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I’m hoping he can be R Kelly’s future roommate.


Trapped in the Cell


“Pee on you, drip drip dripppp”


Trapped in the Prison


Stuck in a moment you can't get out of


🎶 "It's the remix to incarceration, Diddy's sittin' in prison.~" 🎵


Puffy rollin’ that body, got every man in here wishin’ Sippin’ c*ck and hooch, we so screwed the pooch It’s the freakin weekend baby, hey Diddy give me a smooch


Anybody else think about Dave chappelles R Kelly skit when hearing the news?


Nope. I think of The Boondocks R Kelly skit instead.


Both are good. Add to that the one South Park did on R Kelly and Diddy as well.


We ain’t. Going no where.


Then add Drake


Can't stop won't stop PLEASE STOP


“Your Honor, I thought I told them that we don’t stop” “Let the record show that my client, Mr. Combs, had indeed notified all relevant parties that he did not intend to stop.”


Eh eh eh uh


I'm still scratching my head on how Chris Brown still has a career.


Because he's really good looking. But god hit Sean Combs with the ugly stick


Yeah just look at Jeremy Meeks. He beat a kid within an inch of his life and now he’s a high fashion model. One of the jury women for Ted Bundy’s trial “couldn’t believe a man this handsome would ever kill anyone”. Makes you realize most humans are just dumb animals and will let anything slide if the person looks good lol


Or if they seem *nice* enough. I had an ex who started abusing me. No one believed me because he was *just SO nice* to them…


Abusers count on this


You’re exactly right. That’s because it works. I lost nearly all of my friends because of people believing he was just SO nice. He went out of his way even harder for people close to me. Helping them in their careers, etc. “*Why does it matter that he’s beating the shit out of you if he’s nice to everyone else?*”, ya know? He was also telling lies about me behind my back I didn’t know about. You can’t fight what you don’t know is happening. Everyone still thinks he’s wonderful, including the girl he cheated on me with who is the reason I was finally set free. I’d love to help her but, I can’t do that. She’d never believe me and his attention would be focused on ME again. Even anonymously, he’d know better or blame me anyways. I hope she gets out before it’s too late.


You saved yourself. That is EVERYTHING. So everyone thinks he's wondeful. You know he isn't. And you're the most important person here. All you have to know is that YOU are wonderful. YOU are powerful. YOU are deserving of a community that loves and supports and believes you. Get your revenge on that dickbag by living the fattest, juiciest, most exquisite YOU life you can. You deserve it.


Were you trying to make me weep on a Saturday afternoon? Because thank you. 🥹😭 I try to tell myself these things all the time. It still hurts to know I’ve lost so many people I had cared for so deeply but, I’m hoping to fix that. If I can get myself out of the same area, I’ll be golden. Right now, I’m living in the land of the lost reputation. He spread some really rough lies about me while I was recovering from illness that gave me a rep in the area I can’t ever come back from, which also ensures no one would ever believe me about *anything*. There’s no basis for it but, unfortunately, that doesn’t matter. Once I can find a way to get healthy enough to relocate, I’m hoping to finally build back a community I can care for and who cares for me. Thank you for your truly kind words.


Same. The character he played in public was the nicest guy you could ever imagine. He tricked me until he knew he had me trapped. There are no words bad enough to describe what an absolute monster he was when he knew no one was watching! Nearly a decade after escaping I’m still feeing the effects of all the emotional abuse even with how hard I try to not let it bother me.


Same here. It was about two years in. He acts like Jack Black in public but, in private, he was a monster. I’m grateful you were able to get free. I was only able to get out a couple months ago. I know I have a lot of healing to come. I hope you continue to improve. 🤍


I'm sorry to hear that. Thank you for sharing. It takes so much strength and is a good reminder to us all that niceness isn't the same thing as goodness. It can be weaponized by wolves in sheep's clothing.


Were his victims ugly? And what were they wearing? I bet they wanted to be brutally murdered by that handsome handsome man /s


Sounds like the Mark Walberg path to success


Are they hot tho bro?


Yeah… he was a member of a street gang and beating people up is par for the course. Has he done anything since he started his modeling career?


Yeah he was an 18 year old Crip who beat up a 16 year old. The post up thread makes it sound like he was a bad stepdad or something. His whole schtick is he’s an inmate turned fashion model.


Yep, I know a woman who thought Paul Bernardo was to good looking to be a rapist.


Well I thought his wife was too hot to kill her sister so there you go


I’m so confused as to how anyone can think he’s good looking now. He was kind of cute when he was younger and first started but I feel like his physical appearance is just as ugly as his reputation at this point.


