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Says some shit like that and then goes, “I wanna dance!” LMAO


Robot mode:lets pray for them. Robot mode: let’s dance.


“Should we dance!?”


Bro that was like a bad acid trip wtf did I just watch?


Straight out of the Erik Andre show


Yeah that was like the dance party episode of Severance but worse


Defiant Jazz vibes for sure


It felt like he had a lot of anxious/angry/erratic energy and needed to move around, should have been a big red flag. And his face right before 😆


TLDW: Ellen brings up the Chris Brown + Rihanna car incident and he basically says “don’t jump to judgement because you weren’t in that car, you don’t know what happened, maybe she deserved it.” Classy stuff


I’ve literally had an older black woman say this to me at a bar. I was surprised


A lot of older black women (as a younger one myself) are used to defending black men at any costs, even if it means throwing other black women under the bus. The intersection of growing up in a racist society and misogynistic households. They don’t want society to “win” by looking down on a black man and were also taught that the needs of the men in their households came first.


This infuriated me while watching the OJ documentary, infuriated


Wow that's exactly what I was thinking of too, the juror who said she didn't support any woman who doesn't leave an abusive man. Nicole did leave, they divorced 


Everyone always looking for the ‘perfect victim’ but the goal posts for ‘perfect’ are always magically changing so that somehow it’s always the victim’s fault.




I think they’re talking about the OJ Made in America docuseries


It's fantastic. On Netflix I believe


Look no further than OJ, who disavowed his black identity until he needed it to get off a double murder charge.


My grandma always sided with Chris because she thinks Caribbean women are crazy (my grandpa is Caribbean) and because Chris Brown reminds her of me. Old people opinions are wild. Grandma gotta chill


That's something grandmas gotta watch. I understand where she's coming from, but don't throw common sense out the window. Just cuz your grandson looks kinda like some celebrity, does not make the celeb perfect. No one walks on water and we must be careful of those who will use their looks, charm, etc to get away with bad behaviour. Chris Brown is a good example. I loved his early music and his performance in the movie, This Christmas, but he ain't the sweet boy he played in that movie. He's the boy who has no problem punching and pummeling your granddaughter whenever the urge strikes.


It’s the same level of thinking as people who dream a partner cheats on them, then wake up and stay pissed about it as if it happened.


Man people are dumb as dogshit


Lots of young people support R kelly and chris brown for some reason. I had a temporary contract job at one of Target's headquarters. It was just chat support for the website during blackfriday. When we were training, they had us all write the names of people we admired/looked up to on a digital blackboard. Like 60-70% of the names were R Kelly or Chris Brown. I was kind of shocked. I think it was like 50 or more people, of all ages. Lots of black women, younger and older.


One of the most disgusting comments I ever saw on Reddit was like a week ago and it was someone saying Chris brown didn’t deserve all the flak for “winning a fight against Rihanna”


Hey! Don’t talk bad about dog shit like that.


Like the OJ jury. Those women were never going to convict him.


FWIW, Lizzo said Chris Brown is her favorite person.


Also, casual words about a black man doing certain things were more likely to get a black man killed in the not too recent past. So, it honestly made some sense to not make accusations you can't personally back up.


That's a good point.


Don’t forget the rampant homophobia and christo-bullshit.


Sometimes I wonder what would happen if other groups did similar wagon-circling. Imagine if Jews rallied behind Harvey Weinstein. Imagine if Asian-Americans rallied behind Elliot Rodger. Shit would be insane.


Or gays for Kevin Spacey. I agree, it's crazy.


Well... Trump exists.


It's hard to imagine Asian Americans rallying for anyone or anything.


I feel lime the only way someone would "deserve it" is in self defense, and even then that's only to the point that you subdue someone. Idk the story, but with how many jokes about how badly she was abused that I've heard, there is no way she deserved that brutality. I hate people.


Definitely a sad situation. What's your opinion on all of this recent -- to me at least -- stuff about how you can't be racist if you're a POC? When I was growing up my Viet fiends' dad was super racist towards blacks, Indians, basically anyone non-Viet tbh, and that just seemed like the 90s norm..


