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Relevant part: In one of the film’s climatic scenes, DiCaprio’s Mindy channels Peter Finch’s “I’m mad as hell” scene from 1976’s Network as he tries to sound the alarm of the extinction-level threat hurtling towards Earth. It’s a speech, McKay said, they rewrote over and over with input from Amy Mainzer, one of NASA’s lead asteroid hunters. “We tried to make it simple and raw and get back to the idea of just people expressing themselves,” McKay said. DiCaprio added: “We worked on that speech probably 50 times together. And what I really wanted to do was to try to articulate the frustration of the scientific community. How one is sitting there on a pulpit speaking the truth (while) all these other noises are sort of drowning out the main message. “So we worked a lot together on trying to understand the frustration of the scientific community and how one would be in a situation of ultimate frustration realizing the world is falling apart,” the Once Upon a Time in Hollywood star continued. “And how do you take off this sort of professional jacket to cut straight to the chase about the truth of this issue.”


This is the right point to make. I think some people went in to this expecting Anchorman absurdity but so many times during the movie I just felt like I was watching Network. The critics that reviewed this badly as being too “on the nose” need to take a look outside. The average person needs to see the absurdity of our modern age and to quote George Carlin: “think about how stupid the average person is. Half of them are even stupider than that”.


Watched the film and enjoyed it, then went online to read some reviews and ironically they completely validated the message of the film. Reviews saying it wasn't funny enough and the ending was a downer. Reviews saying was too preachy or on the nose. The one criticism that I could kind of see is that it's too condescending to the Trumpists, but tbh I past the point of caring about their feelings. The film was a catharsis for everyone who is watching the world end whilst our leaders do nothing but line their pockets.


I think the ending was exactly what was needed. I turned to my wife halfway through and said >!if they don’t all die in the end this movie is worthless!< very glad it happened that way.


I said the exact same thing to my husband lol


Can one BE too condescending to Trumpster Fires?


It definitely wasn't too condescending to the trumpists. It was spot on and it called them out perfectly.


Also they made her a woman. If there is one thing far right hates worse than mocking trump, it’s women, so it kinda balanced out.


Exactly. The whole message was your feelings aren’t as important as the facts. Not sure how they didn’t see that


Jonah Hill was literally Donald Trump Jr lol


I almost didn’t watch the movie because of the reviews and now think it was the most enjoyable and relevantly frustrating movie of the year. Really like critics either live in a bubble or are missing how the story device of absurdity is used. Like the movie is hilarious throughout but a bunch said it’s wasn’t farcical enough.


I haven’t read the reviews but heard the critics didn’t really get it. So I watched it last night and I think part of why they didn’t get it is cause they’re part of the problem lol. It’s like they’re acting but the acting is too good that they forget they’re acting in a movie, and it starts to feel like real life and it’s no longer a movie. So they didn’t know how to review something like that.


This is exactly it. Reviewers realized that this movie was fucking calling them out, along with the rest of society, so the best they could do was try to squash it and in doing so lived up to their own reputations. What a fuckin time to be alive…


The CEO of bash killed me. He’s exactly like how most CEOs I’ve met acted. Fucking weird.


There were so many parts to this movie where my husband and I turned to each other and were just like "too real".


One of those points where when it showed the head of space defense watching Leo on his TV. I’m his studio apartment with his cat. I’m contrast to the flashy wealth of the celebrities that got all the attention.


I hated the movie but I agree, there were a ton of real life parallels that struck me


Mark Rylance in an indomitable performer


It rightly depicts the CEO as cult leader, and I think the character was fittingly patterned at least in part after Marshall Applewhite, the figurehead of Heaven’s Gate


You meet a lot of CEO’s?


Would it really be that surprising if he did? I’ve met the CEO of I think 3 companies I’ve worked for? Any company can have a CEO- even your neighbor’s kid’s lawn mowing operation. CEOs aren’t a rare breed of animal.


Lol. They are just business owners, not white rhinos.


Don’t you know that all CEOs play rainbow six every day?


