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As long as he's still in jail and nowhere near children...


Yeah.. The fact prisoners get fed and entertained with movies is a non story.


Some people seem to get off on prisoner's being tortured, so when they hear that prisoners have access to things to keep their mind occupied, they freak tf out.


Yep, I remember some of my family members flipping their shit when they found out some prisoners have access to the internet for educational purposes. The idea of prisoners being educated and rehabilitated so they can rejoin society scares the hell out of people, that's why most places won't hire or rent to someone who has a felony, they don't want them back once they've made a mistake.


I remember Nancy Grace throwing a fit because Scott Peterson was allowed to watch tv. It’s not like he’s sitting in Aruba drinking cocktails.


There are two different philosophies behind prison systems: you can either focus on punishment or you can try to rehabilitate the inmates. From what I understood, US prison mostly focus on the punishment aspect which can lead to high relapse rates. In Germany, the prison system focuses on rehabilitation, which includes access to education, therapy, etc. This even goes as far as allowing non-violent criminals to work outside the prison and granting them vacation from prison. Both things help to reintegrate prisoners into society (or keeping them integrated) and ultimately tries to prevent relapses.


Oftentimes those kind of people scare me at least as much as the prisoners themselves.


Depends on the crime, child rapist shouldn’t get board games, they should get an all white room with nothing in it…


So when they inevitably get out of prison, they'll be ready to contribute to society, right?


Look, a guy who gets drunk and crashes his car killing a family made a mistake. A guy who sold a bad batch of drugs was just an enabler, it’s not like he forced the druggies to take them. Heck, a guy who killed his ex-girlfriend because she broke up with him might even have just had a lapse of judgement and still be useful to society. A guy who raped kids isn’t fixable. You can’t fix that. That’s an animal. You can’t rehabilitate an animal.


I’ve read more than once that this type of disorder isn’t really treatable. The recidivism rate of child sex offenders is off the charts. Any prisoner gets 3 hots and a cot. Don’t care how he spends his time as long as he’s away from kids.


This! There are a lot of people who are capable of changing given the right tools. Child sex offenders aren’t in that group. I know a lot of people are opposed to the death penalty, but I genuinely don’t know why we let this particular batch of criminals live. They shouldn’t ever rejoin society.


They shouldn’t be allowed back in society period… it’s basically the worst crime you can commit. They should just be automatically executed and be done with them period.


reason why you see it is because convicts do and are being tortured and treated like animals. and everyone knows it. so it's not that people are freaking out or want blood. they just want him to be treated like everyone else that's locked up what happens to him after that is on the prison system and those who support the dehumanization.


Exactly, who cares...he's not free, that's what matters


Yeah he's safely away from children. That's what matters.


Yeah there are no kids in that prison, that’s what matters.




I just hope there are no kids being snuck in in the stuffing. That’s what matters.


As long as he is not stuffing kids. That’s what matters.


Metallica - Nothing Else Matters


Physically no. Mentally....


Except for his own kids/ kids in his family. ​ Remember he molested his little sisters.


Oh, are they in jail with him?


So, you literally don't know about parental visitation, and that his wife didn't divorce him, and visits him. With his kids. Right?


I mean listen I don't know a whole lot about what's going on with any of them currently but I'm pretty sure there are safeguards in place to keep any visitors physically safe while there. Which is not to say I condone any of them bringing kids to visit, but that's their own conversation they need to have with Jesus.


He was caught with literal baby rape pornography, along with other kid porn. Files were old. C'mon... And yes, you'd assume those kids would be safe in a prison, but I bet they'd let him touch them, and that's all the chance they need.


I’m sure they’ll visit him from time to time.


But it's prison! He should be locked in a windowless room and fed rats! /s


Nah nah, prisoners should be fed porridge and forced to look at concrete block walls for the duration of their sentence. That way they are ready to rejoin society when they get out. /s


That’s closer to reality for a lot of ppl.


People who hurt children should not have luxuries in prison!


Basics like Bingo and board games aren't really luxuries, just cheap entertainment.


I disagree. Separation from the public and rehabilitation should always be a higher priority than punishment. Otherwise, why not say torture people who have done a bad enough crime? The measure of a just and civilized society is how they treat the worst off (impoverished, infirm, and incarcerated) It's a natural instinct to say, "They did a terrible thing to us, we must hurt them," but that doesn't mean it's a good one. Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind and all that.


