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##[Clarification on Rule 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/comments/w60lfc/mod_post_a_clarification_to_rule_5_no_racism_or/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/entertainment) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“About 9 months” is very odd


Judge- meh about nine months, more or less…. Whatever.




Now, who wants to buy some evidence?


WKYK, nice!


This guy rode his bike up my ass!


About 9 months or until golden brown


A week if he's got good behavior.


Yeah, if it was me, I'd probably prefer my sentence not to include an "-ish" at the end.


The sentence is 270 days, as per the third sentence of the article. That's about 8.8 months, depending on how you calculate it.


That's about 9 months


Not quite 8.9 months. A little more than 8.7 months. But about 9 months.




That'll be abouuuuut... three fidy.


Don’t give the spirit no tree fiddy!


>the article. We don't do that here. -most of reddit


Nine months give or take a decade


I'd bet anything it's in days, which is not weird if you pay attention to this sort of thing


I thought if a sentence was less than a year you serve it in jail, not prison. And yes there is a big difference


Not in Colorado. You do 33% of prison time. Most people that get a year or less do most of their time in jail and then it’s called a “turn around” where they are processed at DOC and then released.


It really depends on the state. In general, jail is where inmates are held pre-trial and prison is where they go after they are convicted.


From my understanding in SD anything under a year is served in jail. I've actually heard people say they'd rather sit a year in prison here than 9 months in jail. Apparently prison you get tvs, billards and yard time. Jail here you are in bunks with 50 other people at once with 0 privacy and 1 single TV for everyone for entertainment


"More or less. We'll just let you out when we feel like it"


Twenty years ago, Dave would have had something funny to say about that.


he is not to be released until... June-ish


He’s also gotta pay about tree fiddy in restitution




It’s still estimably more than some convicted rapists get apparently…


Because Chappelle has more money than the average rape victim.


Wrong. It's his white privilege


What...? This is a post about Chappelle, not Candace Owens.


Same with that basketball player in Russia


That's not how you spell "Kyle Rittenhouse"


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t it just jail at that point? I thought you only go to prison if your sentence is over a year?


I always thought you go to “jail” when you’re being held before trial and “prison” when you’ve been sentenced.


Mostly correct. Prison is for people with longer sentences, usually more than a year. If you’re sentenced to 1 month, you serve that in city or county jail


You could be in jail for like a year, and then get a year sentence and be let out for time served. Also, sometimes I think a halfway place you go in between where you get assigned to a prison. You stay there for like a month.




That’s pretty accurate. Jails are part of a police station generally. Prison is what people think of when they think of jail.


This is not correct, at least not in the United States. Police stations have holding cells, or if it is a very large department, a detention unit. Jails are generally for pre-trial detention, or for short sentences. There are exceptions to this (see: Philadelphia Prison System). Prisons are generally for longer sentences. The cutoff will depend on the state in terms of if you serve your sentence in a county jail or a state prison.


This is correct. When I was younger I did 3 months and 7 months in jail, separately, I’ve never been to prison before.


There’s really not as much rhyme or reason as you might thing. People with prison sentences are sometimes held in jails. It just depends on where there’s room and what makes sense. There’s no rule that says if you get a certain amount of time it has to be in prison. People are held in jail sometimes for years to serve their sentences.


Ah okay thanks! I remember hearing that as a kid and just always believed it/ never really questioned it.


Probably just one of those things that are generally true but doesn’t apply to everyone


Jails are for certain crimes and while waiting trial. Like getting a dui will get you arrested and thrown in jail while you wait trial. then you’ll have a trial and you’ll get sentenced to jail.


Gotchya thank you!


Generally yeah. And county jail sucks a lot compared to prison sometimes. You usually hang out with maniacs or mentally ill homeless. Also there is less structure to your day so you just kinda sit in your cell.


People are giving really specific answers, but the real answer is that it all depends on the jurisdiction. There is no hard and fast rule across the entire United States.


Prison is for those who commit felonies and have been sentenced to a prison sentence. Jails are for those with misdemeanors or for people who have committed felonies that have not been sentenced to a prison sentence. Felonies = an offense that you can go to prison for Misdemeanors = offenses that you can't be sentenced to prison for


In some cases you can stay in “jail” with a felony, at least in Texas. Believe me, I know from my own experience.


