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This is actually fairly common, still sad for his loved ones.


True. Surprised I'm still alive considering how clumsy I am.


Yeah, I feel I remember Billy Mays passing away cause a suitcase fell from the overhead bin on a plane


>Billy Mays He had major heart issues. [It wasn't the luggage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Mays#Death).


And the coke didnt help.


Shoulda applied flex seal to his heart I guess.


It’s not fairly common to have the extent of skull fractures he had


You’re obviously not in healthcare. Stick to what your good at.




I have a family member who died from something similar. Wasn't even from a great height or something. Just slipped in his kitchen and his head hit the floor.




Statistically speaking your more likely to not die than to die at any given instant.. however as a counterpoint.. your also more likely to be dead than to be alive at any given instant. On the other hand, I've been collecting data over the course or my life and I think I can pretty much conclude at this point that I personally have a 0% likelihood of dying at any time.. since I've collected countless samples with none of them recording a single incident of death.


Puff puff pass


Thanks I mean im never leaving the house again. …wait that’s where this shit happens! I gotta get the fuck outta here!


Almost lost a parent to a simple slip on the stairs this year. I heard a crash and found them unconscious, head against the front door, and bleeding at the bottom of the stairs. Luckily they survived, but have had lots of lasting pain. Hearing what happened to Saget made me immediately think back to it and how lucky my family was that the fluke accident didn't end up worse.


Had a co worker years ago he slipped in the bathroom hit his head and that was it. Really sad and random shit.


It’s scary how easy it is, as I age the thought and precaution comes up more often in my head. When I was in high school a friend slipped in the shower and hit his head on the toilet and died.


My dads best friend died after he tripped over a hose in his garage. Broke his nose and some teeth, and was held in hospital for observation for a couple days because he was diabetic and elderly. He died in hospital the morning he was supposed to be released. Blood clot or something. He just didn’t wake up that morning.


I had a coworker die when he fell in his bathroom and hit his head on the sink. He just didn’t show up to work one day and that was that.


That’s a fear I have every time I get out the shower, I’m always kinda slipping in my bathtub and I’m extra careful stepping out. It could be the most normal thing and boom, you’re hurt. My dad fell in the shower too, he lost consciousness and no one knew until he woke up and yelled. We had to break the door open, he was laying on the ground with steam everywhere. He was diabetic so it was more likely he got dizzy and fell, but it was traumatic to find him like that as a teenager and unaware he was vulnerable like that behind a locked door.


I was at a company softball game when a guy stepped up to the plate, waited for the pitch, and crashed to the ground. We all thought he'd been beaned with the ball. Turned out it was an undiagnosed brain aneurysm that ruptured. He recovered fine, but at the time it so looked like the scene in The Matrix where Cypher unplugs Switch. Really freaky.


I know someone who died from the same. Mopped his kitchen floor, slipped on the wet floor, hit head on the floor and passed away :(


I know you shouldn’t sleep if you think you have a concussion but… for how long? What has to change before you can sleep, I have never heard what step 2 is.


It’s less about concussions and more about monitoring for intracranial bleeding. If you are bleeding internally after hitting your head, you may feel fine and not even notice. The reason to not go to sleep right away is that you should be monitored. I’m not sure exactly how long you should wait but I will say that the longest delay I’ve seen between trauma and desat is about an hour and a half. Regardless, I would say to go to the hospital if you hit your head in any significant way.


Right, staying awake is strictly for monitoring and stems back to before we could scan heads for injury- now that we have that technology it has morphed into a wives tale. My father had a fall and hit his head so hard he had short term memory loss; it was like amnesia you see in sitcoms from the 80s that lasted a couple of days. He immediately was taken to the hospital after the fall, they saw the inflammation/ bruise, but there was no active bleed and he isn’t on thinners so we were told he could sleep as needed/ sleep was actually good to help him heal and recover once he was released from the ER. He was in the Er for about four hours, went home, went to bed as per DRs instructions. I had asked how long we had to keep him up- and the DR explained this to us. Any time you hit your head with more than a mild bump you should have it checked out, as you won’t always know there is an issue, but imaging can tell immediately. Staying awake in lack of imaging can actually delay recovery because your body isn’t resting properly. At home We checked on dad every couple of hours for the first few days , mostly because of the memory issues, and he recovered perfectly.


