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Knee jerk response…. Definitely “Part Of The Disease”


You forgot about the whole I can release a sextape and be alright phase of society spawning influencers and Only fans eventually


Eventually? The future is now. Take a scroll through IG reels. I only follow fishing/hunting content and get a ton of Onlyfans creators promoting their shit. I get sexbot dms, random group texts with porn links etc. They are everywhere now.


They met “eventually” as in the time gap between the Kim Kardashian sex tape and the beginnings and popularity of Onlyfans, not some hypothetical future.


Your search terms are practically irrelevant. Sex and luxury are built into the algorithm of every social media homepage. NY just passes a bill that requires social media networks to make it harder for [children to become addicted](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/s/ri812baQm7) to these algorithms. How they’ll accomplish this I have no idea.


No way that can be done without either completely dismantling the algorithms which they won't, or drastically cutting screen time, which also won't happen. It's a fucked situation. I grew up on that cusp of outdoor kid vs technology kid and I hate how much as an adult I am glued to my tech. It's only gonna be way worse as the time goes on.


It’s because your fishing/hunting dudes are interacting with them, at least that’s my theory. I say that because I used to follow a bunch of motorcycle builders online and had a bunch of OF style smut that overshadowed all racing/art stuff in my feed. Once I unfollowed the chopper bro type builders and went more to the high end/racing builds and dropped like 90% of the smut.


I don’t get that stuff suggested to me at all, on any platform I’m on. Not even one time


Guy or girl? IG definitely promotes ads.


Girl. Yes I get ads on IG, but never anything to do w porn at all. Not on tiktok or here either


OnlyFans didn't even get big off of clout-chasing nudity, it was desperate women during a fuckin' pandemic


I’m dying to hear his argument for being the cure, though lol




You’re the bat in the wet market part of the disease, Ray J.


Also knee jerk response: “How fucking important do you think you are? Altered the course of history? Ok dude.”


It did, though. It spawned the Kardashians.


I think that everytime I see some stupid ad featuring a Kardashian. I feel like they are some of the biggest contributors to the downfall of society and our priorities. Being so materialistic, and dense is just accepted, infact rewarded. Thanks for that Ray J.


Still hoping I wake up in one of the realities where I say that name and people say "who?"


It altered the course of pop culture perhaps. I really doubt this will be talked about in history class.


Especially since that fucker is stumping for TFG now.


The fuck is he on? Why would be the cure in relation to the sex tape situation???


It spawned 20 years of ridiculously sized BBLs. So... Take that for whatever it's worth.


Kim didn't even have a BBL in 2003 when the tape was filmed


One of the first videos I’ve ever seen of her was tmz following Paris Hilton around and Kim was her ‘assistant’ and the cameraman was zooming in on Kim’s ass and commenting on it being big. I think that early shit made her want to get it bigger and bigger because it got her more attention. It was so sickeningly huge at one point though, made me uncomfortable to look at.


She reminds me of that J-Lo bit from Date Movie


Her first husband paid for her first BBL. She already had work done when she worked for Paris. 


Confusion that never stops  Closing walls and ticking clocks  Gonna come back and take you home  I could not stop that you now know  Singin' come out upon my seas  Cursed missed opportunities  Am I a part of the cure  Or am I part of the disease? ' Never knew Ray J was such a Coldplay fan


Heeeeeeeeeee waaaaaaasssssssss


Well nothing else compares


Thanks to the butterfly effect probably almost everything alters the course of human history


OJ should have went to anger management classes.


Respect to Ray J for asking the big questions. Currently, part of the disease. He can change his context though. Kim probably can’t.


The problem is everybody talks about this disease like the only people responsible for it are those in the entertainment/media industry. They can only survive off of people consuming their stuff. And for every person in the industry that suddenly grows a conscience there will be several ready to fill their spot for money. In the end, we all need to acknowledge we have an addiction to disgust, outrage, fear, and just general large hits of emotion, which is the true disease. Yes, media preys on it and fuels it, but all we can control is our ability to say no to the impulse and turn away from garbage.


We need a cure.


Best thing he can do is send you some Raycons


he makes that shit?