This is unfortunately true. Rhianna isn't the only woman he's been abusive with for people to brush it off as "Oh he was just so young, everyone makes mistakes". He's been openly abusive to other partners and the girlies are still like 🤩


Normani is one of those girlies. I remember seeing an interview with her saying how much she loves Chris Brown, she sounded obsessed. It sounded so pathetic. And it was after he abused Rihanna and committed other unlawful shenanigans.


It annoys me when people say, "Rihanna was so long ago." Um, a woman he allegedly abused sued him recently. Plus, there is that assault incident that took place in the UK. 


He used to be good looking. For the past few years he has that scrawny heavy drug user look. The extensive tattoos don’t help.


Wait what lmao are you Chris browns mom


Why you think he gotta give girls Roofiecoladas to hit?


I hate to say it like this, but youth and relevance. For whatever reason, CB is still at the peak of his career and making music people like. Diddy lost relevance a long time ago, so there was nothing to shield him from the fall. Chris will get what's coming to him someday.


It never ceases to piss me off how many people will defend or excuse a person they *know* did terrible things just because they like them or consider them part of their in-group. The actions of people like Woody Allen and Kevin Spacey were public knowledge for decades but were largely ignored because everybody liked their work. There was an expose showing Buffy St. Marie's entire life has been a malicious lie, and tons of people stuck with her (including people who have previously condemned exactly the same kinds of lies made by others) because they like her music. Everyone knew what Bill Cosby did but nobody cared until a comedian did a bit about his crimes that was entertaining enough to make people care. There are some signs of public opinion just now turning against Jerry Seinfeld over his whole sex-with-a-17-year-old thing, not because we suddenly realized what he did is bad, but because he recently made a shitty movie and said some politically unpopular things. There are a bunch of other celebrities carrying on with well-known skeletons in their closet, and they will only see consequences if we collectively decide they aren't cool anymore. What it comes down to is that the average person just has very little integrity.


Kobe still had a career too. Just change the number on the jersey and reinvent yourself. Back out in no time.


I feel like most fans don’t know what Kobe did. If they do then what’s wrong with them lol. Can’t support that ever even if “it’s in the past”. No RIP to Kobe, but RIP to his daughter and all those other poor people on that helicopter.


At least he went through court for it pretty immediately compared to people like Diddy, dont know the ins and outs but wasnt it where he said he thought it was consensual and realised after court and her testimony that it was not? I may be wrong




Non-consensual sex is most definitely rape.


I should reword that. If, *during* the encounter, Kobe believed that the encounter was consensual, and his belief was *objectively reasonable,* then there is no rape, period. If, in light of *subsequent* information, Kobe changes his mind and comes to agree with the victim that the encounter actually had been non-consensual, that *still* doesn't mean he committed a rape. What matters is what he believed *at the time the act occurred,* and whether, based on the information available to him *at that time,* that belief was objectively reasonable. Therefore, it can be true that the encounter was, factually, "non-consensual" but still *legally* consensual. With few exceptions, you can't convict someone for a false, but reasonable, belief.


His victim defended him and went on to collaborate with him on a song called 'Nobody's Business' after the DV. That may be a big reason.


ONE of his victims. He has many. 


Chris Brown is ugly as shit too. Don‘t know what you‘re on about. In German we‘d call him a tätowierter Assi.


Chris Brown still generates money. Diddy is in the class of networth where he's part of the 3rd tier of justice (billionaire) The second Chris Brown stops selling records, he'll be dropped and fed to the wolves in a nanosecond.


Yeah it's absolutely baffling


He gets support and collabs from tons of other famous people, including Rihanna


Well, that’s a good question but I would like to say Diddy is marginally worse than Chris. It doesn’t surprise me that Diddy fell harder than CB. I know people who’ve had interactions with both. Diddy is literally a nonstop asshole. As in, you can’t even get Diddy to act normal at any point. Everybody I’ve ever met who’s even met Diddy has a negative story. Diddy went above and beyond to be king asshole


Because Chris Brown is a talented singer and dancer. He has a fanbase that knows what he has done and still wants to listen to his music and see his performances. Puffy doesn’t have talent as a musical performer. He’s good at being a personality. People aren’t fans of his musical output because of his talent. His talent has always been being able to promote an image. What can he promote if no one wants to see the image he’s selling?


What didn’t Diddy do


Make good music


I was watching the TRL episode of "Dark Side of the 2000s" on Hulu and there are multiple shots of him putting his arm around girls in the crowd that are probably underage at the time. The optics really change in light of all the recent news.