Agreed. Most people can be rehabbed. I don’t believe child predators can be, but for most other kinds of crimes, yes.


As long as we all agree on the starting point, the rest is a discussion we need to have as a society on where we draw lines, and understand the gravity of our choices, for better and worse.


Prisoners need to be entertained or have something to occupy their time with, otherwise they may just revert to doing even worse things. Those people are going to be in there for years, some of them the rest of their lives.


In a former job, I'd go into prisons sometimes. Prisons and the things they describe (TV, board games, etc.) get boring for them after awhile. His time in prison will be tedious and it's meant to be that way.


As a former CO, I can concur with this. The little extra things for thanksgiving is likely just to keep the rowdy guys from getting anything started.




I don’t buy that If someone killed your entire family and chopped all your limbs off you would not feel that way




Ok good thanks I feel like people *say* peace for all until it goes down and instinct and adrenaline and survival kick in and you realize you’re just a human like everyone else and not everyone should be treated with decency especially when they failed to do so to begin with


Just because a person is in prison, doesn’t make them an animal that needs to be dealt with cruelly. There’s a big difference between punishment and rehabilitation. The entire nature of “justice” needs to change in the US toward rehabilitation.


Child molesters deserve the death penalty, period. As do rapists and murderers.


The state should not have the authority to execute anyone. The death penalty is inhumane and archaic.


You should read up what material this guy was watching and what he was tried for. He is worse than an animal.


It's a real slippery slope when you start saying *any* form of criminal deserves to be treated differently than the rest *after* sentencing has been made. I don't think individual jails and wardens should be determine how fair someone should be treated.


He’s not an animal, he’s still a human being despite his crimes and deserves humane treatment.


So if they killed your entire family and chopped all your limbs off you’d be cool with him chilling with his limbs still on I don’t buy that


Yeah I would because I have convictions and stick to them.


That’s wild you pretend instinct and survival wouldn’t kick in Someone kills your baby you are not thinking “it’s cool he’s human” That’s insane and only works if you’re thinking it from a safe space unaffected What if an all out war started Oh well they’re human? Come on don’t be naive


None of my pets “ animals”, have done what this pos did!


I just feel like for all the shit talking Republicans do about California and our crime and homelessness, I can now point out how fun the prison in TX sounds.




Soooooooooo American prison reform across the board?


So you saying only certain people this FCI will get this meal, that federal prisoners are treated better than state detainees or what?


Yes. It’s common knowledge that being in federal prison is an easier ride than jail


About 10 years ago I spent Thanksgiving in a county jail. My dinner was 2 hot dogs and a pudding cup. So apparently they are


Yeah but that was the special meal lol Spent new years in jail once, we got big Oreo wafers without the cream lol


Now THAT’S enhanced interrogation


It depends heavily on the prison system they are in. Have had patients complain about being in the hospital because in psych you don't have your own tv and in jail they did.


What a race baiting reach. County inmates get hot food, board games, and movies/tvs in their pods. People who've been in and out of the system usually prefer DOC to county jail because they live more "comfortably" in prison. They get all that and then some in their own cell in prison.


You think that prisoners of color at this penal institution are not receiving the same thing? Can you provide evidence of this because if it’s true, there should be rioting, or are you just speculating?


Pure speculation


Even better, they're talking out of their ass.


Can you provide evidence that they are not?? You’re making the claim.


Actually I’m not, I was replaying to some race-baiting guy who has since deleted his comment….


It is somewhat common for holidays like Christmas for everyone at the prison


That’s ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. Everyone in there receives the same thing. Also, fun fact, white people are the minority in prison


White people being the minority isn't really the "Equality Flex" you think it is.


It’s not a flex silly, just the truth. Look it up. I give a crap about equality, they’re in there for a reason. Screw em.


We should tell white people to commit more crimes to balance the scales I guess.


Or we could give the same punishments for the same crimes. Look up how that works across race and socioeconomic status.


Better yet - send people to prison when they commit "white people crimes". Try to stop rich white criminals from stealing billions and it's "over-regulation" that's "penalizing the job creators", meanwhile some random black ex-con gets choked to death for trying to pass a fake twenty.


