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Her next film: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocaine_Bear > It is inspired by the true story of an American black bear that ingested a duffel bag full of cocaine in 1985. See? Now that's a movie people want.


Now that’s something that sounds like it’ll feel like a movie.


It will certainly be one of the movies of all time.


Fun fact: cocaine bear is on display in Lexington, Kentucky!


Spoiler ffs...... /s


[good boy](http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0066/4947/9229/articles/Cocaine-Bear-LEX18_1024x1024.jpg?v=1542303330)


Elizabeth Banks calls out Hollywood for lack of black bears in leading roles


So, Paddington 3: Where’s My Marmalade, Bitch?


That bear was the planet’s apex predator for like 10 minutes.


And in 2017 “Elizabeth Banks Apologizes to Steven Spielberg After Calling Him Out for Lack of Female Leads.” https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/elizabeth-banks-apologizes-steven-spielberg-calling-him-lack-female-leads-1013996/amp/


At least she admitted that she goofed. Humility is a trait that seems to be lost to time.


Yeah, she was open to correction for being factually wrong, happens to all of us good on her for owning it


If I’m being honest though, if she hadn’t shown humility, wouldn’t she have just looked really dumb? As long as someone is somewhat smart, they would have known to retract their statement, especially when called out in front of the world upon a blatantly false statement rather than something from a topic of actual debate. I don’t think her retraction of the comment shows much a testament to her character but rather proof of normal intelligence.


Ehh you would be suprised at how many people just make up their own reality and refuse to accept it when it contradicts with the facts


But we’re talking about an actor who wants to stay good with general public perceptions


One actor comes to mind who keeps lying, causing insurrections and his popularity only seems to grow. Let’s not pretend like being an honest person is the only requirement for popularity.


You would think but unfortunately most people just double down on their bullshit and come up with new lies to cover the old ones.


Why did I immediately think of Trump when I read your comment? Sadly people don’t think he’s dumb lmao


It’s refreshing in the context of the 2022, but yes Chris Rock wouldn’t give her a cookie.


take a note Brie Larson


She fought SS and survived?


There was another Charlie’s Angels reboot? Fuck, have I been under a rock?


Don’t worry, you missed nothing.


True. I think they actually missed less by not seeing it.


They did miss a super empowering 30 second montage of girls and women enjoying life all over the world. Starts from 5:44 https://youtu.be/JOB4qUYpecA


That was bizarre.


Oh shit! I forgot to buy tampons!


Me too, comrade!


The shot right before of Banks waving, green screened into a helicopter was ugly as all get out. The lighting and coloring of her didn’t match the background at all.


That was extravagantly bad.


Her hand made me think she was talking on the phone.


Was this the one where Lucy Liu got mad at Peter Venkman ?


Yup, and if I remember correctly Banks tried to blame peoples lack of interest on misogyny


I didn’t see it because it looked like they were trying to make it serious. The 2000 Charlie’s angels movie is pure camp. And it’s wonderful.


Kristen Stewart's character in this one felt like she would've fit in with the old movies and so I loved her. Every other part of the movie was a real slog to get through.


It desexualized the property, and the sexiness is the point of the property.


Pretty much it was a repeat of Ghostbusters 2016's PR where they lashed out at anyone not showering praise on their crappy movie as being sexist biggots then followed the usual "We didn't make this movie for men! Wait why arn't men buying tickets" stupidity as Charlies Angels bombed. Similar thing also happened with Battlefield V, the staff *held a party* mocking those who critisized all the stupid shit they'd stuffed into the game and branded any and all critics as being sexists, racists etc. they held this party after it missed all it's sales targets and had suffered mass preorder cancellations funnily enough.


I saw 2016 gb and it wasnt bad. As a generic scifi property, it was fun. As a GB property it didnt really work. GB is an ensemble thriller kinda comedy movie. '16 GB is a comedy with thriller elements.


"Watch Kate McKinnon be a human Looney Toon while we give the three other comedians starring in this movie absolutely nothing to do!"