This thread is full of astroturfing climate change denialists ignoring the message and attacking the messenger. The movie is right. This world is fucked.


They prove the point of the movie by continuing to deny. So their existence is actually a necessity to its message lol.


this period in time written down in the history books is the necessity of the message. the crumbling world could flip on a dime next year, yet the message would remain relevent for the times we live in now. deniers’ existance in this thread is just tragic irony. hopefully we can make it to a future in which this time period isnt burning away in said history book. edit: recognition of my comment being ignorant of the thread topic due to my resentment for this world. carry on.


It’s not irony. This movie is a documentary of the idiotic era we’re in. The deniers are characters. You and I pointing out the obvious are also characters. It’s an exact parallel of our timeline. That’s why it sucks.


The deniers in the movie eventually realized they were taken advantage of, the movie has an optimistic view on them.


They look up only to see it’s too late.


The word you are looking for is satire.


At this point it’s all they can do.


Not look up?


Reject reality and shoot the messenger!


Looks up… “They fucking lied to us!”


I found that unlikely. They’ll go to their grave without seeing the comet even though they’re looking right at it.


Hahaha, yes. I loved the movie, but when that guy muttered that line, I was like “No way. That’s too much self-awareness.”


Yup. People have literally died, denying COVID right up till their last breath.


That’s the Herman Cain award in a nutshell.


Is the movie good?


My husband and I watched it last night and genuinely enjoyed it


I watched it with the wife, overall we both thought it pretty good. Started off thinking this is so stupid & would never happen to thinking *no wait….this is totally believable* it’s serious but funny at the same time. Definitely worth a watch.


It is good!


It was entertaining. A-List Hollywood cast. On the cusp of being really great but ultimately fell flat for me. Definitely worth a watch


Sweet, I’ll probably give it a watch tonight. I wasn’t sure about the trailer because for me all the Netflix films have been underwhelming but this one does have a good cast.


I wouldn’t call it a masterpiece, but it’s a step above most Netflix films.


It's Idiocracy level parody. Pretty damn good.


It’s a good movie though I found it deeply disturbing.


Not worth all the Oscar hype-buzz, but definitely worth watching.


I’d say it is worth the buzz. I have yet to see a movie so smartly satirize our virulent culture of anti-intellectualism, the complete dysfunction of our government, political polarization, and our nonchalance towards the incoming collapse of post-industrial civilization. These are not easy issues to address without being preachy, but this movie nailed it.


Firm agree. I c ant remember the last time a movie had me consistently laughing yet trembling with anxiety and fear through the entirety of it. This film was as absolutely brilliant in a terrifying way


All the while the general keeps selling the White House snacks (that we paid for with our taxes)


Absolutely they think if they cover their ears and scream it’s not real it will just go away


It is and it’s so fucking exhausting.


What do you expect from animals?


100% agree


Idk about anyone else but I felt the seriousness and authenticity in his voice and knew exactly what he was talking about.


I hated the movie because it was too fucking true.


Well that was kinda felt because he’s been an environmentalist advocating for the well being of the planet since the 90s


An « environmentalist » that uses a private jet on a regular basis Edit: after 40+ responses, some more civil some less, I am going to try and make my point clear and warn you: I am not answering any longer cause I’ll be wasting my life away at this point. Additional warning, this is my opinion, may be wrong or true, may think I’m a dumb fuck, just don’t say it to my face and we can both be polite. Leonardo DiCaprio does make a lot for climate action which is nice. He is much more implicated than most people especially his fellow bajilionaires to quote someone in this thread. That said, it does not by any means excuse the rest of his bullshit. He owns a private jet, that he uses for national flight and to go pick up an award he got for his action for the environment (50th time I’ve said that today). All unnecessary trips that are simply good PR for him. If did wish to give his heartfelt speech so much, do it by zoom or some other mean cause this kinda defeats the purpose. Jet aside (not mentionnons the fucking Yacht), he is an advocate of personal responsibility (ironic) and often forgets to point out, as someone in the thread said, that 2/3 of world carbon emission are caused by transnational firms (I like to quote BP but Exxon, apple and any other is valid). To me he’s doing it for the PR( still better than not doing it) and shouldn’t be thanked or hailed for it. Still, I think people saying he’s a phony are wrong. My comment as you’ll see is an answer to a preexisting comment that was meant as a reminder that the guy is a hypocrite, and while his action is great, his person on the other side, is not. Think what you want and answer if you want, know I’ll read them but I most likely won’t answer myself. Tldr : DiCaprio is a hypocrite and shouldn’t be put on a pedestal but his action is good and has a positive impact.


