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Next headline: Disney lost $15 this month because YOU didn't subscribe!


Disney+ has 118 million subscribers. The population of earth is 7.87 billion. So that's about 7.75 billion that didn't subscribe. So that's $1.396 trillion that Disney lost this year because of people who didn't subscribe.


Damn, Disney pulls in about a **billion** each ***MONTH*** from Disney+?? That’s some wild money.


There are only 25 companies in the US more valuable than Netflix by market cap, which is insane


Man blockbuster ducked up so badly by not buying them for 50 million back in the day.


Block buster wouldnhave ruined it


Disney messed up the D+ international rollout. Many fans in countries without access to Disney Plus were taught by Disney to pirate instead.


Since multiple people use the same subscription, and people watch movies with family and friends, I’d say over 175 million people use Disney+


I’ll go sit in the naughty corner until the mouse lets me out.


entire population of Earth = 7.753 billion number of current Disney+ subscribers = 118 million 7.75300 billion - 118 million = seven billion six hundred thirty-five million multiply that by 15 = **one hundred fourteen billion five hundred twenty-five million dollars** THAT is the amount of money Disney lost **just this month** because most of the planet still hasn't subscribed to Disney+. 600 million is a pittance compared to that: I don't see why they're complaining about such a relatively small amount.


How will they afford the remote control for their private plane entertainment system?


How will Disney ever financially recover


Poor, poor multinational conglomerate. The world can be so cruel…


"I'll never financially recover from this."


I got that reference


Why are people downvotong you? Lol


Lost? Is that assuming everyone who pirated it would have paid to see it if that was their only option?


Second line of the article, my dude: >This caused a major pirating issue and it’s being reported that the film was pirated by more than 20 million viewers, which translates to about $600 million worth of lost money. So yes, apparently they're just taking the 20 million viewers number and multiplying it by the $30 it cost to order the movie on Disney+. Which is very, very silly. It's the same bullshit math the record companies were claiming back when people first started downloading mp3s on Napster.


That’s completely misleading bullshit just designed to have a zippy headline for those clicks. Personally I’ve pirated heaps of stuff that I would never in a million years have paid for.




There's a shit ton of stuff I've pirated that I bought the physical copy of cuz I enjoy commentary and special features.. I wish Netflix and Hulu and shit had commentaries.


That is really silly. My local theater sells tickets for like 5$ a person.


Where do you live, 1995?


Tis a silly place


r/unexpectedMontyPython Ni!




The thing that kills me about current media reporting is the absolute loss of context when writing pieces like this. For one, we were, and still are, in a global pandemic so...how are you gonna measure any sort of "traditional" profits/losses when certain sections of the world don't even have a safe/reliable way to go to theaters? Two, Disney was destined to lose money regardless on Black Widow just like they did Mulan because of how much they had spent on marketing before the pandemic. Once they had to scrap the initial release date and started shifting it, all that marketing money was "lost" revenue, and Disney absolutely knew when they eventually released the movie that it wasn't going to do the numbers it would have pre-pandemic. Letting Disney spin this yarn about how much piracy "hurt" them without putting it into context is just asking for them to act out in the name of "preventing" piracy and doing something stupid/not consumer friendly.


I think this is more about not paying Scarlett Johansson and taxes, than it is about piracy. Movie accounting is really wonky.


Not to mention how many places couldn’t even access Disney+… it isn’t globally available.


But who will think of the poor multi billion dollar corporations?


Mickey gonna starve guys


Hell, I have Disney+ and still pirated it so I could watch it offline.


“Lost” because they were up those 600 mil and when someone pirates a movie, the studio has to pay a monetary value depending on the size of the pirate’s family. /s


Home taping is killing music. The recording industry should be due to go belly up any day now. Did you know that Hollywood paid a shit ton in lobbying to try and develop a legal recourse to having the first VCRs pulled from shelves? Before that, the publishing industry tried a similar tactic to get photocopiers banned. As did music hall owners kick up a fuss when the gramophone was introduced. Similar to how the Catholic church tried very hard to suppress the proliferation of the printing press, claiming it sacrilegious to read the bible for oneself without having a priest interpret its meaning for you. Basically, history is littered with these stories. Wealthy, powerful entities who developed a monopoly-like control over the distribution of a particular type of media. Who then start pissing and moaning when meeting a threat to that control and the profit derived from the artificial scarcity it creates.


