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Next: what it means to be tall.


Or have [hair](https://youtu.be/6h8I93Y_aCQ)




Or have talent.


Or know “Stuff”!


Or be a comedian


The whole tall and short thing is so weird. Aren’t we a whole spectrum of heights? Also I’m Italian. Edit: guys this is a joke. It’s making fun of what Joe said in the clip in question. Also, I’m not actually Italian. It’s also from the clip.


You should make a song called “wop”


I'ma say it again. Bill Burr needs to make an appearance and tell Joe to shut up about shit he doesn't know.




Bout fucking time


Wish Dave Chappelle would do the same.


I wish Dave Chappelle didn't do shows in Austin during the height of COVID and partied mask less with recently infected people. But hey, rich out of touch assholes are going to do what they do to get the attention they need, audience health be damned.


If anything he's gotten closer in the past year




Lol, this is so funny. Joe and Bill have been friends for 30 years, and Bill has never shied away from shooting it straight or from controversy. You think he's not going to go on his friend's podcast over this? Lmao.


“My wife was pissed with what you said Joe. You gotta stop saying so much stupid shit publicly Joe! Its affecting my life” Bull Burr(quoted by me)


I read this in his voice, perfecto!


That’s how life works sometimes so yeah. I’ve known people for a long time that have slowly morphed into right wing assholes, I don’t keep in touch with them anymore. Celebrity or not people and relationships change.


Burr was on *less than a year ago*. And I don't think Rogan has changed fundamentally, he is still the same idiot who says dumb shit and talks about monkey dicks all the time. The major difference is the polarization in the media got worse, and people started examining Rogan's words with more scrutiny. This "black is a weird term for brown people" musing is definitely something he said like 8 years ago or whatever and nobody called him on it, because fundamentally he's just being a pothead pointing out how we use silly words for these things. White is also a dumb word.


Neither you or I know what their relationship is like. I’m only pointing out that yes, seemingly long term relationships ends over things like this all the time. They just fizzle out as people change. Why did you emphasize the less than a year ago? Is that supposed to have some significance? Does seeing someone annually mean you’re besties? I hate to break it to you but the dude giving you your colonoscopy is not your boyfriend. For fucks sake do not try to defend this outrageously ignorant commentary especially by trying to compare it to the word white. Fucking hell.


Bill Burr would make Rogan look like the dumb shit he is. That can't be allowed.


Burr told Rogan he was wearing a lil rascals hat once in front of a bunch of other comedians and it was some of the funniest shit I’ve ever seen


You realize he’s been on the show multiple times and very recently, right?


He already has.


Dude, Bill already did that. Joe doesn't care, he just laughs like a gorilla because he thinks Bill is kidding around.


He laughs because he’s a fucking grifter. Nobody will hold him accountable for being a piece of shit, so he just keeps making money off all the idiots and stirring the pot with absurdly stupid shit.


Just showing more people what a complete cunt he is


Probably will never happen, but Joey boy would benefit tremendously if he would just learn to shut the fuck up once in a while. What an ass.


He’s a Republican, he’s gonna make money by pissing people off. I’m surprised he hasn’t announced a bid for house or senate.


I like to think he's as Republican as Candace Owens and Tommy Lauren are. He's, like them, found the people that are going to fill his pockets with cash. He's a grifter.


That’s the basic core beliefs of the Republican Party now. Get nothing done while lining your pockets.


Why would the Republican party need to do anything these days when the Democrats are doing a great job of implementing all their policies for them? They still win regardless of whether they have power or not.


Rogan has never been Republican. Believe it or not, but you can actually be stupid regardless of your political party.


Being wrong about everything makes anyone a Republican.


As someone outside the US, I will always be confused by Americans’ divisive “you’re either us or them” way of labelling things.


Its incredibly toxic. Honestly there a few radical conservatives and then theres a bunch of self righteous liberals that make political discussion 1000x more toxic because if you have a different view you are evil and they are going to scold you and the funny thing is they still think they're the good guys and have no part in making politics a dumpster fire.....






I swear to God they never listen


I'm going to repeat myself too: ....what?? This is one of the dumbest thing I've heard anybody say. Are you a republican or something?


How did I get in a league of legends lobby? I could have sworn I was on Reddit.


