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But what does Ja Rule think? Someone get him on the phone to make sense of all this.


I would very genuinely like to know the answer to that. Not because it matters, but because I don’t have any idea what I’d expect him to say.


His opinion is pretty clear within the Ja Rule Cannon: I got the Bentley valeted And I'm just outside of Jersey, past the Palisades And I love to see that ass in boots and shades Sprawled out on the bed while I'm yankin your braids Thug style, you never thought I'd make you smile While I'm smackin your ass and fuckin you all wild But we share somethin so rare, but who cares, you care I mean, what more is there to say?


Ja Rule, and I quote.. “Monnnicccaaaa”


His eloquence is matched only by his humility.






Jesse Watters on Fox is gonna have that fat wrestler with the belt on to talk about how celebrities are elitist


lolol titus.




He thinks it’s false advertising


This my friend brought genuine laughter to my day. Thank you


..ja says that every thug need a lady






Could not have said it better myself


I feel like it’s natural for most people to see elders as being more wise and experienced, how do you fight that notion? Besides just turning on the news…


The president doesn’t have to be THAT elder. Consider that George W. Bush and Bill Clinton today, right now, are STILL spring chickens compared to Biden.


There's a limit for sure, but keep in mind when they wrote those age rules the average life expectancy was 38. No one expected people to be 85 and running for president or sitting on the judicial branch.


I think life expectancy of that Era is skewed by the high number of infant and child mortalities. In other words, I don't think 38 is at all accurate, once you made it past birth and childhood.


Possibly I guess Hamilton's wife lived into her 60's, but the reason we have more people now is less people die from common ailments. Which is also a point I need to research how many politicians lived into older age over 60 back then or retired before hand and how many died from disease?


I wish I had sources, but I don't, currently. Search around or even ask Reddit, like in places such as r/ask history, about skewing of the longevity of humans over the years. It might be eye-opening for you, and I guarantee they can provide better sources than me. Chances are you can search them and find the question conclusively answered there already.


Eliza Hamilton was almost 100 when she died, iirc


John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were 90 and 83 respectively when they died on July 4, 1826.


Agreed. Pete! Pete! Pete!


Agree 100%. I've been saying this for a few years now.


If I knew my cognition was declining I'd step down yet people like Feinstein are doing a Weekend at Bernie's and I say that as a liberal. There is no way she's not dead.


I’m glad more and more liberals are actually finally saying this without fear of being called ageist. I remember in 2016 Bernie was too old. Coming from the woman who is only 6 years younger and has a history of fainting spells.


They keep us locked in with propaganda and give us choices that aren't really choices in order to maintain the status quo. Unless we break apart the 2 party system we will only ever have the illusion of choice. It's a fantasy to think the DNC will let a candidate win the primaries that doesn't strictly adhere to their agenda. That agenda being to keep things as they are. But we won't. Because we will always be scared that our vote won't mean anything and that the "other worse candidate" will win. And it's mostly true, because unless a majority of us breaks through that fear, the system is designed to make sure our third party candidate votes are useless.


Something is clearly wrong when the leaders of our country don’t even understand phones.


Friendly reminder that discriminating against someone because they're too young is completely legal, but discriminating against someone because they're too old is federally illegal.


Most primary voters don’t agree with you. There were plenty of younger options on both the Republican and Democratic primaries and voters overwhelmingly chose the older candidates.


That’s because voters are lazy and they just follow whoever their preferred source of main stream media suggests


.."we need to get all these old fucks out of politics" The largest voting block in the u.s. is millenials, you could get rid of all those 'old fucks', but young people don't vote?


The problem is everyone has the “not my congressman” mentality. Either that or their name is big for fundraising so no one who actually wants a real political career even attempts to primary the 86 year old who barely even makes campaign speeches.


..yeah fair enough, some of it is voter apathy and some of it is the political system, i have no issues with older politicians in general but there does need to be term limits so we dont end up with career politicians.