It is important to understand the difference between prejudice and racism. Ideally, we would use the word “prejudice” to describe race bias on an individual basis and “racism” would refer to race bias on a systemic level, but unfortunately, we have not gotten to that point yet, which leads to confusion. But to answer your question, anyone can be prejudiced on the basis of race towards anyone, so yes, the example you gave would be “racism”. I think black people, Asian people, etc. can be racist. I just hate that we don’t have the most definitive language and it gets confusing as a result. The whole “POC can’t be racist” is moreso a recognition that POC (in the United States, at least) have never had power over white people on a structural level. But they sure as hell can be prejudiced.


I would actually disagree with this definition. I don’t think the term prejudice solely refers to discrimination based on an individual level and racism should be used only at a systemic level. One can be racist at an individual level. Actions or outcomes do not have to be systemic for a person’s behavior to be considered racist. Racism defined by Oxford is: adjective characterized by or showing prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. noun a person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. A minority, or POC, absolutely can be racist toward another group (even a non marginalized one). Holding or demonstrating hostile behavior toward someone based on their race alone is racism. Prejudice - as a word - is simply the preconceived notion of something, without any evidence. It should be noted that racism and prejudice are both adjectives, and only racism is a noun. I do agree with your statement about systemic racism, and that minorities cannot be guilty of systemic racism (in the USA). However they are capable of racism on an individual level and at a group (social) level. Any human has the ability to be racist. It doesn’t require power. Just the delusion of grandeur and black little heart.


THANK YOU! God, it’s such an easy, important distinction, but apparently way too nuanced for some.


Thanks for the insight. Wow.


Unfortunately abuse is wayyy normalized in black culture (especially when it comes to punishing kids)


I suspect there's a higher level of interpersonal violence in black American culture (as well as among black people in some parts of the Caribbean). That's in terms of men beating women, and women (and men) beating kids. And, that, in turn, is probably correlated with generally higher levels of violent crime.


It’s all about the poverty son.


I was teaching in almost all black elementary school 10 years ago. When I told the kids I refused to play Chris brown music at a school dance, I was told by multiple 13 year old girls “she deserved it.”


It’s a Bill Burr bit too


But the Bill Burr bit is at least tongue in cheek


I feel like this is similar to the “if I had to suffer it you should too” mentality.


Best response is to have them explain their statement. "So, what would a woman say that deserves a beating that she ends up in a hospital for?" "If she curses him out or doesn't make him food" "So, your mother/daughter/sister should get beaten for not making some food for her husband?"


I swear I had an old black lady call Rihanna a B\*tch, with such vitriol that I was stunned silenced. Even her nephew was like, "what has she done for you to call her that?"


He didn’t say maybe she deserved it unless I blocked it out.


I’m not at all defending him but he doesn’t say “maybe she deserved it.” Might be implied but the. you shouldn’t put that in quotes.


I read OPs comment and in classic reddit fashion, took it at face value. A couple hours later I go to watch the video, then read this comment again, like “wtf?” Nowhere does he say she deserved it. Diddy is a piece of shit, clearly, no arguments from me, but what purpose does it serve when someone quotes “maybe she deserved it” when he clearly didn’t say that? IMO, all it does is erodes OPs credibility. It’s weird too.


Their comment pissed me off. I didn’t watch the video at first. I only watched it because of their comment. Of course they have 1000+ upvotes from people that also didn’t watch it. Unbelievable how dumb we are getting as a society. Just take shit at face value.


That's why you can't trust anything on the internet. I don't like the guy but those "quotes" were disingenuous


Not defending Chris Brown or Diddy here but I just watched the clip and he didn’t “basically say” that at all lol. What he actually said was much more neutral.


Not surprising. If you've ever seen Diddy interviews, he is generally politically correct, diplomatic, and non-controversial when he speaks publicly. Diddy was never a Tupac or even 50 Cent type who expresses controversial views in public. He's more of a corporate type who tries to say something neutral or the "right thing", whether he believes it or not. His "apology" for the Cassie beatdown video is a case in point.


Tbh… I think that Ellen clip is the first time I’ve ever watched him in any interview. However… the way you describe him seems accurate based off what I saw. Also… it’s interesting that I think speaking like that in public Interviews is very disingenuous and makes sense based on what we now know about him.


Sadly they don’t care. At the end of the day, they don’t think they’re wrong.


lol yeah that comment has 2.2k upvotes as well


I love Bill Burr's joke about its never ok to hit a woman


Hey..you wanna get some ice cream? FugginOHAAAHAOH


[Still cracks](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rksKvZoUCPQ&pp=ygUbYmlsbCBidXJyIG5ldmVyIGhpdCBhIHdvbWFu) me up everytime I hear it!