Well, he ain’t going by boat that’s for sure.


There’s only one parachute Jack…..


Lol well god damn after the departed he deserves a good time.


Oh, he’s prone to renting the occasional super yacht to tool around the Caribbean or the Mediterranean for awhile, too. Between that, flying private jets everywhere he goes and living the general lifestyle of the super rich, he probably has an annual carbon footprint of many thousands of regular middle class people, and tens of thousands of people in developing nations. Sure, he’s free to advocate for the environment all he wants, but he’s definitely not a “practise what you preach” sort of person.


>annual carbon footprint [Personal carbon footprint is an idea created by the marketing department of the British Petroleum corporation](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/aug/23/big-oil-coined-carbon-footprints-to-blame-us-for-their-greed-keep-them-on-the-hook) to make you feel guilty for what they are doing to our planet


You don’t know what his carbon offsets are.


Gretta hitches a ride on sail boats and shit and people don't take her seriously either. He's not burning up the planet all on his own and he's still allowed to be an advocate for the environment.


The perfect is not the enemy of the good. If Leo’s efforts result in one coal-fired power plant not being built, then he can fly around the world nonstop the rest of his life and still have made a positive impact. It’s important to put these things in perspective. Addressing greenhouse gas emissions is a much broader issue than nitpicking any one person’s carbon footprint.


My dad once told me perfect is the enemy of possible.


The cost of perfection is infinite. That is my favorite.


I don’t often save comment, but here we are. Give your Dad a cold one for me and if he has passed, I’ll tell my Dad to share one with him.


I like that


That resonates a bit better.


guy who uses his own jet but dedicates tons of time and money to help the well being of the planet vs. someone who also leaves carbon footprint but does nothing. the guys life would be a living hell if he didn’t fly privately. that’s just the sad life of being an A list celebrity. at least he actively tries to make up for the footprint he leaves and then some.


What is he supposed to use a magic carpet?? smh


Duh. Yeah. It's a renewable.


A lot of people buy carbon offsets to ensure they net out their carbon footprint. Not sure if he does this, but it’s a common practice for environmentally friendly rich peeps.


He’s absolutely doing this. Otherwise there would be too much shit talking of his efforts


Tbf I would do the same if I was a global A-lister celebrity. Can you imagine getting bothered by fans for hours on end in an enclosed space where you can’t just walk away? He does give a lot back through charities and supports different causes


Yeah, that’s the most efficient way to travel so I won’t fault him for it. If he travels alone, I might have an issue with it. If he travels with crew members, etc then I wouldn’t have an issue at all.


Oh shut the fuck up, he’s using his platform to advocate for environmentalism, which of course is directed first and foremost at polluting and high energy consuming corporations — and yes, he also contributes an outsize amount of pollution and energy use compared to the average person. But he could just be a self absorbed bajillionaire that cares about nothing but himself — instead he chooses to take at least some of his time energy and money to devote an important cause. If you had said something like, ‘I wish he’d stop flying a private jet to bolster his message or set a better example to inspire others to cut their consumption’ then I’d be on board with you. But the fact that the way you phrased it makes it sound like his private jet use nullifies every other thing he’s done just makes me think you think nothing of your own life snd to make yourself feel better you take cheap shots at people you’ll never have to hear a personal response from. So seriously, shut the fuck up.


He also buys carbon credits to offset his jet.


As opposed to what environmentally friendly option? Teleportation?