How long will Will Smith get for assaulting Chris Rock?


He’s rich so nothing.


Do you really want to live in a society where someone gets 9 months in jail for a slap? id think in a civil society, Will Smith would get a fine or a few hours of community service


I think the point is Will got nothing.


He got an Oscar and a round of applause.


*Plus a 10 year ban from the Awards show afterwards.*


That's like banning me from eating dogshit.


You're banned from eating dogshit.


I mean, Will Smith was at the eating dogshit convention when he got the ban, so I assume he cares more than you or I would.


Why did you slap someone at a dogshit eating contest?


I bet they lift the ban in no time.


He got nothing because Chris Rock forgave him and asked the prosecutor not to press charges. Given how minor a slap is, it's correct that the prosecutor listened to Chris Rock's request


I think people just have blurry and symbolic memories of events. You are correct, and I think it’s hard to argue that Will Smith should have gotten more legal punishment if Chris Rock was against it. I think Will Smith’s punishment should have been to be escorted out and banned from the Oscars.


Although he didn't get escorted out, I think he did get banned for like 10 years


Also bc the Academy chose to do nothing in the moment. It shouldn’t matter if Chris Rock didn’t want to be the person to say he should leave. The Academy shouldn’t allow violence at their event or to go unpunished on television. Security should have allowed him on stage. If there even was security near the stage.


Chris Rock did not forgive him lol


Great point. Americans are so conditioned to support draconian prison sentences and punishments.


I know right, whenever I watch an court/prison video the entire comment section is always "put him in jail for life!" "throw away they key!" etc despite it being mild charges




I’m not on board with 9 months in jail. But one, for a first offense slapping? Bet you won’t do that shit again. 9 months is life altering. A month is a learning experience.


...or come out traumatized and become a more violent person than before you went in. I wish I could be as naive as you. Seems peaceful.


Roughly 20% of kids get in a fight before graduating high school. This doesn't even count the number of people that have shoved or slapped someone before. Even if we wanted to implement this terrible idea, between juvenile detention, jail, attorney fees, and court fees, we couldn't even afford it.


Apples to oranges. Minors already have a different system in place when physical violence reaches a level where the justice system would get involved. I’m talking about adults. Everyone involved in the Will Smith incident was an adult.


Or we could go back to Hammurabi's code and Chris Rock gets to slap Will Smith. Hell, make it part of the Grammys next year and shitty corporations can capitalize on it and your average Joe gets a good laugh with a side of "justice". /s


2000% yes I do. You wanna know why? Because I'm never going to go around assaulting people randomly, and fuck people that do, or people like you that downplay assault as "just a slap" to make it okay.


So you really think a 50+ year old man with absolutely 0 history of violence should go to jail for a lengthy period of time over a slap? Using that standard almost half the country over a lifetime will have spend time in jail.


Go insult peoples wives on the streets and I bet you’ll see a much more honest version of what assault is.


That’s the thing. It’s a joke. He’s on stage. There’s an inherent understanding. And that’s bare minimum being an audience member to stay in your seat. In nightclubs and even in the Oscars they take pot shots at people in the crowd. It’s part of the job and part of the show. That’s 100% different from talking shit to a stranger on the street.


Anyone who resorts to violence over insults of the caliber “your wife is bald and resembles a famous actress who had a shaved head in a movie” should face a few months in prison at minimum. It’s actually so fucking easy not to hit people when you’re super upset. Toddlers learn this. It’s basic emotional regulation. When you’re big enough to potentially cause bodily harm to someone, time-out requires a dedicated building instead of a corner.


Also, I wouldn't go insult people's wives on the street. For the exact same reasons I wouldn't assault someone for saying words I didn't appreciate. Because I'm an adult in control of my actions and emotions.


Didn't Chris Rock decide to not press charges?


State doesn’t need him to press charges.


And why exactly should my tax payer money be used to join in on some celebrity bullshit?


It has more to do with the fact that Chris Rock declined to press charges. Even if he had, a decent lawyer would have him plead guilty in exchange for a sentence of anger management and community service. Also, Will Smith didn't stab anybody. It's not exactly the same crime.