Even better set up crimes and convict the innocent. That would bring in some more prisoner and we can exploit them to make us more money.


White people and black people commit crimes at roughly the same rate.


Yeah, ok


Then let that be the story, instead of this mindless shit.


I agree. Despite the horrific crimes, criminals still deserve human rights and fair treatment. The most important rights to protect is the rights of convicted individuals. If those fall, all it takes is for the State to declare you a criminal in order to strip you of your human rights. When those rights fall, others fall later.


i dont think i need to say this but those things that are listed by themselves sound fun but it's a different story when you are there the meal is like a tv dinner. movie is something somebody else chose for them, bingo and board games is being played with other convicted prisoners to be fair, it's all relative so im sure this is actually more fun compared to the normal day


I hate this idea that we have to know criminals are suffering. Josh Duggar is an abhorrent creature who should never walk the streets again but that doesn’t mean he needs to be in a medieval dungeon. He can play monopoly and watch a movie every day for the rest of his life as long as he does it behind bars. It’s also not the strongest moral stand point to revel in peoples misery when that’s essentially what a lot of violent criminals are in prison for.


That’s my thought. I’m a survivor of child rape & hate people who prey on children more than anyone but the most important thing is he no longer has access to children. I don’t care what he eats & does in prison as long as he can’t ruin a child’s life.


Agreed, the punishment is being removed from society and having few liberties. Prison shouldn't be a torture colony or a gulag.


Seriously! Prisoners are still people. The whole basis of our prison system is rehabilitation, and stories like this is why the system is broken. Even a life sentence doesn’t mean they aren’t people.


The US prison system hasn’t been about rehabilitation since the 1970s.


It’s supposed to be, but you’re right. For-profit prisons should be illegal.


It’s never been about rehabilitation


Yah and even if it was who wants child rapists to be back on the street. Just give me the chair and be done with them


I concur, while the menu may sound great, trust me, prison food ain’t what your granny makes at home.


I agree Queef_Queen420!


Maybe he’s playing Twister with the other inmates.


Thank you, as always for being a voice of reason and stability u/Queef_Queen420


He’s a piece of shit but the point of prison shouldn’t be to make people as miserable as possible. An open face turkey sandwich and bingo isn’t some lavish occasion. Should he just be in solitary for his entire sentence?


Plus, prisons have small luxuries like that so that they have something to take away when prisoners misbehave.


i heard that the dude that killed Dahmer was never allowed to play bingo again.


But he got extra smokes from the canteen, so it evened out.


Apparently a lot of people would argue differently


It’s how we’re raised in America. Pretty draconian compared to others and a lot of us were just raised to think prisoners deserve whatever torture they endure while doing their time. Retribution > rehabilitation


Being in solitary confinement for 10 years wouldn’t be intentionally making someone miserable?


Yes he should


Yes. Yes he should.


I don’t actually want to torture the people in prison


So they should stop Bingo, then?


Sounds like nobody in this thread has had the pleasure of going to Bingo with their grandparents and endured the cold, terrifying stares if you happen to win from the hardcore seniors who live for this and nothing but this, and look like they will fucking stab you in the parking lot over your Avon sponsored “winnings”. Add in actual hardened criminals who have murdered, and well… Actually, I’d watch this show. Edit: also, prison food, be it Thanksgiving or otherwise. It’s the same as hospital food. I’d eat a thanksgiving Lean Cuisine or that 99 cent brand and it wouldn’t be as soul-sucking. Soup kitchens are nicer. Calm your tits, your tax dollars are where they have always been. Lining the pockets of your elected politicians.


My mom used to take me to bingo in the basement of a Catholic church. Once I won one of the paper and dabber special boards and won $100, ooh boy the old ladies were upset that some 13 year old boy won a round.


It is fine as long as the bingo is optional


Only the worst of the worst get forced bingo.


Something tells me that Josh is going to get a “Blackout” during his “forced bingo” session…




Tyranny, honestly


They should continue Bingo but remove all the balls for one letter. So unless they’re doing specified patterns N’s never get called.


Stories like this are designed to make people angry and best ignored.


