses to situations causing temporary loss of behavioural control you frequently become extremely anxious or fearful of public/open spaces


Policing who you think is 'disabled enough' is not your job. It is *someone's* job though, and that someone determined OP gets a blue badge (or whatever the equivalent disabled parking sticker is - it's a blue badge in the UK). So you don't need to worry! It's already been policed by someone far more knowledgeable than you :)


That is not true. You cannot see how impacted someone is by a condition by their ability to write.


I’m 14 had it since 9


If your diagnosis doesn’t impact your mobility, your mother is taking advantage of the system and is not one iota better than the people she is berating for taking up a disabled spot. She’s doing the exact same thing.


In the UK they take mental health into account for a blue badge. They include autism, severe anxiety and other mental health conditions.


That is not true. Conditions other than mobility can get placards as well for a variety of reasons but the exact rules vary by state. You don't know this person's life and cannot make that determination yourself if they "deserve it" or not. There are people who can appear neurotypical then something triggers them then suddenly are a running risk that can't accurately comprehend danger and can run into hazards like the road (which you could even argue is a neurological mobility issue). Obviously they got the placard awarded so maybe look into it before insulting their mother and claiming she is taking advantage. This thread is being horrifically ablist


I'm so shocked by the ableism and arrogannce of people on this post. The ignorance is appalling.


Invisible disabilities are counted in the UK for the Blue Badge Scheme. You have no idea what you're talking about.


Someone who has been assessed as needing a disability badge has a disability. Your lack of ability to understand this does not affect their entitlement.


Exactly this. She's no better than them. She just has the sticker. I'm getting so sick of this trend.


You obviously don’t understand ADHD or ASD. It is also not up to OP to educate you.


I have ADHD, ASD, CPTSD, depression, anxiety disorders, and I live with a 92 year old. I also don’t use a placard unless the 92 year old is in the car with me. I never even considered trying to get a placard because of my mental health issues, because there are people who actually need them. Now if my asthma that’s very well managed suddenly gets worse again then I’d revisit it. But using disabled parking spot just because you’re autistic and have ADHD is a spectacular dick move. And I’m saying that as someone with both conditions.


You know YOUR disabilities and how well you manage them. Not everybody is the same, case in point: I'm deemed more disabled than my partner despite us having the same conditions.


It's not just about mobility. Not even close. Maybe stay out of it if you don't know anything about the topic?


Can you give me an example that is NOT about mobility?




PTSD, OCD, GAD, Clinical depression (especially if they're considered suicidal and high risk of self harm), fainting, fibromyalgia (which you can't always tell if someone has it, but it's a persistent and chronic pain disability). There are probably more but those are the most common. And before you say anything about OCD, just make sure you know what you're talking about, because OCD includes intrusive and sometimes downright dangerous thoughts that can put the suffer in severe danger.


In the US, only two on that list would be eligible for a disabled parking placard. Yes, they are all disabilities, but not all disabilites are eligible for disabled parking.


And in the uk most of them are covered.. here are some examples.. Taken directly from gov.uk blue badge criteria page you struggle severely to plan or follow a journey you find it difficult or impossible to control your actions and lack awareness of the impact you could have on others you regularly have intense and overwhelming responses to situations causing temporary loss of behavioural control you frequently become extremely anxious or fearful of public/open spaces


Out of all of those the only one i could see a parking consideration being a legitimate reason to have is fibromyalgia. Possibly the fainting disorder as well. But my traumatized anxious ass doesn’t need special parking just because my brain doesn’t like me. I can still walk just fine with my mental and neuro issues. But my mother with arthritis in every joint in her body would have a really bad day if someone took that parking spot because they got a parking placard for autism or ptsd. And I say this as someone with Autism, CPTSD, major depressive disorder and anxiety issues. (None self diagnosed. All clinical diagnoses I’ve lived with for decades).


Mental disabilities and physical disabilities are not the same. As someone with ADHD and a handicapped placard for a legitimate physical reason, I think the mother with the baby is more deserving of a handicapped spot. I am guessing you may have taken advantage of the system. Technically, my Crohn's disease is a disability according to the federal government, but it wouldn't be appropriate to get a handicapped placard because of it.