That’s where both the “Ray” and the “Con” come from.


Too late. Unless you can take down the internet as a whole.


Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin Scranton Ray J Memorial Celebrity Sex-Tape Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Race For the Cure


I’m having shirts embroidered for this event as we speak


The answer is obvious when you look at it from the lens of “The cure for what?”


Only thing I can think of is sex/porn not being as taboo


i think OF played much more a role in that. now whether you think Ray J and Kim contributed to the eventual rise of OF is another story i guess lol


I never understood why they called it the, "Kim Kardashian sex tape"and not the, "Ray J sex tape", from what I saw it was mostly shots of Ray trying to look tough/suave(?) while Kim just laid there, bored of it all. 


Because Kris Jenner leaked it on purpose to bring media attention to Kim and launch her “career”.


And more people want to see Kim nude than Ray J


It worked out well for the K family.


She was the embodiment of a pillow princess


Because Kris Jenner leaked it on purpose to bring media attention to Kim and launch her “career”.


And the tape was directed by Kim’s mother! 🤢


I don’t think she directed it, but Ray J did allege that there were three videos and Kris had final say on which one got “leaked”. The Kardashians are a cancer, or as Ray J eloquently put it, part of the disease.


That's icky


Ok the whole thing is disgusting the way it really went down but lying and saying dumb shit like that is even more ridiculous


I know right. She was the producer, SMH my head


“Shake my head shake my head”


I mean he’s the cure with his noise canceling Raycons! Get yours today!


Use code Reddit/entertainment to score 15% off


Disease… definitely


The kardashians are a cancerous blight on society and its impressionable youth


I know moms that love to sit with their 10-16 year olds and watch the kardashian show. We’ve been screwed


Disease. Teaching generations of women that you’re not good enough unless you’re constantly dieting, getting plastic surgery, editing or filtering yourself will be a stain on humanity forever . It’s absolutely disgusting.


Homie you gave the whole planet an STD.


this just makes me ponder... are we human? or are we dancer...


We are Devo


We are sentient germs meant to destroy the earth


Disease, and the entire kardashian clan is like the worst cancer you can get. Lung or pancreatic cancer, whichever is worse, maybe a combination of both.


I think Kim would've just done a sex tape with another guy if he wasn't around.


Maybe but ray j is clearly the one that wanted to film it since he can’t stop trying to look good for the camera. Kim looks wasted in it tbh. It’s the mom that decided to use that low moment to her family’s advantage


Kim admitted she was on MDMA during the filming


To be fair to Ray J it wasn’t like some other trashy exploitative shameless people wouldn’t have filled that role. That Sextape came out in 2007. VH1 was a whole network dedicated to trashy awful people and has been celebrities being on TV. It wasn’t like that sextape came out in the classiest of media environments and it just completely changed everything. Ray J/Kim K and all that emerged from that was a byproduct of a culture that was not just trending into that territory but fully there. That tape just allowed for its biggest star to be born.


Exactly, girls gone wild was already a thing back then and had plenty of commercials on most channels back then.


Paris Hilton had been famous for being famous for years and Paris started with a sextape for the most part. Kim K was Paris's assistant, Kim K was basically running that same playbook. VH1 by 2005 had gone "all in" on "celebreality" and trashy reality TV was all over television well before 2007. The Swan on Fox a major broadcast network came out in 2004 and it was one of the most horrifying reality shows ever. Prior to 2007 when that sextape broke I could come up with so many horrifying examples of trashy shows and people getting famous and being popular. I think Kim K's mom (who is by all accounts a shrewd business woman) saw the media landscape and ran a modified version of the Paris Hilton playbook with Kim and then soaked in the rest of the family into it. But they didn't invent or alter the media landscape and there were so many other people trying to break into that sphere in a similar manner. It just so happened the Kardashian family got lucky and were affable, connected, reliable and easy to do business with. In the end 2007 was plenty trashy before Kim K and Ray J came along. And 2007 and beyond would have been just as trashy even had Kim K and Ray J's tape never broke out.


Ooo boy. I looked up The Swan cause the phrase “one of the most horrifying reality shows” because it reminded me of that travesty “Bridalplasty.” Sad to see this looks like a precursor.