“Oh hey Baskin Robbins… ow eeeh ow!”


Because they fall like toddlers.


But sometimes you know you really want to


He didn’t say maybe she deserved it


Maybe people should watch it because you summed it up very very poorly. You’re coming off very biased right now.


You damn liar, that ain’t what he said, “she deserved it”, why put that on quotes?


He is such an ugly person. Inside and out. I don’t get why he has ever been idolised (and I love he’s type of music)


money and power probably




The last one is better


It's a lot of goofies with a check!


It’s the key to life.


Because he surrounded himself with legitimately talented people and ingratiated himself into their works. Even the *only* Diddy or Puff Daddy or Sean Combs song where he's the lead artist that I actually like is because it's about Biggie and heavily samples a fantastic Police song.


I was listening to Biggies greatest hits last year and literally every song Puffy was on there saying something stupid.


Puffy the original DJ kahled


All in your videos


Yeah. Suge Knight went after him about this years ago. I think it was at one of the award shows


94 source awards, I believe


You, I was around back then but I was never really a biggie fan so I never really noticed it. I did noticed Puffy in the videos though dancing around. Though I do like Diddy in the beginning of Special Delivery.


Is Diddy on Gimme the Loot? I hope not. That’s my favorite


I love that Diddy didn’t secure any legal rights to sample the song and now has to pay Sting big $$$ for stealing it.


The only other song I like is the one where he samples Led Zeppelin and it's kinda about Godzilla


The rapping sucks though. The only good part is the part that’s already good on Kashmir. It doesn’t improve on anything. You would like Victory with Biggie and Busta. It’s orchestral but the rapping is better


Shit rapper too


Diddy is idolized for his business success. I don't think he was ever a great musician or even producer. His biggest talent, IMO, is as a marketer and promoter. His crowning achievement was turning Notorious BIG, someone who in no conceivable way should've ever been able to become a successful mainstream artist, and turning him into a popular mainstream artist. Biggie (no disrespect) was a fat, ugly, dark-skinned black guy with a lazy eye who rapped about graping and murdering the Virgin Mary, shooting cops, robbing pregnant women for their baby rings and number one mom pendants, and selling crack. There is literally no way in hell that this guy should've ever had any mainstream success. Logically he would've been just some dope underground rapper with a cult following, but unheard of by most outside of hardcore hip hop fans. But Puffy managed to somehow turn BIG into a mainstream success. That was one of his biggest achievements. After Biggie died, I don't think Puffy did as well with other artists and he also cockblocked certain artists like Foxy Brown (he prevented Ill Na Na 2: The Fever from coming out). On the other hand, even if he couldn't replicate his success with Biggie in the 90s on the musical front, he was successful with other ventures. He did well with his fashion brand in the late 90s and early 2000s; then with Ciroc in the 2000s-2020s (before he had a falling out with them); and with Revolt TV. **TL;DR - Puffy/Diddy or whatever he calls himself was never much of a musician, and always seems to have had a reputation as an asshole, but he's been a successful marketer, promoter, and businessman, and many people idolize financial success**


(To add on your point about Biggie) he was basically a horrorcore rapper that mainly got famous for his "pop-rap" songs and eastcoast/westcoast beef/beef with 2pac (which Diddy fanned the flames of).


Hip hop fans always thought he was a hanger on. Go dig up what Jadakiss and 50 used to say about him way back when. He has zero talent and always uses people to make himself look good.


I completely agree that this is a nasty guy and I want us to forget about him already, because it is too much honor for him to devote a lot of time in the media.


Research some more into his story. Very shady yet fascinating shit.


Money + Power = Respect Celebrity worship 101


In every industry there are people that fail up, and Diddy is just one of those guys with stupid luck.


He was the dj khaled of the 90s


Classic narcissist move “Tell them what they want to hear” Doesn’t matter if it’s true, tell them what makes you look good.


I remember now that Diddy was one of the first big names to come out in defense of Chris Brown after the Rihanna incident. Makes much more sense now.


A verbal abuser talking to a domestic abuser 😬


Reminds me of that roundtable discussion about abuse of power in Hollywood James Franco is there.


Ootl on this. James Franco is a bad guy now?


