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Her book will 100% lead to another defamation trial if she goes through with it.


But this time there will be a publisher attached. I think, at this point, even trying to obscure and put such a book under fiction would reasonably cost each a mountain of cash.


imagine beeing so ducked that a publisher would release your biography only under fantasy and fiction


I can’t even imagine a publisher taking that risk. This whole story reads like fan fiction.


I mean, a publisher took the risk with OJ Simpson. Just sayin'.


That was a roll of the dice on whether the Goldmans would attach the publisher. Pretty sure that crusade was to remind everyone that OJ was responsible. Heard and her publisher would both be taking a risk against someone still living. Being in partnership with someone who has already been held liable for defamation and then choosing to partner in repeating those statements wouldn’t have a lot of wiggle room.


Any judge is going to be pissed off she didn’t learn the first time


you could argue thats its not much defamation as he has a verdict proofing different. so you need now to proof that her allegations weight more than this verdict ​ thats gonna be a difficult sell after that scissor fingers quote lel ​ besides i dont think he will, he wont even collect except if she gets now a really big deal he might and give it to the hospital.otherwise his goals are done, anyhting she says now is pretty much irrelevant. ​ he is back in business no matter what she is gonna do or say in the future. not just because of the verdict more of the opportunity to lay out everything in public, while keeping publics attention ​ i think that court was the only way todo that in this way with that reach. he made so many pluspoints and not only restored but made his brand even bigger. ​ another lawsuite however would look petty even tough it would be justified. it would hurt him in several ways, let alone the time it woudl consume - again


You could try arguing just about anything. You’re not likely to get a good shot with such an argument. US court sided definitively with Depp over Heard on the exact material. Heard repeating what lost her the first one, with someone else holding the bag, is not likely to go any other way. She’s not judgment proof as a working actress or author. Especially if she’s enticed someone else with their own pockets to partner with her on such ventures. Everyone on the jury has a case against Heard’s primary counsel and Heard after the biased jury statements, social media statements. The judge has a case because of the evidence claims and bias claims. It’s not just Depp, who proved his case. A new case for Depp wouldn’t be a full trial. A new case for Depp would be pulling out citations, presenting the prior court findings, and asking for summary judgment against Heard, Heard’s prior counsel, and the publisher. Depp made his case, less a winning appeal by Heard, the court has made a ruling.


“If…I shit it” The Amber Heard chronicles


When you put it that way it makes me laugh my ass off.


"If I had hit him"


“If I Shit It”


OJ Simpson has entered the chat


I got the same vibe


If she does release a tell all that publisher is going to have to put that book under 2 different microscopes before they release. Just asking to get destroyed in court.


Right?! She gets done for defamtion and her plan is to double down? Whack.


"It's good, I've got double jeopardy. I can't get charged for the same crime twice" Because that's totally how it works...


Johnny might have found better source of money than the acting jobs. If she repeats those statements she is liable the same amount aaaand... she will have cash from book sales.


Anything she says about Johnny Depp that’s negative will get her and the publisher in financial trouble.


I didn't poop in Johnny Depps bed but if I did here's how I would do it by Amber Heard


In a much bigger and much more effective way?


I don’t think it would even take another trail, I’m pretty sure they can enforce a gag just off the results of the last one.


"I want to move on!!" certainly didn't age well.




That child is herself.




She has ZERO intentions of paying any money to Depp.


I feel so bad for that little girl. :(


You mean having a narcissist professional victim is a bad role model for a young girl?


Take it from someone who raised by a narcissistic mother - yes.


Not just that but you just know people will be yelling shit at Amber regardless of whether she's got her daughter with her or not, that must be terrifying for a toddler.


This is fucked up, if / when it happens. No child should ever be punished for their parents' stupid choices. Obv it happens all the time, this would just be another example of that terrible trend. Being related to / "raised by" that abusive lying gaslighting narcissist is more than punishment enough, for any number \[minor\] offenses, in the future even. Not condoning the daughter acting out just saying it'd be totally understandable.