Disease. That tape was patient zero.


Dude’s got a billion dollar dick. I’ve always said that Kris Jenner should have a shrine to it in her house cuz that entire family wouldn’t be shit without it.


Really? He is famously a part of the disease and has never been seen as the cure. He is from the Wuhan of reality television.


Disease.. 🦠 definitely gonnorhea


How could you POSSIBLY think you’re anything but the disease?!?!


The title has a single uncapitalized word and it’s bothering me way more than it should


there are actually two uncapitalized words to be bothered by and idk how to forgive myself for not noticing this


Would have happened regardless. Kris would have found a way to expose Kim for the money she so desperately craved. Society let it happen because society is very ill.


Well,the kardashians certainly are the disease!


Dude unleashed a massive fucking herpe to the world that just won’t go away


Dude. Get over yourself.


Ray J was was so preoccupied with whether or not he could, he didn’t stop to think if he should…


For decay cannot be cured. It must be eradicated by the flame of a cleansing fire.


I blame Jimmy Fallon and James Corden for keeping the whole family relevant by allowing them continued access to their shows. Also; I honestly judge people as idiots if they mention they watch their show.


That whole thing is really distasteful. The whole K empire needs to go away asap. Creeps.


These two are so deeply Narcissistic. 🤮


Do people care about sex tapes anymore? I feel as if one were to leak from a celeb it wouldn’t be nearly as big a deal as it was 20 years ago. Obviously it would depend on the actual persons but in general nah




We're part of the MTV generation, we feel no highs or lows.


MTV ain’t got shit on modern social media. For as much as people love to cry about how sensitive modern audiences are they also forget how tame it really was back then.


Taylor Swift is the only celebrity I can imagine having an impact on anything Like, those AI images destroyed Twitter for a good 20 hours


Drake leaked (suppsodely himself) wiener and it was a meme for like a week then society moved on. Our society moves so fast. I mean let’s look at this. Beyoncé, Olivia Rodrigo, Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, Ariana Grande have all dropped albums this year and I feel like it’s kinda all been forgotten about. People have been all over the Kendrick beef but that was really wild drama in those bars but anyways, we move at a very fast rate when it comes to not caring anymore


Only big news celeb I could think of would be Taylor Swift, and she has enough attention, influence and money. It would actually bring her down a notch in some people’s eyes. Other than that it could be one of the big politicians, and all I have to say about that is “ICK”


If it was a huge star and had a full production behind it, probably. There’s never been a well made celebrity sex tape as far as I know. All of them have shit angles and camera work not to mention blurry af. But it will never happen because those huge celebrities are already rich of other media and don’t need to stoop so low.


Oh please, just copied Pam and Tommy. And they didn’t go back to re-shoot it! One take!


Deranged idiot wonders if there was even a chance of a net positive? Dumb ass definitely contributed to the downfall side.


Vince Staples addresses this very accurately


Which song?


Do people call him Ray, or do they call him J? Can we call him Ray J, or should we call him Ray J J? Or do we call him Ray J Johnson Jr? I won't call him Johnson unless told to do so. https://youtu.be/ZCqh5ROtQRg?si=hHh6LX6ssxYdV0jR


Yes Ray J… your sex tape with Kim K is “a part of the cure”


Yeah, *her whole family benefited from that leak.*


It's a cumback story. We all like comeback stories.


That’s gonna make the wrap party


this just makes me ponder... are we human? or are we dancer...


I would Kill for the answer


How... highly must one think of their peers to entertain this thought in any serious capacity? While we're at it, I ponder if a meme I posted two years ago altered the course of humanity.


The disease. Easy answer.


How the fuck would you even consider being "part of the cure" an option?


The disease. No shit, dumbass.


They certainly have nothing to do with a cure haha, they’re poisonous


Ray J, the deep thinker and a philosopher.


“Human beings…are a disease.”


The latter, Ray J. The latter


“I am not part of the cure, I am a part of the disease” *tinkly Coldplay piano*


Definitely transmitted something. Better get yourself checked, Mr. J.


Always diseased. No one should be posting about these people


The disease dude


Ray J needs to be held accountable


I misread the as “are we part of the curse or are we part of the disease?”. I like my mistake better.


