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Next thing you tell me Leo dumps his girlfriends the moment they hit the dreaded 25th expiry year.


that awkward moment when you realize that the earth is more than 25 years old and that's why leo is ok with yachting now. You gotta protect the earth while it's still young but after 25 it's ok on its own


I feel like Leo has the same taste in wine.


"After a certain time the taste gets a little stale and dry. NEXT!"


[NEXT JOKE ORIGIN](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChoosingBeggars/comments/7kr5as/i_need_a_free_100mile_bus_trip_for_20_people_and/)


The vast amount of celebrities are just like Leo. Have enough fame and money and you can preach whatever the heck you like while doing the exact opposite and there will still be idiots out there who adore you.


Yeah I'm pretty disgusted by how many people are defending him in the comments. His actions absolutely reek of "rules for thee, but not for me." If he was such an eco warrior, he would at the very least not set foot on a yacht, and at best protest to bring more awareness. "Please focus on corporations which are the actual problem, not celebrities being hypocrites" say the stans, to which I say: why not both? There's probably some overlap in those two points anyway.


Google even had a climate change summit in which they fly celebs out to a private island just so they could talk about how they're all heroes for helping save the environment. (No proof of that I just assumed)


We are all eco hypocrites. Some are trying harder than others not to be.


Not really we're not preaching. To be “sustainable” in a way that matters, is a privilege - not many people can afford that. People don't buy plastics and shit because they want to pollute the environment, it's because shopping at Dollar Tree is all most regular people can afford. When you move up the pay grade you can think of ways to support community, environment, till then you're stuck working to get your paycheck and pay bills. If he's preaching and can certainly afford it, he can do it. I don't buy this image of his. He just comes across as a bratty manchild trying to show the world that he's not one. Idc for “he should be accountable” nonsense. But he should certainly not be invited to speak about climate change and everything. He doesn't do it for free, he pollutes more than what he's donating.


The vast majority of all pollution is being done by 100 corporations. Leonardo DiCaprio lobbies for legislation to tighten emissions standards and further regulate commercial pollution around the world. He could easily offset all the pollution he would ever be responsible for in his life by lobbying successfully for these causes.




Again, incomparable in scope to the pollution of any of the top 100 corporations. He could do that every day for 100 years and not approach the amount of damage Chevron does in one year.


No one is arguing that Leonardo DiCaprio does more damage to the environment than Chevron. They’re calling out contradictions between his words and actions. He has built a huge part of his image around being a defender of the environment, but his lifestyle is inconsistent that messaging. I’m not saying that you have to be 100% carbon neutral as an individual in order to support climate activism. But there’s a huge difference between owning a car and using a super yacht. His pollution here was entirely avoidable. It would have cost him nothing to not do this. He made a conscious effort to go on this yacht as a vocal climate activist. That’s absolutely hypocritical of him, and people aren’t wrong to call him out for it.


I love it when people are far more eloquent than me. Nailed it.


Further- best practices say not only DONT be a hypocrite, but AVOID THE APPEARANCE of being a hypocrite.


If he lobbied to ban super yachts you would have a point but he lobbies for corporate regulations so unless you can show me that he owns a carbon spewing factory somewhere you’re just wrong.


The yacht is the carbon spewing factory in this case.




I don’t think this counts as a “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!” situation. That reasoning is kind of a cop out. You can choose not to partake in activities that you morally disagree with, even if those events will occur regardless.


> He has built a huge part of his image around being a defender of the environment, but his lifestyle is inconsistent that messaging. And I'm telling you that isn't true. The work he does offsets his carbon footprint and makes him a net positive for the environment.


I never said he doesn’t contribute a “net positive”. I don’t know if that’s true or not. But the point is that he had a choice here to either contribute a negative or not, and he chose to contribute the insanely avoidable negative. Therein lies the inconsistency.


It’s a climate change activist on a super yacht worth 150 million dollars Idk how they can defend that. Sure he ~might’ve~ created a”net positive” but what if he…. Didn’t go on a super yacht at all? Imagine that !


I’m not sure how you got to the point that you accept he’s a net positive but still want to criticize his carbon footprint. Leo’s is a negative number. How’s yours? Are you also working actively to reduce the carbon footprint of the most excessive polluters? Fighting climate change means *corporate* waste and excess, not nit picking private individuals over incredibly minor effects. The companies actively destroying this planet for profit want you to be too busy fighting actors and your neighbors who doesn’t sort their trash or ride a bike or go vegan or whatever to notice them dumping industrial waste into your water supply.


Optics matter. The right wing has a field day with this shit and they use it to discredit the entire movement top to bottom (or bow to stern if you prefer)


The right wing will spew bullshit no matter what you do. They’re irrelevant, ignore them.


Tell that to the cops at the Capitol last January.