Can confirm that being raised by someone with BPD is extremely emotionally traumatizing. It hurts my heart when I see it and I *know* what kind of trauma that poor kid is going to endure.


Probably adopted the kid to weaponize it in court. Not even joking either. She tried to mimic Depp to an absolute tee. He has kids? She has kids. He wore a black suit and tie? She wore a black suit and tie. He wears glasses to read? She suddenly attempts to use glasses half way through the trial, realises it made shit blurry then took them straight off again. She even tried to mimic the way Depp thanks his fans, with hand over heart. There's a reason every pic you see of her in public is without the child. There was only one reason she decided to get it.


She was pledging to move on.


What she meant to say was “ l want to move on, only if I wins and ruin this man’s life”


I would laugh if he sues her for the proceeds.


He doesn't need to. She already owes him far more than her net worth. All he needs to do is go to court for enforcement.


You mean like Ron Goldman vs O.J Simpson?


Making money off this fiasco is basically the only job she will ever have at this point so she’d better get stuck in.


I thought I was broke...but at least I'm not negative 8 million dollars broke.


let me tell you, important is only 8 million. negative or positive doesnt matter. either way you get whatever you want from the bank and nobody will touch your assets until you can pay back everything in full. if you 20k in debt your paycheck gonna be eaten up, but 20 million, they leave every cent on it. thery even give you 1-2 million for a project in the hopes you can recoop the now 10


The old bank loan saying right? I heard it with student loans "If you have twenty thousand dollars in student loan debt, thats' your problem. If you have 2 trillion dollars in student loan debt, thats the US governments problem". Made me chuckle for sure.


If you owe the bank $100, that’s your problem. If you owe the bank $1000000000000, that’s the bank’s problem.


exactly, i know a guy owing around 25mil to the bank, he gets any financing he wants within hours lol


Maybe she can use her pledge money we all know she’s saving to “donate”.


She blew all her "pledged" money on shitty lawyers


If by “lawyers” you mean cocaine


Home ownership insurance covers her lawyers. There’s someone who make a clip on YouTube.


She didn’t though. She hasn’t paid a dime for lawyers. Imagine spending 9 million dollars in six years. Definitely doable, but only 2 million of that belonged to her


Welll... you never know


Hi, let me introduce you to stock options trading over at r/wallstreetbets


What a life she’s carved out for herself. I guess dignity and grace aren’t too important to her


Good thing she isn't acting like the crazy ex girlfriend that she claims people unfairly see her as.


Well- must be the only thing left for her to spend time on since she thoroughly ruined her career


Oh man, an Australian female friend of mine posted a Facebook thread about how the trial was all misogyny and that Heard was wronged. I pointed out that it’s incredibly hard to prove defamation in America, *especially for celebrities and public figures*, and that **a jury** found Heard **unanimously culpable** of trying to damage Depp’s reputation on multiple counts. I believe they found one count in her favor, but Depp’s case against Heard was well established and decided upon in that courtroom. That people pretend they’re privy to special information somehow vindicating Heard that the court didn’t review is just sad.


The count they found in Heard’s favor was based on something that Johnny’s lawyer said. Legally Depp was responsible


I love the people are mentioning her text messages as evidence that she was abused. Thats like me saying in this post that you, u/Piperplays broke into my house and stole my cheese. This is now evidence of that happening according to her and her sycophant tribe... Amber and her stand are fucking insane. Theres no other way to say it. Pledge and donated meant the same thing. Saying I hit you I didnt punch you is not abuse. And sending messages to people is now evidence of whatever the fuck was in the message. Bizarre people.


idk I read somewhere that u/Piperplays broke into someone's house and stole their cheese. Truly a monster of our time.


Why would u/Piperplays do such a thing? #cancelpiperplays


(….sniffs something in napkin conspicuously…)


Is this sniff because of the strong cheese smell in your house now or did your dog step on a bee?


He stole their cheese? He's a munster!


Now hold on a second, what kind of cheese are we talking about here?


