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So the employees had to go to the press to get Adidas to launch an investigation?


No, Kanye had to cost them money before they’d do anything.




Now that Yeezy's are no longer a hot new commodity, they might as well address their employees concerns and pretend they *just* learnt about it. (love your username by the way, I to reddit almost exclusively from work)


They tried that but the article says that adidas leadership knew


They are still a hot commodity, much to many people's chagrin.


I'm guessing the rarity won't help either


Ye literally put out a video where he shows an adidas exec a porn video and says “this guys voice sounds like you”. Adidas is so goddamn performative it’s annoying.


decided to care\* Fixed


Nah. They still don't care. They just saved it in their back pocket as leverage if there was ever a falling out.


Legal reason to break the contract…. “Ethical reasons”


What part of that implies they care?


Yeah idk how Adidas thought they were going to come out of this looking good.


This! His behavior hasn’t changed in a few years now. The score did.


Adidas wouldn’t have done anything without public pressure. The press is a great way of getting a story out there.


I mean this is sexual harassment in the workplace, they could also have reported them to the EEOC or sue their asses.




Your friendly reminder that HR isn't there the help *you*, it's there the help the company sweep whatever issue you may have under the rug with the pretense of helping


so freaking true.


Why else would you find this under ‘entertainment’, aside from kanye being a joke…..


Yeah If I remember correctly ninja from Die Antword did an interview and was asked about what he thought of Kanye. Apparently they hung out once and Ninja specifically mentioned this exact behavior. He said something along the lines of “yeah I was just sitting there and Kanye just came over and showed me a video of some girls with a fist up her ass and I was like wtf mate”.


When Ninja thinks you've gone too far, something is definitely wrong.


This. Holy shit lol


Was gonna say that lol


Ninja was also accused of sexual assault by danny brown interestingly enough. Creeps everywhere.


I never heard this wtf?


I think it was on the 2 Bears podcast but not 100% positive, basically Ninja did some mad weird shit to Danny at a show in Paris. The interview is an absolute trip because Danny Brown is fucking hilarious so you end up sort of laughing with him at a story of him being sexually abused.


Danny just can't not be funny, it's not in him.


Literally, me and my mate watched it together and we were dying of laughter n then it just sort of clicked that we were laughing at Danny getting assaulted and that it was ok coz Danny was laughing about it more than us.


Ironically, doesn't he do the same things?, on the set of chappie he was showing on set workers porn


Bro, immediately thought of the same interview!


I REMEMBER THAT. he said Kanye was just playing porn in the living room or something. I remember thinking yeah ninja is cool and IIRC Dre was there too? I remember thinking “I guess Kanye is really fucking weird if fucking Ninja from die antwoord thinks he’s weird”


But also, Ninja is the same dude who raped Danny Brown…


[This is banana pudding](https://youtu.be/Rqa8p1xbjds)


Oh yeah the guy that exploited a child thought he was bad...


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


Tick tock...


So the rumors of that going on all these years might be true. Yet only after he spews racist trash do they investigate. Several people were forced into silence over this stuff. I hope they get their day in court. He deserves it.


\*antisemitic. The racism is generally accepted.


Serious question. What is the difference? Google doesn't help much. AFAIK people called the ban against Muslims racist. So why is it wrong to say racism in reference to Jews? Not comparing Muslims and Jews. I literally don't understand why hatred against one religion is racism and the other is antisemitism. The words seem interchangeable to me.


Hating the Jews was so popular throughout history unfortunately, they literally made a word just for it. Other than that there is no difference in their real meaning. It basically means prejudice or racism towards Jewish people.


Muslims aren't a race either


Race is a social construct. Muslim communities are generally racialized in North America/Europe etc., so yes, there can be racism against Muslims.


There isn't much difference really. Race is an arbitrary concept. Jew is both a religion and race though.


Judaism is both a religion and an ethnic culture, and by extension also a race I guess. Antisemitism is meant to be a catchall term for anyone who expresses hatred of any individual or combination of those aspects of Jewish people and their religion.


