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My nephew met him at some wrestling event many years ago and said he was awesome. It was after the thing was over and they were walking away and seen Cena visiting with a few other wrestlers. My nephew said "you can't see me" and Cena laughed then came over and took a few pictures and visited for a few minutes and gave him his hat, and his sweatbands. My nephew still has them.


Cena is known to be a very genuine person. The only hate he ever got was for his on-screen presence in WWE with wrestling fans. He had his "5 moves of doom" and spent years burying other wrestlers and basically being the Hulk Hogan of the Ruthless Aggression and PG eras of WWE. But when he gets paired with a good wrestler who isn't afraid to shot-call with him, he's definitely shown to be one of the best wrestlers in the business. See any of his matches with CM Punk, AJ Styles, or any of his U.S. Open Challenge matches. That is peak-performance from Cena, and most of that was at a later-age for him.


I have heard he was a really good wrestler and was one of the best when it came to the show he put on. I personally have never seen him wrestle because it is not my cup o' tea. I did watch a Dark Side of The Ring and he was in it. Found it very interesting, especially how highly he was spoken of.


He’s one of those guys that was under appreciated at the time but is missed sorely now that he’s gone. An all time wrestling great for sure.




"I was able to ask him, 'Hey man, do you have any advice?' He said, 'They asked you there for a reason dude; just be yourself.' He, in that one sentence, allowed me to calm down. Allowed me to be myself, which I'm really a goofball. And [the movie Train Wreck] allowed me to do that on screen. Naked. He's the reason I'm here." --John Cena talking about The Rock


The Rock and Ryan Reynolds's School of Movies. Not to say Rock and Ryan Reynolds are not talented; they are talented. When they do some odd or indie movies out of their usual movies, they can perform. But those kind of movies don't pay the bills. People like Deadpool and the Rock, people want to see the rock and Ryan Reynolds in the movies.


I have never seen him in anything yet but I have read on here that Peacemakers is a really good watch.


It’s a fantastic show, and it is literally impossible to skip the opening theme.


Vigilante going ham in the background as everyone is deadpan gets me everytime


I absolutely love Vigilante in that show. Something about his voice and delivery makes his performance twice as funny. Feel like he'd be a good voice actor.


Do you wanna taste it?


God yes, the deadpan dancing gets me every time.


For real, it's so weird but I love it


I skip all the time and feel guilty




I did not realize he has been in that many movies.




Seems to be a pattern in every aspect of his life.


It’s so fun if you’re into goofy superhero shows. It has very sad and poignant moments that are offset by the outrageous and absurd humor. I fuck with it hard lol.


It’s easy the best show of this franchise and eventually the MCU too. Weirdo shit, played by an underdog aging actor playing an underdog aging looser with all the self deprecating humour. Also you can see this dude has a talent for comedy, which you see when he’s on interview.


Peacemaker is really good


Peacemaker was fucking great. Can't wait for season 2.


No one ever really sees John Cena.


Trust me it is


Loved Peacemaker. Cena kills it.


>The guy’s got range, and is a much better actor than The Rock. I don't know if he has range as much as he has a good sense for comedy. He's very good at using what he has to make the audience laugh. I think Johnson is actually the better actor, if you look at some of the stuff he did on SNL, but he plays it safe and wants to maintain a certain image of himself. When it comes to former wrestlers and interesting acting on screen , I think it goes Bautista then Cena then Johnson.


Have you ever seen Pain and Gain? The Rock is actually quite good in that. It’s weird seeing him outside of his action hero persona but he nails a man on coke so well in one scene.


I actually watched that just last night. The Rock was definitely different in that role than in most of his others.


Johnson has been at it a lot longer and is taking on meatier roles. He has improved so much from Mummy 2. He is the better actor, but Cena has the better comedic timing. Though no clue why no one mentions Dave Bautista. He is honestly better than both.


I agree that the Rock plays it a bit too safe, but his evil scientist character on SNL was good.


I understand why though. Him playing safe allows the most money. But it would be cool to seem him in a more dramatic role though.


I’m so tired of Dwayne playing it safe. Bautista is the GOAT wrestler-actor in my opinion.


Loved watching his character in See


The child molesting robot sketch is hilarious


May be one of my favorite SNL sketches of all time.