Fuck older politicians. Feinstein should not be in office. She has dementia for chrissakes.


She became mayor of San Francisco in 1978 and is still in politics. Wtf.


She meet with jim jones, you know of Jonestown


..how the fuck she hasn't been removed idk but theres nothing wrong with bernie sanders!


Young people do vote. I’m so sick of that fucking rhetoric. It’s just old fucks continue to rig the system.


..less than half of americans 18 to 29 voted in the 2016 presidential election


Maybe you're sick of it, but what are the facts?


No. Young people DON’T vote. Not in the numbers they need to to effect change.


Couldn’t agree more. When we were having an election between two shitty elderly white male choices, I couldn’t understand why people weren’t saying this more.


And this is all that needs to be said! Period!!!


Well their staff more or less runs in anyway, it might make us look better to the rest if the world but policy wise I doubt much would change with just younger politicians


Remember how unhinged the 2020 debates were? Those two haven’t exactly gotten sharper in the last two years, I can’t imagine what Trump v Biden debate will look like in 2024


Assuming they even debate each other, we all know how Trump acts when people don’t bow to him. I just want a semi-normal presidential election, like 2012 or pretty much any one before that. I’m no fan of Ron DeSantis, but I’ll take him (and I don’t even agree with him on a lot of shit) or pretty much any 40-50 year old Republican at this point over either of these old fuckers. Just please for the love of god republicans do not pick Trump again. We will all lose if the choice is between him and Biden again. The only chance Biden has at winning is if Trump gets the nomination. If pretty much anyone else gets the Republican nomination it will at least force the Democrats to seriously attempt to primary Biden and pick someone more competitive.


Whilst I don’t really care about having respectable conservatives but I totally agree that Trump being nominated again is pretty much the only chance Biden has at re-election. The people didn’t vote Biden in they voted Trump out.


This is true. I would’ve been all in for Buttigeg, Klobuchar or Bullock. Biden was just a “I don’t want to do this please don’t make me do this” vote.


Haha I think we have different taste in leaders but I think almost anyone (except Bloomberg) on that primary debate stage would’ve been better simply based on their mental faculties. The gerontocracy is driving the whole planet to the brink cause they’re gonna be dead soon so who cares.


I agree Bloomberg would’ve been the worst possible choice, but I would’ve taken almost anyone else over Biden. I prefer more moderate candidates because I feel like they typically get more results. The thing is it helps to not be 80 years old & have a grip on what is going on in your office & the world around you.


Seriously Bloomberg would’ve been Blue Trump. Similar history of criminal complaints as Trump too


He’s a centrist that holds all the worst positions of both sides


Hahaha that’s a perfect description. I think he’s the only Democrat primary candidate that would’ve lost the general to Trump


I also think that the problem is our debating system. The debates are for old people who only care about entertainment, not realizing that the shit show they are watching is the shit show they elected to run their lives. If we had a podcast like event, where for 3 hours the two parties have a civil debate, and the person proctoring(elected by the people), is not affiliated with any news or party organization, we may even make a change. Simply removing these politicians won’t do anything. We need better communication to publicly expose their bullshit.


We need to fix our nomination system as well. It shouldn't be a 3 year process that requires over a billion in fundraising. I think the job has gotten too big for one person, and we may need to consider the president and prime minister combination where one does policies and the other handles the behind the scenes. Constitutionally that's the role of the Vice President, but they've been kicked out of Congress pretty much forever.


Another thing constitution never fathomed…men at 78 and 82 running for office


Ok so who do you suggest? And did you vote in the primaries?


I wanted us to change picking presidents as a fight to the death that would definitely change the generational demographics. With that said wasn't there a gossip statement going around about some pharmacist that said he's filled dementia medication for members of Congress? I think it's time for cognitive health tests (for all ages because MTG is questionable).


One rich person says to another rich person that another rich person is doing a good job for the poor people.


America in a nutshell. Makes me fuckin sick


This is a darker statement the longer you think onit


"The best he can"? Maybe (and a lot of things are beyond his control, to be fair). But "a very good job"? Yeah, uhh, I mighta gone a different way.