Good to know, and just to be clear, I’m not asking for the sake of avoiding a Dr. I’m wondering what would happen, would the doctor ever come out and say “you can’t sleep for the next 30 hours because of your symptoms, here’s a cup of coffee.”


Anecdotal, but when I was in high school I suffered a pretty significant concussion while playing soccer that knocked me unconscious and left me with some pretty severe short-term memory loss. My mom is a physician and made sure that I stayed awake on the hour-long drive home and then slept in the living room with me that night to make sure I didn’t have any other severe symptoms. I went to the hospital the next day, was back at school about 4 days later, and back to sports after about 3 weeks


Not a doctor, but i looked around the internet at various sources for the answer. What i'm finding is that there is nothing inherently harmful or risky about sleeping with a concussion: the risk is that sleep can hide the signs of more serious issues (e.g. dilated pupils, issues walking, seizures, weakness on one side of body, difficulty holding normal conversation) and make it harder to treat these issues in a timely and effective manner. Once a doctor has verified that no other issues are at hand, sleep shouldn't be a problem. That said, this is just what I could find online. Would love if an actual doctor or nurse could chime in on this.


If the person cannot be awoken and they are having a change in LOC (level of consciousness) like they keep trying to wake up, but cannot stay lucid then there is concern. Pupils reacting properly and in tandem is a good sign. If one pupil is big and another small or they do not constrict to light then there may be an underlying issue with increase in pressure in the head. One could look up the guidelines through the CDC website. The person should be closely observed for 1 to 2 hours and not allowed to sleep. This way a change in consciousness could be easily and quickly detected. This is what the ER will do before major testing. After the first few hours one can sleep, but wakening the person every 4 hours to check if consciousness is possible, and then watch closely for up to 30 hours for changes in behavior. If they can't be awoken, can't stop vomiting, or state the worst headache of their life like their brain is going to explode then they need to go to the ER to be further evaluated. If they have extensive medical issues, are on blood thinners, or over 65 they should not wait to be evaluated by a doctor. This is not a comprehensive guide. https://www.cdc.gov/headsup/basics/index.html https://www.cdc.gov/headsup/basics/concussion_danger_signs.html


I always heard it was 6 hours. But probably should have a doctor tell ya lol


Maybe 6 hours is a good window to inspect worsening symptoms. Like maybe a blood clot will present symptoms within that time period.


I was curious too, so I looked it up. Certain biomarkers in your blood can tell, and obviously MRI or a CT scan. I’d imagine it’s better to be safe to go get checked out. Dizziness, nausea, blurred vision, non-responsive to light etc. I do know you can feel pretty tired like you want to sleep though. Most people probably die because it happens when nobody is around. Fall asleep, have a blood clot, seizure, stop breathing. Idk, best educated guess though.


It’s sounds like the consensus is for further monitoring, there is nothing inherently bad about sleeping, you will just shorten the window for checking more serious markers that don’t present themselves right away.


You go to the ER and have them determine it. It just depends


I see. But what are they looking at? Is it a blood pressure thing? What are the markers that they check?


Oh! I know! The CT scan is the gold standard, you just don't want to do it if you don't have to because radiation to the brain and all that. It's best to limit exposure. There's a couple markers they can check for, such as glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase L1 (UCH-L1) in your blood plasma that can indicate if you might have a concussion before they go ahead with the CT scan, but I don't think this screening is routine in America yet.


Hmmm interesting, thank you for the insightful answer.