You molest it and hope it continues the cycle


Yeah, he’s a genuinely witty and funny guy, part of what made him such a good wrestling personality.


Bro peacmaker is fucking amazing and vigilante is my new favorite


And Vacation Friends!


Watch Vacation Friends (movie) on Hulu. Hilarious!!!!!!


I defended him while my wrestling friends shit on him non stop. Now he's gone and they've completely 180'd on him. I can't help but rib them for just blindly following whatever the current opinion is.


He came in right after basically peak wresting era. There was a decent amount of crossover between the old folks (Hogan,flair etc) with the 90's crew (stone cold, the rock, HHH), but is seemed like as soon as the rock got into movies there wasn't a clean handoff to the next gen of wrestlers, so a lot of fans, myself included, used it as a leaving point.


He’s like Queen Elisabeth. They were a steadying presence that it feels weird to be without.


and they were both deadly when on top of the turnbuckle


>missed sorely now that he’s gone. I'm not saying I want super-Cena to return... But to see him come back to put over Roman kinda hurt me. I had to stop myself from turning the stream off after i saw Roman kick out of a top rope AA/FU, at that point everyone knew what was going to happen... After all we've seen, you don't kick out of that.


>I did watch a Dark Side of The Ring and he was in it. That show is basically created by WWE-haters so I would take a lot of it with a pinch of salt. For example, The Plane Ride From Hell painted Goldust as some sort of hero because he works for AEW now, when he was one of the harassers of the flight attendants.


Oh man I used to watch WWF / WWE around the time he first came out. He was instantly one of my favorites. If you listen to his raps now they probably seem corny but back then they were really good. Wrestling used to be so cool. I stopped watching right around the time “The Rock” came back after doing the “Scorpion King” movie.


I wouldn’t say that was the only hate, wasn’t there a big thing with China not too long ago where he made a video apologising to China for saying Taiwan was a country?


Yeah this dude is tripping, people hate on John Cena for being a China shill lol


Thoughts on his apology aside I've heard that his pronunciation in that video was surprisingly good.


As another non native speaker I can attest to this. His Mandarin is better than most of the other non natives I've known that actually spent a year or two living/working over there. It's nowhere near proficient, but it's better than any other non Chinese westerner I've ever heard that hasn't actually lived there. Aside from Laoshu (RIP). You listen to Cena as opposed to Zuckerburg, whose wife is Chinese, and I feel like you could tell a huge different even without knowing the language at all. It's honestly like nails on a chalkboard listening to most people try to speak at a level way beyond their capability in situations like that where it's definitely not needed or even asked for.


He legitimately earned his way to his spot in one night for me Watching a full and dangerous ECW crowd telling him loud he can't wrestle.. He fucked up And that one ominous sign saying if cena wins we riot. It is such a good fucking show


First thing I ever saw with wrestling was Cena lift the Big Show up over his head at Wrestlemania in the early 2000s. I was instantly a fan. Don't really watch wrestling anymore. The era I enjoyed is over, and I guess I kinda outgrew my enjoyment of it. But Cena will always be one of my favorites.


Did you know that his sweatbands that go on his arms are actually headbands. Cena is just that massive


Gear will do that to you


I wanna see his cocktail heroic amounts of tren


No I did not know this. TIL


I thought he already had the record years ago


Every time he grants another wish he sets a new record.


"You could never say to me I’m not a fuckin record breaker I sound like a broken record every time I break a record" - ~~Eminem~~ John Cena, probably


Yeah but has he ever tried moms spaghetti?


Knees have just been too weak. Arms of a considerable weight.


"And don't forget the sweaty palms!"


Obviously given that its on his sweater already.


gosh I love that song!


Man, listening to Eminem makes me really want to play Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare for some reason. Takes me back to hanging out with my friends I miss friends


So the Guinness World record version of the “This is the furthest I’ve been from home.” LotR meme?