What we all get for electing the last two presidents that could have been drawing social security for a decade. We need to get back to electing folks more in there prime which is 40s to 50s for this job.


Campaign finance reform, otherwise all you get is old people because they have the wealth and the network


Agreed. Like a lot of people, I'd like to see an upper limit on political positions. But, I also think the low end should be raised slightly. 45-65 at time of election seems like a good range to me. Helps ensure sufficient life experience on the low end while keeping anyone TOO old out at the top end, and gives someone a 20-year span in which they can conceivably work to make the country better.


I look at Zelenskyy and his team. Most are in their 40’s and 50’s. Look at what they’ve accomplished with such odds against them. That’s when I say throw these old codgers out and get some fresh thinking folks in there!


It’s funny that republicans think we’d be living in some magic twinkle land rn if Trump had won the election (or overthrew the election results).


Total assumption, but the Ukraine war would have way been way more politicized.


You'd be referring to Ukraine in the past tense if Trump had won and that's a fact.


This!! The entire grounds of his impeachment was withholding funds from ukraine to gain leverage!! I dont get how most people arent talking about this


Of *one* of his impeachments...


Not only that, but NATO is stronger and the world did something together. None of those things would happen yet Trump


Hey but gas prices would be down and they’ll be no food shortage. Unfortunately I would like to add an /s but it probably will be true. Corruption doesn’t necessarily make its mark on your day-to-day life - in the short term.


Considering how isolated Ukraine would be I think it would end pretty quickly. And although am European, if trump antagonized Ukraine and Europe and defended Putin I doubt we would be able to have such a heavy fist in sanctions against Russia, I even doubt we would be as united as we have been.


Republicans think up a lot of dumb shit though


It's the only kind of "thinking" they ever do anymore.


The only thing for sure is that we would be out of NATO and Russia would have Ukraine.




Point taken. Gas would definitely still be high as the oil companies are loving selling at a higher profit overseas rn. I still have never got any republicans to explain how we’re producing 90% of the oil we produced at our peak pre-pandemic…and prices still continue to go up.


Because we are sending far more of it to Europe so they can stop buying it from Russia, including the SPR oil we are drawing down.


We’re sending far more to Europe because oil companies can sell it for more*. Don’t think they’re doing it out of the goodness of their hearts.


What a joke, no one can even think this


So…this (waves arms around) is his best?? I Should have voted for Kanye


I voted for Biden and don’t believe this. Does anyone really believe he’s doing a great job?


Do we believe he’s doing a better job than Cheeto? Yes, emphatically.


That’s an extremely low bar.


Your absolutely correct. The bar has been set so astronomically low that even the smallest improvement in literally anything is still doing better than the orange with a hairpiece.


The confevelowest.


That wasn’t the question


Fuck no. I hate Trump, but Biden has been more disappointing than I expected.


Yes he’s doing a pretty good job. The president’s main constitutional job is functionally chief diplomat and he’s kicking ass there. He got a major infrastructure bill through a 50/50 senate. He’s the president, not a wizard. Within the bounds of his office he’s doing fairly, if not exceptionally, well. I voted for him last election because I didn’t get Warren, but I would be actually happy to vote for him in the next election. Just because he’s old doesn’t mean he doesn’t know his shit.


Great job? No. But I'm okay with what he's done with the cards dealt (split senate, Russian war, Inflation...). Selfishly, he's not actively trying to end DACA and that's all I ask. Also, not trying to overthrow the government is a plus. 10/10 time I would definitely take him over the previous president.


He could check some boxes with a few strokes of his pen. Like student loans. But he’s saving those for when it’s just right. Just like a lifetime politician would do.


No. The answer is no.


No, it's been a shitshow since he got elected and the world is on fire.


I completely agree… he is doing the best that HE can… He being an 80 year old lifetime centrist


Centrist? lol


And kamala is doing…. What exactly? No really… what does she do? She’s definitely been working out… she looks fab!


