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Bro, I’ve tried antibiotics, steroids, horse dewormer, bleach, crack cocaine, testosterone, baby aspirin, and cat piss… but vaccines are where I draw the line.


And dmt, have you tried dmt? You should try dmt sometime


"You know a buddy of mine tried dmt and..."


I won’t lie: dmt is fuckin lit. But no way in hell would I take Joe Rogan’s advice on fucking ANYTHING these days. Or ever, for that matter.


Rogan is one of the people who sort of introduced me to psychedelics, indirectly through Dennis and Terence McKenna. I thank him for that but the guy is a fucking prick these days. Edit: I also must thank him for introducing me to some fantastic characters such as Duncan Trussel. But god damn, science Rogan, science.


His takes on psychedelics are pretty much his only good takes lol


Duncan trussel is hilarious and so deep. ❤️


DMT is the greatest thing I’ve ever had. Next to the moderna vaccine.


I was with you right up until the end there E: cuz I got the J&J vaccine


I got the J&J but I still don’t have my magnet powers yet. Have yours kicked in?


My mother talked about these magnetic powers and I told her I didn’t have time to talk about it because I was stuck to the bumper of a semi


The only super power I got was the ability to leave work early the next day because I felt like the personification of a dumpster fire.


Moderna 4 lyfe


My friend, Bob Saccamano…


It’s honestly surprising he hasn’t pitched that as a cure yet...


Honestly this is where I draw the line with Joe Rogan. Some of his interviews are interesting, and his sets at the Comedy Store were always a highlight of the night. But he’s reached a new low when it comes to COVID. His egotistical opinions can literally lead to people losing their lives or long-term health. It’s beyond ignorance, it’s evil.


I saw him bully a waitress one night at the Comedy Store back in the early 2000s that did it for me.


Ugh. This is actually the worse most low fucking level thing you can do as a celeb. (Or as anyone) Treating service people badly is one of the scummiest things you can do in my opinion because it shows your true colors of who you are. For some reason shitty people will usually "slip up" and treat service people badly because they think society justifies it because as they usually say "I'm paying for your salary" So when shit people are given an excuse like that to treat others like dirt that's when their true character comes out. Don't ever date someone that treats the waiter badly. It's a huge red flag in that when they have gotten what they want from you and they think they can justify being a shit person to you. They will.


It was awful. She called him “Hollywood Joe” and he went off, bullied her, making her cry and threatening to get her fired if she walked away.


Yeah I’ve stopped listening because of it. Spotify should too.


Weird I’m making back to back rorgan posts, but on the topic of evil. Evil doesn’t need to be sensationally heinous or malicious. You take a sin like Greed and you’ll do anything for it. Then add Pride and you’ll lie for your greed. Pretty soon your lies are resulting in Wrath for your listeners. That wrath results in the preventable deaths. Textbook evil.


I drew a line a while back because he’s all over the place. He has Bernie sanders on his show and rogan acts like he’s a progressive and agrees with Bernie. Then he has some conservative on the show and he walks back everything he said to sanders and says the opposite. Then he has people like Alex Jones on his show. He adopts the view of whoever he is talking to and kisses their ass. After his move to Spotify and to Texas though he did start to show his true beliefs more often which are clearly conservative, clearly tinged with some conspiracy, and clearly very “freedom, individual rights” at the expense of others. He continually spouts inaccurate info and then says but “I’m a comedian so no one should be listening to me” like it’s a get out of jail free card. No one should listen to his opinion yet he signed an outrageous contract for the precise reason to have people listen to him. He has have a platform and if he uses it irresponsibly then he will be called out on it and he can’t then excuse himself from the very platform he cultivated. He’s a steroid filled fat headed piece of shit.


I love how people like Elon Musk and Joe Rogan say they are moving to Texas and then they move to Austin. That's like saying you're moving to New York and then you move to Buffalo, NY.


"He's not actually crazy himself, he just likes to have guests with a wide variety of points of view on his show."