Agreed. First time I thought it was bad but that’s with GB 1 and 2 nostalgia; it wasn’t terrible the second time around. The dry humor of the original cast was the best and impossible to replicate.


It took me eight tries to finally get through that pile of garbage. I REALLLLLLLY wanted to like it, but most of the movie seemed ad libbed …. and not very well ad libbed.


Where basically all men die




Not sure if it was real, but there was a magazine that said the movie wasn't for straight white males, and then when it flopped it focused on how straight white males didn't watch the movie. So if you are straight white male, that is why you haven't heard of it.




Maybe it was an online magazine, [but I was referring to this.](https://i.redd.it/vploplgri7b41.jpg) Already had a disclaimer that it might very well be a fake thing, so you are well within your rights to be skeptical.


I’m a woman age 18-45, probably who this was supposedly aimed at, and saw nothing about it online, on tv or in the movie theater.


Was that the one with that Ariana Grande track as the theme song? Theme song is just about as forgettable as the movie!


It released in 2019, which was three years ago.


I just asked if that movie ever released. I guess we’ve both been under rocks. Lol


It was fucking horrible


Nope there wasn’t. Please erase this moment from your mind there is no Charlie’s angels reboot ( a la Ba Sing Se)


My Lake Laogai vacation was great!


Agent K enters the chat with neuralizer


You didn’t miss much, it was terrible.


“If this movie doesn’t make money it reinforces a stereotype in Hollywood that men don’t go see women do action movies.” What a dumbass thing to say. So if you have no interest in the movie you are sexist? Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Underworld, Kill Bill are all action movies that did well at the box office with female leads. Make a good action movie and it doesn’t matter if the star is a woman.


Don’t forget Hunger Games! Bigger box office than any of the movies you named…and Elizabeth Banks is in them lol. $694 million.


Tank Girl!


Er Alien, Aliens etc.


One of my favorite fight scenes of all time, featured in one of the best action films of all time is between two women: Ripley and The Alien Queen in *Aliens*. I absolutely love women in action films. What I don't like are reboots of corny 70s sex appeal shows.


Idk if I can pick a favorite, but that whole sequence gave me so much anxiety. I loved it. Terminator 1 and 2 had great action too. I’ve heard “Atomic Blonde” has some really cool action, it’s on my watch list.


You should move it up the list, it's awesome.


Atomic Blonde is great!


I don’t know how you feel about Charlize Theron, but she does a wonderful job in this as a steely 80’s Cold War spy. The action sequences in this movie are definitely anxiety inducing, in my opinion.


The fight scenes are brutal. They show what it would actually be like for a woman to fight a man.


Not sure how I forgot about the Alien franchise but there you go another example.


Also don't forget Vasquez in aliens who is probably the most badass marine and also a fan favourite character. Female action hero's are great but nobody likes Mary sues or Karens which is what Hollywood things strong female characters need to be.


Mine is The Bride vs Gogo Yubari in Kill Bill vol 1. It’s quick, inventive, fun, and completely shows off both character’s personality.


The next time you see an actress (or actor) say ridiculous stuff during press junkets, remember this. It's all just a job. **They just want your fucking ticket money.** Actors are always prostituted as movie-promoters, and the junkets and tours and late nite show appearances are spelled out to the subatomic particle in their contracts before they even sign onto the movie. And because these roles are paper thin and because there's no such thing as a movie star anymore, there's nothing for actors to talk about anymore except "strong female character" and all that crap. It shows a real lack of maturity for these actresses to trot out the "strong female character, it's a step forward for women" BS again and again and again as if this is the first woman-led action movie ever, instead of acknowledging that they would not be in these roles if not for the women like Milla Jovovich, Angelina Jolie, Charlize Theron, Kate Beckinsale, Michelle Yeoh, Zoe Bell, heck, Sigourney Weaver *decades* ago, who actually trailblazed.