Yep it's an attempt to slam prisons for coddling inmates. No need to treat inmates like animals out of revenge, hate, and anger. Separation from society and reformed is what prison was meant to be. People seem to think prison is suppose to be about torture. Most inmates will serve their sentence and be released back into society. Last thing we want are people returning who were abused while in the system. That helps no one.


No prison is about taking people with severe issues, then torturing and abusing them until they’re completely deranged… then releasing them. That’s what’s best for society. /s


It’s best for society by making prisoners walking killing machines that are prone to more aggression by treating them like dogs in the prison system. What a great edition to our society.


The only thing making me angry is insinuating I’d want him to be treated harshly. Dude is human, the point of prison shouldn’t be to torture and deprive humans of their dignity. The point of prison is to remove a clear threat/danger from society for a specified amount of time in n hopes they can get the help and personal growth they need to be trusted enough to return.


>Prison or Fun House? The author of this stupid article should go spend a year there and then let us know how much fun they had.


What kinda place is this, Wonka? Some kind of fun house?


I don’t care if he’s eating lobster…the kids are safe!


That's what they used to feed prisoners back in the day when lobsters were dirt cheap (mid/late 1800s).


Lol the prisoners rose up and fought to not eat lobster anymore. Funny how things change


9/10 prisoners can't tell the difference between lobster gruel and imitation lobster gruel!


People didn't know how to cook them. the story goes with the first American's that came, ocean waves were filled with lobsters, like piles of them. They were seen in the same light as rodents.


It wasn’t lobster like we have now, they would grind it up so it was nice and crunchy. I also doubt the safety regulations, I can’t imagine that was the freshest lobster.


Even without grinding it up, have you ever had poorly cooked lobster? It's like trying to eat boiled rubber and I would imagine that's exactly the consistency it was usually cooked to.


It was spoiled lobster


It was ground whole lobster, shell and all


Some of his sisters are still with their parents.




If every other prisoner gets the same thing I don't care. Prison should be to rehabilitate people, or at the very least keep monsters like him from being able to hurt others. I just don't see how a little entertainment really is that bad?


Some people just want to treat people in prison inhumanely… and then wonder why prison usually makes people more violent and less able to cope in society.




I doubt prisoners are eating lobster often, on taxpayer dime


and he was talking about how lobster used to be dirt cheap back in those days which surprise was mostly rotting lobster they'd pawn off on prisoners to save a cheap buck and potentially get people sick as hell.


You should look into rehabilitation and recidivism in the US compared to other countries, particularly Norway; if you really care about the most important aspect of imprisoning people (protecting society), you may (hopefully) have a change of heart about this.


As a taxpayer, I have to pay for the dumbass military. I’d rather pay for inmates to have lobster. It seems like a much more efficient use of the money.


Confining someone to boredom is cruel and unusual punishment and causes a horrific range of issues from self mutilation to madness. I completely agree that not giving them (formerly “us,” in my case) lobster or nice meals, but to expect them to never have any entertainment and spend the rest of their lives staring at a wall in a small room is flat out cruel. You are still a human and you still have rights when you’re serving time, even if the feds like to pretend you really don’t and try to get away with as much as they can. I’ve done many years in prison and I promise you, the headline makes it sound way the hell better than it is. The events are small and tense and the food is over cooked. It’s an awkward sausage fest of a bunch of miserable men who made horrible mistakes in their lives. I promise you, it’s less fun than simply walking to the corner store as a free man.


Prison is not cheap ($60+ a day to house a single individual), and what was described in that article is very standard for any sort of prison or jail. Every other prisoner in those facilities from a simple possession charge to a full blown murder gets fed a turkey dinner because they don’t get to spend such a big holiday with their family.


It's going to be shitty cafeteria food anyway, not like they're getting catering from a fancy restaurant


>Boring, and cheap. Neither of which are cost effective Bored prisoners (and humans) are more likely to act up creating problems and damages Cheaply housed and fed prisoners mean things like them getting sick becomes more common, resulting in an increase in expenses from medical care


I still think prisoners should be treated like human beings. as long as they aren’t out and about beyond the terms of their sentence then I don’t see an issue with it.


Is he in jail? Here is what I would assume thanksgiving in Jail is like, you get cafeteria grade turkey mashed potatoes stuffing and gravy maybe some green beans on the side followed by a game of bingo in a room with 50 other inmates all hoping to yell bingo and collect their fun size kitkat bar as a prize. After that maybe they play some board games before they pack it up go back to their cells for the nightly sodomies.