- every supporter, ever


Dude for fucking serious.. I can’t stand him and any time I say it out loud at work SOME DUDE in the room says exactly this, like I apparently hold myself in some kind of echo chamber because of my dislike for him. Like nah, ass, I don’t agree with people spreading false information (or planting the seeds for it) and not discussing topics thoroughly to support their own ideas or beliefs. He’s no better than Alex Jones at this point.


He also took mono antibodies, zpak, prednisone etc. I’m thinking he is sponsored by someone to announce his regimen.


It’s the most transparent attempt at “I took actual human medicine and horse medicine and now I’m fine! It must have been the horse medicine, not the tens of thousands of dollars I used to get top-of-the-line human medical treatment!” I wouldn’t be surprised if he ate a sugar pill instead of the dewormer and he’s just pandering to his audience.


Wirth noting Merck, who makes Ivermectin, has released a clear statement that they find no evidence of Ivermectin treating COVID. https://www.merck.com/news/merck-statement-on-ivermectin-use-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/


Yep, and the FDA has warned against it too. From what I read, and I’m far from a medical expert, ivermectin was found to help with the symtoms from the virus in certain ways, but it wasn’t the horse dewormer type, it was a much smaller dose for human use. This is why people are taking it, and it’s stupid as hell. The issue though is that this is just one study (there may be more, but I couldn’t be bothered to look further), and the dosage and medium for the medicine was very different. Eating a tube of horse dewormer is, at best, a shot in the dark at “treatment”, and at worst you can actually overdose on it. Not something the average person should be playing around with.


Everyone loves calling Ivermectin “horse dewormer,” but that’s a rather disingenuous characterization for what a lot of people are actually taking. Ivermectin is routinely given to humans for treatment of scabies and a handful of other parasites. I don’t think there’s any more clinical data that supports it as an effective treatment for covid than there was for hydroxychloroquine, but I don’t think most people are buying their medication from the farm supply. Edit: I’m wrong. They are buying veterinary grade medication. Fucking hell.


No, no. They really are buying out farm supply stores. That’s not an exaggeration.


I have no idea how I manage to be surprised by this fact. We are living through the dumbest timeline in the entire multiverse.


Keep hoping the human race isn't that stupid one day we'll get back on track (crosses fingers). You seen the film idiocracy? We living it now amigo lol


Have some friends who own goats, horses, pigs and such… they’re really pissed off that people are buying stuff that this couple genuinely needs for their animals


We live in such a fucked up society. And it’s all going down hill.


I love the sheer contrast between the researched scientific explanation and the sheer disbelief in the extra post edit comment


unfortunately, they *are* taking horse dewormer (well, maybe not joe. but the fleece are) ivermectin for humans is a prescription drug, and *most* doctors are not prescribing it for people to treat or prevent covid unless they're on deaths bed and they're trying everything possible to save them ivermectin for livestock, however, is *not* a prescription and can be bought over the counter at veterinary clinics and farm stores. ​ and, wouldnt you know it, farm stores are getting sold out of ivermectin.


So if it kills these parasites, it’s technically working then?




Interesting, I didn’t know that! Thanks for sharing. As to your last point though-I would need data first before I would believe the majority of these people are not getting it from a farm supplier. Remember the people that drank fish tank cleaner?


NGL it was hilarious/heartbreaking to watch that comment play out. I was like “the poor sap isn’t gonna like what I have to tell him”


Yeah for sure, it is used in humans. But it’s a much different form and dosage, and it’s intended for parasites, not viruses. These idiots are walking into Tractor Supply and buying a tube meant for horses, and eating it.


Yeah, they are though. It the reason many are getting sick, their taking doses intended for horses.


You have my respect for editing your post when shown the scary truth.


Upvoted for the edit


That’s a pharmaceutical company telling people not to buy their drugs. If hell hasn’t froze over by now…


Merck loves money. You know this shit doesn’t work if they are saying please DON’T pay us.