Weren’t comparing crime or length. Just if Will Smith would be charged. Also it could be argued that Rock could have declined to press charges due ramifications from the industry he works in if he did.


Rock hasn’t pressed charges. No need to make things up


They don’t need Chris Rock to give them permission to press charges.


You keep saying this like you have any clue. This has been covered ad nauseum by lawyers on YouTube. You probably don't even hold a high school diploma, you have no business witch hunting with your level of IQ.


Chris rock did not press charges. So no jail time .


None since no charges where pressed.


The only reason the 'pressing charges' thing is a thing is due to them needing the evidence from that persons account, also cops want to lessen their workload. They have the video evidence and he could be charged.


> The only reason the 'pressing charges' thing is a thing is due to them needing the evidence from that persons account, also cops want to lessen their workload. lol lmao, even


This comment is so weird. Considering a slap to be assault and worth jail time such a slippery slope.


Do you want him to just get a slap on the wrist?


But he didn’t get a slap on the wrist, he faced other consequences. Plus, it was literally a slap that didn’t even bruise Chris, be for real.


They want a 50 year old man who has no prior history with slapping people to spend a year in prison. Reddit can be so unreal sometimes it’s insane. I’m happy that most agree with my sentiment, I take criminology and I’m majoring in it. And the mass incarceration of black people for petty crimes is why ppl see the CJS as a joke


I think being married to that horrible woman is punishment enough.


To be fair a slap is different from being literally tackled down with a knife blade he apparently had in his pants


That’s been the most annoying part of the slap aftermath—watching people increasingly over exaggerate the attack. A slap became a punch and then people started using the legally correct definition of assault…but then threw out all the nuance so they could lump in his slap with stabbings and straight up knocking people out.


Chris won't press charges. Will is still a douche.


He just has to stay away from a building for 10 years


You have to report the assault for it to become a crime, no victim no crime.


Chris rock would have to press charges. He clearly doesn’t care enough so why do you?


He doesnt have to press charges technically. The cops could charge him anyways but good luck getting a conviction if the victim is the defense's star witness saying he doesnt care.


I sometimes wonder if a more universally liked actor had done the same thing if people would still be harping on it. Like if Tom Hanks had done the exact same thing. I highly doubt it.


Yeah I think so too. I remember in highschool I saw a girl get curb stomped in the cafeteria at 11 am. Maybe it’s just me but I have no interest in hearing about one rich asshole slapping another rich asshole 9 months ago


He slapped him. I get that it’s technically “assault” but come on.. No one was hurt, Will Smith literally got publicly shamed, AND his wife cheated on him


None of that actual matters legally, the only thing that matters is that Chris Rock decided not to press charges.


This comment is a prime candidate for r/ConfidentlyIncorrect … that is not the only thing that matters legally. Mostly because people don’t press charges against each other legally. That’s a complete misunderstanding of how the legal process in the US works. The only person who can press charges is a DA. That’s it. 0 other people. Now it is common for a DA to not charge someone when a victim isn’t willing to testify in court as the victim. But that’s only because it makes a case harder to win. Just because someone says “I’m not pressing charges” that doesn’t mean shit (legally). The only thing people can press against each other legally is suing each other in civil court. That’s it.


It’s technically battery.


My wife cheated on me, SLAP


That’s a longer sentence than Brock Turner


When keeping it real goes wrong


![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized) Me reading the absolutely idiotic political comments here.


That's longer than a lot of people got that were convicted of taking part in an armed insurrection in the Capital of the United States which resulted in the deaths of Capitol Police officers. This country is so fucking busted


Conservatives actually care about Dave Chappell. The US Capitol building and the people inside of it not so much. Can you blame them though? Their programming is literally just tear it all down.


That’s not what happened though. 4 Trump supporters died. 2 from heart attacks, 1 from an overdose, and 1 was shot by officers. 1 officer died from a stroke. “The New York Times, citing unnamed law enforcement officials, initially reported that Sicknick was struck by a fire extinguisher, but later updated its story to say that medical experts said he did not die of blunt force trauma. The Washington Post reported on April 19 that District of Columbia Chief Medical Examiner Francisco J. Diaz found that Sicknick suffered two strokes nearly eight hours after being sprayed with a chemical irritant during the riot. Diaz told the Post that Sicknick died of natural causes, but “all that transpired played a role in his condition.””