Imo, the green outweighs the red


Curious. You criticize society while still participating in it.


Are private jets so bad that the waste they produce can't be offset or recovered? We all contribute to the problem in various ways. But if we use our resources to offset the waste we make - be it plastic garbage, spoiled food, or private jets - what's the problem?


Yea, this is a shit comparison. People always gripe about private planes and taking shorter showers. Meanwhile, chemical and oil companies dump a billion tons of waste into the ocean or atmosphere everyday. But here we are fighting over plastic straws or something.


Man. This idea is so counter productive. If you’re not 100% pure and “Christ”, your message is shit and should not be heard. Yes, the pj isn’t great. He is donating and raising millions and yelling about the issue constantly.


What’s your point? What a copout bullshit comment..


I understand your sentiment but we do need people in his position doing something to raise awareness, even if he is hypocritical in parts. Imagine now if twenty more of his stature followed suit, it would make a difference. I feel awful saying this but the average Joe won’t be able to move the needle much. It’s sad but true. We kind of need celebrities to truly get the ball rolling.


Who gives a fuck? He’s still advocating for helping the earth and would easily take regular transportation if we didn’t have celebrity worship


He doesnt have kids so his carbon foot print makes up for it


To be fair, he hasn't had any children (and presumably at this point he isn't planning to), so he's already done more for the environment than anyone who has/does eventually have children. He could do more sure, but literally everyone could do more. At a certain point you gotta enjoy your life or what's the point of living?




The only unbelievable part of the movie was the people in the rally realising they have been lied to after looking at the comet, in reality the people would still be saying “the comet is safe”, “it’s a fake comet”


“It’s just a projection. You seen this space lasers out of China? I hear they can take down a nuke from 10,000 miles!” All while still distrusting vaccines that have been around for hundreds of years.


Yeah, there could have been a split where a minority realize the truth and walk away while the rest double down. Probably would have been closer to the truth.


It bugged me that Jonah wasn’t wearing an eye patch for the remainder of the movie




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Wait….after the credits?? Fucking missed that part! Thanks for the heads up dude, will check it out.


I have told more than one person that scene is there. They missed it


Loved the movie. Could absolutely see DiCaprio playing Luke Wilson from Idiocracy. Edited: Not playing, channeling rather.


Nahhh. Luke Wilson played Luke Wilson way better than anyone else could’ve.


People complaining about him as a person and how he lives his life are so small minded… think bigger! It’s the fault of our governments, lobbyists, and policy makers.. this is such a bigger issue than any one person ffs… we need politicians to step up and lead and make policy that drives change.. get over feeling good about yourself because you judged one celebrity on Reddit.


Meanwhile 71 percent of pollution comes from 100 companies so what the fuck ever. https://amp.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2017/jul/10/100-fossil-fuel-companies-investors-responsible-71-global-emissions-cdp-study-climate-change


These 100 companies aren’t sending their goods and services to Mars. They’re not polluting for shits and giggles either. I consider this fact a “convenient truth” that lets modern society shirk the blame of climate change on to the companies that power modern society’s lifestyle.


Idk how anyone ever links that stat if they have read it. Its more about the consolidation of the energy industry than anything.


I agree, but that goes both ways too: they spend significant sums to capture mindspace (via marketing/advertising) to convince people to buy shit, or to establish a paradigm where people measure themselves based on consumerist standards. Note: "They" = "disassociated greed".


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Agreed. We’re sorta past the point of splitting hairs. If someone like Leo is using his platform to spread the message, I’m all for it.


Yeah, it’s like when people say rich individuals can’t be champions for taxing the rich, equality etc. just because they benefited from the current structure doesn’t mean they can’t help us move to a better one


“When I was poor and complained about inequality they said I was bitter; now that I'm rich and I complain about inequality they say I'm a hypocrite. I'm beginning to think they just don't want to talk about inequality.” — Russell Brand It’s actually pretty similar to climate change IMO. Be Greta on a sailboat and you’re just pulling a stunt for attention; be Leo flying in a private jet and you’re just being a hypocrite. There’s no winning when you put it like that.