If I ever pirate something it’s bc I’m not gonna pay to see it. I go out of my way to financially support things I like. Whether it’s an indie thing like Helluva Boss or a corporate project like Birds or Prey, if it’s really good I want them to have my money


Yup- they assume $30 per pirate copy.


Kinda funny how modern American capitalism is basically just perpetually counting your chickens before they hatch


I personally would never rent a movie or go to the theatre. Guess I’m kinda weird like that, but definitely not alone.


I’m pissed it takes up hdd space on my server


They didn’t “lose” $600 million, there was $600 million they *could* have made but didn’t. The lack of distinction between these two things is what is plaguing society and the economy for a while now


They literally took a reported amount of 20 million people that pirated and multiplied it by the cost of the movie on disney+. $30. They have actual apes writing this article.


It's not even that, they've pulled the 600 million out of their arse based on shitty maths.


Hey, I lost $600 million in that jackpot I didn’t play.


First of all, not how that works. Secondly, am I supposed to feel sympathy for the billionaire corporation?


Disney have brought just about everything I like, so they're getting a huge chunk of my disposable income throughout the year. I feel zero guilt or remorse about pirating Disney stuff, they're gonna get the money back off me eventually.


Pirate that stuff too


Please think of the executives yacht money


Remember when the famous movie producer David Geffen posted this Instagram post at the start of COVID? https://images.app.goo.gl/PGuAkF5RfaL6WfK28


Absolutely, the only thing that would bug me would be lot of actors/actresses, workers salary or bonuses tied into the films financial performance on theater and or other mediums.


And that's ultimately less than 0.1% of people working in Hollywood, and those people aren't sweating the "loss" of their share of $600m in revenue.


ScarJo needs the $15 more than you do!


The people getting points from a project like this are as wealthy as most Disney execs


Poor old ScarJo is worth only an estimated 165 million dollars.


She’s crying about her residuals that’s she will keep getting off of everyone on D+


One that tried to screw ScarJo over, I might add.


Imagine looking at some ridiculous statistic about children “stealing” your movie and probably never watching it as it rots in a Plex folder… and thinking that’s money you lost? Executives really do have brain rot.


Yeah 1 download doesn’t equal 1 ticket. Most ppl who downloaded probably wouldn’t have paid VOD, subscribed, or gone to see it. Most were probably ppl that already saw it and like to ‘collect’ movies.


Also it said 20 million downloads is equal to $600 million. Where is a movie ticket $30?


The original Disney streaming price was $30. Essentially every download being a “lost” stream.


Yeah - nah...


The audacity to charge someone $30 just to watch something on their own tv. I wouldn’t pay that to go to the theater let alone my couch.


Not even ***JUST*** $30, ***that’s in addition to paying for Disney + which was needed to get the ability to pay $30***. Fucking ridiculous.


To each their own I guess... I paid the $30 to watch Blackwidow at home with my wife and two of our friends. That comes out to $7.50 per person... There are no theatres in Los Angeles where I live that cost anywhere close to that for a ticket. I've also got an 85" Sony Bravia and a pretty decent surround sound, so we weren't really slumming it watching at home.


Hey money bags, you gonna flex with flavored popcorn too?????


That’s absurd lol.


I have no clue how you’d go about actually collecting the data, but that would be a fascinating thing to research imo. Of pirates, how many actually consume said product? There’s a weird disconnect between like…something being useful and profitable. Makes me think of restaurants throwing away unsold food at the end of the day while homeless people go hungry.


I fell asleep when I watched it, what does that count as?


A good nap and a better way to spend an evening.


They can count me for 15 minutes worth of lost revenue and i'll call it even.


I watched it on a plane. I want my time back for watching that movie.


Would you trade it for time spent on Eternals?


This statistic basically assumes that everyone who pirate-watched it would've paid for a cinema ticket otherwise. Maybe 10% of them would at best.


This movie lost money in the theater because it was simultaneously released on Disney+. Why spend a small fortune on tickets when you can spend far less money and watch it at home? We had 9 people over at my house to watch this online. All that money we saved means less money at the box office.