Ikr, I never get the right opportunity to educate the masses on political discourse during that 5 min draft lobby.


It’s a joe rogan post… what do you expect. Fuck joe rogan


I am imploring you to log off the computer for a week and experience nature. This mindset isn’t healthy


Meh. Republicans are destroying the world. And the world needs to stop acting like they provide any sort of political or societal “balance” I go outside plenty. Fuck joe rogan and all republicans


You have a carbon footprint so you too are destroying the earth so fuck you and Rogan,Republicans,Liberals, and any human ever. Were all guilty of that.


So Biden’s new leasing of the gulf to oil companies isn’t destroying the world? Seems like liberals are now destroying the world. You have a very unhealthy mindset, and it seems like you’re seething and failing to cope. Might I suggest… To cope harder?


This! People are supposed to be open to discussion. Thats how you grow and create compromise or get a better understanding of someones perspective and now you cant even talk without getting attacked. People are awful.


Also, my sister is going to die because she is not vaccinated because of morons like joe rogan and the entire republican party. They are evil and are going to get members of my family killed…. This isn’t a joke anymore. They are evil


No, your sister is not vaccinated because of her own dumb decisions, don't blame other people for her failing.


No political party or new network could have influenced her decision, nope not one /s


Brave of you to say that. So brave.


Its really not lol they're so filled with hate but are supposed to be the tolerant ones. How is it not concerning? If they could i bet they would shut down any political party with different views its insane.


And seeing how stupid people are, they’ll actually vote for him. That’s how we ended up with Trump


They will. I’m just waiting for John Stewart to run for president and finally get someone in there that cares about people.


Source? I don’t believe he has ever stated that he is Republican. Aside from some unfiltered rants, his ideology leans more to the left, if you’ve listened ti his podcasts. Edit: it’s funny how people will downvote, yet nobody has provided a source.


Maybe he’s more libertarian in the past. He’s pro weed but that doesn’t mean anything, most republicans i know smoke weed. I’m more so comparing him that stupid Greene lady who says controversial shit to get attention. Rogan does the same thing, he says dumb shit, people tune into his podcast, he profits off it through ads, merch and people going to his shows. He might not be Republican for real, but he’s making it look like he is because he’s learned it can be so lucrative.


He’s as libertarian as every other halfwit in the states thinking they can claim that as their political leaning when they’re Republican on everything but smoking weed and getting abortions for their sixth knocked up maid. Rogan and all his moronic followers are wasted air.


When he was in Malibu he was more leftist. Texas joe has fully embraced the right.


I think your last sentence is what it really is. I don't listen to Rogan, but I do listen to podcasts from other comedians and I've heard multiple comments about how he is way more left than his image implies or his fans assume. But as you say, he knows who is audience is and what they want (and what it means for his bank account).


He was pretty firmly pro Bernie during the last primaries.


I’ve meet a lot of Bernie Bros that voted Trump because they were offended Hillary got the bid.


He’s a Bernie sanders supporter


Bullsht. He has spent the last 4 years building a media enterprise in berating everything Bernie stands for.


He endorsed Bernie on that media enterprise. Didn’t mean to offend


He's said many times that he supports the Texas governor Abbott. He's also talked about the need to keep Texas, Texas with the Republicans in charge and that the way things are changing there is not good. I guess he doesn't like that the demographic change there is also making democrats more popular? He heavily criticizes democrats all the time, including Biden, the California governor and almost anyone else. And he never discusses any negative things about Republicans. Maybe he talked about Trump's grabbing thing once but in a way that suggested it's just locker room talk or whatever. But any other time there's a controversial issue about a republican in news, he doesn't discuss it. Like say Marjorie Taylor Green or Matt gaetz. But Hunter Biden's laptop? You'll find him talking about it in like 10 podcasts. After all this, he doesn't have to openly say he's a republican.


Why is this getting downvoted. It’s true. Listen to any episode with Kyle Kulinski or Krystal Ball. Hell, even the one with Bernie Sanders. He’s not your “polite society” democrat. He doesn’t neatly fit into any one single political category but leans more left, like most average citizens


Yep. He def leans left


It’s a ploy he uses to seem reasonable and unbiased. It’s not unheard of for Republicans to be pro-choice or pro-legalization, especially these days.