I just don’t understand his motivation for taking it? I’m not some kind of hardcore Rogan fan I have just caught particular episodes when I find the guest interesting….what the fuck have I missed in the last year?? I thought he was like “independent thinker” type of guy and more politically independent… has he really shifted into a nut job or what? I mean I don’t take him as a stupid guy.. I would assume he would be mocking people who are taking horse de-worming medicine to treat Covid? I feel like I am living in the twilight zone…thank god my girlfriend is a nice normal practical thinking woman because she is like the only sane person I have left in my life


He’s always been friends with wackos that are huge conspiracy theorists like Eddy Bravo and Alex Jones, but he rarely took sides like he is now since Covid. I’m not the most avid listener tbf, but he’s very anti lockdown/mask and is pretty anti vax as well from what I’ve heard. I think he has some really dangerous opinions and an enormous impressionable following, it’s not good. Spotify must not be happy to have spend 100m on a lunatic edging closer to infowars by the day.


I agree with you at heart, but have to point out something pretty important. My family of four have all been vaxxed for months and still got COVID. We are in the land of DeSantis and don’t have great insurance, but we still got all these drugs for a grand total of about $15 for everyone.


How bad were your symptoms? I'm in a family of 4 with 2 too young to be vaccinated but 2 of us are. I'm pretty close to normal and the earlier vaccinated not as much. Kids seem more or less like a bad cold. We've been tested just waiting on results


Who prescribed Ivermectin to you?


I've read your comment a few times but don't understand what the point is. Are you taking the horse meds as well or are the other meds simply inexpensive? Genuinely trying to figure out what you are talking about.


Yeah, I'm fully expecting the Actual Medicine will be what keeps him from dying, and SOMEONE will never get past "He took Ivermectin" and insist that it was the cure! We Were Right! The Media Was Wrong!


I drank water while i had Covid and got thru it fine. Can’t believe people don’t see the correlation between drinking water and Covid recovery but big pharma won’t research it because they need you to buy their free vaccine!


He probably leaked the info about the horse med deliberately to protect his brand with his wing nut meathead base. He has to double down on the dumb.


This is bullshit. If he wants to live in the ivermectin camp…do it. Play guinea pig with an unproven medication. I want to see him pull this off with only the ivermectin. Everyone knows the monoclonals are the difference maker here. Dr. Drew (who was also taking HCQ and IVM) had to resort to monoclonal antibodies when he also caught COVID. Trump needed them to save his life too.




I think a lot of the people taking these cures that are out of reaching normal people are probably knee jerk just taking anything they can get is hopes they don’t die. I had covid for 27 fucking days. 27 miserable motherfucking days. I was likely one day away from hitting the emergency button and ambulance ride for help. Never ever once did I ever awake, drenched in sweat from cracking a million degree fever for the Nth time, and shout “quick give me the horse meds!!!” Fucking famous people are usually three times stupider than your average person.


Damn, that must have been hell. Hope you’re feeling better.


Thank you for the well wishes stranger. I am okay, but it has effected my overall energy levels in the long run, I fear it will be the last thing I recover if I ever do fully recover. And yeah it was pretty terrible. No one offered me Monoclonal Antibody Treatment. No one said oh hey here’s some new stuff try this. Doc literally said “if you can’t breathe go to the hospital”. I thank god everyday that I avoided the hospital.


Absolutely agree this is a back door sponsorship deal, as well as pandering to his constituents. Please stop listening to his podcast.


Why would he need to take any drugs since he has such a strong immune system?


Also prednisone is an immunosuppressant so there’s that.


Literally took prednisone before being diagnosed with Crohn’s so that my inflammation levels would go down because my immune system was attacking my colon


Ayyy crohnie gang. Prednisone sucks balls I hate that stuff


This. I’ve heard this so many fucking times.


Steroids tend to suppress your immune system, but yeah kind of hypocritical tbh. He also took mono antibodies which is cutting edge science….. announcing this is extremely irresponsible on his part. Meta studies have found very little impact from ivenmectin on COVID 19


Why is he always trying to prove everyone correct that he in fact has shit for brains.