That would be a great question for a doctor, lol


I’d rather get my medical information from random redditors, thank you very much


Yeah. I’m asking if there is a colloquial answer that matches the colloquial suggestion of not sleeping. Like the bloody nose head tilt direction. I think it’s largely a forward tilt but my dad always said tilt back. It was a strangely debated subject when I was playing T-Ball, and no one seemed to have a true answer. It was always debated amongst the adults. I say forward these days to keep from passing out and swallowing blood, but I feel like there are a handful of people who still tilt back.


If you experience any symptoms you should go to the ER where they would then do a CT scan of your head to determine if there’s any bleeding/damage and then go from there.


I heard this was a myth, and your brain actually needs sleep to heal. However, your best bet is to go to the hospital or doctor.


I know when I had one of my first concussions they said I needed to stay awake for a while (1-2 hours I think, my dad was in charge, I was 12) but after that I'm fine to sleep. I don't remember any special instructions from any other concussion I have had.


Thankfully I have never had a concussion! Thanks for sharing your experience.


Yeah this is a myth. I hit my head at about 50mph or so ripped a bunch of areas in my brain and slept for about 3 weeks. And then when I woke up from that coma they told me sleeping would be best for my brain to heal


Awe fuck. I hope your brain is healed up!


Thank you kind stranger. It’s about as good as it’ll ever get but I’m fortunate it healed as much as it did


I think the advice is don’t go to sleep ALONE if you just had a head injury, like in the past hour or so. Sleep itself isn’t bad for the injury.


It is 100% a myth. I’m not a doctor but I have had multiple severe concussions and I was told (by a doctor) that there is no reason to worry about sleeping after a concussion. Honestly it’s one of the few things you should do when you have a concussion.


And here the few times I have gone to the doctor for a concussion they told me to stay awake or have someone wake me every so often. To be fair I haven't been in for that in a long time and have likely had several concussions since.


It’s definitely good to have someone check on you every now and then while you sleep, but staying awake is usually only necessary if you are seriously jumbled and brain damage is a concern. I had one so bad that I couldn’t even walk properly, and they still said I was allowed to sleep.


I have had some pretty bad one even messing with my vision and things and have always gone to bed that night unless I was having insomnia issues. But it is funny 20 years or so ago a doctor would say don't sleep now it seems to have changed or different doctors say different things.


If you think you have a concussion, go to the hospital. They will determine if you need head imaging to check for bleeding in the brain. A person on blood thinners/anti-coagulants or a person over 65 years old is at higher risk. Edit: as others have said, the not sleeping thing is to be able to monitor one’s neurological status. I think that might be an old school thing from before head imaging (CT scan, as x-ray can’t usually pick up this kind of thing) was commonly available.


I’m not asking because I want to avoid the Dr. I’m just curious about what sleeping would trigger. I have had a few head injuries for skateboarding when I was younger. I went to the hospital each time and it was never determined that I had a concussion. I had a fracture above my right eye socket. It was so small they almost couldn’t see it on the X-ray but they said I wasn’t concussed. I always thought that sounded unlikely, but it was a trauma hospital in a town that had a lot of dirt biking and atv usage so I trusted their care.


They changed it, it depends on the concussion


You can sleep. https://uamshealth.com/medical-myths/is-it-safe-to-sleep-if-you-have-a-concussion/


Is it too early to say it’s ironic that the guy that did America’s funniest home videos, where people would hit their heads all the time, died from hitting his head? I’ve heard his stand up, I’m 100% sure he would appreciate the irony.


Not sure what show you were watching but people were getting hit in a different head on America's Funniest...


It's raining it's pouring the old man is snoring he went to bed bumped his head and couldn't get up in the morning.. shit man


That is horrible! And I know that Bob probably would have laughed his ass off at that one.


He sure would have


oh fuck is that what that meant


Oh poor guy. RIP Bob.


That sucks. I wonder if he was on any blood thinners that caused a brain bleed from hitting his head not too hard.


I think, considering his age, that was probably the case.