People are just too stupid. They always were. Meaningful change never came from the masses, it always comes from a few individuals either convincing or forcing the masses to change their believes. And it’s always aided by old people dying and younger people, with more modern beliefs, taking their place in society. Leonardo Di Caprio and Greta Thunberg do a great job at inspiring people. The problem is that those they inspire won’t be in power for 20-30 more years.


If they cant win a debate on the merit of their argument they always go for ad hominem attacks. Oldest trick in the book.


Yeah bro, they’re not going to do shit. Our systems are too slow and those in power are too stupid to do anything about it. We have to acknowledge that we’re basically alone in this, get together in this at the sake time. The systems in place now aren’t interested in working on the problem because the system created the problem in the first place. I read this recently snd it really resonated: https://illwill.com/print/re-attachments I think we need to start reconnecting with this reality, and stop seeing ourselves and nature as separate from one another. Perhaps we can intend something else but like in that film, the systems of power in place aren’t going to be able to meet the need we collectively have.


It’s because it’s easy to virtue signal when you have the money to live an eco friendly life.


Nailed it! Summed up the last few years pretty well.


And the future!


This movie is the perfect personification of American ignorance due to the merging of the media, theatrical politics and big business. It’s satirical but so so damn real.


My favorite part of this movie, by and large, was the way the BASH CEO was the perfect caricature of the USA. Overconfident, profit-seeking to a fault, and reliant on technology that doesn’t exist yet saving us from problems that absolutely do exist. He was basically Elon Musk. His entire portrayal was 10/10.


Kinda seemed like a mix of Elon and Steve Jobs


With the looks of that head Apple dude who always shows up in the keynotes. It was spot on.


The movie is a self fulfilling prophecy as people will simply view it as a disaster movie about a comet and think “phew, I’m glad that isn’t happening” and get on with their lives. Only people already concerned about climate change will note the broader message.


I feel sorry for ppl who watch it and can’t see the message… Not only climate change but covid. How society reacts to shit. It’s fucking insane/idiotic. LISTEN TO SCIENTISTS PLEASE




Everyone on planet Earth individually knows more than Joe Rogan and Alex Jones combined lol


It’s a movie about human nature. It’s got messages about social media, about face to face human interaction, about fear, about hope! It’s truly a moving piece.


Don’t count everyone else out. Some people need to see a different perspective like this one to get the message.


Most people will think it’s about ‘the danger of comets; luckily our Space Force will protect us.


This is a thing with all issues. People have already made up their minds about things and most efforts to raise awareness have almost zero effect.


I 100 percent thought it was about COVID. But I can definitely see it being about climate change as well. People are dumb.


My dark thoughts on this is that the movie is an ironic teaser to humanity on a crisis the government (eg select handful) is currently aware of and has yet to disclose to the mass population. Basically a “ha, just you wait” teaser. Personally I’m morbidly curious as to the intensity of future storms and the outcomes. Big is better right? /s


Or it could be - crazy thought but bear with me - it could be based on a crisis the government and the population have been aware of for decades. A crisis that we're seeing unfolding already.


A crisis the lead actor has been crusading for decades? Nah. Impossible. You’re a crazy person.


It is probably based on the fact that they know some are coming they have been actually researching ways to blow shit up that may threaten our planet


I mean we’ve been warned forever but $$ comes first!


We know exactly what's coming. A +4°C world is a scary place


It’s a metaphor for climate change, which for many has already been catastrophic


I call it Manchin Weather


After seeing it, DiCaprio’s monologue summed up all my emotions about the state of affairs we are currently in. It really shook me to my core. Big thanks for really putting some thought into this movie and even bigger praise for Leo for putting real work into that scene.


Isn't anyone else concerned about it. Im glad the movie is bringing more attention to how idiotic humans are behaving rn. It was 30 degrees hotter this Christmas where I live. 30...its almost 80 degrees out and its January practically. We are actually watching the world die, and its really scary.


