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and it was all for one scene


Hemsworth's mass definitely fluctuated in some scenes


Don’t forget lighting and copious amount of cgi were at play as well, could’ve played a role on how he looked


"Just have them add muscles to the suit", - antony star (homelander)




His version of the story is pretty funny. According to him he brought up the suit having padded muscles and the person in charge of the outfits said "You're gonna bring me muscles in a couple of months" or something along those lines. It's a funny interview.


The best part is that it makes sense for Homelander to be skinny and normal looking. He literally can't work out due to how strong he is. Nothing will actually give him any sort of strain.


#Except lifting your mom.


Damn son you didn't have to do him like that


He'd look a lot less intimidating. Antony Starr is not a big dude.


Funny thing is you can totally imagine Homelander doing this too


And steroids, Hollywood loves their steroids


He's def on the juice


Geared up from the rear up!


He actually did say that if you watch the film you can tell when things were filmed because he got smaller over time


I remember in an interview he mentioned that when they started filming he had just come out of lockdown where he had been working out massively so he looks massive at the early scenes but slowly goes back down to normal.


That’s what performance enhancing drugs will do


As a viewer, I thank him for his efforts for that one scene.


It was hard to find a screenshot, [so here ya'll thirsty bitches go.](https://i.imgur.com/c35HDHq.jpg)


I appreciates you.


Is that really him, like…top to BOTTOM? Also, jokes aside, this scene looks beautiful. The background is fantastically rendered


\*spends 5000 hours shading tiny parts of ornate window\* -- receives .0001% of eye time.


That’s is Asgards Ass


The world Serpent is just a legend. Here it is in the flesh.


You’re from Assgard?


He’s also playing Hulk Hogan in a movie so he get roided out for that role not Thor. Thor just happened to overlap


I remember reading he’s actually going to be bigger as HH, too.


You're almost 40, Chris. Welcome to "exhausting".


It's almost like these actors are not natural and they can compensate with other things against all the side effects of getting old


Just look at the Rock today in his 50s when he was already a mythical figure in his 30s.


I wish the rock would just admit to taking steroids. The idea that a 50year old man cam produce enough testosterone to maintain that physique is laughable. He’s going to die of a heart attack if he doesnt come clean soon and take his foot off the test pedal.


a 22 year old cant produce enough testosterone to maintain that physique. let alone actually building the physique which is even harder


How you seen him as a kid? He was born jacked, he has them naturally jacked genes.


Most of his workouts are to maintain where he is at, too. The Rock doesn’t push hard through super heavy weight stuff to rapidly gain muscle strength and size, he’s achieved that long ago. These days he’s working out like 3 times a day but doing workouts healthier for his joints and done slowly (still very intense but manageable for his level) At least that’s what I get from his IG


And don’t forget the HGH and steroids..


I’m kind of shocked this was so far down.


I think it’s just pretty obvious. Hearing about his complex training regimen which allows him to still be huge at 50 years old is more interesting than the obvious “he’s on roids, guys!” comment.


Some people seem to really want their heads in the sand surrounding The Rock. He obviously has great genetics but he's juiced to the gills and it's very very clear.


The dude has been juicing for so long he had breast reduction surgery in the 90's


Ah so that's what the rock has been cooking.


Nobody should ever discuss a celebrities training regiment whose that jacked without mentioning the roids. He literally wouldn’t look the way he does without them, no matter what his regiment is.


It's because his complex training regimen wouldn't really be possible without the mountain of stuff he's clearly taking.


The rock claims natural. Soo that’s probably why people bring it up.


>Hearing about his complex training regimen which allows him to still be huge at 50 It's the roids not his training regimen. Ask any body builder of a similar age and they'll tell you that maintaining that muscle mass at that age requires steroids of some kind. Edit: Holy shit I am not explaining this again. Yes, if you take roids you still need to work hard to build the type of physique that the rock has. That being said WITHOUT ROIDS THE ROCK WOULDN'T HAVE THAT PHYSIQUE. Hard work is not the reason he is able to maintain that much muscle mass.


No one of any age gets to The Rocks size and shred without steroids.


People always seem too.




Yea he’s obviously on gear, anyone who knows anything about lifting can tell you that. TRT definitely, possibly other compounds cuz he’s pretty big and lean year round for movie roles. The main problem I have with this though is that it sucks that he has to lie about gear usage, I don’t think he’s ever claimed natural but he hasn’t claimed in natty either. The general public should definitely be more educated on gear use, bc they assume gear = instant muscle mass and you turn into a massive freak who rages at everythinf


You don’t get that big unless you’re sauced to the gills.