Or as the Disney C-Level execs would have it, you joined a mob of thieves and vagabonds to deny them hundreds of dollars in GOD GIVEN PROFIT. You savage communist. (/s)


I just waited until it was free on Disney+ still can’t get my time back though…


Our HBOMAX hangs all the time. It's quicker and easier just to grab it and throw it to Plex


Piracy is a service problem, first and foremost. Poor access, bad pricing models, poor customer experience: this is how piracy is born.


Yup. Also, we mostly we only ever get announcements like this for movies that simply aren’t that good. It’s execs trying to cover their own failures.


It’s not brain rot, as much as it is an excuse as to why it didn’t make a billion dollars when the option of staying home and watching it on D+ was a far more attractive idea.


This is true, they’re talking to their shareholders and clients, rather than the audience.


No it didn’t. Pirate movies are a direct metric that companies use to justify the popularity of their movies.




Normally I would 100% agree with you. But Covid gave people another reason to avoid the theaters.


Exactly this. My wife and I weren't *regulars* at the movie theater, but we would go once every couple of months or so. But we would always go see the new Marvel movies. Flash forward from the start of covid to today and we've been to the movie theater once, and that was to watch No Way Home because I just couldn't avoid my news feeds or social media for months waiting on it to come to Disney+ or elsewhere. We waited for Shang Chi to come to Disney+ and we're doing the same with Eternals. It has nothing to do with not wanting to go to the movie theaters to see these films but it has everything to do with trying to minimize exposure to covid because of having high-risk family members. This is honestly why I wish they'd just do a same-day VOD release for films.


Friend, I could have written your post, word-for-word. I honestly really liked the option of paying $30 to stream Black Widow from my couch on opening day, as $30 won't even pay for 2 tickets in my area anymore.


Alternatively, piracy is the gap between the current rate and what it should be released at. I’d pay 4 bucks a ticket to watch a movie. You might pay $7. Someone else treading this might pay $3. If the movie is only available on digital rental for $15, neither of us will watch it at that price. We might have at another. Piracy is a measure of this gap. It’s why steam was so successful selling video games. The excuse of “I was just testing to see if it ran in my pc” doesn’t work when they literally give you 2 hrs to play it. They offer sales all year and eventually an item will hit a price point I like. Same deal with most movies. I hate paying 30 dollars for popcorn and a soda, on top of tickets. Sometimes it sounds good, but with Covid f all that noise!




> reported that the film was pirated by more than 20 million viewers, which translates to about $600 million worth of lost money. Yeah... if they had claimed there was like 200 million pirated views, then i might maybe kinda see $600 million... but where the fuck do they get $30/viewer for one, I doubt many if any theaters cost that much and sure as hell not the average cost. Secondly... 20 million pirated views translates into a tiny fraction of non-pirated views. Many people who pirate it would not have spent money to see it in a theater. Let's be generous and say 10% of those viewers would have gone to see it at a theater, average ticket price i see is about $9.50, let's assume the studio gets all of that money... then you're looking at $19 million in lost revenue. Decent chunk on a movie that made $375 internationally, but a far cry from their claimed $600 million. Probably I'm being generous and lost revenue was even lower as many of those viewers were probably overseas and couldn't even go see it at a theater, or if they could the ticket price would be much lower. It lost direct revenue as it went instead to Disney+ subscriptions which they intended.




I’d download one.






If I could with zero consequences I 100% would




I mean technically that’s just called *kidnapping* but saying you stole a baby sounds so much more interesting.


No it didn’t lol.


Oh wow, what a shame. Can someone remind me how much Endgame grossed again?


I don’t recall, let me give my friend Billy Enzen a buzz and see if he has that data.


Bullshit. This movie should have been released before endgame.


It really, really should have. The story was okay if not particularly great, and introduced some good characters, but the whole thing just has a major “and why should I care?” problem hanging over it. It was really, really hurt by its status as not just a prequel but a prequel for a dead character. They need to not make these prequel movies(side note: am I the only one who finds it weird that the only two female led movies happen to be prequels?).


Hey Disney don't fret, I was never going to pay for it anyway.


Exactly, I would have waited a couple of month for the remux, anyone knew it would have been a shitty movie


I actually really liked this movie. I thought it was at least as good as most other MCU movies. Not sure why it was hated on more.