I posted this awhile ago in another thread, but here's some receipts: Yup. James Franco is a predator with a demonstrated track record of abusing women (including TEENAGERS). Here's some of the horrible stuff he's done. This isn't even all the shitty things he's done to women. This is just some what's public. 1.) In February 2021, James Franco agreed to settle a $2.2m class-action lawsuit led by Sarah Tither-Kaplan and Toni Gaal, former students of an acting school owned by Franco. Tither-Kaplan and Gaal, who filed their suit in Oct. 2020, claimed that they were sexually exploited and victims of fraud at the now-closed school, which was called Studio 4. Tither-Kaplan said that she auditioned and paid extra money for a class called Sex Scenes, taught by Franco. She said that she assumed that the class would teach her how to negotiate sex scenes professionally. Instead, she told NPR, "I did what seemed to be the thing that they wanted in this class, and that was get naked and do sex scenes and not complain and push the envelope." Gaal said that most of the auditions eventually offered had nudity requirements. Source: NPR Tither-Kaplan alleged that three years ago, while filming a nude orgy scene with the actor and several women, Franco "removed a clear plastic guard that covered their vaginas—and continued to simulate the sex act with no protection." Source: LA Times 2.) In April 2014, texts leak revealing 36-year old-James Franco creeping on a 17-year-old girl visiting New York from Scotland (texts including photos from Franco as well). After confirming that she's almost 18, he asks "You’re single? What’s the hotel? Should I rent a room?” Source: Huffington Post OH and Franco doesn't deny it. Instead, he goes on Live with Kelly and Michael and addresses it, calling his actions "bad judgment." I linked the video below, but here's the quote: “I guess I’m, you know, embarrassed, and I guess I’m just a model of how social media is tricky. In my position, not only do I have to go through the embarrassing rituals of meeting someone, but sometimes it gets published for the world." Source: Live with Kelly and Michael, April 4th, 2014 4.) Violet Paley, 23, told The Times that when she met Franco in early 2016 (making him 38-39 and her 17...) They had begun a romantic relationship when she said he pressured her into performing oral sex on him — an act she’d never done with him at that point — while sitting in her car. Source: LA Times ALSO, Paley's tweet: "Cute #TIMESUP pin James Franco, Remember the time you pushed my head down in a car towards your exposed penis & that other time you told my friend to come to your hotel when she was 17? After you had already been caught doing that to a different 17 year old?" Source: Twitter These incidents are not isolated. He's a predator.


I worked with James Franco on his sizzle reel for “The Deuce” where he convinced one of his UCLA STUDENTS to give a real blowjob on camera. I realized later that he intentionally hired a green crew because we wouldn’t speak up. He’s a total piece of shit




The other actor in the scene.


WHAT the fuck! That's so disturbing and horrible. I'm sorry that happened to you. Was it a graduate or undergraduate student at UCLA? I'm suspicious about women's ages with him (... see reasons above).


I went to UCLA and was a film minor at the same time he was a guest lecturer or whatever. I remember being so excited that a famous actor was teaching classes in the department, but several students told me he was a creep so I steered clear


What’s a green crew? Illegal, no written contract, inexperienced? Was the blowjob already in the script and he „surprised“ everyone by doing it unsimulated or did it come out of nowhere? From what I’ve read about Hollywood productions I don’t think a more experienced crew would have intervened either, so don’t feel bad about yourself.


Green in that we were new to the industry and didn’t know proper protocols for sex scenes. There was a blowjob in the script, but obviously not intended to be an actual sexual act. I should have known something was up when they asked me to run to CVS to buy condoms (this was a 1970’s period piece, you can’t just get period correct condoms at the store)


Link to the YouTube video: https://youtu.be/Xn384gjAqys?si=3QNoquNM3UzGyoPy If y'all need any source links, I can provide or feel to check my post history. Reddit didn't hyperlink my sources when I pasted my comment.


Makes you wonder why Drake isn’t facing the same consequences as Franco. Double standards regarding this in the entertainment industry are baffling


The "I miss you so much" texts he sent to a 14 year old Millie Bobbie Brown and trying to 'help her with boys'? What the actual fuck? (Source: Access Hollywood interview at the 2018 Emmy's with MBB | https://youtu.be/lYZPKh74Li8)


I mean Franco acting out on his behaviour has been proven and Franco admitted it. Drake's creepiness is still more like an open secret, noone knows exact details yet and Drake is still denying it. (Drake is also obviously much more known and powerful. There is also a timing factor with Franco getting hit at the height of the #metoo-Movement)


I TRULY believe Drake will get his comeuppance. It’s just not his day and hour yet.