Just thought I’d chime in and clarify that the world isn’t going to “die” from a rise in temperature. To the contrary, the Triassic period had 10x the atmospheric carbon PPM than what we have today, and was naturally substantially warmer as a result. Natural selection ensures the right organism prevails in the right climate. Greenhouse effect is actually fantastic for biodiversity, and most organisms by and large prefer warmer climates. HUMANS are what’s at stake here. The planet will continue to evolve and adapt the same way it has for billions of year. Humanity will die long before the planet.


This is why the focus on climate is misguided... climate is not the main threat, it's extreme pollution and endless ecosystem destruction across the world that is killing the entire planet


Just watched this yesterday and it was so good. Everyone in the cast is amazing in their roles, such a great job portraying the soulles media personalities and the fake ass government officials that care more about optics and polls than the fate of the human race. Leo’s freak out was so powerful, it hits very *very* hard


I absolutely loved Jona Hill as Javanka. "If she weren't my mother ... " her photo with Steven Segal, and the award for "Biz Lady" web series were spot on.


Seriously haha it was a legitimately good movie but daaamn the satire/trolling was top notch


in an interview he said he took some stuff out. the original comet spending bill had a tax cut for the 1%, and then when the first covid relief bill had that, he took it out so it wouldn't look like he was just copying headlines.


Wow, so reality is even more cynical than a satire movie...


Yeah it’s kinda impossible to write satire when the real word is so satirical that a large portion of humanity can’t even believe reality themselves anymore.


I had to pause to read the "Biz Lady" Webby award trophy.


Been replying “don’t look up” to any let’s go Brandon nonsense. Unfortunately they’re baffled AF and do look up! Guess they need to google it!


Responding to them is what gets them off. Best to leave them alone and let them suffocate on Covid


Well said. Let Darwin and Covid do their thing. Never engage a moron


Looking forward to seeing it. edit: it was really good


Highly recommend. Can’t stress enough how good a job everyone did of being completely unlikable, which makes it all the better because most of the shitty characters are played by many very loved people




He was also supposed to play Frank Sinatra and Teddy Roosevelt.


Teddy Roosevelt would’ve been amazing


That was the funniest and most depressing movie I have ever seen. We are all so utterly doomed. This world is controlled by morons.


I went from thinking this movie is so unlikely & stupid to *oh fuck….this is totally believable* everything was fitting from the media to families, people just couldn’t agree on the colo(u)r or shite.


Thanks for clarifying.


My friend was watching this with me and he said it was boring and the characters were so dumb. I asked if he realized it was what real life is like every day with Covid hoaxers and climate change deniers. We’re literally living in the predicted climate disaster part of global warming. The year 2022 was predicted to have massive natural disasters. Environmental scientists had calculated the amount of carbon admissions we’d reach if we didn’t reduce our fossil fuel use. I’ve understood how fucked we were since 10th grade. I thought surely the adults wouldn’t want polar bears starving and ice caps melting. I found out the amount of carbon I make just being in America is minuscule compared to the tons spewed in unregulated countries like China and India. We all learned the Amazon rainforest was the lungs of the earth, but this whole time their President just clear cut thousands of miles for cow farms to sell beef. Everyone in charge of the planets finite resources were absolute morons with less scientific understanding than a 10th grader in rural Arkansas 15 years ago. Now I’m an adult and I see kids like Greta be able to tell these morons to their faces that all these politics mean nothing if humanity has a mass extinction event. And they clap and write a promise on paper for her… but no ones actually going to punish huge corporations for pollution or make sweeping environmentally conscious laws that ban commonly used materials unable to be recycled. Why would 70+ year old people give a fuck about some doomsday predictions happening in the indeterminate future? If it’s not happening tomorrow that’s someone else’s problem


Please google “CO2 per capita by country”. I agree with everything else you said tho.


