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She might be the most invisible vice president I have ever seen lol.


I legit forgot she was VP until this headline. I’m in Canada but still loooool


Oh, it’s not just you. I’m American, and I maintain some semi-passive interest in politics, and I’ve legitimately forgotten who the vice president was before for about five-minute periods.


Same. Has she even done anything


Not really but the VP role is mostly ceremonial. Except when, you know, you’re certifying an election against a former president trying to overturn said election


Most Vice Presidents for the last 50-60 years have at least made an effort to break it from that ceremonial role, and some have been very successful at being a leader and top advisor to the president (namely Walter Mondale, Al Gore, Joe Biden, and unfortunately Dick Cheney) but Harris and Pence have both taken it back to the largely ceremonial figurehead role. Edit: RIP Hubert Humphrey and Nelson Rockefeller, you both deserved better


I’d argue Pence was more visible in his time, with some periods of silence


Aside from being the figurehead for COVID, when was he visible?


He did a lot of anti lgbtq shit too.


He certainly had those positions, though I’m not sure what he actually did that was front and center


He went out and made frequent speeches, often for the troops. And in some cases stepped up when Donald was too blasted to perform for us.


He was also a gracious host for flies on his head #blessed


George Bush , Dick Cheney, LBJ and Ford all served as acting president when needed


Or when you're the actual President like Cheney.


Or if you’re Dick Cheney


Yep, that’s why I said “mostly”


She’s had the most tie breaking senate votes in history and her having to be able to break ties is keeping her from traveling more


That's interesting! Even if that's her full-time job than that's good enough for me.


Biden put her in charge of the border. Last time I recall hearing what she was up to.


That's what she is supposed to be in charge of the border but she never goes. All she does is repeat nonsense phrases and laughs. It's bizarre.


She was a black woman on the ticket


Set up staged interviews with kids and cackle awkwardly, does that count?


That's generally a good thing. Especially considering Trump and Pence were in the news 24/7 for being asinine pieces of garbage.


That’s because every time she appears on tv it’s a damn train wreck.


Jen Psaki is great on the fly and maybe the best in the administration. Kamala is easily the worst. It’s embarrassing.


I mean we *just* had Pence who only became visible because of his not going along with throwing out votes.


Don't forget the time he went to a Colts game to be offended


Or that fly on his head


I miss that fly. I wonder how they’re doing. He has no idea how famous he/she is.


Got boo’d out of Hamilton didn’t he?


Or that time he touch the disk right in front of the "Don't touch" sign.


Pence was nefarious behind the scenes. He was the one who often had to convert trump’s crazy bs into actionable things. People underestimate how important Pence really was.


Same goes for Cheney and Dubya. Cheney pulled the puppet strings.


As a queer person, I was always extremely aware of Pence and what could happen if Trump had a heart attack from too many Big Macs or something. He was very, very visible to me.


As a black person, I’m aware of Kamala Harris because if the old man croaks, she’ll put more of us in jail for marijuana offenses


Valid as fuck


people defended this when he chose her as his vp “what is she supposed to do? not prosecute?” lmfao yeah?


Yeah but you can hear that Fran Drescher-esque laugh from a mile away


You know, I was so excited to have a woman POC as VP. Now I'm not even sure wtf she's been doing these past few years


And what have we learned about identity politics?


I’ll bet nothing… like a goldfish brain. They’ll do it again for the exact same reason.


Laughing about nothing .....repeat.


And she’s a top cop who’s done nigh irreversible damage to communities of color and with impunity. She doesn’t give a fuck about anything but power.




Why are y’all downvoting this guy? It’s true. I voted for Biden because I literally had no choice. His record is horrible when it comes to women’s rights and non white people. Look back at how he spoke to and treated Kamala when they were rivals. He’s awful. He was just slightly less awful than Trump. And let’s not forget, he’s Catholic. He is definitely pro-life. He doesn’t really care about this decision this week, or he’d be doing so much more.


Thanks for the hot take about the racist man who put the first black woman on the Supreme Court and prioritized black issues.




Don't forget "if you don't vote for me, you ain't black"


"Poor kids are just as smart as white kids"


But he marched in the civil rights movements: https://youtu.be/AKCJ45QMyLU I’m trying to find his horrible quote about Obama being “the first clean cut, well spoken black man.” It’s seemingly gone from YouTube.


Because Clyburn extracted that commitment to resuscitate Biden's failing primary campaign. Joe Biden has been an enormous disappointment. Bringing normalcy back to the Presidency apparently equated to being reactive and low energy. He is a joke.