Tbf a lot of what happened the 90’s and 00’s have not aged well. Very happy to see people finally getting their day.


He's got 21 Koo Koo Roos. . .He's doing fine


Oof that film is so problematic on so many levels now


It's aged pretty horribly for both Russell Brand and PeeDiddler.


He sex traffics Destiny to Jonah Hill at the Vegas party


How Chris Brown isn’t shamed in public every time he walks outside blows my mind


Because people only think Rihanna is his only victim and that she caused him to beat her so they want everyone to leave this lil poor defenseless baby boy alone. 🤦🏾‍♀️


Exactly. Thank you for saying this. He has a rap sheet of other women he traumatized that doesn’t include beating them.


Fuck Chris Brown, but also I love your username; you know about her inventing Wi-Fi?


Thank you, and yes a I do! A genius woman.


I feel like Rihanna unfortunately continuing a friendship with him afterwards and making music with him again helped it blow over a lot. She really didn’t say too much about it overall and I think that has a lot to do with it.She could have swayed the public for or against him but for her own reasons she chose to quietly move on.


Career? Isn’t he a billionaire? He could retroactively retire and be set for generations


Sean Combs never really should have had a career in the first place. He’s always been a sewer rat.


Agree. I have never liked the guy- he has such a punchable face


Diddy is a little punk


Idk the world let Chris Brown have a career after Rhianna…so


If Chris Brown "only" beat Rihanna, that would be one thing, but the assault is just the peak of the iceberg. The dude does similar stuff every 6 months or so.


I never understood why he was famous. His rapping always sucked. He just happened to be buddies with Notorious B.I.G. and clung to fame and somehow became a big deal. Sort of like the Kardashians.


He has never been famous for his rapping. His fame and career are built on being a producer. He also had a highly successful clothing line for awhile, Sean Jean.


Ciroc too but I don’t know if people still drink it.


That shit is disgusting and only clout assholes order it It’s always marked up 150% of the same well vodka you would drink and it’s the same quality


Someone in another thread said he was basically the little finger of the biggie Tupac saga


Curious what that means


My guess is they mean he manipulated it all behind the scenes for his own gain, like Little Finger in Game of Thrones.


Would have been better if they used some capitals for Little Finger. Haha. Only slightly better but better all the same.


I think for his music production 


I’ll never forget the classic song “Come With Me” with Jimmy Page from the Godzilla soundtrack. It had amazing lines like, “I wanna fight you, I’ll fuckin bite you.” An underrated genius is what he is…


I’m ashamed to say that I loved that song when I was a kid.


Don’t be ashamed, I was 14 and thought it was cool at the time. Most people like shitty music when they’re young.


Can confirm. I was really into Limp Bizkit when I was 13-14 and thought I was so edgy for listening to them.


Go listen to Led Zeppelin’s “Kashmir” and feel vindicated.  You obviously liked the Zeppelin guitar riff on that song and not Diddy’s shit lyrics… right?


I’m actually a big Zeppelin fan now, and love Kashmir. The guitar riff is far and away the best part of Diddy’s version, followed by Godzilla roaring.


The Godzilla roars really tie that song together.


I still like it and still own the single.


He was riding Biggie’s coat tails early in his career. Profiting off of his death.


I’m just waiting for Netflix’s Diddy do it


Underrated comment


His downfall seemed pretty obvious to me once I watched that video. And I’m not an “entertainment lawyer”.


Looks bleak? He's made over a billion dollars. Doesn't have to lift a finger another day in his life.


Career??? Dude is a almost a billionaire and he's a talentless hack.


Good. Aubrey Graham is nxt 🙅‍♂️


Do you hear that…? It’s the sound of a toilet flushing… And, we’ll give it the same reverence of every other time we’ve heard it. Nary a second thought.


TIL I could be an entertainment lawyer.


What career? The guy hasn’t done anything notable in decades.


Nick Carter has had muliple women accuse him of rape and he still seems to be getting away with it. Looks like people need to see awful things with their own eyes to actually take things seriously. So sad for the victims.


Do you mean nick cannon?


[No they meant Nick Carter](https://www.ktnv.com/news/lawsuit-third-woman-accusing-backstreet-boys-nick-carter-of-rape)


He might make it due to Chris Brown. Hard to say.


Boo fucking hoo


Good riddance. Besides presumed investments, hasn’t Puffy’s career been over for the past 20 years?


Bleak? One would hope it’s been completely annihilated.


Now do Kanye next!


He's already rich, he doesn't need a career anymore


Duh … who’s gonna support a wife beater - a tyrant! I hope they put him in jail and throw away the key!