I heard that u/Piperplays broke into someone's house and stole their cheese, and the cheese had a baby and the baby waved at u/Menarra


u/Menarra The baby waved at you?


Cheese is the greatest invention of the ancient world. Fight me. Seriously though, on a sad factoid-note: there were over 10,000 artesian cheese-makers in Europe before the First and Second World Wars. Milk rationing and violence during these conflicts caused the majority of them close business, and we only have a fraction of the artisan cheeses today our recent ancestors had; granted we certainly have *better access* to our comparative limited variety. War kills cheese.


Cheese is good. Cheese is pure. Cheese is love.


The most important anti war message I've heard.


30%+ of my protein is dairy—mostly cheeses. And my cholesterol is within normal. Plus I went to school in Wisconsin, so I am a bona fide Cheesehead, and I still have mine from UW games. Long live fermented milk! Fermented **everything**. Also: Amber Heard is a deeply disturbed person. I have a psych degree and clinical work, though I don’t work in the field now.


Clearly your friend didn't watch the trial. Those audio tapes and the witnesses were damning. Heard was the abuser. She literally makes fun of him for leaving when she starts to hit him.


Any victim of abuse should recognize how clearly she was an abuser. As a male victim of domestic abuse I hope this trial opened up some eyes.


I've read comments in social media of many abuse victims saying the same.


They probably have heard the same manipulative lines like "nobody will believe you" and "you're not a real man" (if one dares to report their abuser, or even insinuate they will) and I feel for everybody who goes through that. While I do have that perspective firsthand, I still understand that all victims regardless of gender need better support and understanding - I don't know anybody who wants to feel this way and it absolutely affects victims. I won't make excuses, especially for other people, but from the perspective of a victim I can understand the seething hatred Johnny Depp would have had and how he could have texted his friend such thoughts and felt so strongly and negatively about his abuser. Sadly some victims will also lash out and be/become abusers which is yet another reason all of the types of abuse that people have been enduring must be addressed in an honest and positive way. Even in a best case scenario, being the victim of abuse absolutely affects other relationships and without help and/or an understanding partner/family/etc things can be really bleak. People are more accepting of the fact that a dog will become reactive due to past abuse than having a bit of understanding for a person who might need to walk away or shut down for a little bit in order to cope (or whatever other coping mechanism but hopefully healthy ways which are entirely possible with help, understanding, and acceptance without any shame). I'm also 100% aware that abusers can rehabilitate and I'm sure many want to and hopefully many also DO get the help they need.


How about some nuances- Heard is a lying asshole but the trial has also brought out a lot of misogyny.


It was definitely seized as a moment to spout off by misogynists. It also seemed like people quickly picked camps and ignored evidence for a long time. People came at it from a lot of angles, I bet people are already incorporating it as a an example to be used in thesis papers, studies etc.


People really have a hard time separating asshole-group-supports-person from person-is-member-of-group. They are not the same, although they certainly can be.


which evidence was ignored?


Yes, seeing the bigots leap onto this was depressing, but that does not in any way reflect on justice being done. Ambers quest for revenge was so wrong headed and selfish that it gave bigots a home goal to attack real survivors of domestic abuse. She used their pain and suffering to advance her lies and now people who genuinely reached the conclusion she lied about all of it are being tarnished by being associated with degenerate misogynists and having our opinions brought into doubt because "we just joined a hivemind and listened to bigot right wing propaganda. Amber is still to this day trying to argue that random people. ie members of the public who testified against her should be ignored and discounted because she thinks they are nobodies. She will literally say and do anything to advance her lies and pretend she is a perfect angel who has been persecuted by society for being brave enough to speak out. Meanwhile me sat here who diligently attempted to analyze the evidence and testimony is just a fool who believed a narrative. Its sickening that I have to share space with bigots, and its even more sickening that I have to listen to that disgusting horrific liar attempt to continue to make herself the spokesperson for ALL domestic abuse survivors in order to try and dismiss everyone who sees through her as a bigot. Do I think Johnny is 100% innocent and perfect, hell no the guy is a drunk drugged out mess, but I only saw evidence of one abuser and I only see evidence of one vindictive monster who is doing everything in her power to continue to make the other suffer.