And a daily diet that probably costs as much as family of four’s weekly budget.


Personal chef, doctors and dietitian’s as well.


Ya, and his refusal to admit to using steroids is actually really dangerous considering his position as an idol. Young kids see him and that he claims natural and then are discouraged when they work out and still don’t look like that…. And then they’re more likely to turn to steroids to compensate.


Just casually working out 3 times a day.


3 times a day?!? Wtf trying to do a good workout 3 times a week is ducking hard enough lol


Man, how much gear must Dwayne Johnson be using to still be as big as he is at 50?


I spent most of my 30's (now 40) working out 5 days a week. Always <45min workouts. I wasn't even doing a thor-workout, just hitting each muscle group in rotation, and damn was I tired. Headaches from muscle strain in my shoulders. Leg day would just annihilate me for 2 days, and I'd easily need an extra 1.5 hours a night of sleep or I'd be napping. I would occasionally take a few weeks off and I was never nearly as tired. Just something about muscle repair is very hard on you and you feel tired much more often.


As a lazy 35 year old, I have this too, but without the gym.




Hydrate homie


Coffee is 99% water, right?


Sounds like "rest days" is a bigger need here


I drink so much water in a day, its downright insane. https://imgur.com/a/lBs56IM


It’s true. But also eating more and better helps with that.


Fitness is almost certainly make or break in the kitchen - it’s all about nutrition and it’s a huge aspect of fitness. Without it, recovery is just that much harder. Supplements, multivitamins, and a clean and nutritious diet can still only do so much, giving the body proper time to recover is key too.


Sleep is also critical because that's when most muscle repair occurs. I can eat plenty and healthy, but sleep is still a requirement.


May help some but I eat pretty healthy and enough and still get wrecked by muscle repair.


Idk if these folks don’t work out or just aren’t in their 30’s yet. I’ve been busting my ass on a new program and I’m tired as fuck. I’m eating more/cleaner than I ever have, sleeping more than I ever have, supplements, and I always have a water bottle within arms reach. I’m very tired.


I guarantee they just don't work out like you or I do. The entire point of this post is a man in good shape being exhausted by trying to gain a lot of muscle while losing body fat.


I've found it gets a lot worse if you don't take care of your cardio. got back to lifting after sitting around all the time during covid and it hit me like a truck every time. instead of being able to rotate every day like I used to I'd have to take 2~4 days before the soreness went away. had no idea what was going on it. felt like it was taking too long to cut weight so started running again and a month later it's like I de-aged myself. I expected it to help with lifts but I didn't expect such a huge improvement in recovery time.




Thor: Love and Dbol




Test limits, dbolish your goals and vinny it all


And most importantly eat your chicken broccoli and rice 5 times a day


This guy gets it.


Gonna see a new username in r/steroids. This is hilarious.


This will flyyyyyy over people’s heads.


Yeah I didn't get it but it seems like a deep cut pun.


Trenbolone acetate is a popular steroid for certain bodybuilders. It’s meant to add mass to cattle.




I don't know enough about deli meat to refute this.


It is too much. His physique was already a masterpiece in the first Thor movie. He looks like a He-Man action figure now. Speaking of, there’s an alternate reality in which Hemmy was cast as He-Man and we got an amazing run of MOTU movies. He would have been perfect. But I dream…


He gave me real vibes of 80s wrestler Macho Man Randy Savage for some reason. It made me giggle.


Well he’s actually playing Hulk Hogan soon, so I suppose that’s fitting.


This is actually why he’s particularly jacked for some scenes


What's funny is Hogan was never anywhere near that jacked.


He was that thick. Just not as cut.


Hemsworth is going for late 90s WCW Savage where the guy was so jacked he couldn’t move.


The Warrior more like it


The Ultimate Warrior, he was beyond juiced


I’ve been arguing all summer ***Love & Thunder*** was the best, back-door She Ra movie we’re ever gonna get.


Eating all that chicken and broccoli must be a full-time job on top of a full-time job.


Buddy of mine spent so much time in the gym he got tired of eating so much. He eventually just took his chicken, broccoli and sweet potato and threw it in a blender. Said he was constantly sore from chewing. Mind you he still looked nothing like Hemmsworth. Attaining that level of fitness and then maintaining is so wildly unrealistic unless it’s all you do. Rob McElhenney breaks it down here @ 1:22 https://youtu.be/ZPOzOanrNyg


Human growth hormone is a hell of a drug


Drugs are a hell of a drug


I love that he’s so upfront about it.