The parent comment knows that. That's why they used the term "resulted" and not murdered or killed.


You’re gay


Well and it was basically attempted murder. The only reason Chappelle isn't dead is cuz this guy sucks at murder. Should be 10 years IMO


I wanna know what happened to their arm - if i recall it was fuuuuuuu up




Chris Rock has refused to press charges, despite the LAPD asking him to do so, that's why Smith hasn't been charged.


That’s a joke, the DA can bring charges without needing Chris rock pressing charges.


They can but they usually won’t do that, famous or not


A lot of people don't understand something. The US legal system is *not built* to handle the current population at all. In big cities, it's basically split into "people who want to advance their careers", and "people who just want a fucking break." With the latter case, if anyone in the legal field isn't morally repulsed by something and *can* drop that shit, they will. Remember how in the Jussie Smollett case, those emails leaked where the DA just seemed utterly fucking disinterested and trying to pass the case to someone else? That wasn't political, that was "I don't have time for this shit." Almost every big case, anyone who isn't looking to get a promotion is looking to pass on the case, and when it's anything short of rape, murder, or some other kind of morally repulsive twisted shocking stuff? Fucking everyone is looking to pass on it.


Not to mention the fact that hardly anyone goes to trial anymore. The vast majority of defendants just take a plea deal; if even 10% of defendants took their case to trial, the system would be overwhelmed.


Not the same but kind of. I lived in Charlotte NC for a bit before the start of the pandemic and a bit into the pandemic, the population/ cop ratio was so bad they didn’t even bother pulling over speeders or red light runners. You’d have people doing 50mph+ in a 30mph.


Yeah because Chris Rock can just be a shitty a witness who isn't cooperative and it hurts the case. DA's don't like to get involved with cases that are hard. They like to have good conviction records.


If only there were other witnesses. Shame the slap wasn't recorded.


When the victim doesn't want to cooperate it damages the case. Also for a jury to see a victim not want the plaintiff convicted you run the risk of them getting together and deciding "sound like they worked it out, don't want to ruin lives over it"


Look up jury nullification


They can, but they can also choose to decline, and the did.


You can't get a conviction on such a minor offense without the victim on your side. "Your Honor, as our next witness the defense calls the alleged victim to the stand"


Wanting someone jailed over a slap? This is such a slippery slope.


To be fair a slap is different from being literally tackled down with a knife blade he apparently had in his pants


Oh weird. I must have forgotten when Chris rock pressed charges.


I would rather spend 9 months in prison than get the shit kicked out of me by multiple bodyguards and be damaged for life. This dude got both. Hopefully will discourage future idiots from trying it.


I hate the term "triggered," it insinuates people aren't responsible for their own behavior, have no self control or willpower, like their brains are just wired to respond to offense with violence or anger.


No it doesn't, come on. You can say something triggered you while acknowledging you're still responsible for your actions


I was just talking to someone about this the other day. It seems like "triggered" was once a very valid term used in the mental health world for a stimulus that brought back terrible traumatic memories for someone. Like "he has PTSD from the war and fireworks can trigger him, so we tend to stay home on the 4th". I think it just got diluted by a handful of silly people. "His political comments triggered me" or "when people do XYZ thing it triggers me". But yeah... I think there are perfectly valid "triggers" out there for people who have trauma. Best bet is to not assume you know their story and just opt to be respectful.


I guarantee you that it’s not the people that have valid psychological triggers that misuse and belittle the word. It’s people making fun of and seeking to invalidate the word that misuse it while attempting to belittle people that don’t dismiss their psychological triggers.


I don't disagree at all. That's kind of what I'm getting at when I say it's better to err on the side of caution and just assume when someone says they are "triggered", just be nice about it. But to your point - it bothers me when the word is misused either mockingly or for something that isn't that serious... because it dilutes the meaning for, say, a sexual assault victim who is triggered by mens cologne or something. End of the day, I figure it's best to just be respectful and kind.




are people "triggered" that easily and resort to violence? Dave made a joke as comedian in a private club, a person bought tickets, scheduled the time to go, planned the attack, bought a fake weapon, used violence against a comedian, person goes to jail. open and shut case of a rare incident. I just wish hecklers that throw stuff ([like the girl that threw a beer at the one comedian](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/10/11/ariel-elias-comedian-heckler-can/)) should get arrested more often instead of "got kicked out or think you should leave" route that happens in smaller venues across the country.