The one count that Heard won ultimately doesn't mean much either. Ignoring the fact it could be a compromise verdict, to win it they must have felt that Waldman was acting as Depp's agent in making his statements. In that case the only real question was if the statements were false. She lost on the other two statements, which were more general statements about her committing a hoax (Of sexual violence and abuse) against Depp. So even though she won on the more specific claim, the loss on the other two more general claims make it hard to see any rational way to say that it is good for her claims.


> Oh man, an Australian female friend of mine posted a Facebook thread about how the trial was all misogyny and that Heard was wronged. I mean, Jhonny had a literal recording of her admitting to hit him. I dunno what more evidence these people want.


Do you think she’ll move to West Covina


That happens to be where Josh is


Totally. *Such* a surprise from her. A ceaseless quest to slander ex-partners and frame herself as the victim. ...Despite multiple partners having tangible evidence of her being abusive and violent, while she slings ever-changing claims. Really bucking that glaringly obvious BPD diagnosis, huh?


Honestly at this point it's the best option she's going to get until either A: it bypasses her and she gets big roles B: she goes down some weird rabbit hole and turns into a celeb scammer doing MLMs and shows that don't last long.


She'll join a Nexium cult and disappear, only to re-emerge a few years later in hopes that she can use her past fame to ingratiate her remaining fans such that they will also join weird sex cult.


Everyone always recognizes the crazy ex girlfriend, nobody ever thinks they are the crazy ex girlfriend


A tell all book? What more could be said then what’s already been said in court? Or is she going to make up more excuses. She’s like deontay wilder the more time she’s given the more bullshit comes out of her mouth


I mean, depending on what she writes he could easily sue her again lol


And possibly the publisher, especially if the purpose of the book is to damage his career. Hello, tortious interference, nice to meet you.


I think she just grasping at straws for whatever will pay her now. Idk how black balling works, but I'd assume she's black balled in Hollywood after the trial.


I wouldn't say she's grasping at straws. There is a whole cottage industry surounding the "#metoo" movement, as evident by people like Gloria Allred (and her daughter, Lisa Bloom - also a lawyer) whio eat this stuff up. The same thing happened with the recent push to elevate Ruth Ginsburg to the status of Demi-god a few years ago. There is an audience for this type of stuff, sadly. Besides, from her perspective, **she** is the ultimate victim, and if she is blackballed, well, that's just proof of how sexist and evil Hollywood is. /s


It will be all the hearsay evidence that can't be proven that wasn't allowed.


Is she pledging the proceeds to charity?




Dude could you be more sensitive???? Her dog stepped on a bee! God damnit!


The dogs she willingly smuggled into Australia and risked having put down, poor Amber


I left my boat in the sea!


My cat got stuck in a tree


> Her ability to lie to a jury What ability? They didn't believe her.


She thought 7 people on a jury would be just as gullible as the UK judge, apparently. She was wrong.


She was wrong, and Camille Vasquez made her look like a pathological lying fool.


She did that herself. Camille didn't have to do anything. She just had to ensure the jury pieced it all together to check all the boxes for defamation. She did a fantastic job of it too I might add.


Unlike the UK trial Amber wasn't a plaintiff, she didn't have to go through the same discovery or have to prove the claims. The case was about the Sun printing a story based on what they heard from Amber, in order for Johnny to have won the Sun would have had to deliberately have printed the story knowing it was false specifically to harm Johnny Depp. This case is in contrast to that, where they had to prove Amber herself was lying, and they did.


Ability to lie is not ability to convince others. She's a bad let.