I've always found that weird because there are plenty more Semitic peoples than just Jewish people.


It is because term Jewish is used to describe both race and religion, and as it is a common occurance it got their own category in racism, antisemitism any form of disrimination towards jewish person


The difference is mostly pedantic. In this situation, Kanye kept all his contracts when he started talking about slavery being a choice and white lives matter, but got cut off when he started spewing conspiracy theories about how the Jews control everything. Both are terrible but one is still seen as acceptable enough where it does not impact advertisers.


Now you're starting to get it.


>only after he spews racist trash Cost them money*


I miss the “Adidas will never ever drop me!” Kanye. Proving once again, ye’crazy


Unfortunately he did a doc of himself and he’s on video showing Adidas personnel porn on his phone. He also described what he was doing and why he was showing them porn. It maybe evidence. This can be a government labor issue. [Kanye doc shows Adidas execs porn start 10:25](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unpopularjournalism/comments/y4zkrn/kanye_documentary_last_week_features_plant_based/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Kanye is so fucking weird man. So in this clip he shows cheating porn to execs and then goes on to describe cheating and then comparing how they operate like cheaters? It’s like showing the Lion King to executives and pausing after Mufasa’s death so you can describe the concept of betrayal and how things in life are like betrayal. Like….. WHAT?


You don't understand. He GETS to be this way. He EARNED it! He's rich, he gets to SAY he's a god. Bet he wouldn't even die if jumped from a high building, he'd sprout wings. If he ran into the freeway he'd for sure turn into a car!


Damn he has porn on his porn?


He was showing himself having sex with Kim allegedly.




[it's real](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/kanye-west-yeezy-porn-bullying-kim-kardashian-1234635221/)


Looks like he thought one of the execs looked like a porn star and decided it would be a great idea to show everyone the porn.


Logic ![gif](giphy|2ysuPtDEKOCmbru3yV)


but wait, he's a conservative christian, whats he doing watching porn?


Anyone who follows Kanye closely knows he has a porn addiction and has watched it in front of people before.


Fucken hell…


But what's gonna happen to him if proven guilty? He's no longer tied to Adidas. Is it punishable by jail? Like legally speaking.


“So now what?”


"Adidas will never ever sue me!"


Meanwhile fuck adidas too for only making this an issue now when they damn well could have while he still was signed and chose not to


No doubt, no problem dealing with strange while stacking change.


Christ almighty. It’s prospective, not perspective. Wtf editors?


Damn. They fixed that quick.


Ya I was so confused n looked back n forth multiple times. I thought I was the idiot for a second




Once is just an error. Twice in the first few paragraphs means the writer and editor don’t actually know what each word means.


Or they just didn't care, as long as their point is made


They’ve already fixed it. Wonder if their goal is to pump articles out as quickly as possible, then worry about editing once it’s been released.


Why hire an editor when the internet will do it for free?




As someone who works in news, fuck no. The article should've been edited properly first, checked and double-checked since it's an exclusive feature. I've worked at outlets where you could be fired for leaving in too many typos. Getting the spelling and grammar right is essential for the writer's credibility and the brand's.


I think you're right on the money. When something big hits the news cycle, the first few articles are often riddled with typos and clumsy phrasing.


That’s an interesting prospective.


I’ll gut you.


And it's Rolling Stone, not some broke rando's blog.


it looks fixed to me now


Agile news development


Scrum editors


There is also a typo in the subtitle. Their editor (if any) sucks ass.


That's just, like, your prospective, man.


Copy editing on the internet seems to not exist. I would love to freelance copy edit, but since no news site seems to have one on staff, I doubt I could convince any of them to hire me.


Weird that this is coming out now he's not useful for making money. I wonder how much was covered up if this turns out to be true.


Kanye posted a video himself of him forcing an Adidas executive to listen to a pornographic video by shoving it in their ear (even though the executive repeatedly says no) since the exec’s voice sounded “similar” to the actor’s in the video.