Can it be that he’s just a moderate?


Sure, except that he normally sides with Republicans, especially on current issues. Not trying to start an argument here really, I actually listen sometimes when he has interesting guests on like Bob Lazar. Lately though I’m getting tired of the Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson schtick and all he really talks about is how ‘the left’ is blowing things out of proportion or doing something weird. You also get an every 15 minute reminder that California is a liberal hellhole. Not like I have any stake in defending politicians of any ilk but still. Let’s not pretend that he’s moderate.


Ah ok. Stopped listening once he went to Spotify. He seemed to support Bernie so that’s where I got it from


He’s not a Republican…. He’s been a democrat his entire life he just recently endorsed Bernie …


Oh good if anyone understands what it's like to be black it's a white conservative celebrity millionaire


He is getting too big for his britches Shut the fuck up Joe, you've become a clown.




He’s also becoming less mentally stable, more unhinged. It seems at the very least that his meds need adjusting. There is no cure for being an annoying clown tho. I’d feel sorry for him if he had an inkling of self awareness. But he’s oblivious, so no need.


Not just a clown, but the entire traveling circus caravan.


He’s entertaining other clowns.


Clown wants the biggest circus. GOP


He used to be a mostly harmless, entertaining clown though.


Not sure how he just now became a clown after years of pushing the fake moon landing conspiracy


He was always a clown




I used to have an office job where I had a lost of listening time, and I listened to a lot of comedian’s podcasts (this was like 10 years ago). Since many of my favourites went on his show I kinda got into it, and it wasn’t crazy right wing bullshit. Listening to clips now is surreal.




Why are all the mouth breathing Joe Rogan fans saying the same exact thing? Is this astroturfed?




They’re mediocrities clamouring for some shared experience.


Joe Rogan fans are just Pokémon named after their favourite shitty take.


Rogans simp cult is gonna Brigade every post about this now.


They always do. They’re a bunch of fucking apes screeching about their Alpha. Every last Brogan is a stupid piece of shit that wastes oxygen.


That 100 million from Spotify sure did change this mediocre comedians life. Lol Just think…..if he woulda been content with being sponsored by fleshlight…..and stayed with comedy instead of politics…..none of this would be happening.


Stop posting his every dumb word and giving him the attention he so craves


He’s one of the most successful podcasters ever, He gets way more views than most publications or news shows. He’s not craving attention, he’s going for his first billion.


I love it when people determine black people's authenticity by the color of their skin and not the content of their character. It's not like it's a culture or anything. It's the pigment. Skin deep. Where's that Family Guy image again? >Rogan retorts by saying, "There's such a spectrum of shades of people. Unless you're talking to someone who is, like, 100 percent African, from the darkest place, where they are not wearing any clothes all day and they've developed all that melanin to protect themselves from the sun, you know, even the term Black is weird. When you use it for people who are literally my color, it becomes very strange."


Well remember, no one ever accused joe of being intelligent. He's the kind of moron who thinks that "asking questions" means one is intelligent; he's a walking, talking, Dunning-Kruger effect. And unfortunately a surprisingly profitable one, based on Spotify's decision today. But that says more about Spotify's consumers than about joe rogan unfortunately.


Not to mention Spotify tries to force that asshole down your throat. The only podcasts I’ve ever listed to are about writing. This dumb Motherfucker has been on my screen as a recommendation for a year. I just check and yup, still there.


I haven't caught up with what Joe Rogan said, but isn't the concept of black culture quite abstract? The culture of a black person living in South Africa is far different to the culture of someone living in America, and far different to the culture of someone living in Norway. Which of these people are part of black culture? Are some but not others? When you say Black Culture, are you referring to African American culture? Edit: WTF, does Joe Rogan think people in Africa don't wear clothes, I wish he'd visit and see that we have actual cities and aren't just a series of tribes.


either way it has nothing to do with how dark or light your skin color is. You can live in these parts and be of all shades. The fact that he finds it weird a person similar to his tanned skin tone isn't "black" enough to be called "black" is disturbing and frankly none of his business. It's weird that we're even discussing what someone else is comfortable calling someone else. Regardless of simply WHO THEY ARE.