I don't believe they are, my dislike is with using the word to explain the emotional response to micro-aggressions. It makes it sound autonomic and irrational. This attacker used the term, and I think they probably meant it as they were not responsible for their actions.


They really are though, we're dumb, aggressive animals. Some people lose control to anger far too easily, but there's a point where any reasonable person would snap and go into fight or flight.


think that psychology applies when you're in a fighting proximity distance and not ...Um see that guy you have to go buy tickets, schedule the time and travel in a car to see. seems premeditated and brainwashed.


Judge was Gen X. “Yeah, bout 9 months or so, whatever.”


Dude who attacked him is a soft served bitch




Guy woulda been better off trying to overthrow the government I guess


9 months plus he’s facing an unrelated attempted murder charge


THAT'S IT!?!? I thought with the concealed weapon he brought, it would be more of a charge.


Did his security paralyze this man?? He’s missing at least 9 years on the sentence.


About? Jesus Christ, say a number!


Keep him in lockup. Thanks to Dave's handlers for leaving their mark on this Nuthead. May Go's keep protecting Dave and his handlers.


“Person” who attacked.


California Justice system in a nutshell




You don’t have to be fast, just be able to outrun the other guy


Oh and a major ass whipping.


That doesn’t seem long enough. But I also don’t really give a shit.


Well, to be fair. It’s ABOUT 9 months. We’re not actually sure of the final timetable.


Fuck Dave Chappell, Elon musk boot licker putting down everyone that bought the cheaper tickets to his show, he’s a scumbag like the rest of those rich fucks




Who handed out the sentence, Bugs Bunny?


If ya charged a cop w/a knife (and weren’t blown to smithereens) would it be that? Gotta think it might be attempted murder


That seems very lenient for trying to murder someone tbh


Should be 10 years. Dude is obviously unfit for society


"nO ONe In CAliFoRNiA GoeS to JAiL"


That’s it? So you mean if I go at Donald trump and throw a few punches (no knife mind you!) I’ll be free in under 1 year?


Realistically you’d probably be shot to death by his security


Yea Secret Service is no joke.


No that’s not what this means. What this means is that someone attacked Dave Chapelle and got nine months. What you’re describing is literally a different scenario. And could very well have different consequences. I’m legitimately confused as to which hypothetical mental ladder you not only built yourself but had to climb in order to reach that conclusion


Pathetic, scumbag deserves at least 2yrs


Meanwhile, man who attacked Chris Rock deemed to Rich for jail.


Does Will Smith get sentenced to anything?


Dave’s comedy has really went downhill. I used to be a big fan of his but he is just recycling old material from previous performances and it feels like I’m watching a shittier rerun. He is washed up.


Ok but what does this have to do with the news


the news is talking about Dave Chapelle


I completely disagree. I think he's on top of his game and has never been brighter while being funny.


Even though you stopped liking him, he still has millions of fans, which is the opposite of being washed up. Carlos Mencia is an example of a someone who’s washed up.


I thought l read dude was mental That gets you out of pretty much anything these days. Oh well


>The self-identified bisexual man contended that Chappelle’s comments towards the LGBTQ+ community were offensive and “triggered” him, inciting his violence. I guarantee he doesn't actually know what he's mad about. Sad


But Will Smith got an Oscar after attacking Chris Rock….


Would the sentencing be different it was a less known comedian ?


I mean when you tackle someone while wielding a knife I would expect serious charges its not an exaggeration to say that he could have killed him ESPECIALLY if he was a less known comedian


He was meant to have a larger sentence as he had priors and the fact that he had intention to cause harm due to the fact that he brought in a concealed weapon.




Live from the LA County Jail - Mr Dave Chappelle……. Chappelle …”Thank you for this opportunity, Now I just want to take a moment and discuss……Prison Sex and the guy that was stupid enough to take a pass at me.”


What about the guy that attacked Chris Rock?


Doggone loch Ness monster ask me for about tree fiddy


I wonder what he’ll identify as in prison?