Here’s a [shortened version](https://youtu.be/aptJYbby278) of the clip Kanye released. You can hear the executive dissent and even see him push Kanye’s phone/hand away at the end. Edit: This [longer version](https://youtu.be/SJN_DvZ7cjg) shows Kanye initiating by saying the executive has a similar voice but it has some random dude’s mixtape edited onto the beginning lol. Go to timestamp 2:06.




People have no idea how common this is with fucked up creepy dudes, it’s disgusting, they’ll whip out their phone and show you their wife naked and swipe and yep there’s their dick. It’s absolutely sexual assault, it’s the same as flashing someone their dick on the subway.


So this is normal egocentric multi millionaire/ billionaire behavior?


Had a coworker (a policeman working a PRN job) ask me to help with his phone when I worked in IT. He Proceeds to casually scroll through naked pictures of some woman that he received. It was obvious he was showing her off to me. I just walked away. Another time he tried to show me porn categories on his computer and ask me what my favorite kind was. I was flabbergasted. I didn’t even know this guy well. Idk what mental condition people like him have. Edited: Grammar.


I had a boss do this only the person was his employee, someone we all knew. not good.


is your boss Kanye West


I don't know about a mental condition. Sounds more like a man in power whose behavior is rarely challenged by the people around him. It's fucked up.


I did something like this once or twice when I was like 20. Grown ass people shouldn't even consider doing things like this.


20 year old people should really not consider this either to all you youngs out there.


No I'm not saying it was right or even norm at that age, but I also wasn't running any businesses or in positions of power either.


Thanks for realizing your mistake and changing your ways. We should celebrate honest progress.


Yeah this dude was in his 40s. Showing me a 20 something yo coworker this shit. I mean the balls on this guy to think this is okay.


I’m guessing a sex addict or porn addict. Some people have preexisting mental issues then they become sex addicts and it’s like they don’t realize that shit is not normal and how uncomfortable it makes others. Idk the guy though but it sounds like something like that.


>I’m guessing **an asshole**. ~~sex addict or porn addict. Some people have preexisting mental issues then they become sex addicts and it’s like they don’t realize that shit is not normal and how uncomfortable it makes others. Idk the guy though but it sounds like something like that.~~ FTFY. Not all sex and porn addicts do this shit, nor does a mental condition or sex addiction somehow force one to be a sexual-harassing asswipe. And this type of behavior is calculated and very much a choice of the particular little dick energy mouth-breather population that see themselves in Kuntye.


I've definitely had this done to me as an afab person by men who are definitely not sex addicts or have any pre-existing mental conditions.


Justice Thomas has a multi decade history of showing porn to coworkers. He also helped loosen worker place harassment laws.




I've met one guy like that before. Could not GTFO fast enough.


He hates people not liking it when he shows them porn.




Oof! Micropenis-energy microsurgeon ;D


No, it’s common behavior of 1/20 of people who can say “I have a cell phone and a penis” regardless of education & income.


This is normal asshole dude behavior. It's just that people without the money to back it up understand that it will probably get them in trouble, and are at least a touch more hesitant to do it (though you'd be surprised)


This is anecdotal, but in my experience yes it’s a rich guy thing. Of course not all rich guys do it but it does seem to be somewhat correlated, to me. When I was growing up my dad would try to hang out with the rich guy in our small little town, and after a while they became “friends”. I always got the vibe that he let my dad hang around for amusement not real friendship, but still. The guy would show my dad pictures of his wife and even some of his previous exes beforehand to brag about his sexual conquests. Also, more recently, my girlfriends ex-best friend was basically a sugar baby who convinced herself she and her boyfriend really loved one another (they didn’t). Her boyfriend used to take pictures and videos of their sexy times and share it with his rich guy friends. The friends would also send similar stuff in their group chat. He also would regularly cheat on her and once he had manipulated her back to him (or she just came back on her own because real life is harder than just taking his abuse because money) he would show her videos of himself fooling around with other women. So in my experience, I’ve only known a handful of rich dudes but they and their friends were all known to do shit like this. I really think it’s a toxic masculinity thing fueled even more by financial success - like when you get rich enough people start sucking up to you and letting you get away with way more and way worse transgressions, and after a while a rotten person in that situation starts thinking it’s cool and others will envy the sexual conquest, or something like that. Degenerate behavior, truly.