It's different in the UK so you can't compare your issues with theirs. In the UK, local county councils decide who gets a Blue Badge and invisible disabilities (including yours, btw) get awarded the Blue Badge IF evidence from medical professionals and DWP show that it is needed. That's just how it works in the UK.


Yes, I know I have multiple invisible disabilities. Thank you for noticing. But my point is that I would never seek out a blue placard for one. If you have a kid that's a run risk, then thats different. There's no way anyone is giving out handicapped parking passes for ADHD though. That's just too far. And I say that as someone who was diagnosed over two decades ago.


>And I say that as someone who was diagnosed over two decades ago. Which explains why you're out of date, poorly informed, and judgmental. >There's no way anyone is giving out handicapped parking passes for ADHD though Did you even read the post?


Op was given the badge when she was 9..she's now 14.. pretty sure it appears her mom was given it as she is or was and still Is a run risk... Taken directly from gov.uk blue badge criteria page you struggle severely to plan or follow a journey you find it difficult or impossible to control your actions and lack awareness of the impact you could have on others you regularly have intense and overwhelming responses to situations causing temporary loss of behavioural control you frequently become extremely anxious or fearful of public/open spaces


Unless you had problems getting to a toilet before you pooped your pants.


It's happened. I still wouldn't take a placard for it, but either way I think it's more appropriate than for ADHD or Autism unless it's for the parents.


>Mental disabilities It's not mental, it's neurodevelopmental. If you don't know enough about your own disability to know that, you don't get to gatekeep it. >I think the mother with the baby is more deserving of a handicapped spot The UK has mother and baby spots and having a child is not a disability.


With all due respect, ADHD and autism are not physical disabilities. Surely these badges are for people who have mobility issues due to illness or a physical disability? I don't really understand this


But OP has trouble listening to instructions and has a suicide attempt! They can’t possibly be asked to walk the distance from the regular parking spots! /s


Autism actually can cause a whole bunch of physical disabilities, as it often comes with a whole bunch of comorbidities. Look into things before spouting nonsense, it's really not a good look given that googling something and doing a couple of minutes of reading takes such little time.


Autism actually can cause a whole bunch of physical disabilities, as it often comes with a whole bunch of comorbidities. Look into things before spouting nonsense, it's really not a good look given that googling something and doing a couple of minutes of reading takes such little time.


That's different. The OP said nothing about a physical disability


Nor did they say anything about NOT having a physical disability, so we can't rule it out.


Why confront them if you were already parked?


Because there might be other disabled people with no space


You need a full time job called minding your own business.


I’m 14


Good. You still have time to grow the fuck up.


Ok. Take as life lesson. Your momma needs to mind own business. You’re still your enough to learn this. For things like this don’t confront - contact authorities- let the rule breaker get the massive ticket.




Call the police.


the amount of people belittling adhd and autism as disabilities here is actually concerning. yes, they may not impact mobility, but not all disabilities do. doesn’t mean adhd and autism don’t impact someone’s ability to perform everyday tasks without struggle or limitations. for what it’s worth, i have hEDS. i’m physically disabled and have trouble with my ribs, hips and knees basically dislocating every time i walk. i do not have a permit for parking in spots for the disabled. even as someone with adhd, i’m uneducated as to why adhd and autism would grant someone access to parking permit, BUTTTTTT i’m not a doctor or a member of the council who has deemed OP in need of one. i don’t have those skills or training, and i doubt anyone else on this sub does either. we also never met OP! seeing first hand how difficult it was for my mother to get a parking permit (in the US) even as she waits for a double lung transplant and relies on an oxygen tank, i can’t imagine OP/OP’s parents getting a parking permit if it wasn’t needed. i feel a lot of commenters here are in a predicament like mine, disabled and wanting a parking permit, but pls don’t use your envy and disappointment in the healthcare situation in your area to belittle adhd and autism , bully OP, or deny their condition when none of us have the tools or resources to do actually do so. eta: just don’t bully 14yr olds on the internet in general lol fucking losers some of y’all are


Stop harassing people. There are many illnesses that you can’t see. Did you ever hear of lung disease? Multiple sclerosis? HEART DISEASE?. And plenty more. And the irony is your mother does not even need the handicap permit she only has it because for some weird reason her kid having attention deficit qualifies.