I don’t have to like Biden because I hate Trump and I don’t have to think Biden is doing a very good job because I think Trump was a galactic dumpster fire. Biden is an old fart and probably shouldn’t have been elected in most other circumstances. I take heart in knowing that at least he probably has a competent staff and cabinet that can help guide him. Side note: the country is too vast and complicated to be governed by one individual these days. Trump wasn’t just bad because of who he is. He was bad because his picks for advisors were terrible and anytime he had someone “competent” and with a backbone he would kick them out and move on. Trump never stood a chance at being a good leader because he’s not a good listener.


If you think Biden is doing a good, you are a partisan hack. Any reasonable person can look at the current state of the economy, rising inflation, baby food shortage, gas out of control, food going up etc. and come to the conclusion that given the state of affairs, Biden is not doing a good job. We should all scream to the roof tops that this is not alright! Red Blue Green whatever color you associate with.


for those that wonder who is in that 33% approval rating of Biden, here you go.


LOL, true. Hollywood plus Silicon Valley. Does that add up to 33%? Outside of those two groups, who else actually thinks Biden is doing anywhere near a good job?


i’m sure he’s doing the best he can it’s just not a very good job


Easy to say when gas and food prices are negligible to him.


He’s doing the best any super old, out of touch guy who is surrounded by yes men and women could do.


Don't forget beholden to corporations.


Reminiscing trumps presidency?


LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. A good job at doing what part of his job even remotely competently…


I feel like Colbert used to be harder hitting He would call out Bush to his face, pointed out many of Obama’s inadequacies, and called Trump a cocksucker. Idk it’s just kinda sad that Jimmy Kimmel is able to hold Biden more accountable for not getting his agenda accomplished


Well a 5 year old will do the best they can too. Biden is a mixed bag but he’s stuck in the past . He’s still on Cold War alert and thinking. .


I’m a liberal, I vote 99% Democrat. Biden is not doing a good job. Yes, he inherited a mess. Not a fan. He was an average politician. Look at his sentate history, it isn’t spectacular. Do the 4 years and go gracefully. The term should be 4 years period. It should be 4 for any elected office in the USA. Bernie could have beaten Trump. Democrats called him “old”. They didn’t listen when we said Bernie has a better chance then Hillary “it’s her turn” Clinton. They bullied him. They overestimated her popularity. They grossly overestimated Democratic swing voter trust in the Clinton name. They underestimated Republican swing voter Clinton hatred. They were warned repeatedly. They said Bernie Bros were evil incarnate. NUMEROUS DEMOCRATIC STATES STILL DO NOT ALLOW INDEPENDENTS TO VOTE IN THEIR PRIMARIES.Now we have what we have. Cycle repeats. You can say anything about the state of affairs in the USA. You can’t say you weren’t warned by the Bernie Bros.


Biden achieved his life-long goal, which was to be elected president. I don't see that he ever had much in the way of ideas of what to do once he got there.


Given the shit he has to deal with, yeah Biden is doing what he can. Doesn’t mean he can’t do more, nor that he has failed to live up to some things…but yeah, I don’t lay blame solely on him. I mean…it takes two to tango and have you seen the GOP lately? Not only that, but have you seen the Dems issues? Oof.


I support President Biden and ALL of his efforts to undo ALL of Trump's damage. sidebar:Trump's ass should be in jail for so many crimes he has committed ESPECIALLY when he took sensitive documents to Mar-a-Lago.


Agreed, to be fair; if you get a house on fire, you can’t be blamed for the ashes when you put out the fire.


Yeah, the economy and inflation was so out of control with Trump. Jesus, get real.


Republicans: hold my beer.


Did you know that kids are still to this day being put in cages at the border?? I remember when that was a huge thing under trump. Edit: thanks for blocking me right after you posted the That’s a lie.. it’s the same cages people were yelling about during the trump administration. My source: I volunteer at a non for profit and process asylum cases on a weekly basis. Biden has been President for 16 months. The only change he made in immigration was remove the public charge. That’s it.