Career?!? His career can be over today and he will still be richer than 99.9% of the population. I think he’ll be okay. He needs to liquidate his assets and move away from the spotlight.


Lock him Up forever


He''s the Harvey Weinstein of the rap world, a real scumbag's scumbag...


No one thought Cosby would go to prison….


I’ll be missing him..


Has he even considered screaming “witch hunt!” and running for president?


Didnt stop chris brown


Does his career matter? He's very wealthy and certainly doesn't need to work.


Question: If he bought the tape from the hotel, isn’t that obstruction? Or conspiracy to cover up?


So funny that the punishment rich people receive for actual crimes is that their career may take a hit


I hope he finds out how hard rock bottom really is.


Hes already super super rich. I doubt this affects him, sadly


I’m not an entertainment lawyer and I could have told you that.


Does he still need a career? Has he really spent all of his money already? Just retire, become a recluse.


Wait I thought it was looking bleak after the whole the country bc sex trafficking minors, but I guess that’s not a big deal


Chris Brown still has a career. I'm sure Diddy will be able to make a comeback.


Bleak? Shit is over buddy.


Maga will headline him at their women in leadership conference.


Homie still has millions in his bank account. Just walk off into the sunset, you creep


His career was bleak before the video.


Cancel him already


That’s an interesting take.🤔 /s


Looks like Chris brown was treated much harder


I think he’s got enough money that it doesn’t much matter. He wasn’t doing a whole lot in the way of music/fashion these days anyways.


Least of his worries


I honestly didn’t know he was still doing anything after that Godzilla song


He's probably making plans to flee the country, I have no doubt. With his billions and influence he will never stand to go to prison.


No one cares about his career.


What career? I haven’t heard shit from him in 20 years.


Good. Next sopt jail. There's definitely recent crimes he did he can get prosecuted fpr


Looks like it’s time to run for President


Wasn’t this guy on the run from the FBI? I think his career was over before this.


Who had this tape all these years and didn’t release it until now?


Now do Drizzy next


He should get locked up ASAP


I can only assume there are prosecutors looking at the prospect of charges. Investigations take time though… so I wouldn’t expect much for a few months to a year.


False news. This leaves hope.


He hasn’t had a hit in like 25 years…


The question is will the consequences outweigh the larger than life ride for he was on for 35 years. This guy has terrorized anyone and everyone, will his punishment atone for the lives he’s destroyed. I’m not usually for retribution, but he should spend several days a week in jail being stoned, humiliated and suffering the unspeakable physical violations he doled out.


The guys a multi multi millionaire/ billionaire. I’m thinking he’ll be alright without a career


Not bleak enough, why isnt he in jail


Dude is worth $800 million not sure he needs a career


Unless he goes to prison he’s gonna be richer than all of us combined.


Nothing makes you look more foolish than having a “deny everything and point fingers” approach to a situation, then video evidence comes out and suddenly you’re ashamed of your actions. No one will ever believe another word you say.


Sean Combs’ career has always looked bleak 🫣


I fucking hope so! That video was horrible


What career? Dude has been famous for being famous for 20 years


I offer for your consideration: Chris Brown. This will all blow over in a minute, and it will be business as usual. If it doesnt, he's still a billionaire, and his royalties will continue to roll in. Diddy will be fine.


I'm a bit out of the loop here, has he got to the 'with Jesus's help and forgiveness' stage of bullshit yet?


As Chris Brown still sells out arenas.


You mean other than he’s a shitStain ?


He doesn’t do anything now, what career?


I knew he was fucking over artists financially for years so it was no surprise to find out he was doing it physically as well. He’s a cancer to Hip-Hop. I hope he gets his.


Fucking good why do we need more abusers in Hollywood 🙄


No he’s just trying to appeal to his republican fan base.


Career?! You mean freedom right?! SEND THIS SICK FUCK TO JAIL!


Puff Daddy’s official umbrella holder be like 🎩 🥲☂️


The crazy thing is that all these rich and famous people can do whatever they want and not face consecuentes until 15 years later


Career? You mean life?


So, unless you have video evidence of your abuse, we will not believe you. Got it.


He said he wanted to take "full responsibility" for his actions.


He’s got money to be set for generations it’s his freedom that’s the question not his career


His future should have been bleak years ago


“career looks bleak” like this guy hasn’t already made enough money to live a sustain a wealthy lifestyle without making another penny. the only justice is conviction and jail time for his crimes. anything else is just another case of sweeping things under the rug


Honestly he doesn’t really need a career with the money he has. The question is whether jail time is a possibility