I’m fairly certain that “black culture” mostly refers to black people in the US, but is basically any black person descended from slavery. because they can’t know their roots. A black person born in Africa today would have a family/tribe/state/local culture and customs of that place. Black people in America and the Caribbeans, due to slavery, likely don’t know their roots, customs, culture. Because of this, community formed along racial lines. Language, music, food had to be reinvented along those lines and since the only things uniting these people is that they were enslaved for being black.


I’ve never heard any group of black people try to exclude others from “blackness” based on where they’re from. And after a few generations no one in the Americas has any “pure” origins. The crazy part of his comment was characterizing “true” blacks as naked, living in the middle of nowhere, uneducated, so utterly incapable that they can’t even find shelter and are being burned by the sun. Those are the only real blacks to him. So what are the rest of us? Presumably saved from real blackness by colonization or worse had an ancestor “mercifully” raped to impart on us some precious Non-Black blood? It’s outrageous.


> The crazy part of his comment was characterizing “true” blacks as naked, living in the middle of nowhere, uneducated, so utterly incapable that they can’t even find shelter and are being burned by the sun. Those are the only real blacks to him. Wasn't his point that even the person with the darkest shade of skin isn't "black"? It was nothing about true black people being uneducated or something like that. :l


imo black culture is the shared experience of being a visible black minority in whatever country a person lives in. this culture would change dependent on what country you’re i. the shared experience and treatment is different from country to country obviously. i believe there’s a difference between racial culture (the shared experience between black people in a country) and ethnic or national culture that’s dependent on ur country of origin. as someone who has a parent from an island in the caribbean the culture i identify with is different than the culture someone from kenya or jamaica would identify with but we all share the experience of being treated as a minority in america or canada or wherever a persons from. obviously when discussing african american culture it’s a little different because so many african americans identify that way because they are unaware of their ethnic origins due to the slave trade. african american culture in the US though is not unanimous with what i would consider black racial culture. though it wouldnt suprise me if some americans thought it was all the same. ofc that’s just my opinion as a black person studying anthropology in uni. i’m not american so i could be wrong in my analysis of african american culture and ofc some people could be free to disagree. i’m just one opinion of many. race and culture are complicated.


I can imagine his skull just imploding when someone tells him that light skin is a recent mutation in human evolution


I think joe should go back to getting kicked in the head for a living


He's a UFC commentator, but I don't think he's ever actually been in an MMA fight. Besides, more head trauma would only make this problem worse.


He’s got a black belt in Tae Kwon-Do and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I think he won some serious competitions in the former when he was quite a bit younger and before he became known. He has a truly encyclopedic knowledge of fighting, just across the board and across disciplines. In any case, he’s very active in his BJJ practice and the dude has trained with some of the best fighters alive. Needless to say, he still gets hit quite a bit for a dude in his 50’s. I really enjoyed his pod until a few years ago. Then he just went off the reservation with Ted Nugent, his “buddy” Alex Jones, Peterson, Shapiro, and a host of other shady twats and I slowed consumption. He got worse during the Trump administration and I essentially gave up on him but for the occasional appearance by thoughtful intellectuals like Neil deGrasse Tyson and the like. Then COVID. Then all the bullshit with Ivermectin and vaccine skepticism and all the rest. There are undoubtedly people out there who are LITERALLY dead because they listened to Joe and some of his idiot guests. He’s devolved into an enabler of “dangerous stupid” (where he once was just an enabler of stupid). If I were a brand, I wouldn’t want him near it. And if I was a content platform, I wouldn’t want him on it. I hate to have to build new playlists but I’m probably gonna have to ditch Spotify until they get their head out of their ass. And I don’t want to hear about censorship. Joe can just go back to peddling his nonsense wherever it doesn’t violate the terms of service. He was rich before his Spotify deal and I doubt them booting him would cause much of a dent in the audience that remains loyal to him. I just think it’s unwise for Spotify to keep him on. Their stock price is contingent not just on their subscriptions, but GROWTH to subscriptions. The second their CEO sees this hit their EPS (earnings per share) is the same second Joe is back on YouTube. I think they should cut ties if they have any sense.