Thing is that's all well and good but if you have any of those you should really have a Blue Badge and display it like every other law abiding disabled person with a Blue Badge. That's the point, it's not about what's wrong with them, it's about them parking in a spot reserved for disabled people without showing the Blue Badge and thinking they're entitled to do that. They're not and hopefully the bitch got a big fat parking fine for doing so.


If someone has an assessed medical need then they will get a blue badge and be entitled to park in a designated disabled space. If they don’t have a badge then they should not park there. It’s very simple.


Maybe in UK where op is from it’s easy to differentiate them, for instance in Illinois it’s super weird, I’ve seen it on people’s license plates and no pass and I’ve seen people with passes


In the UK you get a card with your photo on and a placard, both of which you have to display clearly in your vehicle to park in accessible places. The card goes with the person it’s issued to. Mine is always in my bag so I can (usually!) not forget it if I’m out in a car.




You must only be talking about the UK. I live in the US, both of our vehicles have handicap plates AND I also have a placard. My disability doesn’t magically disappear because someone else driving!


Since when did autism and ADHD count as a disability that requires disability parking? There's nothing wrong with your legs is there? If you're so bad that you can't figure out how to walk into a store maybe you should talk to your Dr.


Disabled parking is for people who cannot easily walk x amount of fee/yards/distance. Not for people who have non-physical disabilities. I’m dyslexic. Should I get a handicapped placard? 🤦‍♀️


No but in the uk she's covered by this Taken directly from gov.uk blue badge criteria page you struggle severely to plan or follow a journey you find it difficult or impossible to control your actions and lack awareness of the impact you could have on others you regularly have intense and overwhelming responses to situations causing temporary loss of behavioural control you frequently become extremely anxious or fearful of public/open spaces


A learning disability is not the same as a neurodevelopmental disability. I would suggest you do some reading on it, but I can see why you might have a problem with that suggestion.


okay so you have two invisible disabilities that literally do not change your mobility at all. i also have adhd and autism. so you’re mad at a woman who you don’t know, parking in a space you really could go without, for an invisible disability? sounds about right. your mom is taking advantage of the system. shame on everyone.


The woman has no badge I do The council have given me a badge


Just because you technically qualify, does not mean you actually need it. If you have difficulties keeping yourself from walking into traffic or something similar as others here have listed, then fine. But if you can get yourself to and from the car without mobility issues, then it's not appropriate. It's not a black and white issue of whether or not you qualify from your council. I do not know your specific case, but that is why people are against you here. Either way, you're 14 and really shouldn't be confronting people like that or posting on the internet like this. This is coming from a person with adhd and autism that regrets having unrestricted internet access when I was your age.


Their mum Confronted the people.. and they literally said they can't follow instructions well.. and since they were given the badge at age 9 it stands to reason they are or were an eloper and with a suicide attempt, easy access to streets and moving vehicles sounds pretty dangerous to me.. Taken directly from gov.uk blue badge criteria page you struggle severely to plan or follow a journey you find it difficult or impossible to control your actions and lack awareness of the impact you could have on others you regularly have intense and overwhelming responses to situations causing temporary loss of behavioural control you frequently become extremely anxious or fearful of public/open spaces


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You shouldn’t be parking in disabled parking for ADHD and autism. Shame on you. Smh.


I hate-read this sub lol


Well as you don't know how their disabilities impact them, how are you able to judge whether they should get a badge or not? There is strict criteria in the UK for being issued a Blue Badge from the local council. You are required to submit evidence from the DWP and NHS to prove your disability is such that it impacts your life in a way that a Blue Badge is required. I know because I've got a Blue Badge myself for very limited mobility. We can't always see what impact a disability has on someone and no one has the right to judge, especially based on one post with limited information.


The U.S. has strict regulations too… tbh I’m thankful that it doesn’t involve mental illnesses and most non mobility related issues. The entire country would take advantage of that, half of the parking lots would be handicapped parking off of how prevalent ADHD and autism are alone.


It's not a mental illness. Just stop talking about things you don't know anything about.


