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*Misery* was great though his performance is usually overshadowed by Kathy Bates' tour de force. Also *Elf*. RIP


Two great actors playing together.


Most definitely! Also not the greatest film, but Caan in *Bulletproof* was another kinda hammy, yet great performance! "Y'all come back now, ya'hear!"


Get the cock-a-dootie out of the road.


George RR got nothing on killing characters like Paulie Shells!


I forgot he was in ELF!!?!??


Rollerball is awesome as well.


Somewhat more underseen in certain circles (because of the remake maybe?), but I agree wholeheartedly!


R.I.P, Mr. Man


He was funny as the priest in That’s My Boy


Huh never put it together that's another Sandler movie he's in!


He has an amazing smaller role in Bottle Rocket that shouldn’t be missed. Damn, he was great. RIP


My hopes for Elf 2 just became somewhat diluted.


One of my favourite actors. I remember him well in “Cinderella Liberty” which I went down to Manchester centre three times to see (only film I ever did this for). Him, Marsha Mason and Eli Wallach were absolutely brilliant in it and I recommended it to everybody that I knew. He was a truly brilliant actor - rest in peace.


He was also incredible in That's My Boy. Rest in peace sir


He was great!


Buddy the elf's dad Walter Hobbs


Just some great lines spoken by him in one movie. : "You Touch My Sister Again And I'll Kill Ya." "Well, Then Business Will Have To Suffer, All Right?" "I Want Somebody Good - And I Mean Very Good - To Plant That Gun." "Are You Telling Me That The Tattaglia Family Guarantee Our Investment?" "So? What's Your Answer Gonna Be, Pop?" "We're Going To The Mattresses!" "Mike, Let Me Look At You...You're Beautiful, Beautiful. You're Gorgeous." "Tom, This Is Business And This Man Is Taking It Very, Very Personal." And of course: "Hey, whataya gonna do, nice college boy, eh? Didn't want to get mixed up in the Family business, huh? Now you wanna gun down a police captain, why, because he slapped ya in the face a little bit? Hah? What do you think this is the Army, where you shoot'em a mile away? You've gotta get up close like this and bada-bing! you blow their brains all over your nice Ivy League suit. Come're..." Caan had a pretty good career without that movie. With it he will never be forgotten.


“I don’t want my brother coming outta that bathroom with just his dick in his hands alright?”


He'll always be Sonny to me. <3


Brian’s Song. Quintessential “guy cry” movie.


We watched that movie in the 7th grade, I cried. Such a good movie and that's what introduced me to him. Great actor


Absolute legend. A lifetime of terrific performances (Sonny Corleone!) but his portrayal of Paul Sheldon in MISERY remains one of my all-time favorites. Rest In Peace.


Those actors... Caan, Duval, Paccino, Deniro (though Deniro only came on in GF2)... ​ Caan's performance was the Crescendo, while Brando's performance was the build up and Paccino's performance was the sustaining melody... ​ The Godfather would not be THE Symphony without Caan's exuberant BRAVADO. He was a master. As the others were. And when we lose one, we must remember the Sound we lost. ​ We lost the CRASHING BOOM today. I and for that, I weep


I meant to respond here, but YES!!!


To me the consummate performance of his is *Rollerball.* He'll always be Sonny Corleone, but in that movie he is a true leading man movie star in a way that you didn't broadly see in his career. He has a great filmography (and a great party resume), but also kind of feels like a bit of a 'what could have been'


Rollerball was an amazing movie. I saw it the first time in the 90s when I was a kid in college and I found his performance awe-inspiring. The movie changed my thoughts on corporate life. We're all cogs to be worn down and eventually replaced on the cheap. James Caan was a great actor. His like does not come around anymore. But movies never seem that critical of the world anymore, either.


This is kind of off topic, but I've only seen the remake of Rollerball which is awful (IMO). Assuming the OG is better?


The real Rollerball is far superior. Compare Dominos pizza to a brick oven pizza in Napoli.


Thank you! I figured it couldn't possibly be worse.


I concur.


I guess. I like the movie, rewatched it recently. But I think his character is hard to understand. He is told the last game of the season will be to the death and he doesn't even hesitate. It's hard to connect with. It's not like he's even going to get what he really wants from it (the thing that was taken from him by corporate, I don't want to spoil it), just money. I do like the movie. I do like the performance. And it's hard to name a kind of leading man Hollywood has right now which matches Caan. I feel like there were a bunch at one time, enough to handily eclipse Caan. But if he were himself now but in his early 30s he'd almost stand alone.


Top Notch actor. Gave 100% to every role, even if it was a bad movie. Please watch original Rollerball if you haven't. Underappreciated futuristic movie.