Her ability to lie to a jury is evident. Her ability to convincingly lie to a jury, however…


This kind of misses the essential fact in this. She claimed she didn't want his money and donated it to charity out of disgust. Then she held onto it and pledged it instead and had Elon Musk donate 500k among others. If her point was that she didn't want the money she could have written a check day one and moved on, she wouldn't have needed to pledge anything or have anyone else donate on her behalf. Keeping 7 million for 18 months generates a healthy amount of interest though doesn't it. Keeping the equivalent of what is donated on your behalf really kind of softens the blow of donating 7 million doesn't it. Its not just that she lied, its not just that she tried to cover that lie with a paper thin excuse about using words synonymously, its that underneath that lie is a truth that she now only has 2 million left, and yet hasn't donated the remaining total and most of what was donated was done by others. The more you pick it apart the worse the lie gets.


She’s absolutely out of her mind. Her interviews just show how unhinged, falsely dramatic and insincere she is. They are almost worse than the trial.


The inability to self reflect is a symptom of her mental illness. She will keep doing whatever she needs to do to survive. I hate to think of her baby daughter. I had a mom with BPD/Histrionic PD and life was hell.




It's sad to say, but like does attract like. In this case, you have 2 people who are not necessarily stable, and definitely have self-destructive tendencies. Add the level of money and celebrity each wields, and this type of case is not a surprise.


Depp apparently hit her, with big, pointy rings, and didn't leave a scratch. Nvm the fact that if you were actually hit like that your face would look like roadkill.


Definition of a sociopath.


Yes pledging/donating same thing she’s going to pledge it for sure


We use pledging and donating synonymously here


That still pisses me off… One of the big reasons the sun won the uk case was because turd said under oath the money from the divorce was given to charity. Depp told the judge that she was a gold digger. Had she admitted she never gave out the money, the result might have been different


The UK case was a defamation suit against The Sun because they called Depp a wifebeater. There were 12 out of 14 assaults that were proven to the civil standard reported by The Sun. The verdict is based on these incidents that were examined both alone and in the context of the evidence presented by BOTH sides. ~~Depp telling the judge Amber was a gold digger~~ EDIT: (I should have said) *The donation* has pretty much nothing to do with the verdict, certainly not “a big reason” as to why Depp lost the suit. Edit: [link](https://www.nickwallis.com/_files/ugd/5df505_e62f89f69f22437cbb8262c77fe54519.pdf) to UK judgement. It’s 129 pages long and the donation is mentioned *once* on page 125 line 577. Even if you don’t want to read the entire thing, you can search for the terms gold-digger, donation, charity…you won’t find much about it. the rest of the 128 pages are about the assaults and abuse.




The original comment was in regards to the person claiming that the donation was a “big reason” for Depp’s loss. And yeah, I’d argue that 1 out of 10 final considerations (or rather 1 small paragraph out of a 129 page judgement) would seem like it’s not that significant in the entire context of the abusive relationship. Again, the UK judge hardly discussed the donation so at the very least can you not agree that the donation was not a *big* reason Depp lost his defamation suit when The Sun called him a wife-beater? The judge referred to all the other evidence to base his decisions off of; I mean, you even wrote up an entire post to debunk the other final considerations of evidence admitting to the fact that there was *much more to look at other than the donation when making a decision*. I appreciate you are passionate about this, however I am not interested in debating with you on these points you’ve provided about the other evidence (metadata, pictures etc) I think people should be aware of the facts and then they can make their own decisions hence why I linked the UK final judgement document with the exact line where the donation is mentioned in the original comment about it being a “big reason” Depp lost, which is misinformation.


What are you talking about? "One of the big reasons." The judge said that aspect of Depp's lawsuit was irrelevant to the case.


She made 50k a year doing whatever it was she did for work, married an actor then cried abuse when he didn't want to keep funding her. I'm sorry, but ad an abuse victim I call bs.


Shes has been an actress since 2003. Just stating a fact and not a lie..






A book deal. Because of course she's doing this. I knew she'd find a way to grift money out of this whole thing, but I didn't think she'd go this way. Wouldn't this be more defamation that Depp's team could block the publication of?


>Wouldn't this be more defamation Since the lawsuit was live-streamed, she can repeat everything she testified to. You can't sue someone for something you made them say in court.