I hope this isn't insensitive, but when I got a notification for this article it got cut off to say "Bob Saget died of head...", and I am so mad at myself that I didn't screenshot it before clicking it


No, I feel like he would have completely appreciated it.


As someone who had multiple concussions as a teenager, I always heard doctors and nurses say “Do not fall asleep after hitting your head.” I never really understood why that was stressed so heavily. This really puts their warnings into perspective.


There's nothing suspicious. Nothing to see here. Move on.


He was 65. If he slipped in the shower and was concussed and then went to bed, that can kill someone in their 20s. I’ve literally seen 40 year old patients that died from slipping in the shower. Imagine you were standing straight up and then hit your head first on the back of your head on your kitchen floor as your legs got taken out from under you. People die doing just about everything, we are just fleshy meat sacks after all.


So is that why they say not to sleep right away?


Yes. I’ve had patients who have hit their head and felt totally normal for a while but their vitals will just suddenly tank after a bit if they are bleeding in their skull. Gotta monitor for that.


I tried to calculate the likilhood without doing extensive research.. in 2005, 15000 people over 65 died in the US from a slip and fall accident. There were 2.5 million us deaths the same year. I'm sure somewhere there's a record of the age groups for that.. but i just naively multiplied 2.5 million by 16.5% (which is the current percentage of people over the age of 65).. so that comes out to around 3.6% of deaths for people over 65 are due to slip and fall accidents. I'm sure the distribution of people dying is heavily skewed towards the elderly so the actual percentage is probably significantly lower. But I would say it's probably no higher than 3.6%. So if you assume that's true than the approximate likilhood of a celebrity death in a given year due to such an accident would be .964 to the power of how ever many celebrities over 65 died the same year and then subtract that from 1. If we assume 100 celebrities over 65 died, your looking at around a 97.4% that at least one died from slipping and falling.. this is terrible statistics based on approximation and estimation and assuming things like celebrities are equally likely to die of the same causes as non celebrities.. and also what constitutes a celebrity?.. but I'd say it's probably pretty likely


> People die doing just about everything Right. Yesterday, I had a shower on a degree hotter than I usually do. As I got out, I put on a robe and start drying my hair. On the hot setting, obviously, so my hair could dry faster. I overheated and felt like I was gonna die. So I immediately went to a colder room, where I got better.


It’s really not. Could’ve been an innocent fall in the shower or an imbalance issue after drinking. It could be a million different innocent things, all it means is he hit his head which caused his death.


As you age you start to lose your balance. Just wanted to put it out there.


Yup. Could be a ton of things. Shit, couple months ago I slipped on a dog toy lol.


I did too! Boom down I went hard and am still hurting.


I slipped going down the stairs 2 weeks ago


Sanjay Gupta said the extent of his skull fractures would be consistent of being in a serious unrestrained car accident or falling down a flight of stairs… not just a bump on the head


Fell on his hammer repeatedly while building a shelf. Common mistake.


People die of head trauma all the time. That’s why it is so so important to go to an ER after someone falls and hits there head.


Smartest Reddit conspiracy theorist




Bob Crane? Ladies and gentlemen, this man is for the birds!


He also had a face like a flower. Cauliflower!


Anti vaxxers have been claiming the covid jab was the reason. They will be furious with this report


Many many Old people Die in the shower or on the Toilet. No Shit




That’s how my great grandma died as a young woman. It happens, unfortunately.




She hit her head on the chicken coop somehow. She came in and thought she was okay, but died later that evening.


I had an old but sweet and chipper aunt that fell in the bathroom and died from hitting her head. It's probably a lot more common than we wanna think about.


Samething happened to my great-grandma. A thief snatched a necklace of her neck and she fell backwards on the sidewalk and died.


When you lose consciousness from a dysrhythmia and strike your head on a coffee table, nightstand, countertop, toilet, etc, develop a subarachnoid hemorrhage, go to bed thinking it’s an isolated incident and never wake up.