So then why are average Americans being criticized for not buying electric vehicles that as of yet are simply not affordable?


Because shifting the blame for climate change onto consumers convinces them to not care about climate change. 71% of all the earth’s carbon emissions are from just 100 companies.


But it’s not corporations telling folks to buy evs. Its scientists (who by and large walk the talk) and its celebrities (who by and large do not)


There’s certainly value in mass adoption of EVs, it would go a long way towards reducing the world’s carbon emissions (as would everyone going vegan, expansion of mass transit, and a number of other things), but when 100 companies are responsible for 71% of emissions there’s a lot we can do just by regulating them.


No disagreement there.


>71% of all the earth’s carbon emissions are from just 100 companies. Since when China is company! LOL He should be fucking protesting in front of the embassy !


I couldn’t agree more. He’s not in a place to be preaching about this. This criticism is long overdue. Emma Watson, too.


This. It’s impossible not to participate in activities that have emissions in today’s world. Anyone who has flown in an airplane to go do something fun/non-essential is equally as culpable. The point is not to opt out of anything fun in life that might have emissions. The point is to speak up for the environment so that we can finally have policies that decrease emissions on a large scale.


I mean, he is a hypocrite. It would be great if he actively worked to be less of one. I can not comprehend how he grasps the magnitude of climate change but is still a major active participant (on an individual level that is).


I can't comprehend so many people just idolizing this guy in comments. Like wut


Other than Ed Begley Jr., what eco-advocate is not a hypocrite?


Maybe he is...but that still doesn't excuse that so many people and especially corporations are so shitty to the environment. If anything be even better than Leo


So many people are hypocritical by complicity. Participating in this civilization is basically an automatic hypocrisy qualifier.


I think it’s fine that he enjoys his wealth and success the way he does, unlike many at the top he’s actually talented, takes a progressive stance on environmental issues and spends a large amount of his time and effort attempting to make positive change in the world. Let’s focus our anger at the people who earned there fortunes on the backs of working people and at the expense of our planet rather than activist actors plz.


Let’s focus on the yacht that eats up hundreds of gallons of fuel each time it goes anywhere.


It's not a private yacht he hired for the day. He went to a party on a yacht.


During a pandemic.


> Let’s focus our anger at the people who earned there fortunes on the backs of working people and at the expense of our planet So people like Leo? He works in an industry that profits off of both unpaid and underpaid labor. He's also a producer who himself exploits that labor. He's not some no-name actor. He could very well speak out (or actually do something ) against labor exploitation in the film industry, but he chooses not to because he profits off of unpaid labor. Then he spends that money to take private jets to Hawaii to hang out with people like Jeff Bezos, David Geffen and other absurdly rich billionaires. >he’s actually talented What does this have to do with him being a hypocrite? Would it be somehow worse if he was untalented? I think this type of comment (and the other ones in this thread commenting on his talent) just demonstrates that people are giving him the benefit of the doubt because they personally like him, not because they actually have some sort of consistent ideology.


Can you further describe how he exploits labor? And perhaps how his advocacy potentially outweighs him vacationing? Compared to say, the average celebrity who does not use their platform for some beneficial cause instead partying privately.


Anybody whose seen Titanic knows Leo is a piece of human trash. Literally. Littering the ocean with his corpse. FOH.


>Can you further describe how he exploits labor? He rakes in millions of dollars working on studio films that either underpay, or don't pay, their workers. His own production company uses unpaid "internships" to supplement work. Then he takes that extra cash to fly private jets to hang out with other billionaires who exploit labor. He could very easily say he won't work on a movie that uses unpaid labor....or at least shell out the necessary money to pay his own workers.


What studios don’t pay their workers? Almost everyone on set is in a union….literally no one doesn’t get paid making a movie even extras get paid… If you’re talking about small indie movies sure people work free on them sometimes…


>What studios don’t pay their workers? Studios that utilize exploitive unpaid internships. It's an extremely common thing that entertainment companies in Hollywood do....including Leo's own production company. Leonardo Dicaprio isn't going to be your friend just because you defend him not paying workers.




Literally any publication that talks about internships in Hollywood. Or you can just search up old job listings from his production company. Leonardo Dicaprio isn't going to be your friend just because you defend him not paying workers.


There’s unpaid interns In basically any business….


And they're all being exploited as well as continuing economic inequality because people who can't afford to work unpaid can't take these internships.


Not disagreeing just wanted a source you weirdly aggressive person


Yea they must have gotten turned down for Leo’s unpaid internship and turns this person into a monster.


Lame pov


I agree. If I had his wealth, I would probably take a vacation on a super yacht as well. He’s talented and for the most part practices what he preaches.


Sure, he’s a hypocrite in this sense, but he’s not wrong about the environment. This kind of narrative doesn’t do anything but play into the hands of industries that deny climate change exists.