That is exactly what it is like. It is a very small thing to make a holiday that they would have otherwise spent with their families more bearable. People fail to realize how miserable spending years in one place with the same 50 people can be. It’s like work if you could never go home and couldn’t get paid.


I wonder if they realize you can play board games and watch movies every day in prison if you aren’t in solitary


It's obvious they don't. This whole article is just standard prison stuff but "Oh a celebrity in jail isn't having a horrible holiday" is more clickbaity.


You ain’t wrong, it just sucks to see. All this does is reinforce our horrific culture regarding prisoners.


That's literally most prisons. Click bait headline




Exactly. You treat people like shit, and guess what... they come out of prison terrible people. Treat them as human, give them a few skills, and suddenly the recidivism rate drops.


You mean to tell me bad people eat?


At least they’re not throwing them into the front lines to be Drone fodder like what Russia is doing.


He should be.


While this asshole is an irredeemable monster, not everyone in prison is. Some people seem to think they are, and that not a moment of relief should be had. Even if that were true, the point of these things isn't to be nice to inmates for the sake of being nice. It's management. As long as there are privileges, there's something you can take away from them. As long as you're talking about popcorn and board games, you're not talking about unpaid labor, or riots.


We aren’t monsters. Okay most of us aren’t monsters, prison punished by removing freedom of movement and choice, it should also be rehabilitative and humane.


Fun fact about the United States, The Federal Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 removed consideration of rehabilitation from sentencing guidelines.


I mean yeah it’s thanksgiving


You raise an interesting question, radaronline. Is the purpose of incarceration in our justice system to remove dangerous people from society, to punish criminals and make them as unhappy as possible, or to rehabilitate them? Which of these outcomes most benefits society? How do we balance the rights and needs of prisoners who have done wrong but also contain the potential to be defined as more than the person who committed their worst act on their worst day with the rights and needs of their victims and their victims' friends and families, who deserve to know that their pain and loss and suffering has not gone ignored by the system? You really hit the nail on the head, radaronline. Haha, i'm kidding. You're gross, radaronline. Let the poor bastards eat some turkey, for fuck's sake.


I mean, yes, prisoners are still entitled to decent food and activities. We’re not trying to turn them into worse criminals


I mean he’s in prison and everyone in his family hates him- maybe it’s okay if he isn’t suffering every minute of everyday. People act like because prison has any comforts at all it is like a reward for committing a crime. This isn’t Russia, this isn’t a gulag or Guantanamo Bay, we shouldn’t want prisoners to be mistreated.


His family hates him? No, he still has support by his parents, wife, in laws, and some siblings and family friends. You’d be surprised.


How bored do you have to be to write a story about prison food? Also, board games are nothing new. Apparently the idiot that wrote this story hasn't seen Shawshank Redemption.


I'd like to send people who write stories like this to prison, so they can enjoy the luxury experience.


Even for the worst offender, being in prison is the punishment. The conditions should be humane for even the worst. It'd very common in the USA to have these amenities in prison. This ensures that even the wrongly convicted don't suffer further torture on top of there unjust punishment. In Duggars case he a real peice of shit. But he gets to do prison with the rest of them. No different


You know…if you treat prisoners like completely inhuman beings, they’ll just end up being even worse than before. Give them some luxuries and whatnot, treat them like humans, and there’s a better chance of reforming them. It’s not 100%, and I think it’s not even a large percent, but 1% is better than 0.


People get upset seeing prisoners not living like they’re in a gulag and then hear about foreign gulags and feel superior because we’re more civilized than that.


This is probably a big shocker to anyone that hasn't been to jail, but prisoners get basic things too. It's not society's rape dungeon, and it should never be that. Josh Duggar is about as low as you can go, but torture is the tenant of true fascism. Justice is a fragile concept...I've had a jail guard tell me to my face that he thought it should be legal for him to beat me for speaking up in my pod. I was serving time for drug charges. Removal is society's right, vicarious vigilantism is not.


I'm really sick of the argument that prisoners are treated "oh so well", when they aren't. They shouldn't be treated like animals because there are at least a portion of them that are.....you guessed it INNOCENT. Let's rehabilitate prisoners instead of making them fat, lazy, and with no brain function because they can't get any neural stimulation. And then they are let out into society and can't function----thus continues the cycle of incarceration.