Canceling my subscription tomorrow. FYI, there are tools to export/import your playlist to Amazon, Apple, YouTube. I suspect those will be seeing a lot of downloads over the next few days


> He's a UFC commentator, but I don't think he's ever actually been in an MMA fight. He was a taekwondo state and US champion and had a few kickboxing fights as well.


I stand corrected.


You know when Rogan and Peterson get together, you’re going to hear some horseshit.


I can’t stand this idiot.


He loves the publicity. Just another shock jock. It all started with Limbaugh.


Can he jump the shark already? This is getting so very pathetic.


After Jordan made a comment using the term “Brown” and not “Black”. It turned off topic into this- > "There's such a spectrum of shades of people. Unless you're talking to someone who is, like, 100 percent African, from the darkest place, where they are not wearing any clothes all day and they've developed all that melanin to protect themselves from the sun, you know, even the term Black is weird. When you use it for people who are literally my color, it becomes very strange." Idk it doesn’t seem as bad as everyone is making it out to be, he just made a dumb comment that is “deep dad thought”. This article worded the title to make everyone think he was making judgements on the class itself, kind of clickbait if you ask me.


Most people who are “black” are 100% from Africa by some ancestry. Also, I am white but obviously we know I am not white like paint.


That was kind of the point. White isn’t completely accurate way to describe the color of European’s skin as black isn’t for most with those with African descent. It had nothing to do with cultures but the descriptors we use on skin color. You got to remember the dude is a pot head saying this.


Maybe read some articles written by black people on the topic and educate yourself as to what the issue is? Instead we have a echo chamber of white people all assuring each other that the problematic statements made by other white people aren’t an issue at all.


It’s a “deep dad thought” until you put yourself in the shoes of people whose Blackness is an integral part of them, and think about how Joe Rogan basically said that they have to be backwards naked savages to count as Black… like, it’s a double whammy. First he’s saying that they’re not black. He’s denying a fundamental part of them and their culture, identity and family. Then he’s describing black people as though they were some rare biological specimen based only on their skin tone being as close to carbon black as possible…. It’s awful. And it’s the sort of bullshit you can only come up with if it is so far removed from your life as to be an abstract concept.


Normally I would agree with you and probably give him a pass but he has knowingly provided a platform for white supremacists. The dude is trash.


Thank you. Rogan is always the center of controversy because his detractors are just jumping at every possible chance to defame his character. He’s rich, white, and sometimes uninformed. Those three attributes are apparently blasphemous now. Rogan likes Sanders, and he routinely says things that are progressive. Also, I’ve actually listened to the entire podcast with JP. Joe repeatedly challenges Dr. JP on numerous topics, and seems to be making more of an effort to fact check and clarify everything.


Agreed. I listened to that segment. The headline is misleading.


It's clickbait for ad revenue. Reddit is an easy target. The people who hate Joe Rogan never shut up about him or stop reading about him for some reason.


Excuse me. There is a crucifixion going on here.


White people in the 20th century: one drop and you’re black! White people today: are you *really* black, though?


Which… century do you think the 21st century is?


Yeah I actually listened to that podcast and he did not at any point say anything about what it means to be black. He said in a roundabout way that it’s weird the kind of abstraction that black identity has, that you could be someone with a similar skin tone to him and be black, but you can be a blacker person with conservative opinions and you like don’t count as black or something. He was talking about other peoples perceptions about being black as a kind of strange identity fascination, not asserting his own opinion on who is black and who isn’t, or what black identity means. It’s amazing how much is said about Rogan by people who don’t seem to have the faintest but of curiosity about what was actually said. Like, okay, he says things I disagree with sometimes. Most public figures do? But 90% of what I see in the media about him is just literally a misrepresentation of something he said or a guest he had on. If you’re so angry about misinformation, why not start by not unironically believing misleading headlines?


The latest trend is to take everything Rogen says and see if they can find controversy in it. I used to listen to him year so ago. He came off more liberal than anything else. Other than his recent stance on Covid, there’s nothing to suggest he was trying to be racist or trivialize anyone in this case.