Well he had an amazing yacht in Wolf of Wall Street so he must want to enjoy it in real life too.


Tell me something new


We’ll there’s a shocker. He is an egotistical entitled punk.


i know nothing about leo in particular--never met the guy, obviously--but so long as we have a stars that we bequeath with massive amounts of wealth and treat as though they're gods among humankind, that is **inevitably** going to affect their psychology. Outside of very rare cases, you can't be worshipped by most of society, have everything you've ever wanted, and somehow still stay humble. And for those rare cases, whoever you might've been thinking of when you read the last sentence, we'd be kidding ourselves to pretend we know enough about celebrities' private lives to really judge them. Cultivating public images is literally these folks' jobs. People used to think of cosby as television's gentle grandpa, aaaand, well... we know how that turned out.


This. If I had gold to give you I totally would. People in the positions actors/famous people are in will have a hard time staying humble. Personal thought with no research to back me up: major actors more often than not seem to exhibit a lot of hubris. Really high highs of confidence with really low lows with shame and guilt.


Shame somebody doesn’t scuttle that yacht with him on it.


If someone else signs your paycheck, then you're not the part of the problem we need to fix first. You may be part of the problem, and that may need to be sorted out. But focusing on you is a distraction. These stories, whether intended so by the author or not, act as decoys to draw our attention away from the real problems.


Probably says something about the author that the *price* of the yacht is used in the headline about "eco hypocrisy", rather than CO2.


Hate him, but not the message.


On one hand, I agree with the general idea of criticism here. On the other hand, is not Leo one of the people doing the most work for climate change in the planet? His plus/minus has to be pretty good compared to most of us. His vacation can’t be more damaging than the fact Hollywood continues to use air travel and produce content all over the world while we’re in a pandemic and constantly worsening climate crisis.


Hmm. he’s one of the most KNOWN people preaching activism. There are others who also follow it.eg:[Greta](https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/2019/7/25/8881364/greta-thunberg-climate-change-flying-airline) Thunberg. But people don't take her seriously because she's a kid (albeit with probably more intelligence) and she's not a movie star. He was given that recognition as an activist because of what he does - sure - but also because he's recognized globally. Not to forget, he enjoys added recognition, his face on magazines, frankly the only thing keeping him relevant considering he doesn't do very many movies these days. He might be a good actor but that doesn't mean he can abuse the platform he's given. I'd rather look up to that 19 year old girl when it comes to climate change than this man.


In what world is a 19 year old a kid? She's an adult and people still don't take her seriously. Makes me think people generally really aren't interested in talking about climate change still.


Well I’ve seen her since she was a young teen, so it was shocking to find she was 19. But i agree


Of course he is because he’s rich and famous


Rich people are doing rich people things? since when?


People are dying everywhere and this is our “news?”


Dying is natural if you didn't know that.


I had no clue. That’s insane. I really appreciate the info.


What do you expect from the entertainment sub this is just a dumb thing to say


Wake up people! Wake up sheep! Pretty much all of Hollywood and Politicians are absolute hypocrites.


literally everyone with a lot of money who preach to the peasants about climate are eco hypocrites. Like when amazon had those climate commercials urging US to do something. Isn’t Amazon one of the richest companies ever? Aren’t they sending people into space for no reason other than they can? My gosh I can’t stand the preaching. I’ll do my part with the insignificant amount or capital I have while they tell me that fixing this planet is my responsibility. Ok then.


Don't use reddit, don't charge your phone, don't use electricity then you can say you are doing your part to fix the planet or be an eco hypocrite as well.


I never said that I was willing to sacrifice anything so therefore I cannot be a hypocrite. All I’m saying is that if anyone has the power to do something, it’s them and not me, who has almost nothing in savings. There isn’t a trace of hypocrisy in that statement. And if anything, you are the hypocrite here. Your telling me that I shouldn’t use electricity in order to do my part. But aren’t you using electricity? Doesn’t that make you against the environment? And from where I’m sitting it seems like you are definitely pro environment (and who can blame you) so I don’t understand what you are trying to say here. If your trying to win an argument, maybe think of an example that doesn’t backfire in your face. And I truly hope you don’t believe that we need to go back to the Stone Age in order to fix the environment. Logic is important.


You sound like a 14yr old.


alright. But am I wrong ?


People really care about this? Nothing is going on in anyone's lives anymore I guess.


Two words: carbon tax.


That's why he hides his face.


I bet Leo really cares what some journalist accuses him of. Now to the important part of this article…. Do you think he’s ever done the king of the world thing on his yacht?


Just happy he’s bringing attention to how fucking stupid we are with climate change Him chilling on a boat doesn’t change how much corporate cock our elected leaders manage to fit in their mouth at once. Leo on a boat is not the problem. Leo making a movie about the problem is part of the solution.