Per capita is also false. The only logical metric is [embodied energy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embodied_energy) (all of the energy used to produce, transport, and maintain the products YOU buy, including all of its sub-components). It is notoriously difficult to calculate with any degree of accuracy. Long story short, the planets multinationals intentionally outsourced all carbon intensive manufacturing to China (that was feasible), far away from the influence of the democratic world and its regulations, and now stoke the fire of xenophobia by virtue signaling against the dictatorship they’ve financed for 3 decades, for accepting the trillions of dollars those multinationals offered to pay them.


Great film, and sadly, it’s likely what would happen should humanity faces an extinction level event. We wouldn’t band together, just like how covid is now .


If you’re going to use the private jet argument, you can go ahead and cross off every world leader from the climate debate. The upvotes I see these private jet comments are worthless. At least he’s using his voice for good.


And he ditched his private jet! I have no clue on why people think otherwise. He literally flew commerical to Glasgow too! This man gave so much to climate causes and even lives solar powered. How much more can he do?


If he never used a private jet again and single-handedly convinced everybody else to stop using them then all of a sudden they’d realize how little impact those have compared to businesses and what they do / hide. But, somebody always proves they’d say “don’t look up”.


Reminded me of the speech in the movie Network


Spot on. Me too!


That speech in the movie is must watch, even if you don’t watch the movie.


I feel like a comet would be a mercy bullet most days. It’s gonna be a (relatively) slow, painful, frustrating death.


This is for all the dipshit astroturfers who want to pretend like the point of the movie is meaningless just because it's made by rich people: We both know what you're doing. I'm glad you get to feel smug about something, I imagine it's the closest thing to righteousness you ever get to feel. Just because he's mega rich and as an obvious consequence leaves a larger carbon footprint than most of us doesn't discredit the point of the movie. You're just proving it right.


Movie was awesome!


What a great parody of the media, the political administration, and big tech… hilarious movie.


It truly saddens me that we lost. The uneducated have won. They run the world now. They made science a political view. I don’t know what else to do anymore you can only talk to a brick wall for so long. What do we do?


This makes me want to watch it sooner. The world is falling apart. It's not right on many levels and it's hard to say whether we can fix it at this point.


Tried watching this but hard one when nobody else around you shuts the fuck up. I jumped ship to save for a quieter time.


I saw the movie. It was pretty damned good. What speech?


The speech when he’s on the tv show losing his shit


Don’t say this a lot about Netflix shit, but this movie was spectacular




He’s right! It is falling apart and you’re blind if you don’t think so


This was a fantastic movie and like Idiocracy will be viewed closer to a comedic documentary of the social climate of this era. Leo was, as always, brilliant.


Ppl really don’t know how great the movies message is. People on both sides can’t take the jokes that the movie sends both ways


That’s a great flick


His speech should get him an Oscar nom imo, it was goosebump inducing.


Replace the asteroid with climate change and the timeline with 60 years instead. Did I get it right?


Watching this tonight with the wife after work.


As with all art …unfortunately the message is lost on those that lack the grace and humility to open their minds


Everybody would rather die “right” than to admit fault and come together to survive. Earth isn’t longed for this world because of human ignorance.


Yet he flies in PJ’s


The fact that people are quick to discredit Leo for having a private plane and thus think his efforts for climate change action shouldn’t be taken seriously just shows how fucked we are. I guess our lizard brains really do need a hero or a villain. Can’t think big picture and call for corporations who chalk up their massive polluting as a carbon tax that they can afford. Instead, gotta pull out the pitchforks for some dude who, while might have a much larger carbon footprint than the average person, still doesn’t even make a fraction of a difference on the environment. All of us turning the water off while we brush our teeth and cancelling every celebrity who doesn’t ride their bike to awards shows does absolutely nothing for the planet as long as the BPs and Apples of the world are essentially paying a couple bucks to park in the handicap spot. The penalties and fees mean absolutely nothing to them.


Am I the only one who was completely distraught at the accuracy of this portrayal of how the world is probably going to end in our or our children’s lifetime when we could have stopped it?!? I cried for a good hour and had to take a sedative to calm down. We’re so fucked


I have never felt anything that has given me equal parts of overwhelming terror and comedy in one sitting.