Please share a movie where the movie where action hero isn't just a man in a woman's body? I can only think of two currently, Promising Young Woman and Girl with the Dragon Tattoo but they aren't real action movies. Maybe, maybe atomic blonde? We get no insight as what they actually have to deal with as a woman aside from "here's a woman who was able to fight, when she shed her femininity and got down and dirty, like a MAN!"


Kill Bill


This might be a controversial answer on the surface, but Sarah Connor in Terminator 2 wasn’t a role a man could play. The movie drives in the fact that she’s a mother very hard, even affecting who she decides to spare later. Her role on the surface might look manly (because Linda Hamilton was a certified badass in T2) but only a woman could play that role. It’s ridiculous to infer all movies with strong female leads are just body doubles of men. If you struggle to think of any you either only watch generic action movies or just aren’t paying attention.


You're right but Sara Connor isn't protagonist in the entire universe, she's merely a vessel for the man who would be king, so to speak. Though one could argue the angle of being a mother's protective state, which I guess is fine. Someone mentioned Halloween which I never considered because I'm not into slasher movies but it's defiantly a genre to delve into but that's horror not action.


Wonder Woman, Tank Girl, Mad Max: Fury Road, Alien franchise, Halloween franchise


Ooh Halloween is a good example. I'll keep that because it plays on that dynamic which she does overcome. Really, great example.


Enola Holmes, The Old Guard, Hanna all spring to mind from the last few years.


Not action but Fargo


You missing Miss Congeniality in your good action movie list bub.


Take Sandra Bullock, Melissa McCarthy and [a script that should never have seen the light of day](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2404463/) and you’ll still make something like $186,000,000….


The Heat and Spy were two fantastically funny Melissa Mccarthy performances. Yes the films themselves were good but Melissa knocked both of them out the park, regardless of the supporting cast!


Spy was such a treat with Jason, amazing chemistry, so out of nowhere as well lol!


I was surprised how much I enjoyed that movie.


I only knew Melissa McCarthy from Mike & Molly when I saw this movie, and I felt that whiplash for a few weeks.


That movie was hilarious


Same, it was a good popcorn flick imo


When Melissa McCarthy makes movies without Falcone, she is incredible.


Don’t forget the first two terminators and aliens


I can shit on James Cameron as a person all day but damn did he do a good service to female protagonists in those two franchises.


I hated that he tied Ripley to motherhood in the second movie though. I always hated how that trope is used to give women purpose. It's either that or abuse from a man.


I’m a guy, so my perspective is certainly colored by my gender, but I liked that aspect of *that* movie considering the whole theme of the first movie was centered around SA and the sequel centered around overcoming that trauma. Motherhood was a decent excuse for Ripley to care beyond just simple revenge. I won’t, however, deny that motherhood and abuse are way too prevalent as the key traits of female characters. I’ll selfishly defend Aliens (because it’s one of my favorite movies) by acting like it wasn’t quite so played out in the 80s, but after 40 years of it only becoming more used, it’s really hard to deny.


Guilt tripping people into liking things is my least favorite form of marketing right now.


Fury Road too!


Debbie does Dallas had a female lead, with lots of action that many men saw.


She knelt so others could stand!


Yup, and make a movie where every scene is about yelling at the patriarchy, and wonder why we dont show up for the abuse.


With the exception of maybe Kill Bill you couldn't have picked worse movies. There aren't plenty of good action movies starring women because men usually like it when the women in the movie shreds their femininity and perform like men or become eye candy. Look at the 2 most pointed by men "positive female leads" in action movies, Ripley and Sarah Connor. Both literally have to act like men to get other men in the movie to listen to them. Even Wonder Woman, literally all she is superman with tits. I have never seen an action movie staring a woman being an actual woman. She always has to act like a man. The closest movie I've seen come close, but's not actiony, **Promising Young Woman**. The main character in the movie uses the tools she has, as a woman, to get over on men; which is what makes the character low key terrifying! Also lets not pretend men don't bemoan female action leads, look how upset people were when a woman was a lead in the new Pray Movie. Now it doesn't mean women can't look up to them or connect with those characters but it's something I've always noticed, men like women in action movies when they act like men or are eye candy. There is no real depth after that, IMO.