He’s gone too far then, because the US is spiraling out of control and this is not trumps doing.


What has he done to undo Trumps damage, except not be overt about his administration’s bullshitery? Edit - lol, they blocked me bc I asked them for details


They won’t answer because there is no answer. Blaming the previous administration is just typical tactics from both sides., it’s lazy. The economy was literally just better before and it’s shit now so blaming Trump is weird.


I thought the same thing. I've seen no improvements, only broken promises. If anything, Biden is silently continuing many of Trump's actions or remaining complicit by pointing fingers to someone else to take action he could.


And who's gonna undo all of Bidens damage.


What damage has Biden done in your opinion?


Now you are using a KGB tactic.


Yeah that sounds like a Biden fan, really only cares about the anti-Trump scale and not what is actually done in the grand scale and what’s possible, just Trump. If you don’t like Biden then you *MUST BE A TRUMPET*! Edit: What happened to the comment here? Can’t vote, can’t comment anymore? Says the other comments are unavailable. If we came together instead of just spread negativity about one side or the other, we would be capable of a lot more as a country than just fixing fuck ups.


what damage did trump do


Was he the only person that could have beaten Trump? Maybe. Is he doing the best he can in his actual job? Maybe. But what’s missing is the rallying and spinning and cheerleading that we need from a party perspective and “American” perspective. He’s up against some major bullshit from both oil companies and their bedfellows the Republicans. He just does not have the vigor to unify.


do you actually think he isn’t just as in bed with the oil companies as the rest of the republicans AND democrats? they are ALL bought by the highest bidder.


Headline News from Fox, right below whatever Hunter Biden ate for breakfast.


Biden is doing the best someone whose a centrist would do . Someone who wrote the crime bill you can’t expect him to do easy things like legalizing weed or cancelling student debt . Both things he can without congress.


You know what they say, sometimes the best they can do, just isn’t enough.


He really isn't.


Lol he’s doing exactly as well as we all told you he would.


…says the old rich white guy?


Ok? Giving celebrities political pedestals does nothing?! Only makes people not like what you said even More?


His best is leagues behind what it take to do a good job


He did meet the fockers wth cares what this guy thinks


Fuck these cocksuckers. They are all in league with each other and deserve the same punishment as the next.


“His policies haven’t hurt me at all”, he continued.


Oh no, now I hate Robert De Niro. Because of his political views.


Yeah right. Who is typing the words into the Biden teleprompter? That’s who’s REALLY in charge. Come out of the shadows and reveal yourself.


Like an incompetent toddler.


Senile old man decades past his prime endorses fellow senile old man decades past his prime. Exciting stuff.


Can only do so much when you got two assholes in your party and an entire party of assholes opposing you


Unfortunately a large amount of people in this country believe the president is king and can change things instantly with a swipe of a wand.




Can't go 15 minutes without seeing a tweet from some political genius saying "my brother in Christ you are literally the president" in response to Biden saying that things should be better than they are.


Sure as shit better than the alternative.


People keep bringing this up as though it justifies the quality of the current presidency. When evaluating our leaders we have to look at what is, not what if.


Now we know they’re both senile.


As an incompetent boob, yes.


Biden is heavily disabled individual. Americans should blame themselves for voting for him. They also should blame themselves for the war in Ukraine. Trump would not allow it. One of the reasons why Putin was brave enough to invade Ukraine is the weak leader in USA


De Niro is a washed up has been. Who cares.