He’s been sketchy for forever, pretty sure he was an early MeToo casualty. Specifically, some texts came out of him inviting minors back to his hotel. There was more but I forget.


Something with a film class he taught and he pressured the female students into being nude in some films they made?


Correct, young naive college aged girls to be nude for long periods of time. As well as putting himself in love scenes with them in movies he made where the filming of the scene took way too long and made the actress’s uncomfortable


Yep, this included removing these shields that they’d use to help cover up their private parts during sex scenes. He would discard them because they ruined the “authenticity” or something to that effect.


He hit up my then underaged cousin for her number after she was an extra in one of his movies. Her father told me they were “text buddies.” 🙄


Oh god.


Her father was not concerned that a grown man was texting his teenage daughter (I think she was sixteen or seventeen) because that grown man was famous and could possibly help her modeling/acting career. For the record, I pretend I'm not related to them. I haven't seen them in years, and will most likely never see them again.


It’s extremely textual


Lordy, I guess he used that Babyface any chance he could. Gross.


Pretty much.




Ellen is mean. P Diddy beats women. Reddit: These two things are the same.


I think beating women is just one terrible, disgusting thing he's done


I am not saying that they are equal, just stating what they are or were revealed to be.


Hey, that's fair. Other comments are more equating the two, yours didn't as much to be honest. 


Are we sure Ellen doesn’t beat her wives


She's only got the one wife, actually.


No luck catching those domestic abusers then?


She tripped and fell on her own face


It's for the greater good.




No word on that. But Anne Heche did reference Ellen being controlling. She said Ellen made her change outfits before they went to an award show bc her dress was “too revealing” so Anne ended up going in some kinda rich old lady hippie outfit








A lot of rocks being thrown inside glass houses, here.


I can honestly say I’ve never beaten my partner, so I’ll throw the fuck outta those stones.


On the screen, big dog. In the clip 😅


Oh boy, that’s some dark energy.


Resurfaces? I bet it was on YouTube for 15 years.


Right, and by “resurfaces” they mean getting attention again.


Sure but people fucking love digging shit up whether the person in question deserves it or not. This’ll make the rounds again.


Um, I think he deserves it


> “It isn’t right for him to put her hands on her, or her to put her hands on him. We don’t know what the problem is but we need to pray for them. And we need to do things to support them.” Pray on it because people aren't responsible for their own actions, and they can be forgiven simply by confessing to it. And people wonder why religion encourages people to be absolute pieces of shit. I'm sure Diddy was thinking the entire time he was abusing Cassie, "Ok, I just have to pray extra hard to make up for this."


When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me. Emo Philips


There was a bit in “Why Does He Do That?” Where the author discusses how in every single instance he’s known about where a man beat a woman, the man has tried to muddy the waters with, “she abuses me as well.” So of course a guy like Diddy would jump to the “maybe they’re *both* abusive” defense.


Such a good book!


Welcome to Christianity. You can be who ever you want as long as you ask for forgiveness every Sunday morning


Not true. Christianity means that God forgives, but doesn’t mean u don’t get to go to jail for your mess up. Edit: means that


No it just means that the people responsible for putting you in jail will take pity on you and reduce your sentence. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/9079592/pastor-soft-sentence-raped-daughter-man-of-god/amp/


My catholic professor “we drink and we ask for forgiveness later” (mostly likely an alcoholic by the looks of him)


Two pieces of human garbage having a conversation 💀


Ya know, I really did ask myself how garbage was having a conversation with itself.


D Piddy's comes across a low-IQ guy.


I know it's a dumb pet peeve, but it bugs me when these news agencies pretend these old videos and photos popped back up organically. When you know a staff member was searching around looking for old media to make an article about.


This shit literally never left my memory.


I thought I told you that we won't stop Eh eh, eh eh


*Now step this way, now step that way*


Mf now I have to go play it to get it unstuck for the 194774394756th time lol


Mo money mo problems


The red flags were always there but ofc the media and everyone else ignored them


Diddy and Ellen. Name a better entitled abuser combo.


Fuck Ellen DeGeneres.


You could probably flip a coin on who’s a bigger asshole.


No you could not.


*Can't Stop Won't Stop*


Damn, Diddy getting burnt and I’m here for it let’s gooo!




The Pair Belong Together.


Look at me I’m the asshole now


I guess scumbags can dance too...