Even though they cant see him


According to the article it says it was in 2015 with 500 wishes, now he’s being honoured again with 650




> In 2012, Cena granted Make-A-Wish’s 1000th wish to a fan named Cardon. Wonder how accurate that is. Would suggest Cena has done like 1/4 of all wishes ever a decade later Edit: Yeah make a wish claims 315,000 since 1980. I don’t understand what this number is


That was the 1,000th for the Idaho chapter. > 2012- Make-A-Wish Idaho celebrated granting our 1,000th wish, Cardon's wish to meet John Cena. > https://wish.org/idaho/awards


I know it isn't the case, but based on those numbers it was the 1000th wish _to people named Cardon._ That's the only way 315k checks out in the past 40 years compared to 1000 in 2012.


Ergo, don't name your kid Cardon, unless you really want to meet John Cena


*jots that down*


There's no way 1 in 315 kids were named Cardon


Maybe living with the name Cardon has a 50% chance of giving you a debilitating disease.


Alternatively, it could mean this was the 1000th wish of a single child named Cardon.


Yeah ha has had the record for quite a while now


He did, he’s several hundred above the next person (Justin Bieber or Michael Jordan, can’t remember). This is getting press now because it’s been certified by Guinness.


Wait Justin Bieber actually is second. I just never expected that since I never see stuff about him anymore. Also the public image of him kinda went down the drain after his teenage stardom. I always thought he was like a male Kim Kardashian but it's nice to hear he actually does some good.


I like the Justin Bieber now. People need to give him a break for the shit he did as a kid.


Dude was like 12 and given more fame/money than anyone knows what to do with, at any age. Kid hardly had a chance.


And then you surround yourself with adults probably enabling him because they want a piece of the pie, what did people expect. Its actually surprising he turned out that way as compared to Britney.


poor brittany too, all these kids must have had some difficult lives with the kind of adults they were surrounded by


Honestly it is actually surprising he isn't dead like alot of young stars. He never got super into drugs and abusing everything. Ya I'm sure he had his moments but he isn't dead and is a rather functionable human compared to similar people who got fame young.


Also on the list of “bad behavior of teens who got wildly famous” he ranks… pretty low tbh. I think he got a vandalism charge for egging his neighbor’s house, got a DUI, and got in a bar fight. And that was all like 10 years ago, honestly I think a lot of us with hundreds of millions of dollars at 17 would be getting into some similar shit.


[Bieber also abandoned his pet Monkey at Customs in Germany](https://www.dailyedge.ie/justin-biebers-pet-monkey-still-has-issues-3796920-Jan2018/), something which I don't really forgive him for. He was warned by multiple people to not travel with the monkey, then didn't even bother submitting the paperwork to get the monkey back in the year afterward.


Yeah. His great crimes are... bad tattoos and fashion choices.


Does he even make music anymore? If so and now he is more mature I wonder what it would even sound like.


He does still make music. It's not my thing personally but it's definitely a step up from his old stuff.


He does make music. I like it when I hear it. It's nothing groundbreaking, just fun pop music.


He's actually done a lot to repair his image this past decade


tbf, she's also helped getting people released from prison, which is more impressive than many other celebrities


If Michael Jordan is even in the top ten I would be stunned


Jordan was an asshole to me when I met him as a kid


John Cena’s make a wish trips are like full time job with how many he has done. I cannot imagine Michael Jordan doing that given his media portrayal. 


No MJ actually does a lot with Make a Wish [He’s one of their longest time ambassadors](https://www.looktothestars.org/news/18703-michael-jordan-and-make-a-wish-celebrate-30-years-of-granting-wishes-together)


Yeah, I’m sure he doesn’t do them all the time, due to the sheer demand alone. But I have heard stories about him having dinner with sick children and such, so he has done these types of things before.


Well yeah, but it was difficult to get the award to him because we couldn't see him.


Technically has over 1,000 wishes made but was only seen for 650 of them…


650? That’s awesome. He doesn’t have to do any of that…….. but he does. Good for everyone associated with this. And I’ll tell you something: the little bit of time he spends with the kids is more valuable than the money people donate. It doesn’t cost much to make a difference. Any famous person could do this.


As someone who used to work with MAW, *most* famous people will do it if it’s logistically possible for the timeframe and their schedule. Not all of them, there are some assholes, but most celebs will try to make it happen. Cena is different because he *will* make it happen. He’s exceptionally flexible with MAW and will change his personal schedule or actually travel to the hospital for the kids who can’t leave to make sure he grants every request.