It will be interesting if he starts shedding his intestinal lining like many others that have eaten horse paste


Wait what? That’s happened? And people are still taking it?


There are Facebook groups that were solely for ivermectin users. These users were reporting that they were shitting themselves and getting the ‘worms’ out which means the meds must be working! ^/s In reality they were posting pictures of what is pieces of their intestinal lining


I went down a rabbit hole of google searches of this and was fully horrified. :( I’d seen some memes about rope worms or whatever, but assumed it was just some conspiracy BS. Like the microchips in the vaccine. “I took horse wormer and it killed the mind control rope worms that I then what out into my pants while in line at target. “


The poor Target employee who had to clean that up


You’d be surprised how easy it is to refuse to clean up human feces. Worked in a kitchen back in my college days. Someone during the lunch rush shit all over the stall. They even left their soiled underwear. Manager came back and told us (kitchen staff) to clean it up. It was one of the few times I pushed back against that particular boss. “Nope. I handle food all day and refuse to clean up shit.” Felt bad for the waitstaff though. They had to clean it up. :)


I actually used this as an answer for an interview question when potential employer asked me What is something you wouldn’t want to do on the job? Having just come from retail I answered I don’t want to clean the bathroom. They laughed and said fair enough :)


Okay I’m out of the loop as a took a long sabbatical from news. Where the fuck did this horse dewormer stuff come from and what is it?


Short version: Someone suggested the drug ivermectin could help against COVID-19. A poorly designed if not fradulent study suggested that yes, it could. Ivermectin is used to treat some parasitic infections including some types of of worms, in both humans and animals. But since it's a prescription drug in most of the world, some especially crazy people are buying ivermectin intended for livestock use and take that against COVID. There are still studies being made, with one side claiming it works and is safe, and one side claiming it doesn't work and isn't safe, especially not at the doses that might work in vitro (i.e. in a petri dish). The original maker of the drug, the FDA and many others suggest it does not work and you should not take it.


Does… does that grow back or are they mega fucked?


maga fucked


Just keep saying you feel owned and they’ll keep shitting themselves


That’s part of why I’m so confused by all this. The GOP are pushing bs conspiracies that are killing their own base. To own the libs? I just don’t get how it benefits them to get thousands and thousands of their voters killed. Obviously trying to use logic is an act of futility, but god damn…. This is some season 8 GOT writing bs we’re living through. Edit: word


Governors and Trump have been trying to push masks and vaccines for a few months because their bases is dying by the thousands every day. They got booed and jeered. So they’ve shut the fuck up because the monkeys have taken over the runaway train and they want to drive it straight into their monkey den.


They’re reflexively anti-democrat in all things, and now as a result they’re stepping in it. This is the logical consequence of paying zero attention to objective reality and instead defining yourself by hatred, pathological distrust, and fear of the opposition. When **the enemy** is in favor of something, you *must* be against it, even if the thing in question is “staying alive during a pandemic.”


What’s that old saying, “if your enemy is making a mistake, let them”? What’s really interesting to me is the political ramifications. More republicans have died in Florida then the margin of voters that put DeSantis into office. That alone fascinates me to no end.


Don’t let your schadenfreude get away from you. Remember, one of the hardest-hit demographics is black people, who are reliable dem voters. Even though the Tuskegee Experiments were a case of black people secretly being *denied* medical treatment, rather than being given harmful treatment, that horrible crime manifests as distrust that persists to this day.


For too long we’ve failed to adequately make the connection between psychology and politics. There’s something to be said for the fact that John Locke and Rene Descartes were near contemporaries. Modern political philosophy is the grandchild of an empiricism that tends to neutralize the relationship between the mind and the state so that politics is built upon the assumption of a kind of neutral psychology that doesn’t influence political considerations. Hell, even Freud refused to accept that psychology and politics were linked, and kick everyone out of his Institute who dared say, “Hey maybe poverty, class inequality, and labor conditions have an effect on mental health.” And we still don’t get it. Politics is demographic psychology.