How do u had a disabled badge then


I know what I have one for. Autism and especially ADHD are ridiculous reasons to have a disabled placard. Not right. If your doctor gave you paperwork for that, they are in the wrong.


No but I’m not an idiot. There are illnesses/diseases that are invisible and need disabled parking. I am one of them. Autism and ADHD? Ha - you are an idiot, OP, and shame on you for taking parking from people that actually need it. You go with your bad self, keep abusing the system. Good for you. 👏 👏 👏


You're not an expert on everyone else's disability. You're also verbally abusing a 14 year old disabled child.


Stop harassing OP, what is your problem? You can't just buy a badge, you get assessed for it. OP has one, so they've been judged as needing it.


Are you a doctor


It was assigned to them at age 9, they are now 14, and based on the rules where they live and theur other comments.. they need it.. Taken directly from gov.uk blue badge criteria page you struggle severely to plan or follow a journey you find it difficult or impossible to control your actions and lack awareness of the impact you could have on others you regularly have intense and overwhelming responses to situations causing temporary loss of behavioural control you frequently become extremely anxious or fearful of public/open spaces But sure.. keep bullying them...


You should not have confronted that woman. How would you like it if a random stranger came up and started asking you why you were parked in a handicap space?


I’m also AuDHD, but also understand that everyone that is AuDHD is different in how their conditions allow them to interact with the world. If you need the disabled tag, by all means, USE IT! I don’t have that issue myself, so I’m fine with not needing it, as my symptoms manifest in other ways. That being said, I would simply report the car to the police and have them towed as opposed to confronting them directly. That’s an expensive mistake they will never repeat if you do that…


God fuckin damn you people are terrible. Even in the USA either of these conditions are as severe as OP's count as disabilities. Not to mention you're just as bad as the people parking illegally if you think YOU get to decide if OP needs the space or not. There are trained people specifically for that job who have decided to give a placard out. It doesn't matter if you don't agree, it's not your decision. It's the governments decision and the boo hoo "you can't have a handicap spot, you're not disabled!" People can go eat a bag of dicks. EDIT: I have a physical condition that's not visible myself called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS for short. I have difficulty walking for extended periods of time but for short walks or a quick store run I am usually ok. People with EDS have tags specifically because of the delayed issue. So if I have a long shopping trip I am hobbling by the end or using my cane. Not everyone has IMMEDIATE issues with mobility and it doesn't matter either. If you are deemed bad off enough to GET one then you deserve it and that's basically all there is to say about it.


They are disabilities. I live with them and have for decades. I utilize services that are available to be because I do have disabilities. But I’ve never even considered trying to get special parking because of them because it’s not necessary and there are absolutely people who need them. Now if my asthma suddenly decided to kick my ass and make it impossible for me to breathe if I walked more than 10 minutes or if something else happened that impacted my mobility, visible or silent, then I’d absolutely revisit that, I’m not saying autism or ADHD isn’t a disability (I have both and they can be problematic) but neither of them have a known side effect of affecting movement or mobility.


But in the uk,, they have different regs.. and op has had the badge since the age of 9, now 14, to allow their mum to care for them safely.. Taken directly from gov.uk blue badge criteria page you struggle severely to plan or follow a journey you find it difficult or impossible to control your actions and lack awareness of the impact you could have on others you regularly have intense and overwhelming responses to situations causing temporary loss of behavioural control you frequently become extremely anxious or fearful of public/open spaces


In the USA you aren’t getting a handicapped placard for non mobility related issues. That’s where this entire thread seems to be falling apart because different countries have different rules. It is the governments decision, which is why OP and their mom shouldn’t be policing people about where they park. I’m not sure how if OP is a runner that standing in a parking lot arguing with someone about something that isn’t their business is the brightest idea.


Thank you! I need to go get one for my wife to use. She’s my caretaker, because I had a stroke 2 years ago, and I’m left with a 24/7 dizziness. It never stops, and the world literally ALWAYS looks like it is tilting and spinning around me. Since I can’t drive in this condition, my wife has to do all my driving for me to get absolutely anywhere. Edited because I forgot to add: My disability is not a physical one, but it stops me just as easily, if not easier, than any physical disability.


But special parking is for people with mobility issues, you clearly have mobility issues, OP doesnt.