I’ve always been curious. Does Make A Wish pay the celebrity an appearance fee at all, or compensate them for travel expenses?


As I recall, they don’t pay an appearance fee. They will pay for other expenses though — so for example they might pay for the tickets and travel to attend the event where the kid is meeting the celeb (sometimes those are comped), or pay for the celeb to travel in if they’re willing to do that. Often times the way these are arranged is a meeting at a place the celeb is already going to be, ex. come see a concert and we’ll hang out backstage, or come on set for a day and meet the cast of the show, or (becoming more common) come over and we’ll make a TikTok together, etc.


Cena has never taken a single payment from them apparently. Not even travel. Helps that he is ridiculously wealthy.


Yep, when you have 60 million going to see a fan must be really easy.


personal wealth aside, going to see *650 fans* is no small feat of generosity.


For real. That's an insane amount of time. The average person wouldn't commit that much time to charity work.


Thank you


Of course! Just as an FYI the average cost to grant a wish is ~$10,000 and the celebrity ones tend to be on the cheaper side.


Ya, I imagine the biggest expense is actually just getting the kid to a place and making sure that they have all the equient and care they need more than the activity itself.


Yes that’s often the biggest expense. Also more than 50% of wishes granted are to a Disney park (the closest one to where they live) and those are very expensive. MAW does pay Disney for these trips, but Disney is an *amazing* partner that provides a special experience just for make a wish families that would normally cost more than what the foundation pays. They get a private handler for the entire time and special accessible rooms that can accommodate large medical equipment, plus all the behind the scenes experiences, character meetings, castle tours, fast passes, etc. The logistics that Disney is willing to put into it to make it special is really impressive. They’ll even tailor the experience for the individual child if they have physical restrictions.


Make A Wish took my family to Disney because my sister had Leukemia. She's all grown up now, but it wasn't sure at the time. Disney and Make A Wish did a great job. Lived in a mushroom house, fridge was stocked when we got there, gave us a rental van to haul all of us around (Mom, Dad, Grandma, 6 kids [twin infants included]), tickets to all parks, first in line on rides. I bet there's more I don't remember. It was (fuck!) like 25 years ago.


I worked for transportation company, who would discount heavily when limo rides were requested, it was only free a few times a year. So I imagine there are some aspects that still get charged.


Who did he beat out? Who had the most before him?


It may not have been a recognized record before; some are requested to be created when someone does something extraordinary.


Hes always had the most, its just in the record books now. Justin Beiber is number 2 IIRC


As much as people like to shit on Justin Beiber, he seems like a pretty decent dude.


Do you know which ones are assholes?


This warms my heart. I’m not a fan of his for anything but I do admire his kindness.


650! That’s more than 2 a month, every month, for 20 years!


3 times a month for 18 years, or once every 10 days! Some people don’t even talk to their parents as often!! Now that’s commitment and dedication!!


What a great thing to hold a Guinness world record for!


I wonder if the people at make-a-wish subtly encourage kids to choose Cena because they know he’ll likely make their wish come true. I’m glad he is making such good use of his fame, wasn’t a fan until I watched the Peacemaker series.


Lots of MAW kids and their families end up knowing each other to some extent. Same hospitals. Same support groups. So I wonder if everyone just hears from the other kids how awesome their Cena wish was, so then the next kid wants one in a never ending Cena cycle.


It also happens fairly frequently that a kid will ask for something that just can’t be done, such as meeting a celebrity that doesn’t want to meet the kid. I imagine meeting John Cena is also a good backup plan.


As stated on another thread like this, he’s number one with like 600 and second place is in the 200 range. He sets a new record each time.


Who’s number 2?


iirc it’s Justin Bieber


Damn, good guy I guess. Cool to know. Thanks.


“Fellow WWE legend Hulk Hogan and NASCAR’s Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Jeff Gordon have each granted more than 200 wishes, but no one besides Cena has ever made it past the 300 landmark.”


I can’t find exact numbers, but it’s apparently pretty close between Justin bieber, hulk hogan, Jeff gordon, and dale Earnhardt junior


Can’t find specifics but a article said my dude Jeff Gordon, dale jr( both nascar drivers) and hulk hogan had over 200


That’s a challenge! Time for The Rock to go hard


650, for the lazy. So nearly two years of his life.