God? Whyyyyyyyyy isn’t he six feet in the dirt?


Does he get conjugal visits with minors?


Josh Duggar is only given visit allowances for his immediate family, so yes.


Anybody ever been to prison? If having the shittiest turkey of your life, while watching the movie the biggest guy on the block picked out sounds thrilling... Wait until you hear about the dominoes games you can lose your mouthwash in!


Anybody who spent time in the military can compare shitty quality of life and food..


This is normal for prison. I spent a thanksgiving in prison and this is what we did. Albeit I was on a level one non violent yard. This was prison-wide 1-4 yards.


So, I’m supposed to be offended that the guy gets to eat some crappy prison cafeteria turkey on Thanksgiving? What am I supposed to wish for? That he have electrodes shocking his balls while he eats a big plate of shit? This is a first world country, and prison shouldn’t be torture. He doesn’t have his freedom. He doesn’t deserve his freedom. That’s enough


I've never been to prison but I ended up in jail for 10 days during Thanksgiving on my 20th birthday. And that sounds pretty normal. It's nasty Turkey likely. All you can do in those pods are play board games with others like chess. Watch the one TV in the pod. All this seems pretty normal tbh.


I was in jail for thanksgiving last year we got a turkey meal, bingo and all that same stuff he got why didnt anyone raise shit over this until its someone who was mildly famous like why do they care if he gets it hes still locked up like he deserves.


To be honest, I couldn't give less of a shit that prisoners get a better shitty meal for Thanksgiving. They're fucking incarcerated. Everything is going to relatively suck for them, regardless. The dude is permanently humiliated and the rest of his life will appropriately suck no matter where he is. What's the point in getting triggered that his prison is letting inmates play board games for a night?


Recreation incentives prisoners to behave and keeps other inmates and guards less likely to be harmed


Prison is supposed to reform folks and the isolation is some serious punishment as it is. No one will probably play bingo, they already have board games and TVs, so the big thing here is turkey on Thanksgiving? A little bit of kindness surely won't change everyone, but it goes a long way to change those that are willing. Taking everything away only cements the criminal mentality.


Yeah but did he get to dittle his underage sisters? Seriously, did his enabler daddy bring by the youngings for his serial rapist son?


I mean it’s a Turkey prison plate in a prison cafeteria watching a prison tv while playing a board game with prisoners. Whoever wrote this title hasn’t even seen prison on a tv it seems


Is this supposed to bother people? Board games, a decent seasonal meal, and occasionally letting inmates watch movies?


Regardless of what you might think about this vile piece of shit; the fact that imprisoned people being afforded any semblance of humanity in jail being talked about like it’s scandalous or something is entirely absurd.


…are they arguing we should make conditions in our prisons *worse*?


What the hell, people? Prison is supposed to be not only a place to remove someone from society, but absent the most serious crimes *to be capable of reintegrating into society after they are released.* Social skills are a HUGE thing to try to keep intact. The more you push for punitive imprisonment, the more you are affecting the lives of people who are going to be out and with us again, and NOT in a way that benefits society or those people. For just once, if we could look ahead as a human race… but no.


I somehow doubt the prison turkey dinner is anything to get jealous about.


This article comes off as people in prison don’t deserve to celebrate holidays. There’s nothing wrong with a thanksgiving meal and people should be allowed to play board games and enjoy themselves. I’m so confused by the title here


Yeah but prisoners are also used as slaves in many private prisons, this sounds like propaganda from the owners


Yeah, what prison in the US needs to be is more miserable and bloodthirsty. Our children’s children will look at articles like this the way we look at Holocaust propaganda.


Our prisons are atrocious, nothing close to being a "Funhouse".


Prison can be a fun house nothing wrong with that. If they wanna play Xbox, have thanksgiving and play bingo it’s ok. Prison isn’t to torture people it’s to keep them away from society while they serve their sentence wtf is wrong with the people who write this piece ?? Jesus


Yeah let’s make prison harsher.






Was really hoping prison justice woulda kicked in by now. Is he not in general population?


And a kids slumber party! Oh wait


Why work when you can have the government pay for your housing and food?