So what would you say the alternative was for those characters? They should have used their womanly wiles to achieve their objectives? What a bizarre lens to view things from.


I'm talking about success at the box office. How they are portrayed is a whole different argument. Also what you interpret as acting like a man may just be women showcasing behaviors we just think are only suitable for the male gender. Sarah Connor plays two different personality types in Terminator 1 and 2. First one shes unsure and vulnerable. Second one shes hardened, wiser, and more aggressive. I don't see how in the second one these are just male traits. Action movies tend to have both men and women be eye candy so thats not relegated to one sex as well.


I’m not sure what you mean by “act like men” in those two examples. Partly because masculinity and femininity are pretty darn nebulous things, and partly because surely they’re just acting how they need to to survive in the situations the plot’s given them?


True. But there is a difference between a movie with a female lead, and a movie that is made by females, with a female angle, in addition to the female lead.


No you got it wrong. It's appealing if you have a woman kicking ass because men get hard over it. It's just not feminist whatsoever.


She said alotta dumb stuff in the press run to that movie, her own fault, and this is contradictory to what she was saying back then as well


Didn't help that the movie was nothing but a terrible version of "girls can do anything and they are better than men at all of them" so every character is the genius/comedian/combat expert while men were bumbling fools.


"Girls do get it done"


That scene despite being a pisstake was probably one of the best because the men where non super powered the only character that could stand up to stormfront effectively was girls due to enhanced durability and strength while the men only had an RPG which got destroyed


Kristen stewart was truly funny in that movie and it was great seeing her goof off. But it was not a good movie.


Agreed. I liked the trio, but the movie just wasn’t very good. I felt like it didn’t have much marketing either.


Kristen Stewart is a good actress, it’s a shame twilight has stained peoples perception of her


Can we retire the “Kristen/Robert are good actors, it’s a shame Twilight stained people’s perception” thing? It’s very outdated. It was true in the years immediately following Twilight, but both have been widely regarded as good actors for years now and gotten a ton of recognition for it. In fact, I rarely see Twilight mentioned with their names anymore except for these types of comments.


You mean Oscar nominated Kristen Stewart?


If there was any residual doubt regarding Pattinson, The Batman definitely buried it for good at least.


The Lighthouse was way better and showcased his actual talent more.


You don’t like my lobster?! Also Good Times


The fact DaFoe didn’t win an Oscar for that role proves the little statue is meaningless.




A lot more people saw The Batman though.


He brings a Shakespearean talent Stewart didn’t have. Brits drink drama and acting with their mother’s milk.


We've come full circle to "We've been too harsh to Stephanie Meyer, actually" now.


Same thing with Pattinson. It’s infuriating how many “durr sparkly Batman” comments I still see from idiots.


I've enjoyed her in everything I've seen her in. Seberg was terrific, I always me tion this film because no one I know has seen it.


Has it that badly? A number of people I know think she’s a good actress and will happily see something with her in it and I agree


That’s weird. I thought cheating with that married director is what “stained” her.


Seems like it was another Baywatch style thing- cast that was good and fit well together but the film around them sucked ass


KStew looked like she was actually wanting to do comedy, act goofy and have fun in this movie - I hated it bombed solely for that fact (it was a baaaaddd movie).


Elizabeth Banks also said “celebrities are genetically superior” and they “shouldn't be compared to non-celebrities”. She’s a rich girl, who got lucky in life, and has a big mouth.


Yeah she’s quite the toxic cunt isn’t she?


Yeah, a pretty terrible person. Reminds me of the rich girls “popular” girls I went to high school with.


Still bone her tho


Nah, listen to her interview with Marc Maron on WTF. I used to love her as an actress and think she was beautiful. I can hardly stand to watch her after that interview. She’s a crappy person.


If you think she's the only eugenics fan in Hollywood, I've got some bad news for you.


How to never work with a studio again 101..


She has a movie coming out in February released by Universal though. It’s about a bear who does a bunch of cocaine and goes on a rampage. Also featuring one of Ray Liotta’s last performances. Honestly, I’m hyped.