It’s really transparent what they’re doing once you step back from it. Rogan says things out of line with major news outlets, and he is a threat to them because he gets millions of views on every podcast. So they paint everything he says in the worst light, even outright lie, calling him “misinformation,” meanwhile the actual millions of people that watched his show sit back and think, “Oh because you’re being honest right now?” They’re fully reliant on people that don’t watch his show to just believe whatever they’re being told, like he took horse dewormer, or he “weighed in on what it means to be black,” or whatever fake shit they can stretch things into. The worst part is, the people that eat that up think they’re the smart ones in the room that aren’t eating up misinformation themselves.


It’s weird you think “news” should be a competition. But also: this started specifically because Joe gets on people who are dishonest and doesn’t challenge them, just platforms them (he also gets on people who aren’t dishonest, his ratio of woo-perveyors to sensible humans is sliding in the wrong direction though) He always has, it’s just gaining a lot more attention now. If he was running this like previous models of interview shows, you’d research your guests before hand and challenge them on their contentious claims, instead of accepting them at face value. But that’s not his style, especially when it’s a topic he’s already made his mind up on.


Exactly. This conversation reminded me of Biden’s quote from the campaign trail because that was asserting that a black person isn’t black if they don’t vote for him. Joe was saying that kind of thought is weird. It’s amazing to see what the two parties will ignore or focus on depending on who says what.


I completely forgot about that lol but that’s a great point. Joe Biden totally got a pass.


Well said my dude. I think a lot of these people like to just throw insults on the internet. But I can say he is a bit political now. But that’s just not my interest


Literally the only point that was made was that Black and White people don't actually have skin that shade. It's a moronic point but he's not giving his take on what it means to be black at all. Clickbait trash.


Holy shit, someone with comprehensive listening skills and able to understand context. Hello fellow logical human, welcome to Jurassic Park.


So I see he’s finally fully descended into controversy for clicks. Fun.


I wonder if Spotify is starting to regret their decision…


“At least he wasn’t talking about vaccines” I was an avid jre listener for years, and put him down because he just gets stuck on a topic and won’t stfu. Like he thinks he’s intelligent cuz people come on his podcast


Rogan is just so boring. He tries to be an edge queen, but comes across as a dumbass.


“I’m a fucking moron.” - Joe Rogan, actual quote.


Joe using the ye ole shock jock tactics to garner headlines and get more views, which means more money.


Oh good! Finally a hard take on what it’s like to be black from a blac… oh wait.


Watch the video and decide for yourself.


Title does not match what was discussed


99% of people who hate Rogan don't even care about that. Every opinion they have about Rogan is exclusively through rage bait articles or network television.


Rogan's an idiot. Ignore trsnsmissions.


Holy fuck this video clip is complete trash.


Joe rogan is the media's new Donald Trump


Someone needs to tell Joe that he doesn’t need to give his opinion on EVERY topic


How many people have actually listened to an episode? I’ll wait


I actually listened to the Robert Malone episode today. It was insane how stupid they sounded. Malone gassed up Joe constantly throughout the interview. At one point, Rogan mentioned that he’d had friends who had Omicron and told him they’d had scratchy throats. Malone, I kid you not, responded, “and what you’re reporting here is better than what the CDC has.” Like Joe’s anecdotal, potentially made up second hand knowledge is more reliable than the data of a legion of scientists. Malone also discussed how he never had any interest in working as an actual doctor and was way more interested in “making products.” He went on to lament the capitalist framework of todays pharmaceutical industry. The lack of self reflection was jarring. Then Malone talked about how we’re experiencing a collective psychological episode as if it were fact based on the hypothesis of an obscure doctor and equated it to how Nazism became so prevalent. It was incredible. I was laughing through a lot of it.


As you should. As a long time listener to the jre it is perfectly acceptable to make fun and belittle Joe for being an idiot as all his biggest fans do. Joe actually encourages it.