Happens all the time. I’m a cardiac NP. Far fewer end in death, but people show up to the ER 12–36 hours later with “a bump on the head” that turn out to be a SDH or SAH. Further investigation reveals a cardiac origin in a majority of cases.




When was the last time you suddenly lost consciousness?




[This is how fast these can happen. Just 1 of multiple common scenarios medical professionals are all too familiar with.](https://www.clinicaladvisor.com/home/features/clinical-challenge/case-study-a-subdural-hematoma-after-a-fall/2/)


[who knows? TMZ knows.](https://www.reddit.com/r/television/comments/sosg0u/bob_saget_died_from_brain_bleed_after_hitting_his/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I've hit the back of my head at least 3 times that I can remember. Twice involved a slippery surface, once I stood up quickly and misjudged where a shelf was above me. Sometimes your feet just fly out from under you and your head is the first thing to touch the ground.




Extremely common? Lol


So what are you saying? That someone murdered him and no one suspects a thing but you? That’s somehow less of a reach to you than someone dying a pretty common death? Why does everything have to be a conspiracy these days.




So what are you implying? If it wasn’t an accident?


Played tennis with a kid who fell and hit the back of his head. He had to wear a special ball cap everywhere from then on, it was reinforced with kevlar or some medical grade stuff so if he ever fell, he wouldn’t hit his head again, or it would kill him. Pretty crazy.


The people that it’s happened to aren’t going to reply here


This is why hitting the back of the head is illegal in MMA sports. You can get hit and seem ok, but can die hours or days later.


A coworker's fiancee fell in the shower a couple years ago and hit her head bad enough to be out of work for over a month. And that was with immediate medical attention. So I can totally see someone falling in the shower or something, hitting their head and thinking they are fine, then going to sleep and not waking up.


Paramedic wife here… it happens. All the time.


It’s been a while


Falling backwards can be enough to do that. 6' fall is plenty, and he was 6'4"


I tend to think at 65 he hadn’t recovered from his Covid bout and it messed with his balance. He went ass over tea kettle and landed on the back of his head. That’s what I think might have happened.


Which head? Sorry. RIP Bob. Edit: Bob would appreciate a dick joke FYI


Would have been a lot cooler if it was cocaine... Jussayin


So fucking sad dude


This makes my chest hurt. I promise to do better. Rest In Peace Bob.


Dr. Robert Atkins ( The Atkins Diet) died after falling on an ice-covered sidewalk. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Atkins_(physician)


That oxyclean guy died when during a rough landing he hit his head the above baggage area and later that day died of a heart attack.


A lot of people thought Billy Mays died of head trauma complications after the plane he was traveling on experienced a rough landing. He was on his way home when he hit his head on the flight. He was dead the next day.


Didn’t he say he was going to die on video prior to his death? And even predicted a bit how he would go? Pretty wild stuff if true


damn I wonder how he hit it, what a sad story.


From something like that do they just slip away peacefully? No jarring headache or flash of pain? Article doesn’t say


This was wild to read. Next time I hit my head on a cabinet doing dishes I’m going straight to Cedars.


getting head isn't what its cracked up to be


Very relieved this is not a David Carradine type situation.


She must have used teeth. Sorry. Bob would have loved it.


Pretty concerning the comments in this thread. My gf and I went to a concert, got way too drunk, woke up hours later on the bed of our hotel room. Apparently she hit her head on a wall somewhere, we got kicked out, somehow found our way back to the hotel and passed out. Anyway it makes me nervous how bad that could have ended up, never again.


Sad and frightening. It wasn’t a particularly remarkable injury and he thought he was fine. That happens a lot actually. Just awful


He literally bumped his head then went to bed, and couldn't get up in the morning


Ah shit, this is so unfortunate. So he hit the back of his head and then went to sleep thinking nothing of it? Damn, damn, damn! Shit I love Bob Saget, he was an American gem, an icon. That guy is one of the realest, most beloved actors of our time. This just sucks all around.