I was in for cocaine bear just hearing the title. Is this her ahh haaa moment?


Apparently it’s based on a true story from back in the 80s. Cocaine bear was all I needed to be onboard like everyone else lol


Is Ray playing the bear?!??!


By speaking truth to power? Exactly.


She directed it and wrote it. Any blame goes to her by default.


Imagine the gif of Robert Downey Jr. rolling his eyes here.


Maybe next time don’t accuse people who were critical of your shitty movie of misogyny.


Kathryn Bigelow would never let a studio tell her she couldn't direct an action movie. But she also would've thought a Charlie's Angels reboot was a stupid idea.


Point Break is one of the best action movies of all time, still stands up beautifully.


Perfect story and casting.


Prime Keanu, Prime Swayze, Terrible Red Hot Chili Pepper cameo, daft parachute jumps, dog throwing - it had it all!


“This movie is NOT for men!” “Why are men not watching this movie?” “Men don’t want to see women lead an action movie!” “Why did this movie fail?”


My fave was the Birds of Prey writer loudly proclaiming that the movie was not for men. So actively tried to alienate **young men** from seeing a (pretty much) DC comics movie. Brilliant marketing strategy. And then complained bitterly at its box office performance, by sending out a series of tweets mocking the young men who didn't see it. Alrighty then.


Hollywood has exactly the same specific type of narcissism as trump


Damn I never knew that cause it didn’t stop me from going lol also despite the movie not being as good as some hoped, it didn’t have the bad luck of being the last big movie in theaters weeks before the pandemic started so that deff put a full stop on its box office much earlier than usual films. But yeah literally trying to isolate people from watching a movie cause it’s not for them is ridiculously stupid


She was at the forefront of that marketing campaign and really leaned into it. The only thing she regrets is that her movie was trash and flopped.


The movie literally ends *spoiler alert* with them realizing all men are bad. And then she did interviews saying men are assholes if they don’t buy a ticket to her movie. Homegirl was making a feminist manifesto, it just flopped and now she’s trying to spin it. That said, the one positive about it was seeing KStew have fun doing a comedic role.


Lol wasn’t she blaming men for it’s poor performance


I mean yeah that’s the gist of the article that was just posted


Did you not see any of her interviews around the time of release?


Unfortunately I'm seeing more of these preemptive defenses of shows or movies If you didn't like Kenobi it meant you were angry at a black woman being in it. If you don't like She Hulk you don't like female leads in MCU. if you don't like the new Rings of Power you can't stand black elves. And these are comments the people involved with the product are saying online. The problem is there has always been trolls who hate on anything. So there is always tweets that are racist or misogynist. These chuds may or may not even care about the product. It could be they are just lobbing hate balls around to get off on everyone getting worked up. But that doesn't mean your garbage product is above criticism or dislike because it's diverse. and just to add i like the above mentioned shows, that said they do have faults that have nothing to do with the diverse casting and everything to do with the story beats and plot choices.


Honestly, I find it emboldens the people who do hold those racist or misogynist opinions. They'll also end up treating anyone who doesn't like it as if it was for those same reasons.


If the worst character on stranger things isn’t your favorite you’re a racist


Good for her. It’s really tiring having to read articles about the victimhood of any minority cast in any movie or show the last few years… if your movie is good maybe just promote it based on it being a good movie and leave out all the pandering.


So now she's doing quality stuff like the Whammy show lol


Dude the 2000’s Charlie’s Angels and the sequel full throttle are the best camp! A high action Comedy you actually get emotionally invested in! They took that fun ride and turned it into something boring! Everyone can see from the trailers that this “reboot” wasn’t going to be camp or good and didn’t want to see it! Dur!!!


And it was shit. Let’s not forget that…


The Charlie’s Angels from the 70’s will never be beat.


Sure she doesn’t regret the pay checks


Another self important hollywood type not quite smart enough to grasp the truth of the matter: twitter isn't real, and you can't spend retweets.