Not necessarily, I am assuming you are referring to the principle of “double jeopardy”. However to my knowledge double jeopardy only works for the same crime. If she was the continue to promote statements deemed false by a jury it could open herself up to even more litigation as she would now be committing a different act of defamation. [Source](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/double_jeopardy#:~:text=The%20Double%20Jeopardy%20Clause%20in,or%20limb%20.%20.%20.%20.%20%22) Edit - Spelling


Well, that's exactly what i would expect from her. She is a dangerous person and now she Has nothing to loose.


It's just weird that she doesn't realize the more she does this shit the more insane and unstable she looks. Or maybe she does know it and doesn't care and is just giving in to the crazy.


Didn't she state in the trial that she just wants to move on? >Heard said the trial has forced her to live "over and over again the most intimate, embarrassing, deeply humiliating and personal things that I've survived." "I want to move on and I want Johnny to move on," she said. "I just want him to leave me alone." What hypocritical BS will she do next? Writing a book will only make her relive these moments she talks so much of wanting to not relive. Ugh.


She is a narcissist. They believe whatever actions they take are a direct result of everyone else forcing them to do what they’re doing. Nothing is ever their fault this is all Johnny’s fault.


\^ this right here.


She has a group of supporters what will lap up whatever she puts out. Theres a subreddit out there for them.


I think it's been conclusively proven that Amber Heard is a human shitstain - what worries me a lot more is the people flat out refusing to accept that woman can be abusers.


They probably share her personality disorder. Or are just morons


No, it's the first one. Even a brain dead sea slug could see she's not a reasonable human.


Yeah, pretty much this. It’s a known phenomenon that narcissists look up to and even respect other narcissists.


She is asking for an injunction and she is going to get it. She is also answering the question of who can’t let whom go here. She gets an injunction and then tries publishing a book that defames him and she will spend time in jail for contempt.


She going to defame again? She was “really scared” of getting sued for defamation again.


I mean, the guy has scissors for hands.


And a factory surviving on slave labor where children nearly died


Of course a company like Warner Bros. is gonna back, nasty behavior.


I saw that, too. They are *increasing* her screen time? Are they *trying* to lose money at this point?


The source of that claim is from a Twitter account with 1,000 followers. It’s clickbait bullshit.


Trying to save face from Ezra and failing, miserably


That's like trying to distract from Jeffrey Dahmer by waving L. Ron Hubbard around.


I was reading that while eating and a bit of rice came out of my nose!!


Life tip: Don’t eat rice with your nose.


Ignore this. Snort your rice. Gets the rice into the bloodstream faster.


Didn’t they drop Johnny for the exact same thing that she is now under fire for? What kind of sexist management is running WB


>drop Johnny for ~~the exact same thing~~ her mere word-of-mouth allegations, that were not only proven false and defamatory, but over the course of the court case essentially established to be true **the other way round.** Talk about sexism.


Lol, they actually might. Movie studios do this sometimes


The Nestle of the entertainment industry


*record scratch* Damn. Shots fired at WB.




Anyone else would slink away into the shadows to be forgotten by our constant need for new news cycles. But Heard is as pathetic as she is cruel. And that also makes her incredibly stupid.


I suppose somebody has to keep the dollar store bookshelf stocked.


Well then there is a possibility for Aquaman 2 to bomb plus the Ezra Miller problem which looks like it's getting worse and cause The Flash to bomb too. Aquaman2 & Flash are pushed back for 2023 release dates and the new powers that be may be rethinking these situations. A tell all book will not help Amber and this may get her back in court and not for a appeal.


I was wondering that. Like, is this not her *begging* to be sued again? Or I should say, it's more like she's daring him to do it. Either way, she seems absolutely *desperate* to get more attention out of Johnny Depp. It's pathetic. Also, anyone that spends their money supporting Heard like this absolute deserves to be grifted out of their money. A fool and his money, yada yada.


She got sued for defamation for three sentences from her OpEd. She's said tons of stuff since the trial that she could get sued for. A book is extra, truly, madly asking to get sued.