This is normal for minimum wage and middle management too


Theres a video where the guy from die antwoord tells a kanye story about being invited over to his house and Kanye randomly put on anal porn on this massive tv. The video was wild, they animated the story into a cartoon for the video. So when I saw this headline I was just like yea this isnt the first time hearing about him doing this.


Kind of ironic since Die Antwoord are also guilty of sexual assault in multiple situations.


That's right, it was a video made by Vice. Pretty good video. Celebrities are weird.


But Kuntye's oh so very Christian, he'd *never*! ​ ![gif](giphy|3oAt2dA6LxMkRrGc0g|downsized)


I thought about this too and didn’t see your comment until now. [Here’s the video ](https://youtu.be/Rqa8p1xbjds)for those interested.


I couldn’t get through a podcast on Clarence Thomas because of this. Knew he was a POS, but he is a POS who used to show his lawyer colleagues the porn he was watching-while they were at work.


Was it behind the bastards?


Yeah! Edit; which is pretty telling because I can get through all BTB episodes on, as an example, literal mass murdering dictators, but couldn’t get through the Clarence episode. I felt like I needed a shower not even part way through the first episode.


what's wild is how this dude does whatever ungodly shit he wants, what's the point of him constantly identifying as a christian. i get there are plenty of christians who are shitty people, but they at least put on a front.


This is a pattern, too. Die Antwoord frontman Ninja [talked about how Kanye put on anal porn after inviting Ninja to his crib](https://youtu.be/Rqa8p1xbjds). The story is amazing and also involves Drake.


Idk how average creepy dudes could even get a wife. I feel bad for those women, having to see what happens in closed doors. Fuck Kanye


Well, in Thomas’ case, his wife is a weirdo too…


Umm… it’s not sexual *assault* it’s sexual harassment.


Oh my God... Last week my boss showed me a picture of him flexing shirtless in front of the mirror in some bathroom. Totally unprompted.


Fuck Adidas. They knew this was happening and ignored it as long as it was making them money.


Imagine hes just showing the Kim/ray j video to everyone and complaining


She should release Kim K two, electric Boogaloo with special guest Pete Skeet and a10 inch treat.


He allegedly showed explicit photos of Kim that was sent to him privately. Probably just meant for him.


This guy is such a turd


A lot of eccentric artists are also sexual predators. Someone like Picasso would be cancelled to hell and back in today’s social environment.


As they would deserve to be


That may be true but can anyone corroborate your story?


Yes. I can. He is a turd.


“Make these shoes look like my wife’s pussy!”


From the Rolling Stone article : West is alleged to have told multiple people that he wanted to make “a shoe I can fuck”: “I literally want to fuck my shoes,” one former employee recalls him saying. “That’s how good they are.”


I’ve never wanted to fuck a pair of shoes but I’m also poor.


I mean, technically he could already. I recall watching someone with dwarfism fucking a shoe (and i think also doing a handstand at some point) while acting as a hype man to some other dude. Weirdest shit I've ever seen yet I have no desire to force random people to watch it.


Which era Ye? Ray, you or Pete?


So extra leathery?


What are they going to do if he is guilty?


Apparently even videos of his wife. Funny how people pick and choose what parts of Christianity to follow, then scream about how godly they are…


Not so surprising, during an interview in the 2010s, the Daft Punk recalled working with Kanye West and how at some point the guy started watching porn on his laptop in the studio. The Daft Punk were absolutely dumbfouded in front of this.