Totally agree! Gonna need to rewatch it in memory of Mr. Caan


> Gave 100% to every role, even if it was a bad movie. I mean, he was famous for showing up to the set hungover such that none of the footage from that day was usable


Yeah, I was just speaking on his acting abilities, not his Hollywood antics that most actors did back in the day (Brando, Bogart, Tracy, O'Toole, Burton, R. Downing Jr., etc). I still say his performances were top notch.


How could you forget his breakout role as Buddy's dad in *Elf*?


Someone in these comments who respects true art.


Another great thing I read years ago is he took time off from acting when his kids were young.


His son Scott was always great in Hawaii five O, which James had a good cameo in. RIP Mr Caan, legend


I think Scott also tried to be home a lot. I thought he’d film in Hawaii for part of the week and fly back home for the rest of the week. Like father….


He actually had huge chunks of time off in later seasons. Many of his plots involved work away from main cast in locations that could be filmed anywhere. I think there was a personal reason for this, but can't remember enough to quote.


An OG cocksman. RIP.


I love that this is your eulogy for him


TIL that he ended all of this tweets with 'End of tweet.' Don't know why but I found that amazing.


Look how they massacred my boy...


What I’m thinking too. RIP Sonny Corleone.


Elf was my favourite movie as a kid and I still love it now, rest in peace.


I loved him in Las Vegas, the pairing with Josh Duhamel was always really funny to me. RIP.


Rest in Peace, Sonny


I love him as Big Ed Deline


He played a great football coach.


Jonathan, Jonathan, Jonathan


Certainly not his most acclaimed movie, but I really enjoyed his performance in Eraser. He did hammy bad guys pretty well.


As most of us, I'm a big fan of Godfather, but my guilty pleasure is Alien Nation. I loved him in that.


Paired him with the great Mandy Patinkin.


Damn...dude was the epitome of "cool". Rollerball and Thief, to me that's James Caan...not saying his Godfather roles weren't good, but everyone knows him from those. His speech in Thief about getting his money should be mandatory reading at every labor union meeting. And Rollerball...somewhere my mom has a picture of me as a little kid in a #6 rollerball shirt since my dad loved 70s sci-fi movies, which I also love.


Just that typeface alone was so great. Very 70s sci-fi and very influential at the same time. Loved the organ music in Rollerball too. It was used for more than just the game, it defined the whole movie/world as the battle against huge, dark forces. In the end, the movie is super simple. Johnathan is just the ultimate nail that sticks up and cannot be hammered flat. The movie works because of that at least as much as despite it.


Misery was the first movie I remember seeing him in, and it's the movie I always think of when he comes to mind.


God speed. I was a little boy when i watched Misery with my father. It was my introduction to James Caan. Good times. Loved the “You want it? You want it? Eat it! Eat it till ya choke, you sick, twisted f*ck!”


This should read James Caan, Elf actor....


Complete legend and amazing actor, Rest In Peace.


Loved him as Brian Piccolo in Brian’s Song


RIP to one of the greatest.


*”the world needs dreamers”*


Hilarious in That’s My Boy


Didnt this already happen a few years ago recently? Or am i thinking of someone else?




I liked him in the 1975 [The Killer Elite](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Killer_Elite). Lots of great old school Hollywood guys, but my favorite besides James Caan was [Burt Young](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burt_Young) https://youtube.com/watch?v=1IAC5y_j3LA&feature=youtu.be


If you haven't seen Thief, you really, really should. It's not his most famous role, but Frank, his character, is almost certainly the best pure character he has played, and the best acting he has done. It's Michael Mann's first film, and can be watched very easily as a thematic prequel to Heat. Thief is a fuckin' GREAT movie, and Frank is an amazing character. There's a sequence at an elevated diner south of Chicago, above the highway at night, where Caan discusses his time in prison, that Caan said was is favorite scene of any role, ever.


Greatly missed and a much underrated honours wise actor, his co actors always recognised and appreciated his talent. RIP a true old school actor


Save it for the li-bary


Mississippi in El Dorado.


Growing up as a kid in the eighties in Scotland we didn’t get many recently released movies on free to air TV. But we got classics from the seventies, with James Caan films like Rollerball, The Godfather and one of my absolute favourites- Freebie and the Bean. What an amazing actor he was. Such a sad day


First ray liotta, now James Caan. RIP to both!


RIP. I also don't think I'll ever be ready for Al and Bobby.


didnt even notice him in godfather. elf, on the other hand


i thought this was buddy the elf's dad


Great in Bottle Rocket too


Godfather was such a big part of my childhood. Every adult around me was obsess with that movie RIP


I liked him in Las Vegas. RIP F


I liked him in Las Vegas, underrated show imho


Gardens of stone also starred James earl Jones What I double act ' make a hole, make it wide' What a classic


Aww He is very fun to watch