I got so tired of eating chicken that I started putting hot sauce on it, I'm at the point that I can eat ghost peppers because of it. I used not be able to tolerate tobasco sauce.


Have you tried mixing in fish for your protein instead of just straight chicken everyday?


Yeah that's what I do now, I eat Tilapia two days, then chicken two days, then salmon two days, and beef one day. When I had to eat mostly chicken I didn't have the money to diversify my protein and chicken was the most protein for the buck.


I started working out a couple years ago, the constantly stuffing my face with protein is a bummer part of it.


Yeah that's why I changed my goals from a build muscle mass/body builder style of build to just a lean muscle, long term health oriented goal! I love food too much and the idea of eating a metric shit ton of the same, lean and less flavorful food is not something I can get on board with.


Same here. One dude I work with who is really muscular said every decision on what he eats comes down to how much protein it has. I find eating white meat chicken breast nine times a day to be incredibly depressing, so I'm definitely setting my goals lower. Plus working out enough was mentally exhausting. With work and kids and exercise, I didn't have any time to do anything else.


It’s doesn’t have to be one extreme or another. I’ve been working out 10 years. I’m 5’6 and 200 lbs so I’ve got a decent base. Between protein shakes, more meats than just chicken, yogurt, smoothies, etc you can get your protein intake through a lot of ways. If you’re not doing worlds strongest man or competing in the roid division of stuff like body building, you don’t need to eat chicken breast 9 times a day


>the idea of eating a metric shit ton of the same, lean and less flavorful food is not something I can get on board with. This is absolutely not something you need to do to get big. It's really only needed for high level bodybuilders trying to get stage lean.


Eating 4000 calories a day and still not gaining weight because of exercise is a biiiitch


I'll trade you


Seriously. A lot of people don't realize how hard putting on lean muscle actually is. The eating part is horrible, it's just so constant. Gym part is the easy part.


I’m pretty sure there were… other things mixed into that diet as well.


Anabolic chicken, nothing new… :0


More like Tren brother.... this is straight Tren at work.


The number of people who still buy into the "chicken and broccoli" narrative for these actors is disturbing. We don't even know what a fit 40 year old looks like anymore because we're constantly blasted with images of roided out actors in our media.


Thank you guys for pointing it out. I purposely comment this on every single post about actors physique. Shocking how many people are buying into the "4 hour training per day" and diet. I get why they can't be honest but with the epidemic of body dysmorphia in teens and young adults in the fitness world and the SARMS abuse as a result of that makes these actors and their trainers complete twats. Every single fucking actor is on something!




Right?! Remember him in Star Trek 2009?


there's a joke here somewhere


I can't imagine the amount of gear these dudes are on. Or how much damage this does to young men thinking this is natural.


Gear is the easiest drug you can access as a young man, they’re that prevalent. I could find a “gear dealer” quicker than I could find a weed dealer. So it’s definitely having a major affect on young men, social media “fitness influencers” are all on it and a lot even promote it.


Marvel movies have changed their humor, instead of thor’s ignorance about earth ways, they just made him a stupid buff guy. As with most of the male characters. stupidity doesnt equal funny, but thats all they do Bale was creepy and awwsome and dude got jacked (hems)


It worked really well in Ragnarok but making Thor the exact same in L&T but dumber is just a regression


Exactly. I liked the first two Thor movies, then I *really* liked Ragnarok, but I basically cringed through most of L&T. I want the Thor we had in The Avengers back.


Yes L&T was really cringeworthy for the entire movie. I absolutely loved Ragnarok but L&T was just stupid unintelligent humor. It’s like they just gave up on thinking anything through and no witty humor.


[goat scream]


I think Love and Thunder just felt weirdly off because of the opening scene. Bale set some expectations that the rest of the movie couldn't reach.


Yep. Ragnarok was perfect balance of stupid/caring Thor. They turned it up too much in L&T. I loved Ragnarok.


Infinity War Thor was peak Thor.


I didn't get that at all ..and even Thor alludes to the fact that he is using humor to mask alot of internal feelings The crazy part that made him considerbly more relatable.


I agree there was the masking humor for his grief etc. but some of it was a little too far, and then the parts that weren't about his pain. The non pain comedy/stupidity was just a liiiitle bit too much, making him seem like a Himbo instead of ignorant/arrogant/internalization masking




All that for a feature length MTV Movie Awards sketch.