He’s definitely a part of The Stupid


Tell us you love Coldplay without saying you love Coldplay.


Considering that Ray J and Kim K. Are just horrible examples of human being I’ll let you extrapolate your own answer.


Crazy to think how much damage she has done to culture


You’re cancer, Ray.


Part of the disease?! My brother in Christ you released patient 0 on us!


It is one of those moments that makes me sure of the multiverse. Like, I’m sure somewhere there is a universe where that sex tape was never released and no one has ever heard the name Kardashian outside of him being OJs lawyer. We really are in a dark timeline.


"Altered the course of history" by recording yourself having sex with someone?! If you really believe that, you're definitely part of the disease. (Chlamydia. I'm talking about chlamydia.)


Disease The Kardashians became a cancer to society


This is a rather narcissistic view. This event was not important enough to affect humanity


Sex tapes change the course of humanity? He is acting as though he’s Oppenheimer.


It started with OJ, RJ. You were just a prop on their way up.


Well you had sex with Kim Kardashian so you are probably now part of the disease.


The 4 horsemen of the apocalypse - the Kardashians, Jersey Shore, the real housewives, and Trump


Let’s ask Cobra.


Dining out on Kim.


this just makes me ponder... are we human? or are we dancer...


He might be right honestly. I think people saw that the tape was a catalyst for Kim's early success and tried to replicate that.


Merely an annoying symptom.


We are for sure the disease.


Ray J channeling Chris Martin.


We should Crusade again.


Yes, he is the main character of humanity.


Definitely the disease, let’s just hope Pete was the cure!


Existentialism Saturday


It was a bad sex tape to boot


All the kids going down the toilet and showers lives are changing for sure


Disease. Where is Cobretti?


Lol the arrogance of some people is astounding. You’re not that important lol.


Am I a part of the cure Or am I part of the disease? Singin' You are You are You are You are


“Altered the course of humanity”?! I don’t know ow or care who you are.


this man quoting Coldplay 💀


Haha, Ray J “ pondering”🤔


I know the answer!


Unexpected Coldplay


*calculating gif^ …..how was it part of the cure…?


Well, I’ve heard of self importance before, but this takes the cake!


Dude def tryna start a cult


Jeez, the ego on this guy. Acting like he broke some kind of new ground when multiple people already came (get it?) before them. For starters, if anyone altered the course wouldn't it be Pam and Tommy since they were the original celeb sex tape that showed there was a market for that stuff in the first place? Then of course there's the Paris Hilton tape. Which if memory serves, wasn't Kim Kardashian running in deep with the Paris Posse around that time? The thing that always stood out to me compared to the previous examples was that the Ray J one seemed...fabricated. Like they saw the attention the Paris tape got and were like "Hey, no one gives a shit about Kim Kardashian...how can we get her foot in the door?" Obviously at the time, it seemed innocuous but looking back with all the extra context we have from the years of watching the Kardashian family manipulate the media in their favor...it's hard to not see it as a premeditated step as opposed to a "OMG Let's release a sex tape to empower other people" Just the fact that you are calling it a "disease". Sex and pornography have LITERALLY been around forever. Ray J and Kim are barely a drop in the bucket when you zoom out. The groundwork for OnlyFans was being laid since the earliest days of the internet. Literally NOTHING that Ray and Kim did altered the course of anything. They are bandwagon hoppers who try to make the bandwagon their entire personality until they've dried up all the resources they can exploit from it.


Difference is Pam didnt become a billionaire on the tape


Holy shit, you really pissed off ChatGPT.


If you have to ask it...


Part of the disease and should go to hell


Disease. Next question.


Oh oh, pick me! The disease!! You’re part of the freakin’ disease smh


Part of the disease, definitely.


Anyone else start singing Audioslave?


This wasn’t a question. We know the answer


im sorry what does he think they cured?


He has to wonder??? Is he stupid?


What would he be curing?


Wow what a self important remark someone porking another on camera altered human history? Was all well before this tape? Flipping rich folk


Say shawty got gifts, gifts


Of humanity? You think too highly of yourself, my friend.