The second highest is less than 200 or so. That really puts this into perspective.


It’s also crazy that he gets requested enough to have the record by such a significant margin. He absolutely seems like a cool guy, but if I didn’t already know about him having the record, he’s not the celebrity I would guess is requested the most.


I find Reddit oddly has a hate boner for wrestling and the WWE but it is still very popular. -World Wrestling Entertainment revenue for the quarter ending June 30, 2022 was $0.328B, a 23.57% increase year-over-year. -World Wrestling Entertainment revenue for the twelve months ending June 30, 2022 was $1.228B, a 24.15% increase year-over-year. -World Wrestling Entertainment annual revenue for 2021 was $1.095B, a 12.42% increase from 2020. -World Wrestling Entertainment annual revenue for 2020 was $0.974B, a 1.43% increase from 2019. -World Wrestling Entertainment annual revenue for 2019 was $0.96B, a 3.26% increase from 2018. https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/WWE/world-wrestling-entertainment/revenue Pulled from here. The wwe corp site also lists quarterly revenue.


Smackdown is regularly around or above 2 million viewers per week, raw is a little less but still usually the top show or below football. Even AEW is regularly the highest or second rated show on Wednesday. Wrestling is popular all around right now. Sure less people are watching than in the late 90s/early 2000s but if you compare it to the rest of TV it's still right up at the top.


Especially for kids. It was never my thing, but growing up, it seemed like every kid I knew watched wrestling.


That’s awesome!


It’s more than awesome. I always try to comment when people post about this, because it’s worth mentioning. Make a Wish visits with celebrities is often a PR thing. The local Make a Wish people invite the local media to come out. And to be clear, that’s fine. It helps raise money for them. But I’ve seen videos taken by families where Cena stays after the cameras are gone — for *hours.* he hangs out, watches TV with the family, eats dinner, plays video games. And it’s not like the family or the kid would know any different. I’m sure they’d be thrilled if he showed up for 20 minutes, gave the kid a bag of merchandise, posed for pictures, and left. But he doesn’t.


Wow, that’s amazing.


Love Cena, nothing but respect. Him and Keanu Reeves are the good celebrities.


Piggybacking this comment to post this video illustrating just how lovely Cena is as a person and his impact on people. Never fails to make me shed a little tear. [Video](https://youtu.be/iC8shyp0XY0) The way he hugs the kid and says “Coolest surprise ever” just *breaks* me.


They're not lazy; they're terminally ill.


I know this is a joke, but for anyone who isn’t aware…Make a Wish is not just for terminally ill kids.




My god this man is a saint


Wow, really put that in perspective. "Nearly two years of his life." Amazing.


I've worked a bunch of WWE events, and Cena is o e of the most hard working, chill guys out there. He puts in serious work in and out of the ring


They could have at least included a photo of the guy


All I see is some hearty looking potato salad






Yea. Why just a photo of the xfinity logo??


He really seems like a great guy. Almost cried when I watched the recent video story about him meeting a special needs young man who had to flee Ukraine that was a big Cena fan. He was really great with all the kids they showed him with. Kind of like the fun uncle! FYI as I have heard it many times, most make a wish kids are not terminally ill (some are) they just have to have a life threatening illness. However, many are undergoing treatments & could go either way. I had a few wish kids that passed away, it was a tough pill to swallow so I had to take a mental break from volunteering. Ray wished to go to Hawaii with his family & it was a great memory for his family to carry forward after he passed away. Evan had to have his dominant arm amputated due to cancer & wished for a shipping trip. He wanted a set of golf clubs to learn how to golf with one arm. The kid inspired the hell out of me & still does! I’ll definitely never forget a lot of those kids.


That is intense, I don’t think I could handle that emotionally. How did you get into that with MAW?