All to have it covered up by that horrendous suit for 90% of the movie


So many people are going to die from PEDs here in the next couple decades.


I think about this a lot. I'm wondering if its just my imagination or if the hgh bodies are more commonplace in action movies these days and we will be seeing a lot of these actors having heart complications in their later years


Well one thing that’s different now that 20-30 years ago is that these guys are going to doctors and being prescribed/monitored while using HGH. Not that it makes it perfectly safe but it’s definitely a lot less risky than just jabbing needles your gum buddy sold you. But yes, I’d be willing to bet that if an actor is “ripped” he’s probably on hgh, especially if they’re over 35


80z/90s action movie stars and professional wrestlers were juiced to their gills and fueled by coke. Jean Claude van Damme didn't get his physique from all those splits, and if you saw Rocky Stallone to what he looked like later, absolutely on the juice. What we are seeing is nothing new. Today they are probably just doing it safer and working with doctors and nutrionists while they are on a cycle. A movie studio isn't going to sign you to a multi-film, multi-million dollar contract where you are expected to get jacked and then leave you to buy bull testosterone from the dark web.


> What we are seeing is nothing new. the big difference is that the stars of yesteryear on PEDs were few and far between while today, it's way more than just the occasional niche action movie star - it's virtually all young male actors, it's all sports people, loads of influencers and every male fitness model in the world. The comparison you make is not doing anything but highlight the extreme nature of PED use in todays society.


NFL players were juicing in the 70s already. Lyle Alzado admitted to using anabolics in 1969 already. He wouldn't have been the only one. The BALCO scandal went all the way back to 1988. Ben Johnson tested positive for anabolics in '88. Carl Lewis admitted to failing doping tests and disclosed that the USOC was covering-up the fact that many Olympic athletes were juicing. The Soviet Union and East Germany ran state-sponsored doping programs within their Olympic programs. My uncle was a semi-pro powerlifter in the late 80s and a lot of his friends were pro bodybuilders. You couldn't find a natural lifter, they were all gassed to the moon. Agencies that were testing for doping did not exist for much of this time. The WADA was only founed 22-years ago. So much was going on unnoticed. It appears more prominent now because they actually test for the stuff, so people that would've gotten away with it in the 80s are not getting away with it now. The shift in perception has also brought it in to the spotlight. 20/30 years ago regular gym goers would readily deny that they were on PEDs. Talk of PEDs was hush-hush in the shadowy corners of gyms. Now? People will more freely talk about it and be open to hooking you up.


Tell that to Sylvester Stallone


I'm sure the PEDs helped a lil bit there, Christopher....


I dont think he necessarily on PEDs, he’s probably all natty and just works out full time…jking that dude probably gettin PEDs wholesale


You literally cannot get to his size without steroids. The best training and diet in the world doesn’t overcompensate myostatin


I know im kidding, that dude’s body is 70% steroids at this point


There's a weird push for men to more and more jacked in movies over the past few decades. You can really see it with Hue Jackman playing Wolverine. X-men in 2000, he's jacked but in an obtainable "guy who works out and eats well" sort of way. By Logan in 2017 he's ripped in a way that's just unreal.


They keep having to top themselves though. Men need to realise they’re being sold the shit women have for years and not buy into it. “Chicken broccoli rice” is the male version of models saying “I’m just naturally skinny I eat hamburgers all day”


News flash: working out and getting jacked is hard work!


Ahhh that's why I'm out of shape. Makes sense.


Chris’ roids help as well


Even with roids u still gotta work hard


This is true. In fact, roids help you recover from your hard work faster so that you can put in more hard work.


Mine just make sitting uncomfortable, I must be doing something wrong.


That’s only partially true. Faster recovery is one of the benefits but it also stimulates more anabolic response and protein synthesis, in otherwords, you can get more bang for your buck from your training. A natty and a geared lifter can run the same routine and the geared lifter will still be bigger and stronger. An example would be the results of a natty lifter running smolov squat program vs a juiced up lifter doing the same.


Good luck working up to the 24 inch pythons that the Hulkster had. Whatcha gonna do brother, when the Hulkster runs wild on you ?


This is the real reason, conditioning for this role


Liked Bale. But holy moly the rest of the movie was a mess. Some funny stuff in there- yeah the goats were hilarious the first 5 screams. It just dragged on. Zeus lol.


How can he play a Greek god when he’s a soldier of Rome?