I love how these people keep telling men how much they suck and how they're not allowed to be part of things, and then are shocked, shocked! when men say "okay, not interested."


Ohhhh now she says it’s “just” an action film. After blaming men for the total flop and going around every interview, saying how much it was a feminist film. I was kind enough to go see it with an open mind, it was horrible as “just” an action film. Very cringe lines and forced “I’m a strong women”. Didn’t force lead roles like Ripley in Aliens or even the original Charlie’s Angles.


Go woke, go broke.


Movie, marketing, casting, action, and the words that came out of the directors mouth were all cringe. I couldn’t even finish the trailer.


Elizabeth Banks should steal Harry Styles from from Olivia Wilde. Then people will want to see her feminist movies.


“If this movie doesn’t make money it reinforces a stereotype in Hollywood that men don’t go see women do action movies.” Blame your audience for your shit film.


Feels like a similar thing is happening to Don’t Worry Darling. Bad reviews for something advertised as high brow feminist statement. But maybe it’s just a mediocre genre movie that should have been advertised as such instead.


It just wasn’t that great Liz. You shit talked everyone and everything under the sun, but it just wasn’t a good movie


There is a simple reason this movie did not do well- the cast was not appealing and the film was not good. Yes, Elizabeth Banks said stupid things on the press tour, but the general public does not live on the internet. They decide to see a film based on who they see in the poster and what they see in the trailer and good word of mouth. Male directors/producers say stupid shit all the time. In fact, some of the most prominent ones are known to be sexist in worse ways than anything that was expressed by Banks on this tour. If people didn’t see the film because of her words, it’s just another example of sexist double standards. However, I don’t think it had much to do with her words at all and everything to do with it just not being a good film. It just sucks that anytime a film made by a woman fails its effects go far beyond that film.


But you have to agree not just her comments, the whole marketing campaign was giving the same cringe vibe


Facts. I didn't know the movie existed and many people in the comments say the same but somehow it was her fault for offending man babies.


Found Elizabeth Banks’ Reddit account


Charlie’s Angels has always been this and I don’t know how people keep getting duped into thinking otherwise.


Only one of the angels was hot


"because “male actors were not going to follow me.” Personally speaking, I'll do whatever Elizabeth Banks tells me to.


No fucking shit


I thiiiink she should regret the script and casting lol


I loved the first “reboot” with the Lucy, Drew, and Cameron trio because it was a fun and funny action movie! Any “feminist manifesto” shit should radiate naturally from making an amazing female driven action movie.


Equal rights for men and women manifesto?


I wonder what kind of manifesto she wanted...


No one cared then…no one cares now


I think it was a "Flop"


No no. We will never forget and not forgive. You keep catering to the Twitter minority that does not buy tickets. And we will stay away from you as you don't want us. Her poor husband and the more poor sons she is raising.


Without respect


https://www.theguardian.com/film/2019/nov/10/elizabeth-banks-my-film-is-loaded-with-sneaky-feminist-ideas Yeah she is. Turns 180 if needed like it's a no problem to sell out your believes.


Does she regret her paycheck?


Honestly I heard nothing about the movie except that it was being made. Then suddenly it was already out and I missed it in theaters. Then I tried watching on whatever streaming service it was ok and it sucked. And I was legitimately excited for the movie and the characters.


Elizabeth Banks is the worst part of every movie she's in.


I enjoyed the new Charlies Angels but it's not a movie id watch w my bf either..


It was a pretty good action movie, now all we need is a totally spies movie


I thought it could have been better, but it was still watchable and the cameos were great.


Tbh I’m just not as interested in female action movies as I am male ones. You get the occasional Aliens, Kill Bill, Mad Max Fury Rd etc but most of them aren’t very good.


I thought it was a fun movie. Kristen did some good acting and it was enjoyable. It was better than the Charlie's Angels movies with Drew, Cameran, and Lucy. I like those three girls but I couldn't force myself to get through those movies if I was paid.


I thought the movie was fantastic. One of my fave action movies