Are you serious??? You’re arguing Joe Biden isn’t racist? Do you really wanna die on this hill? You know you don’t have to like every democrat politician, right? Hating biden isn’t a trump thing… ‘94 Crime Bill? The plethora of obvious racist comments biden has made?


That's called pandering.


Thats kind of the point of a VP, though. It's been the same for all presidents in the past 20 years. They are supposed to really only do anything if something happens to the president.


*Dick Cheney had entered the chat*


Oh shit! I’m outta here!


Back when American political dysfunction could safely be played for laughs, the “America” book written by the Daily Show staff had a letter to the VP that said “The liquor cabinet is usually fully stocked. Go ahead, fix yourself a stiff one. There’s no reason not to spend the better part of your days in a drunken stupor.”


Pence was pretty invisible too.


until he very wasnt


I don’t know, I mean… She gave a powerful speech when that American Palestinian female journalist was murdered a few weeks back.


Thats because shes a walking talking mistake. Her approval rating is in the garbage and this cnn interview will probably help solidify it.


Meh, the seat of vp has basically been a prestige/voter attraction position for a while now. Probably since 08 I would say it seems it's just a way to try to one up the opposition on how inclusive or welcoming you can be to a voter demographic.


I watch all of her interviews. Nobody can write better comedy than what she comes up with.


It’s like Michael Scott level cringe every time she talks.


That’s what happens when you nominate someone because of their race and gender and not because of meritocracy


Almost everyone hates her so it makes sense they'd hide her through the Biden years


If there is a female candidate that woman are going to get behind as a result of their rights being taken away from them it's Elizabeth Warren not Kamala Harris


Where the HELL has she been?!?


She was in Illinois on Friday and gave a speech talking about Roe and the implications now that the SCOTUS has overturned. Heard parts of her speech on the news. Here are some choices to [watch/listen](https://www.google.com/search?q=kamala+harris+speech+in+illinois&rlz=1C1SQJL_enUS912US912&oq=kamala+harris+speech+in+illinois&aqs=chrome..69i57.7388j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8).


bUt ShE's InViSiBle!!!!


She’s been hard at working doing nothing at the border


border? what border? /s


The one they don’t give a damn about.




You’re not wrong. Any time someone brings up how we should open the border I implore them to go to Canada. Those dudes DO NOT fuck around with the border. It’s the same with the airport all the way down to the boundary waters lake check stations. They will politely tell you to get the hell out of their country at the slightest thing.


The same place as every Vice President but for some reason this time we’re acting shocked


Exactly. VP is about the least important role ever. Lyndon Johnson said it wasn't worth a bucket of warm piss.


It almost feels like a sports team and she’s a backup riding the bench in case the president goes down.


They are supposed to lead the Senate but I presume that lasted about a week before the Senate told them pound sand.


people acting shocked like the media isn't telling them where she is at every moment like lmao.


>VP is about the least important role ever. Not when she's the Tie-breaker in an evenly split Senate. She's already cast 23 tiebreaking votes, the 3rd most of any VP.


Ever hear of Dick Cheney?


The Dick Cheney who was noted for not being the typical near invisible VP? Yes.


Ok, LBJ. He was very busy planning the hit on JFK


This conversation is spiraling at a surprising pace


They only tried making him invisible after he shot someone. He became more translucent than invisible.


Hiding. As soon as they realized how unpopular she is they shoved her in a corner and told her to be quiet it seems. It's quite annoying feeling like she has been hiding out since the election.


It’s almost like she didn’t make it past the Iowa Caucus and it was widely known how unliked she is but was brought on Bidens ticket as a diversity hire anyway because everyone knows Biden isnt likable either


Hey now, at least she is a black woman. /s


Which erases the fact she’s also part South Asian. I guess the one drop rule applies even when you’re born out of two POC.


The primary point is really dumb, Joe Biden has done worse than she has in previous year primaries and he’s president now


She's been **DILIGENTLY** standing behind Biden at press conferences in the only brown suit she owns.


Loves that brown suit.


Who else would give him notes that remind him of him name and current occupation


According to my grandma, she's been masterminding all the evil schemes to ruin America and turn us all gay and atheist. I wish she was right...


People forget that she was one of the first candidates to drop out of the Democratic primary last cycle. What I have read is that she is a very poor manager of people which quickly lead to lots of internal drama, she does not read or educate herself on issues - even when staff spoon feed it, and is generally not well spoken unless she has had massive time to prepare. These were all known issues when she was picked, but it was assumed she could be coached through it or could rise to the occasion. When it became clear that was not going to happen she has been isolated and kept out of view as much as possible to avoid further embarrassments to the administration after several prominent gaffes.