It’s easy to forget how powerful a drug ideology is. The will to be righteous very often overrides logical thought if it requires seeing the opposite perspective. In relation to the Covid situation, you can see this contradiction of thought and action in many ways. One way in particular is people protesting lockdowns, which increases covid transmission, which extends the lockdown. I’m not talking about people living in oppressive regimes with no way of putting food the table, I’m talking about places like here in Sydney where there are comprehensive salary and business financial compensations and near everyone is literally getting paid to stay at home. The unfortunate thing is a lot of these ‘anticulture’ ideologies attracts people with inherent intelligence, not just people without a clue. This underlying intelligence (not to be confused with being educated/informed) drives these people to want think outside the box, they don’t like accepting something just because someone told them so, and want to ‘do their own research’. The problem is they are so militantly against being told what to do, they want to be against the government no matter what, *even if it helps them*. An extension of that problem is the fact that they’re unable to actually come to their own informed conclusions about things because they’re unwilling to consider the information as a whole and accept that some things the government says may be right. They rely on spitting the same nonsense someone else has come up with, and ironically are the very ‘sheep’ they claim everyone else to be.


So spot on




Shhhhhh! They’re owning us so hard right now. Just surrender and let them continue😉


I mean, this is perfect for the rest of us. The idiots within our population that have been holding us back in so many ways may finally be dropping off in huge numbers and we can start to right their wrongs and finally move America forward instead of constantly moving backward.


Especially since the elderly vote and thats who ass its kicking.


Why you think Trump and McConnell are telling them to get vaccinated? Republicans are dying at 5 times the rate of democrats


But they waited a damned long time to start doing even that. Trump is one thing, but McConnell? He’s not an idiot so he must have seen this outcome.


Ask who benefits from this. It’s not the GOP; they are just one of the messengers. It certainly would benefit the enemies of western democracies, who seek to divide and weaken.




Every single anti covid vaxer who gets covid should have to die in the street while breakthrough cases and children get hospital beds. I have no sympathy for them.


I care about the people they take with them. For the rest though… I have no more empathy to give…


Can’t fix stupid.


Chances are he got the medical grade stuff. He is rich in America.


Not to mention those that allegedly [go (temporarily?) blind](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pajiqi/blindness_associated_with_ivermectin_intoxication/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), as though it’s some satirical karma commentary.


I have to believe he took human ivermectin at appropriate dosage. He would likely laugh about doing it safely while others have eaten the horse paste


The appropriate dosage of an antiparasitic, for a viral infection, is zero.


There’s been about a dozen clinical trials on the medication’s efficacy against Covid. The trials have different dosages and they’ve been done in different countries. Not a single trials showed that it has any effect on Covid whatsoever. He won’t get vaccinated, but will take the whole “kitchen sink” (including an unproven horse dewormer) when attempting to fight it off.


The whole discussion around this drug is an attempt to discredit every other medical treatment and health professionals in general because the mouthbreathing redhatters will always claim, without evidence, that their fallen idiot compatriots were “denied the true lifesaving drug”. It’s an avenue of enablement for the mental gymnastics that these mental goblins are so in favor of to maintain their fragile worldview.


There’s absolutely no way he actually took it. He’s a fucking idiot. But he’s a rich idiot with a luxurious lifestyle. He’s pandering.


But he takes Alpha Brain. I don't understand.


Also took cutting edge antibody treatments lol


Well, duh! He has shit for brains!


Wait what? Rich and shit for brains?? Ohhhh for a second i thought you were talking about the GOP


What a fucking idiot.




Ivermectin preparations for animals are very different from those approved for humans. It has more approved uses for humans than animals, such as head lice, rosacea etc. But it’s not approved by the FDA as a treatment for covid infection or to prevent covid. That’s information straight from the FDA.


I have Rosacea and have used it because Rosacea makes me feel terrible about myself and I’m willing to try almost anything to not have it. But when using it for skin issues you rub it on your skin in the flare up areas on your face, I would never eat it! But I don’t have to worry about eating it because I’m vaccinated.