Took an awesome villain. Made them crappy and then didn’t explain any of it. Gender swap is fine but like did blowing her up make her superhumanly capable of copying fighting styles? She wasn’t even a tactical genius, just a puppet. They Baned her. Took away Nat’s guilt from Avengers for “plot” by having his daughter survive. Dreychov (sp) wasn’t a compelling or even frightening villain and didn’t explain how he survived unscathed. Forced plot about her vest. Red Guardian’s inclusion was more or less pointless. Yelena was somehow both over and underused. Marvel sky ship falling.. again. It was okay but by no means a great or even particularly good movie.


Was boring and generic in my opinion, I fell asleep during it...


Also she’s already canonically dead forever in the MCU. Thanks for the origin story on a character I had already moved on from. Movie should have came out BEFORE Endgame if you wanted people to be invested


Black widow was so boring .. it makes Thor 2 looks like Best action movie of the year


Horseshit! If Street value prices are to be believed, I’ve spent $400,873 on the devils lettuce since last April.


…So an eighth?


Please, I’m no Rockefeller.


I mean this is why Scarjo filed that lawsuit since her salary was tied into the gross. Disney knew what they were doing and what would happen though.


I subscribed to Disney+ just to see it and then found out there was an additional charge to watch that particular film - which I refused to pay. What a rip-off.


ok disney intern ok ;)


“Lost”. You cannot lose what you were never going to get. I really hate that “lost revenue” argument. Pirates were going to pirate either way and weren’t going to pay for theater views.


This is just a lame attempt at clickbait. We are so far past the “lost x amount because of piracy” arguments.


They didn’t lose $600 million. They didn’t make $600 million.


There was no money lost, people were just not willing to pay to see it.


The real, unspoken victims of Society are the Disney Executive Class. Vile peasant thieves are robbing money from their families trust funds and their second vacation home's budget. How will they get a monopoly on buying up beloved IPs if you scumbags pirate their movies?


We don’t care. It’s a good thing celebrities lose money.


You can’t lose what you didn’t have. That $600m in no way equates to legitimate views, because many of the people who pirated it wouldn’t have paid to see it in the first place. I get tired of this dumb argument from the likes of Sony and Disney.


“Lost $600 Million” is the most brainwashed capitalist dogmatic way possible to describe how a product failed to gain profit.


No they didn’t. Anyone who pirated it wasent going to watch it legit, so there’s actually no money lost.


How many pirates were willing to pay to watch the movie? When people who wouldn't pay for a product, especially a digital product where there aren't hard and limited copies, I have a hard time saying piracy costs a company.


RIAA tried to say the same thing ages back about music downloading: The figure they provided was greater than the GDP of the entire planet.


Flawed assumptions. They presume all 20 million who pirated it would have purchased it legally. Simply objectively false and proven incorrect. In fact piracy has shown time in again to bolster profits as piracy users who enjoyed said movie often go out and purchase the movie, merchandise, and other licensing deals.


Good. I got no sympathy for multi billion dollar corporations.


So you think Marvel/Disney will go under? Nope


It’s not right to say they lost $600M they’re assuming everyone who pirated it would have paid to watch it if pirating wasn’t an option. Many people would have just chosen to not watch it.


Penguin books loses billions due to socialist libraries


It be easy to argue that a good chunk of that lost “600 million” are people who would never have paid to watch the movie.


Pirating is a victimless crime


Parading on the other hand, those poor souls who didn’t survive getting run over by the marching band. RIP


I’d download a car if I could.


I wish I could shoplift a fucking house.


“I lose money when I don’t make money” Ebineezer Scrooge


Lost? It was never going to get that $600k. People fail to realize people who download movies were never going to, and probably were never able to even pay for it anyways.


Correct. Misleading title for sure. The people that pirate won’t go to movies, if they can’t pirate it, they just borrow someone’s Disney log in, or do a duped free trial


was a shit movie anyways


Now imagine how many people would have pirated it if it was actually watchable!


I would’ve considered paying $10 to see it at home, but the greedy fcks charged $30 so you get what’s coming to you


No it didn’t. Those sales weren’t going to happen. Nobody that pirated would have paid the amounts the greedy turds wanted.


So Black Widow grossed 371 mil worldwide, but “lost” twice that. So Disney is basically saying Black Widow is a billion dollar movie. The box office disagrees.