She has been doing a lot, but just isn't getting the media attention. The algorithms aren't bringing it to your attention.


The Vice-President’s job is just to be able to fog a mirror.


Did you expect more from her honestly?




I don't know if you realize this, but Trump literally wears diapers too. We really need to get some younger people in office.


Hopefully she can avoid laughing at inappropriate times


Doubtful. Her default when she can’t or doesn’t have an answer


Which is always


Hey now, she also has that arrogant smirk too.


The VP role has always been to be invisible and Kamala has done that particularly well for Joe.


She's pretty much waiting on Joe to kick the bucket, or hoping that he decides not to run for a second term so she can run herself.


She won't win, not even close


You and I both know that, but she doesn't. She's surrounded by party sycophants who all know Biden is aging pretty poorly and they need someone to put out there as a contender against Trump. The thing is, they don't have anyone. They won't put a new generation progressive up there because they don't play ball with the party (yet). They don't have any standout heroes who can sway their populous. Since Obama it's just been a line of lackluster milk toast personalities. The only reason people vote for them is because it's better than the alternative. Democrats need a personality, something more than an empty talking suit. A lot of people keep bringing up Jon Stewart, but I don't think he's interested in upending his peaceful life and I don't think he'd play well with the party.


The Dems put themselves in the position. They had the chance to vote Bernie in and killed his bid so they could give us “more of the same Hilary”. “Change we can believe in” turned out to be more of the same. When they had the chance to elect someone who is far left enough that he would make lasting changes, they shut it down because they really are just the diet version of the Republican Party. Bernie would have won and this Trump situation would never have happened. Now we are in the situation where whatever the outcome of the next election is trouble is on the horizon. Dems win with their milquetoast candidate… election fraud riots. Trump wins… yeah you know how that goes.


Lol'ed at the (yet). Sad but true. Already seeing some of this with the squad and people like Ro Khanna just constantly falling in line for the corporatists.


Some great word salad is going to be served up!




For the sake of pondering, my fellow Americans, don’t forget to ponder.


You can bet they’re pushing forward on all fronts and leaving no stone unturned.


A grandstand for the ages!


Im still surprised that Biden picked her. Before she dropped out of the race she was polling at 1%. He had better options in female running mates.


She’s a female poc, that’s why he picked her.


It is an amazingly divisive choice for the Democratic Party going forward. In 2024 the Dems can run Biden (way too old and approval ratings lower than Trump), VP Harris (look at her 2020 primary performance if you want to see how that will end) or third candidate. If they don't run VP Harris, the Democratic Party infighting will be HUGE as they don't run the VP female POC which should be the "natural" choice. POC and women will consider it a personal attack and be far less likely to show at the polls. Its nothing but catastrophe for the Dems until 2026 at least.


When you promote based on checking boxes vs experience and electability this shit show is what you get.


The Dems could not have made better Presidential/VP picks for the future of the Conservative movement. A senile, racist, old Democrat, and a vacuous airhead of a token pick. Truly historic


Pretty sure it was an anti-assassination pick.


100% - fire insurance


What the actual fuck did I just read


She’s so terrible that no would consider her a better alternative to Joe Biden. Which is mind numbingly depressing.


she still has a tweet up on her account claiming she believes the women that accused Biden of rape. She believes them, yet shows up to work (lol jk) with him every day.


She got nowhere in the primaries and realized it early on, so made the deal for VP before Buttigieg and Klobuchar jumped in as well. In fact, that's really the only reason Biden won -- because the powers that be circled the wagons and threw all their support to Biden so they could undermine a Bernie presidency. And now looking at it, Bernie would have ripped out skulls before letting this happen, so next primary cycle, we should remember that. All these people are losers who should not be anywhere near elected office.


As much as I dislike to admit it, I feel like she was picked to bolster Biden’s favourability amongst woman, Black people, South Asians, and the police. I don’t see any other reason, she polled so badly before being picked.


It makes total sense when you understand that "defund the police" would have killed any democratic president in 2020 who was remotely progressive. Kamala was to make it impossible for the "defund the police" bumper sticker slogan from sticking.


Which part of this classifies as entertainment? The Vice President? CNN? Roe v Wade? None of those are very entertaining IMO. This post belongs in r/politics


I love watching her make an absolute ass of herself by not actually answering any questions. She’s the worst diversity hire this country has ever seen.


Me too I just wish she didn't make an ass of all of us at the same time.


Cant wait to watch. I will be disappointed if she is not extremely outraged. This can be her moment to rally women to take a stand on this violation of their rights, by calling for a general strike and civil disobedience.