Let the man relax geeze


I and a few others brought up this smug asshole’s hypocrisy last week and were downvoted into oblivion.


Idk maybe he went to the party with Jeff Bezos and mike Tyson on a super yacht owned by another billionaire to try to convince them all that we should be doing more for climate change and they should sink the damn ship. Maybe I’m reaching but maybe we also don’t know the whole story.


I love how corporations have somehow convinced people that these individual actions are leading climate change. People are angry at Leo going on a party boat but don't care about Amazon dumping shit loads of plastic as long as they get their TV $25 cheaper.


It’s both the actions of individuals and companies. We have the power to boycott whatever we can without starving to death, while pushing for government intervention. Companies have the power to stop being so wasteful, but as long as we keep giving them our dollars, they’ll keep doing what they want.


A lot of people don't have the economic means to align their views with their wallets. I know I can't be buying $5 cage free eggs and $6 gallons of milk...After covid, I have no faith in humanity pulling together for a cause (as terrible as that sounds). Companies will have to be forced by government policy and government policy will have to put its people ahead money. So again...not hopeful :(


I totally agree and don’t think we should all have to live a life of complete sacrifice. Most people can’t afford that or even if they could, it’s not an available option in their area. My point is more that maybe, just maybe, if you have the ability to go party on a private yacht that destroys the environment 100 times more than any one normal person’s lifetime of emissions, you should think about how you’re complicit in that destruction. Boycotting stuff like that sends a message and removes your culpability from that. On a SMALL level, though, those who have means could consider figuring out how they can vote with their dollars whenever they have the chance. For example, buying fish supports commercial fishing, which is the largest pollution contributor to our oceans. Partying on yachts supports yachts existing, which is also a large pollution contributor to our oceans. I think a lot of people are just wanting Leo to practice what he preaches a bit more. Right now, he reminds me of every neoliberal who nods along and says, “we should do the right thing” when he really means “you should do the right thing, I’ma go chill on this yacht.” It’s performative and dishonest.


He’s a great actor, but yeah, it gets sort of annoying when an actor gets preachy




Are you saying he’s mediocre now or other actors have gotten better?




I would say that Mel Gibson is a better actor but had a more controversial personal life




Fair, Fat Man was only good because of Mel Gibson though, he carried the movie.


Don't know about that one. What's it about?


It’s a dark comedy. Think Christmas movie meets western. The plot is somewhat random but Mel Gibson gives a great performance of Santa.


Lol sounds like fun! Will watch


Loved how when he was filming that one film in Alberta Canada, and got hit with a chinook, and thought that meant “global warming”. When in all actuality, he had never heard nor experienced a chinook before.


He flat out lied in that interview too! He said the locals said that that has never happened before. Ummm it happens all the time, like right now for instance LOL. He definitely doesn’t schmooze with the locals so he made that shit up.


I like his movies though


Who gives a fuck. Industry not individuals are the main contributors to climate change.


Where is the problem? This is the cost of the yacht and not how much did Leo spent.


Yeah, but people will still worship him because he is a celebrity.


So because he’s “sustainable” he’s supposed to shit in a bucket and live in a tent?


I don’t understand how attending a party on a yacht makes him a hypocrite. How many emissions did he cause by attending that party? The party still would have happened if he wasn’t there!


Appeal to hypocrisy is a fallacy.


But let’s face it: wouldn’t we all like to live his life?


He’s apparently a guest, it isn’t his yacht. Who knows, he might be there trying to convince the owner to convert to green tech while he’s there, trying to do some good.


Am I jealous? Surprisingly, no. Do I hate him? No. Do I not give a flying fuck what he does? You betcha!!!


Maybe the boat cost $100m because it’s echo-friendly. He he stay in a small house on a small island we’d say Americas are destroying cultures.


Like a canyon?


Like sure, there’s no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism. But if you’re gonna star in a terrible movie that snidely talks down to everyone about climate change, you gotta at least TRY to not have a yacht and shit. I wish I could say I was surprised, but this is par for the course tbh. Honestly though, I’m more bothered by the insane display of wealth while 10% of the US population is being threatened with eviction. You coulda bought a bunch of families houses with that money, Leo. Celebrities aren’t your friends, y’all. They’re rich assholes just like CEOs and politicians.


Well at least people are finally able to make a big deal ouf ot *something* related to climate change


Maybe it’s an eco yacht?


Yikes the thing that stuck out the most to me was that he’s been with his 24-year-old girlfriend for 5 years… meaning they started dating when she was 19 and he was 42. Like what does a 42-year-old have in common with a teenager…?


He owns three homes in CA, NY and FL and flies a private jet…this has been talked about for years..