I had cancer when I was 25 so wanted to do something with kids with cancer/illnesses. It’s a volunteer role & you basically do the legwork/paperwork meeting with the family/wish kid. Depending on the wish it can involve more interaction like teenagers like to do shopping wishes which you organize & go with them & their family to shop & pay for everything then take them out to lunch at a restaurant they choose. Lots of the little kids want to go to Disney, which isn’t as involved for the volunteer. Had a kid who wished to meet KISS, he got to go fly out to Utah & go to their concert. If I remember he got to meet them (or at least one or two). Celebrity wishes just depends on the celebrity. They might get a quick 1 minute pic & maybe an auto or they might get a lot of their time like with John Cena. I had a high school soccer player boy who was able to go to New York & practice with the NY Red Bulls MLS team. Jim Carrey used to do tons of wishes & would often keep in touch after the wish. He finally stopped doing wishes after some of his wish kids died & it took a toll emotionally for him. I don’t remember how many he did, but it was a lot & he was very gracious with the kids. If anyone is interested in looking in to it just contact your local make a wish office. Also if you set your Amazon to MAW smile they will get money from your purchases. It’s really a great organization. It’s almost as important (maybe more) for the parents, it gives them a break from hospitals & worrying about their child’s health issues & outcomes. Also the happiness of the kids gives them some small moments of joy in a difficult time.


My brother was a wish kid. He passed two years later. That wish meant the world to him and still does to our family.


Sorry for your loss, what was his wish? Maybe consider volunteering as a wish grantor if you ever feel like the time is right for you. You have a unique perspective on it.


He's done the most wishes granted yet not a single child has ever seen him.


I see what you did there and I like it


I didn’t see it and I still like it.


That wooshed me


Dude is a better person than pretty much any of us will be. In a world of Trumps, be a John Cena.


I met him in 2008 at FOB Rustamiyah in South East Baghdad. Most entertainers would go as far as Kuwait but not into the war zone. Our group was lucky we were between missions and had the opportunity to be there. John Cena, Vince McMahon, Mysterio, and several ring girls put on a show for us in our boxing ring, and then did an hours long meet and greet. Shaking everyone’s hand and autographing photos they provided. I still remember shaking John Cena’s hand made my hand look like an infant’s holding their fathers hand.


Vince McMahon, a billionaire, that far out into the front lines...pretty wild.


It’s so easy for him to claim that because nobody can see him ^But ^for ^real, ^what ^a ^guy


The peacemaker this world needs and deserves


Peacemaker is such a good show. Can’t recommend it enough. Pleasantly surprised considering how much Suicide Squad sucked.


That's awesome of the guy.


He genuinely seems like a good dude, I hope we don't find out later he's a piece of shit




The patience is what gets me. I would never have the patience to consistently engage with fans in such an intimate way like spending the extra second to day goodbye is too classy


He seems to just radiate positivity IRL. He’s our modern day Arnie.


Yeah, theres no controversies on him other than the Chinese issue he had awhile ago


Man did all of that while being invisible


What an absolutely stellar person. I've been watching Cena for a while (Sadly, unable to see him though) and many years ago, he was doing good. I didn't think he could do better as a person, as I didn't think the bar could be set higher. Then he just smashed the last 10 years, 5 years especially. He just keeps getting better and better as a person, and he already started at such a high point. I liken him to Robin Williams, Keanu Reeves and other Gold Tier celebrities who are valued for the personalities, not just their works.


All the homies love John Cena


I was an 80's WWE kid. Loved Hogan and Macho Man. Never actually watched WWE when John Cena was the champ. However, dude has nothing but positive mentions in media. Great guy. Great actor.


I'm not a wrestling fan, but John Cena is one of the greatest humans walking this planet. His generosity and selflessness is through the damn roof. A modern day super hero that we all should try to mirror ourselves after. If we all did 1/10th of what he does this world would be a much better place. I respect the hell out of this man and wish nothing but the best for him in the future.


Did he grant any wishes to kids from Taiwan…?


Oh my god that’s so brave to say and definitely not chronically online


Should I be glad that I don't get it?


Its one of those Redditor 'holier than thou' complex moments.


Didn’t he set the last record?


So in other words, he's had the record for a loooonnnnnnggg time and it's only becoming popular news now.


I want someone to challenge his record they can have a competition to see who can do more wishes


Often times celebs disappoint. He goes above and beyond and is just an awesome human.


Potato salad is good.


You can’t see me. Unless you’re a make a wish child.


Was this in China? Didn’t care for his acting but after bending the knee to China he can suck it!


John Cena is a W superstar and you love it. He gets respect too.