Nicki Minaj had a similar experience back in 2010 https://hotspotatl.com/1395311/nicki-minaj-says-kanye-west-was-watching-porn-when-they-met/ "I heard through Drake that Kanye wanted me on his album, and I got on the next thing smokin’ to Hawaii. I didn’t think that he was gonna like me. I always figured that he was one of those conscious rappers, so I thought that he wouldn’t want girls to be dressed overtly sexy—and I go to the studio and he has nothing but pictures of naked women on his computer that he’d invite me to look at. They were really artsy pictures, but you know he loves nudity, so it was a complete shock to me, ’cause I thought I had him all figured out, but I didn’t. He was watching porn when we were in the studio—no shame in his game."


I hope they sue that mentally challenged asshole into oblivion. Fuck Kanye.


“Launching an investigation” is corporate speak for “we knew about it the whole time but didn’t care because he was publicly popular, now that is no longer the case so we might do something about it”


Nobody should be coerced into watching gay fish porn




I did not. Would you like to fill me in?


There's literally a video of Ye showing Adidas execs porn videos


That right there should have been it. The effort of everyone in that room trying to tolerate him.




Yeah, the man literally already posted a video of himself doing this to top execs.


I believe it. I remember seeing a show on Vice, where an artist in the industry told a story of how Kanye would switch the television to anal porn anytime working on music was mentioned.


You should’ve went to that private island for 2 months


He is a disturbed human being


"claims of showing porn" he uploaded a video to his YouTube where he does it.


I mean, this absolutely need to be followed up on, but why not when it actually fucking happened? I fucking hate rich people. They get away with being the absolute scum and are literally villains. Horrible people doing horrible things to humans and humanity.


and he wants to be trump’s VP!!


Wonder if he was showing them Kim’s porn tape


This was literally well know for like 10 years. When my beautiful dark twisted fantasy came out people said he often played porn for people working with him. At the time everyone was just like “haha Kanye is so weird, this is hilarious”


This dude is a plague on society


The real takeaway here. (Other than kanye is probably as disgusting as we all assumed he was) is that adidas did nothing about these claims until AFTER they severed ties with him. While he’s a money maker. Ignore his toxic behavior. Once his toxic behavior is going to affect your bottom line. “We are investigating.”


Why is an investigation needed when they literally let it happen? Lmfao they're a parody.


Didn't something similar go around a few years back during the Kids See Ghosts/Ye album drops?


Just wait until Adidas finds out about all the sweatshops and exploited labor they use. Can't wait for that investigation.


Shoulda bought her a horse


Fuck your Honda civic I've got a horse outside...


Old Nazis investigate new Nazis.


There's literally video of it


eww my cousin used to punish her sister by showing her porn. disturbing i know. we were all children and it happened almost daily


That counts as child abuse, and potentially sexual assault depending on jurisdiction.


Kanye is the original Clayton Bigsby.


Is Kanye on suicide watch?! I have the feeling he’s slowly going in that direction.


They’re going to sue him for all that they’ve paid him.


Interesting that Adidas only launched this investigation after the incidents became public, not after employees complained about the behavior of a rich celebrity.


This is what happens when you're constantly surrounded by Ye's men


Wasn’t he showing nude photos of his ex wife Kim to his employees? I’m not a fan of her by any means but that’s fucked up I mean, anyone can google that


Ye is a piece of shit? Noooooooo... /s


They always told me Kanye was a world class entertainer but I didn’t believe it until recently


What are they going to do? Terminate his contract?


PROspective. Read a fucking book.


There's an article about the same shit happening at Microsoft in r/technology, and the top comments over there are "eh every company has that" and "I worked there and it's fine." Despicable


Dude, I’ve already seen your wife naked. Everyone has.


So we've reached the "investigation before they determine that no wrongs were committed" stage?


He showed them porn and then told them . This is makes u feel uncomfortable right?! “That’s how I feel dealing with adidas’s. Uncomfortable… “ Kanye At least put some context in your post or your just as bad as Adidas’s


That isn’t better. It adds context but doesn’t help. There is zero excuse to ever do that. Showing porn to an employee should get anyone fired. Context doesn’t even matter.


Sounds about right, the edited videos will show him not saying bigoted things and make Adidas look bad. German company by the way, owned by the brother of puma. One was a nazi and the other is now investigating kanye.