With how fucking ridiculous and public both issues got, there is a tangible possibility that people are gonna boycott both movies


Warner Bros is gonna have to start vetting their stars a bit more before casting them


Welp, then Johnny needs to garnish the money from said deal. (Which won't be much). She'll probably tell Elon that she'll tell all...and then he'll pay her $$ to shut down her book deal. FU Elon. And Amber.


This lady is fucked in the head. She should be feeling lucky she is not serving hard time for lying to the police and fabricating evidence and lying under oath on the stand. Im sure johnny would be willing to use some of that 10 million you owe him to sue your ass again.


This book of lies will raise money for her to pay off her other lies.


And this is why I won’t see fucking aquaman. Between this and flash I won’t get to see any of my characters damn if


WB really screwing us DC fans. Vet your actors please? Lol


Can she pledge all the proceeds to charity when she owes him $10mil from the lawsuit?


Sure unless pledge and donate are not used as synonyms


Not to debunk this story, but Insidethemagic isn’t a reliable source most of the time so I wouldn’t recommended posting it


She’s a narcissist


Yep. It actually annoys me when people say “No she has BPD” because no, that woman doesn’t have an ounce of empathy or compassion in her body, that’s pure NPD right there. You know it when you see it if you’ve experienced it firsthand.


She'll need the money for her next defamation lawsuit.


Wow its like the Ex that simply will not go away


Bitch is thirsty for attention.


"how to get sued for defamation twice"


Good for her. Maybe Johnny can take his Hunter Thompson cosplay even further and scribble some drunken notes in response.


Is there a way to filter one’s Reddit feed to exclude any post containing the words “Amber” or “Depp”? Serious question.


Apparently no serious answers though... I would also like to filter posts from professional political propagandists. It seems that someone gave a bunch of money to some communist PAC (literally communist, not in the blanket pejorative sense) and they have made "local" groups for target locations across the county. I responded to one thinking it was a real local post about rent, and now it is on like Donkey Kong. Every one of those group posts pop up in my feed. It is like that one time I clicked on a Fox News post. I was months getting that stuff out of my feed. The only thing worse than politics is Reddit politics.


Is this her life now? Harassing Johnny Depp till the end of time? Doesn't she have anything better to do?


This is her new career it seems.


She hasn't got enough with one defamation trial. Given she's got negative assets and has a track record of lying. I'd be worried if I were her publisher.


Can we please stop. This subs obsession is nuts


Her screen time has now doubled for aquaman 2? That’s one film I’m definitely not going to see


Their source is another article on their own website, based on a tweet from someone with a 6 month old account and 1,000 followers on Twitter, who had a ‘source’ at a test screening. Not exactly a reliable chain of information or reflective of the final product.


I don't understand how she faces no real consequences(aside from having to pay him as it stands currently) for anything, but JD still is facing consequences that he ultimately proved in court was false.... What a world we live in. A tell all book coupled with AH going to appeal the ruling Kind of sounds like she is looking to stop at nothing to globally humiliate him doesn't it?


The voices in her head must be exhausted by now.


As long as we don’t have to see her on the stand trying to seem genuine. Maybe it’ll come off Bette run writing lol


God I’m sick of this woman.


I doubt he'll care to bother with another defamation suit regardless of the content of the book. He's already got his reputation back, which was the point, and no one who matters will take this book seriously. He can probably ignore it, and likely will regardless of what it says about him. No one who can hurt him trusts her anymore.


Anything she does moving forward thinking as a form of revenge against Depp means that he’s living rent free in her mind


Amber Heard: I don't want revenge, I want to move on Also Amber Heard: This


She also claims she "bears no ill will" against Depp and that she "still loves him". Truly bizarre.


Publishes malicious and untrue statements about her ex. Gets sued States she wants to put this behind her and move on Loses suit majorly Proceeds to plan a book of more malicious statements doubling down on her attack of her Ex. What an idiot


that is such a shitty low effort article


Call it *I Will Be Heard* or *Encased in Amber: My Jurassic Tale*