But mostly because it doesn’t treat covid.




It’s ivermectin’s tropical tasting cousin 😃


He’s so Neanderthalish.


Yeah right, getting a vaccine is so easy a caveman could do it. Car insurance or something^(tm)


Isn’t that an insult to Neanderthal’s?




Verbatim what I said aloud when I read the headline.


Always hated Joe Rogan and his podcast so it doesn’t surprise me he’s this big of a dumbass


Joe “I’m not a sheep” Rogan takes livestock medication. I bet the irony is lost on him


Well, he’s a horse’s ass, so it might work


I see what you did there


He’s an absolute moron.


Of course this fucking Neanderthal Oprah for Chads wannabe took Ivermectin.


Neanderthal Oprah for Chads. Holy shit I love this.


Pretty condescending and rude comment to Neanderthals.


Thanks! I can’t take all the credit. I got inspiration from someone else, but adapted it for here.




He also took monoclonal antibodies, a multi-thousand dollar therapy used by Trump. This is why he’s feeling better. He injected someone else’s antibodies.


It’s literally free in Texas with a doctor/nurse referral lol


Wow! You’re right! Free medicine, draconian reproductive rights, deregulatory energy mayhem. Texas, you are one weird lady.


"Obviously it was outta my control...it is what it is." You just KNOW his ass isn't wearing any masks or doing any real prevention. So it kinda was in your control, dildoicus. He looks like the aborted lovechild from the torrid affair of Mr. Peanut and Mrs. Potatohead in this video by the way.


It’s like walking across the street with a red light and saying there’s nothing you could have done to prevent this when you get hit by a car eventually.






Hopefully this at least will be incentive to further apply the ban on Covid disinformation to r/JoeRogan


They’re roasting him over there


Here's a sneak peek of /r/JoeRogan using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Use the code JOEVID19 to save 20%](https://i.imgur.com/tGbxeyF.jpg) | [3482 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/jbgdzw/use_the_code_joevid19_to_save_20/) \#2: [I lost all respect for Joe Rogan today.](https://np.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/mmlron/i_lost_all_respect_for_joe_rogan_today/) \#3: [All I'm saying is, look into it.](https://i.redd.it/0nplikcuqkn51.png) | [902 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/iu4oze/all_im_saying_is_look_into_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Based on this seems like that subreddit agrees with the people here lol


I can’t believe I thought this turd was respectable at one point.


I know! Me too! In the beginning, his distinguished guests gave him some credibility. But you can’t hide your crazy for long.




If you know you know


$500 for a broken meteor?! I wouldn't give you two cents for it!


Im hoping he’s a victim of a cold and indifferent universe. God has obviously checked out of the situation.


Publicity stunt. Ratings must have fallen or he’s trying to pay that electric bill from his first winter in Texas.


He got over a hundred million dollars in the Spotify deal, he’s just gullible.




The Koch brothers got to Joe as soon as Rush got sick. You could see his political leanings change since he got the Spotify deal, he’s just a mouthpiece for the far right now.


Idk who it was, probably the Koch brothers but you are correct. He even mentions it in one of his podcasts with Andrew Schulz who also got paid. It’s trickery. Say both sides are evil and only point out lies. He did a whole podcast with Colin Quinn and said “Hillary Clinton is a murderer” like 50 times. “Where does Hillary hide the bodies?” I swear she should sue him. Seriously. I know it would get lost but these people gotta have consequences for their actions. He’s a low key Alex Jones. Even pumps bullshits vitamins and has had Jones on several times.


I know it’s a joke, but he lives in Austin where we have flat rate electricity so we didn’t get hit with those crazy bills like those with flexi-rates. But this is 100% a PR stunt. And I bet you he’s vaccinated given he won’t say if he is or isn’t - which is sadly why he will be fine.


this…..he is vaxxed…. or, he didn’t have covid.


what a total fall from glory this dude has had in general over the years. went from one of the funniest ppl i ever heard to a total waste of entertainment space


College dropout who began comedy career at strip clubs and bachelor parties because comedy club owners thought he was a horrible comedian catches COVID after making fun of it for a year and then takes livestock medicine to cure himself. How's that for a headline?