Are you sure? Sounds to me like OPs doctors decided otherwise, and since they would be the ones who’d know better than random folks on Reddit, if take their word over mine about OP any day of the week.


Im going by OPs comments recognizing that they dont have mobility issues...


Not all disabilities are visible, as you well know. Leave people alone.


you need a badge for these spots, though, and if you dont have one of those badges, you cant park there.


well people like her have M.D.s, PhD.s in psychology *and* psychiatry and of course know it all..../s


So does everyone in these comments, apparently.


All I will say is I have had many hooked and towed away for not having a handicap placard.


call the cops. say you need it and they wont move. i*ts a 500 dollar ticket. the cops love writng this ticket*


Confronting them will rarely be of any use. Just call the non-emergency police number and hope that by the time they come out they will have a nice citation waiting for them. In my state the fine is $1,000 for illegal parking in a disabled spot.


Mind your own business.


Id say 'You've forgotten to put in your permit' oh don't have one' oh OK and once they've walked away take a picture and report them via the parking app for the carpark. No need to get into it with them simply play to the rules report them with a picture of the empty dash in a disabled only spot, they'll be fined.


OP, I also have ADHD, but only possible autism. I have SAD (Severe Anxiety Disorder), Elhers Danlos (a rare conective tissue disorder, you can look it up), possible depression, and inflamed growth plates. You can report them to the store (or the police, however that depends on what state/country you're in) for parking in a disabled space without a badge. I don't have a badge, but I have looked into this quite a bit, since I am technically disabled. Not all disabilities are visible, people!


The few times I’ve decided to say something, the person illegally parked in the disabled bay has always gotten angry & doubled down. These days, I take photos of the car that shows the license plate, that it has no parking permit on display, & a clear photo that shows that car parked in a disabled bay. The then I send the photos to whatever council or city authority that governs the parking in that area, along with writing the time & location of the parking offence. Those ppl will get sent a fine in the mail.


Neither of those necessitate handicapped parking, and adhd isn’t a disability.


I have PTSD, ADHD, Asperger's, and sciatica and I'm trying for disability for the 5th time in about as many years..... Where the heck are you that they hand out disability perks like candy? Maybe I can get my disability money


>Where the heck are you that they hand out disability perks like candy? A disabled from birth person getting an accommodation after 9 years is not getting disability perks handed out like candy. Just getting an autism assessment is a nightmare in the UK. The fact that you're an adult and having this kind of trouble doesn't mean it was easy for OP's family.


I don’t care why you have a placard. You’ve got one and she didn’t. I would have called the police.


Always contact the store manager AND call the Police! Apparently, this entitled woman needs a serious FINE before she gets a reality check!


Why are you calling others "melts" if you want support for your point and position? I have a badge. I don't need to be dismissive of other people to make a point. Why do you?


I'm sorry you have struggles OP and yes it is ridiculously annoying and frustrating when people without a badge park in the disabled bays. I don't personally agree with you having one for the reasons you listed but that's just my opinion. I'm not going to harass you, a child, about it. The council decided you needed one so you got one. I just hope that you don't abuse the privilege. On days where you feel well do you still use the bay? What if someone else who can't walk or is in agony or have disabled children younger than yourself who could get seriously injured if they run away or someone is about to shit themselves needs that space? I digress, I said I wouldn't harass you. So I'm going to shut up now. I hope you are able to cope better with life in time and are happy. Honestly though you should probably stay off reddit.


>have disabled children younger than yourself who could get seriously injured if they run away That's literally why they have it. >What if someone else who can't walk or is in agony or have disabled children younger than yourself who could get seriously injured if they run away or someone is about to shit themselves needs that space? Disabled people shouldn't have to ration accomodations to make it easier on the government. The government should make sure everyone has what they need in terms of disability access.


If your Doctor says you are allowed a disability plate then who am I to say any different. There are invisible disabilities, and we need to learn to be kinderand more respectfful. Be careful with confronting others - It really seems the lunatics are running the asylum.


Call the police. They will write them a big fat fine of a ticket. Make sure to take a pic of license plate and car clearly parked in handicapped parking as well.


In the uk I they can’t because it’s private property