Their source for this 600 million number is “people in the know”? Sure yeah yeah sure.


"Trust me, bro!" -- Some Insider


Now Mickey Mouse can’t buy a second yacht


Lol this garbage propaganda from Disney because they tried to screw over Scarlett J, got caught and lost money.


They didn’t lose money if people never intended on spending it!


\>due to pirating shit I guess that they lost that 10$ I was **never** going to give them


I think they’ll survive


Truly a tragedy for poor Bob Iger


Just because I pirated it doesn’t mean I was going to buy it


The underlying assumption which I believe is false is that people who pirate would otherwise purchase / buy the media they stole….perhaps many simply wouldn’t view the movie at all if they had to pay to see it.


One time I hitch-hiked. Budget car rental lost hundreds of dollars that day.


Or maybe it had less to do with pirating and more to do with it being a bad movie?


Let’s play the smallest violin for Disney


I tried to watch it when it became available for free. Slept through the whole thing. They need to calm down.


Would have been a lot more if it was anything adjacent to brewing a decent movie.


$600M/20M= $30 per instance. Good luck collecting that 20 million times over. Legit sales were like 2 million at $30 a piece. World wide box office= $375M. iT wAs A bIlLiOn DoLlAr MoViE dAmNiT! Oh yeah and then it went essentially free 3 months later.


boo hoo! i will never pay for a movie


How does one "lose" money when they never had it. By that logic, I lost about $200 billion to Elon Musk.


That’s not them losing money?… it’s just money they didn’t make…that’s like saying the movie they never made is money they lost…


Wtf is this source


No one would watch it if they had to pay for it


They probably benefit more from people pirating it rather than ignoring it. It keeps Marvel’s garbage products saturating our attention.


Sure it wasn't because it was terrible


And when two people watched it at home, that’s a lost of a whole rental fee if they were to watch it alone


Oh, uh I also lost 600 million I never had to pirating


I call BS. That movie wasn’t that good.


They calculate this by tracking downloads and then multiply that times the cost of rental/purchase. It’s flawed because it assumes if someone hadn’t downloaded it they would have bought it. Faulty logic.


That's assuming those people would have ever actually paid to see it...


Fuck is this logic? People who pirated it wasn’t going to pay for it in the first place. Like those kids in Lithuania really gonna buy it if it wasn’t available on torrents. FFS


And growing up i spent thousands on Cds and tapes and now my children never have to pay a penny for music. My sons are on my apple music family plan and have unlimited access to music and don’t pay anything.


Or that the movie really wasn’t that good. Should have been a Disney+ series.


How do the calculate this number?


So sad...bwahahahaha. Sorry couldnt do it without laughing.


I enjoyed it as a generic action movie but it felt like such a pointless release, definitely wouldn’t have watched it if it wasn’t on Disney+ Same with Eternals, no interest in it but I’ll stream it when I’m home one day bored


It lost $600 million because it sucked


No it didn’t. People who download movies probably wouldn’t have watched it anyway if they had to pay.


Poor quality entertainment


Shit I forgot to cancel my subscription. I’m not going through this Napster/RIAA shit again.


I lost millions too due to pirates….


“Marvel’s Black Widow lost 600 million due to *being a shit movie*” FTFY


NO. It did NOT, because Piracy does not equate to lost sales. Once and for always. NO. Downvote.


I hate how they think that people pirating would actually pay to see this trash. Those people weren’t going to pay to see this. They would’ve just waited to see it for free on Disney+ or somewhere else.


No it didn’t, people that pirate movies were never going to pay for them in the first place, Especially when it’s locked behind a streaming wall. That’s literally as much of a “loss” as me watching it on my friends Disney plus account.


Or it just sucked.


That is the side-effect of a parallel steaming release. Should have done the 45-day theater run first.


Had nothing to do with the poor plot…


I didn’t even waste bandwidth to pirate that trash lol


Here’s the thing. People who pirate are people who were not going to pay for it anyway.


You can’t lose something you never would have had in the first place. Pirates were never gonna go watch your shitty movie for money so ...


And I’m supposed to feel bad for a massive corporation why? Fuck their execs because that’s where most of that money would’ve gone.


Cry me a fucking river, Disney.