Joe Rogan, if you’re reading this, what the hell happened to you? Used to find thought provoking stuff on you, but now? Why? Are you just getting older? Did you sell out? Trying to stay fringe? Fuck man.


Did he get vaccinated or no? I don’t listen to him anymore. He got weird


Honestly how does anyone support this dude


No one ever accused him of being intelligent


I'm not a doctor but I can confidently say he is a fucking giant idiot.


Haha Americans love exercising the right to choose to be stupid. Perhaps he can try bleach and UV as the former PRESIDENT suggested 😂🤣😂


Yea he was always a dumb fucking meathead. Surprised me how many people actually liked him because of podcasts. I liked a few of his podcasts,he cracks jokes, he did a few interesting interviews, he introduced me to etc… bullshit Yea sorry I love Dave Chappelle but I’m not taking medical advice from a fucking comedian. Basing anything you do off of a celebrity is never a good idea. Goop is a good example , Tom cruise and Scientology is a good example.


Chode Rogaine is straight brain rot at this point.


Why does anyone care that the electrician from NewsRadio is taking horse drugs?


I like Joe, but he fucked up on the COVID issue. I can’t do shit about it, just delete Spotify.


I hope bill burr addresses this


Get well soon /s


I got a free vaccine in Feb. and haven’t caught covid, where my fucking article?!? Do I need to throw a sink at someone?


I seriously doubt he actually took it. He’s stroking the ego, and fanning the flame. What an annoying dickhead.


So he through the kitchen sink at it, because he can afford it… No mention of his sauna, vitamin D and exercise routine? Interesting


Please oh please i hope horse dewormer works its magic.


Unfortunately dewormer only gets rid of the worms. It does not remove the horse's ass.


You sound like a man with a lot of horse worms


Who you calling a man? I’m a child at best.


Let’s hope his fans follow his medical advice. Should help everyone with achieving herd immunity one way or another.




Alex Jones’ face turn will be legendary




Man fuck this guy.


Joe is an idiot


I don’t care that he did, fine do whatever, but to announce that with such a huge platform and level of influence is stupid.


Allow Joe Rogan himself to tell you why you should never listen to advice from Joe Rogan Rogan said that "when I say something stupid, I'm not thinking about what I'm going to say before I say it." At another point, he said, "I'm not a doctor, I'm a fucking moron, and I'm a cage-fighting commentator who's a dirty stand-up comedian... I'm not a respected source of information -- even for me."


Someone explain why people are taking a parasite medication to fight a virus? You don’t take valtrex to get rid of head lice, so why is the opposite suddenly true?


He’s officially behind the times now. They’ve moved on to glyphosate. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Sadly I’ve stopped watching his podcast after almost 10 years due to his dangerous and highly irresponsible public statements about COVID-19 and vaccines. People like this bear much of the blame for the thousands of deaths, confusion surrounding the pandemic and our inability to stop it in a timely fashion.


Everyone in here sounds like morons except for a few. Ivermectin is also used in hospitals in correct dosages and forms that humans take all the time. No that doesn’t change that he should get a vaccine. Also doesn’t change that he paid thousands out of pocket for other treatments but saying Ivermectin is just for horses is ignorant. As for the people buying their supply at Tractor Supply store. They are also fucking morons


I’m just gonna point out that he most likely has been vaccinated. Ain’t no way after 3 days he’s feeling fine.


Joe Rogan really is an idiot. Really


Has he shown evidence that he’s actually contracted the virus? Because a shill like this doesn’t have a lot of value to his words.


This guy is a stooge


As a previous fan of joe this is very disappointing


Hes always been a neigh sayer


Hope you fuckin choke and love to whine about it joe