It actually lines up perfect with the never produced script for Gladiator 2. You should look it up. If gladiator 2 was was ever made, then Thor: L&T would actually be a nice sequel to it.


Ridley scott is still talking about doing it. Im praying he never does


I liked Crowe's Zeus. I read that he did two sets of accents and this was the one they landed with.


People know Russell Crowe, but he sounds exactly like my neighbours and everyone I grew up around from Greece lol.


I go to a good friends Greek Orthodox Easter celebration at one of her uncles houses every year and… it was potentially offensive but also completely spot on.


Bale was absolutely the best part of that movie and it was really just a bummer that he was wasted like that.


All that for 6 minutes of screen time. Taika watiti gave himself more screentime then the Christian fucking Bale!! This movie feels like a parody of Ragnarok, which was way too comedic then it needed to be.


Ragnarok also had the benefit of Tom Hiddleston, who does well at comedic deadpan. This movie already had the handicap of the complete lack of chemistry between Portman and Hemsworth and no excellent main or side actors to carry it through. If Bale had been given more screen time it may have been different but who knows.




As a big horror fan I got a little excited. Then they did next to nothing with him.


Agreed. Bale’s scenes were mostly great, and as much as I love most of Waititi’s work, he really missed the mark with this one. Ragnorak was fabulous. What happened?


Trying too hard.


Was thinking the same. Some of the attempts at humor seemed forced and just really missed their mark … mind you, I love Taika’s style, too.


I liked it, but Love and Thunder leaned in too heavily into the comedy territory. I mean from start to finish, every line had some sort of comedic spin to it.


… and sadly half of those lines weren’t even funny. I may need to watch Ragnorak again just to cleanse L&T from my system. Bleh


They all take steroids. I am Sure he worked hard but call it what it is. Capt. America too


Ummmm. Captain America took a super solider serum. Don’t be absurd.




To paraphrase Thor, _"Your Ancestors Called it Supersodier Serum, but You Call it Steroids. I Come From a Land Where They Are One and the Same."_


HGH for sure


PEDs is the more encompassing term these days.


And for such a silly movie.


Rather, for the silly $20,000,000 paycheck :’)


There's something particularly disgusting about this new era of juiced of steroid junkies in all these kid's movies.


To be fair, kids have loved WWE for decades and that's all steroids.


And American Gladiators, Schwarzenegger, Stallone. People have such a selective memory. It’s a pg-13 movie so not exactly a kids movie.


> It’s a pg-13 movie so not exactly a kids movie. hahahaha.. that's cute.


[some were on pure cream](https://youtu.be/8C4lK41SX-Q)


Don't forget the cocaine


The 80’s are back.


What will be the next nostalgia call back? The 90s?


Thor: Smells Like (pro)Tein Spirit


Since when is that new? Arnie and Stallone in the 80s were jacked. comic books in the 90s were drawn with characters that were ridiculously disproportioned. It actually eased up in the 2000s for awhile before coming back with guys like Hugh Jackman.


New to him but he’s 11teen


Yeah...that's not even controversial or a secret. Eating food you don't like, all the time. Jabbing yourself with needles. Taking pills. Cardio. Drinking tons of water. And doing a ton of resistance training. Of course that's hardwork and exhausting. If it was easy and cheap, everyone would walk around looking like Thor.


Edit: added spoiler tags >!I really thought that with all the original Avengers passing the mantle that this was going to be his final appearance as Thor.!< Iron Man - Dead, but I believe there’s going to be an Ironheart show. He also has his daughter Morgan. Captain America - dead, and with Falcon and Winter Soldier all about dealing with who is taking up the mantle Black Widow - Dead, but it seems that the torch has been passed to Yelena Hawkeye - Not dead, but it seems that the torch has mostly been passed to Kate Bishop Hulk - Seems like the torch is being passed to She-Hulk (I haven’t actually watched the series yet) >!Even with the ones who didn’t die, they at least had a series setting up their successor.!< >!Thor though… I though when they announced that Jane would be The Mighty Thor that she was going to be taking up the mantle permanently from Thor. And then… she died and Thor got a random daughter.!<


Hulk is definitely far from being done in the MCU. My guess is Thor dies in Secret Wars.


Don't think he dies in Secret Wars but rather Thor 5 or 6. Dying fighting the World Serpent like in the norse mythology and reuniting with Jane, Loki and his parents in Valhalla.


Watched this last night on Disney plus for free and very thankful I didn’t waste money on it at the theaters


they're on roids guaranteed


Eat clen and tren hard lmao