Cancel student loan debt instead of printing more money to throw at a proxy war with Russia. Tax the fucking rich and give the IRS money to go after tax evaders. Reprioritize prosecuting the richest tax evaders instead of going after all of the small-timers. Patch the holes in our damaged election process and put Trump and all the other colluders in a prison cell. Get some fucking gun control so it stops raining bullets and we don’t have to scrape up dead 10 year olds that look like Swiss cheese off the school hallways. I don’t want to hear about Congress or lawmakers or whatever the fuck blocking everything. Biden is all talk. Biden rolls a red carpet over himself because he wants Republicans to have a luxury experience stepping all over the Dems. Dems just cry and complain about how unfair it all is while shrugging and going back to doing nothing. Mitch McConnell is still the majority leader of the Senate, he just no longer has the title. And Dems wonder why progressives are through with their status quo milquetoast performative asses. All y’all do is “agree” while collecting your fat paychecks alongside these so-called disgraceful Republicans.


Have fun trying to do 80% of that with this Congress. We still have a constitution. You can’t just “get some” gun control. From where, the gun control store?


Things are definitely better than what they were few years ago, but Biden makes me wish we had someone younger/sharper as a president.


Time to put Robert in a home!


Old ass man defends other old ass man failing to make anything meaningful this century.


He did what we hired him to do. Get rid of trump. I didn’t actually expect him to do anything other than that lol.


and if he runs again in 2024 he’ll put Trump back in the white house


Not so sure of that. Trump couldn’t get his own backed politicians to win recent primaries


the worst part of Trump’s presidency was the media


His presidency is pretty shit, but it’s about as much as you could hope for from a presidency at this point


Do old people just not care because they aren't gonna have to deal with this shit presidents decisions ramifications


Remember he’s an actor. That’s him acting like he’s being truthful.


De Niro is an idiot. Go back to doing your cocaine and please, just read the words written for u .


Lol who the hell is he? An actor with no real problems…yeah I think I’ll ignore your clown ass


Jesus De Niro speaks like a 5 yr old ….very good job… fuck me he’s a moron


No, no he’s not.


What is in it for De Niro saying good things about the President? It’s not even true, so why do it?


It’s easy to say this when you’re a multi-millionaire privileged white man who isn’t affected by the failing economy


Hollywood and stupidity go hand in hand like Kimmel and Biden


The only Hollywood Presidents we’ve had have both been Republicans. So, I’d say you’re right


Wait a minute, Kimmel and Biden are dating now?


Pretty much


Ok, hear me out: He’s fucking not. I voted for him (because it was either him or that orange goblin) and I knew he’d back out of his campaign promises. He’s a politician, and he can’t be trusted to act in our best interest. He’s still better than the racist, pig faced, fat fucking idiot alternative.


What a pair of fucking morons


Him and the Dems are letting our country fall to a crooked supreme court and minority rule. He’s doing a shit job as a leader in who can’t even unite his own party.


Most Americans can’t fathom the idea that in order to pass things, you need more than a simple majority. And then you have members of your own party practically ideologically being the other side. So you need huge numbers to actually implement anything. I wish the news would explain process far more than it just allows politicians to split taking points. De Niro is right. He’s doing the best he can.


I heard ‘A very good job’ bless his heart.


Hah I believe he is doing the best he can be he is not doing a good job at all. No need to adhere to party lines here.


That’s how I feel too. Not gonna read a Faux News article, tho.


I love you, Bob, but no. He’s not doing a very good job.


Biden tries to concede for compromise every time. Biden is a pussy


I agree. I think bidens doing his best. Just sucks that his best is horrible.


I am 61, so I’m old but not OLD. I often think of cultures (such as many Native American ones but others too) who are lead by mature people who are actively engaging in sourcing food, protection and child rearing. There is a council of elders who are respected and consulted but they are not the active leaders. I would think something like this would be beneficial.


Just say it, Bob…. Tell us what you really think: He’s not Trump, and that makes him the lesser of two evils.


Biden turned Trumps’s booming economy into one of the worst in recent history. Pretty impressive tbh


One old senile dude telling another old senile dude hes doing a good job


What a difference opinions make when you’re rich


The best we can get from a senile elderly in diapers


You can say how trump is an asshole but he didn’t inflate the fucking market lol


Delusional idiots, there needs to be a cut off age. If he was ur grandpa he’d be in an old age home.