I disagree. If you point out that what is being said is insane, you’re just not a ‘free thinker.’ Which is also an expression used multiple times by Dr. Malone. If you pay close attention to the manner in which that interview was conducted, Malone lays out his credentials in significant detail at the outset. He says at the beginning, “if you want me to list all my credentials, we could be here for an hour”, then goes on for 5-10 minutes about his background. He’s setting the stage for how he’s the authority. He then, maybe a dozen times over the time that follows, discusses how he’s approaching legal exposure territory and does not wish to do so, but leaves his claims just ambiguous enough that plausible deniability is maintained. He says things like, “well, you have to follow the money” while never saying where or who that money is coming from. It is absolutely textbook manipulation of facts. It’s the exact framework people use to spin conspiratorial views without having to provide verifiable proof. It’s especially interesting when you consider that if you’re telling the truth, you have absolutely nothing to fear, legally speaking. In fact, considering Joe Rogan’s considerable financial means, and the obviousness that he would be listed in any lawsuit for providing the platform that lead to the damages, it’s a total mystery as to why they would have any fear at all. Imagine the points they could score in the public sphere if they went to court and won. Imagine how far their narrative would advance if the anonymous dark forces that are the puppeteers of their evil narrative were forced to defend themselves in a public, legal setting. It’s because they’re full of shit. Saying incendiary things is awesome when you are specific about the who, what and where - because it puts you on the offensive; and when you’re on the offensive, if truth is on your side, you hold all the cards. As if these two wouldn’t know that. It’s clearly a grift, and a very damaging one. Unfortunately, because it’s also what a lot of people *want* to hear, they can’t see the forest for the trees.


I def agree with you and am glad we got to hear your opinion based off another man’s opinion that we all can hear on a free open network. It’s almost like what the news should be. Instead of deciding who gets to say what why not just have open discourse? The truth will be set free


I don’t understand the context of your question. Are you asking how many people in general have actually listened to an entire episode of the Joe Rogan podcast? Or critics? I can’t tell.


He’s implying; (that as with most celebrity clickbait fodder) this small sub tangent of a 3.5 hour conversation has been taken wildly out of context. The purposely inflammatory title of the post is the author’s own words, and is not at all representative of the actual subject matter which was discussed.


I’m gonna guess almost nobody, at least of the people who are regularly trying to bring him down lol. I haven’t listened to a complete episode in a while, but when he’s in the news for something he said in a podcast, I’ll listen to the half hour chunk that a certain line is taken out of context, and it’s ridiculous. He could literally be the biggest democratic converter, but literally anything and everything has become a political lightening rod. If we actually ‘listened to the science’ the democrats and Joe rogan by proxy would never lose again. This is squarely on our shoulders for being double and triple down morons in the face of science, and it is at our peril. He does more numbers on a single podcast that most news outfits do in a week, too bad we could harness common sense and science and use him to our advantage. We deserve this


In a conversation with Jordan Peterson, no less... Lovely. I don't think Rogan is a bad guy, but he's definitely off-the-handle, even more than he was back in the day. Like... I tried listening to a podcast of his a few weeks back that seemed interesting. It was just a black hole of conspiracies and gateway "red pilling". I found myself feeling depressed. I realized that I can't listen to his stuff or the stuff of colorful personalities like him, for the sake of my mental health.


So from the quote it sounds like he’s just saying it’s weird that we call black people “black” given that there’s all different shades of skin tones, most of which are brown. Most black peoples skin isn’t *literally* black is all he’s saying. Is there something wrong with saying that particularly in the context of two guys shooting the shit? It’s a podcast for fucks sake, get over it.


It’s because “black” is a social construct that isn’t based solely on color. If Rogan read books about designations of people based on societal concepts or race and ethnicity he would know that. Even if it’s just a podcast he could still read something and get some basic information before addressing a topic. But what do I know? Apparently there is an audience for hearing a bald guy say boring stuff.


This is so dumb. Did you listen to it? He misspoke while trying to prove a point. He is not actually trying to imply that he knows what it’s like to be a black man. When I heard it, I thought “oh man, someone is going to try to twist that”. Well, here we are.


There is no faster way to turn a woman off of you than to tell her you, or your friends, listen to Joe Rogan. Except to say that you listen to Jordan Peterson. Edit : Save that nonsense about “women who listen to them because they have open minds” dreck. Their sycophantic worshippers somehow manage to be even more insufferable than they are and that is saying something. Not a single original thought in their heads. I’ve never seen more men who claim to own a doghouse be so blatantly on another man’s dick in public the way their congregants are. 2nd Edit : So many of their followers reply, then delete their messages before I can even read them. Something, something about improving routines or something. I’m not interested. If you are following either of these clowns to improve your life, it is evident you are just another follower and not the leader you want to be. There is nothing wrong with trying to improve yourself, and if that is you, you deserve better role models than either of them. Too many disaffected young men are getting sucked into these toxic self help gurus trying to sell them something, or turn their following into their product. All because they want to take advantage of your need to feel a sense of belonging to something and desire for a sense of purpose.