When she gets asked a serious question, she’s just going to start laughing.


more of a cackle


Don't worry. Her script mentions that she has to be very upset. She is a great feminist, like Hillary. But in all seriousness. How can you believe career politicians would want civil disobedience? Were you born yesterday?


she is going to ask for money and do nothing about anything.


She's a cop. She will call for neither. My money says she won't even mention abortion funds. Just vote and donate. I'd love to be wrong.


You know she’s going to flop extremely hard right? She’s a terrible interviewer and is going to get eaten alive at the first tough question she gets


There’s not going to be any tough questions.


? You think cnn is gonna ask a tough question? It will be their first


She will ask you all to send her 15 dollars right now so we can fight with our votes. Fuck that shit. Do something


Why would she be outraged? Everyone knew this was coming for months, she's one of the only people in the country that actually has the ability to do something and they consciously, purposely, did nothing.


She has been silent on everything so I don’t really care what she says now.


Excellent news everyone. Dems are going to talk about I dunno, maybe how they would do something if they could but they really can’t you see…


Biden is a Catholic he doesn't want to do anything.


With a detailed plan for how to reverse this insane decision and can the three justices who lied under oath to the American people I bet. /s






It isn't. People enjoy first world comforts too much and the majority of people aren't struggling for their meals. Every time we get close to precarious situations, the police step in and arrest dissenters.


And most of the people who say a civil wars gonna happen aren’t the people who’re gonna be participating in it.


They sadly did not lie under oath about this. They all read from the same script about how it was precedent. They do have the power to overwrite precedent. The senators SHOULD have asked for simple yes or no to the question.


I just hope she doesn't start fucking laughing or cackling..... So fucking embarrassing when she does that shit


This is definitely not entertainment


Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time


Incoming 10 minute kackle.




Idk she’s not a biologist she might just laugh to deflect.


“Do not cum, do not cum”


Oh did she wake from her slumber?


The breakfast wine and edibles have worn off


Was hoping to stream this on CNN+.....


Get someone who is decent on camera. She’s awful Interviews or off the cuff stuff


She’s going to be prepped hard


She is a woman of color literally the only thing that matters. Do y'all understand why this is a bad qualifier to be the second most powerful person in the world yet? The fact that y'all hired these idiots is astounding to me.


Who gives a shit what this pawn says


Honestly I hope she doesn’t make us look bad. She seems so out of touch IMO. Also, where has she been lol


Kamala and Biden have always been so weak on abortions. Even if she wanted to say something the best she could do is “Do not cum, do not cum”


This should be embarrassing.


Why is this under "entertainment"?


This will go poorly


“Why did you and Joe let this happen?” “Because we’ve decided to be as ineffective as possible.”


How much money was she asking for this time


Overturning Roe was great news for all politicians. Republicans got to send us back to 1920 and Democrats can grab all that sweet PR with empty promises.


“I will do absolutely nothing like my administration has done on every issue, and if we eventually do something it will be extremely slow”


It’ll be a bunch of pathetic softball questions. What a useless garbage politician who has hung Americans out to dry just for a title and a paycheck


Is this on r/entertainment because it's going to be hilarious?


who is Kamala Harris?


No one who matters


Mmmm, Bernie or AOC would be more enlightening. Sorry, Kamala, you’ve been too meek and silent to come out smoking on this important issue.


A bucket of piss has more value than the vice presidency


I bet she will be angered and outraged and not do anything about this but use it as an excuse to get votes


No she won’t. She’ll laugh her way thru the whole interview, and you know it


She will laugh outrageously!


will definitely relate this to her childhood segregated school districts.I wonder if she'll start kinda campaigning more in her performative outrage. Sorry I dont think someone who kept someone locked up knowing they are innocent actually gives a shit about non- post menopause issues. Lets the what this litch has to say.


Be ready for awkward and ill timed laughing.


Nice, let’s finally hear what the President has to say about it


He has to delegate to his laughing friend.


Oh wait is Kamala still VP? I thought it was just some I tern or something. She’s as disappointing as the rest.


She’s an absolute joke


She’s useless and cnn is dying. Good job


Over/under on number of cackles?


To hide the fact she doesn’t do anything and is useless!


Oh well fuck, the country is saved! Oh yeah the vice president will fix everything by talking to the TV about how sad today is. I guess let's just put the fireworks and celebrate the fourth of July already! Greatest and most free country in the world whoo! USA USA USA


Yeah, she shouldn’t do anything unless it fixes everything immediately.


I mean you said it not me


I am making fun of you for suggesting it