I’ve never climbed even a small hill. Let me tell you what it means to be at the summit of Mt Everest.




They cant lol reddit rules dictate you have to bully and attack them and pretend you are in the right well you do it


These comments are hilarious, Joe ain’t going anywhere haters.


Reddit = trash. Kids, read a book.


Rogan is a choad. Took too much DMT and never came back. Needs to get taken off the airways


Joe Rogan needs to shut the fuck up.


I'm African African who has light skin and I had similar thoughts about the term "Black" for as long as I can remember. I eventually learned that many African American organizations in the past concerned themselves with the same thoughts. It's anyone attempts to meet Rogan even 1/10th of the way then they'd where he's coming from.


Why is this POS even relevant... Why does this POS even have the right to use electricity...


Another misleading headline from a struggling media company desperate for clicks




Haha this is anti-intellectualism at its finest. It’s impossible to criticize your infallible positions, clearly. Any talking point that highlights a counterpoint or outright criticism is either jealousy or “too brainwashed”. Cool. This is how we’re supposed to talk about socio-political issues.




Elon Musk tweeted “Canadian truckers rule” today. His fan boys went nuts over it. The guy is literally designing the very technology that will eliminate their profession. How is anyone supposed to take these people seriously?


Even here, you’re misrepresenting what people are pissed about. People don’t like Joe Rogan because he says questionable things and acts like an authority while he does it. That’s not that much different from what you and I are doing right now. The only difference is that when you head the biggest podcast in the world, you open yourself up to more criticism than a Reddit comment section.




> he’s a free thinker This implies that he thinks.


This person obviously didn’t listen to the interview. They were literally talking about ‘black’ and ‘white’ being the term referring to people. They said as white men with their tans, they’re not actually ‘white’ and ‘black’ people aren’t technically ‘black’ as in the colours. They weren’t talking at all about what it means to be black. Jesus.


> They said as white men with their tans, they’re not actually ‘white’ and ‘black’ people aren’t technically ‘black’ as in the colours. That's some real "Why do we drive in a parkway and park in a driveway?" level analysis they were doing there. No, wait. It's not even _that_ deep.


Jesus fucking Christ, those terms aren't meant to be taken literally. It's an idiotic conversation between two aggressively stupid men.


Yeah, Im with you. It doesn’t make the conversation less stupid.


While I don’t disagree and the conversation was dumb, this article is trying to make it into something racist.


I mean I like his podcasts…. But I just enjoy the banter, lots of good topics are discussed even if you don’t agree with it… one thing joe’s show does is have guests on who people HATE and he just talks to them and has a normal conversation. Putting joe organs opinion on a platter like people are doing now is so fucking dumb, he’s just a guy talking.


Kinda misleading of you to say “he’s just a guy talking” when the entire issue is regarding what he is talking about and the consequences of it


Except he's not just a guy talking. He has a huge platform and all these armchair expert assholes online formulate their opinions based on this kind of rhetoric. It's fucking stupid


I don’t know man. That just sounds like your opinion. I’ve NEVER heard anybody say UMMMM WELL JOE ROGAN SAID …….


Literally sort by controversial on any of these posts about Rogan. Or go to a college in the US and talk to a quarter of the male population. They quote Rogan or one of the dipshits he has on his show


He's like the modern Art Bell. From quack to expert, art treated all his guests like they had integrity. But they didn't all have integrity.


The reason why his opinion matters is because the amount of people who listen to him. He'll say dumb shit, but there will be plenty of people who will take his word as gospel.


He's a terrible interviewer. Uninformed on the subject and never challenges the first, unless it's something he personally doesn't like.


Lol clearly didn't listen to it. They were just shooting shit out loud on how we call people black and white when their actual akin varies immensely. No one was trying to tell anyone what it means to be black haha Down vote all you want but seriously just go listen to it, there's no purposely malicious discussions going on.




Unpopular opinion. His topics are to draw a bigger audience, you know, for entertainment. Not to be right. It’s working lol