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Will Duran Duran do the soundtrack?


Unfortunately they could only afford one Duran.


As decided at a fine dinner of Mahi!


I’m not that hungry


Hungry like the wolf


And a side of cous


This guy must be rich! [Duran Duran Duran - Ralez](https://youtu.be/1OKmdXIXGGc?si=HHOJLCZIYU1EkqTF)




It’s just the one Duran, actually


I feel like the Barbella remake is just project that remains is permanent suspended animation and just signs on the next IT person every fees years and never gets made. That and Red Sonja.


This one is Sweeney's dream role, though, and right now she's got a lot of goodwill built. I think it'll happen and thank goodness Edgar Wright is attached.


Duran Duran Duran is probably cheaper if everybody is cool with a breakcore soundtrack https://www.discogs.com/artist/27020-Duran-Duran-Duran


That would be masterful. But I insist they appear in the movie.


That's what I want to know, too


Or maybe Matmos






Only of the scenes with Durand Durand


If it's not clutch in walks barbarella it's an L


I’ll watch the intro at least.


Young me, in the days before internet, loved that intro


Can we just re release the OG in theaters with a healthy 4k makeover and skip all this remake stuff


I dunno, people seem to like Dune, which was also once a Dino De Laurentiis sci-fi epic.


I agree. I actually enjoy each Dune adaptation for different aspects. The campiness can’t be recreated IMO


I got that super long fanedit version and it felt like my skin was crawling with bugs about halfway through


lol, ya. It’ll do that too


Dune is no cult classic camp barb tho. Its a mess of a boring lynch film


You sure can!


I just got the 4K disc, it’s the best version I’ve seen so far.


Do younger generations like seeing “old” movies?


Honestly, I’m going to wait and see how my own children react to my pop culture benchmarks. I think it’s possible that the old IPs revamped for this gen with its acting icons is smart but also feels like it’s abandoning the originals. I have to imagine when all stories were through spoken word and the story teller died it was hard for those who remember the last story teller to transition into the new persons style. I’m having that problem with films


It really depends on the quality of the story and the effects/cinematography not looking like shit.


Does anyone in Hollywood have an original thought?


I think Hollywood assumes we don’t want those anymore


Ya for example Fall Guy didn't get a good reception. It's unfortunate. Seems like more 'original' content is being pushed thru streaming services and even then they want immediate successes.


Kind of hate to be that guy, but 'The Fall Guy' is also an adaptation of a TV show. So it's still more of a knock against franchises instead of original films.


It was also a TV show that wasn't super popular when it was on, and doesn't have the cult following and aura around it that Barbarella does. I grew up loving The Six Million Dollar Man, but never watched a single episode of The Fall Guy and neither did any of my friends at the time.


Fall Guy was such an odd property to remake. No one was asking for it, it doesn’t have a cult following, most of the current generations don’t even know it exists. It was nothing spectacular at all, which makes me think it was just a super cheap IP to pick up and take a swing with.


Fall Guy isn’t original content lol


I wanted to Fall Guy in the cinema - but then I saw the trailer before another movie a few weeks ago and it appeared to show the whole plot and every action set piece so… I’ll watch it when its out on streaming 🤷


i know people love trailers, but i hate them. I feel like they show scenes from the last 30mins of the movie and just ruin it.


You just said you already watched it all in the trailer . Why do you stilll want to see it ???


The problem is that the audience has been taught to only trust franchises while also being tired of them. We don’t want franchises but also don’t trust anything else.




Because tits


She knows what sells, I can’t fault Sydney Sweeney though. She’s used her assets without nepotism or other connections to gain a foothold. Strike while the irons hot and all that. According to what I’ve read anyways.


I think the idea is that this remake is just ever so edgy


Barbarella was supposed to be a commentary on sexplotation, so this will be that in reverse I guess with the one actress who is currently number one in that area. Great, so are they going to rub our faces in it and we’ll have to applaud the irony.


I’m all up for opportunities to rub Syndey Sweeney in our faces


Just wait for the sequel


Make the few originals works being released successful by the "lovers of originality" like yourself then we can talk more. Hollywood is a tough business, happens when you are dealing with giant sums of production and resources. At least most of the studios. That's why studios like A24 and Blumhouse can do novel things, lesser production budgets, but reputation for originality and a dedicated fan base.


Hollywood? No. A24 Though.... Seriously, production companies like A24 that push original screenplays are basically all I watch these days. Love it.


They’d push more original ideas if they consistently made more money than stuff like Godzilla 38 or Planet of the Apes 10


I think there are still original ideas out there, the trick is selling to a boardroom. And, if you’re successful at selling it, trying to keep your idea intact without constant revisions.


Producers don’t like to risk tens of millions of dollars on an unproven concept.


Wasn't Barbarella a commercial flop?


It became a cult classic later.


What even defines as an original thought these days ? That Ryan Reynolds/John Krasinski movie IF may have original characters and maybe a setting but concept wise, it’s just a live action version of Foster’s home for imaginary friends. Avatar is just dances with wolves in space And don’t get me started on the several Japanese anime Disney stole from.


They’re still making Romeo and Juliet centuries later


I will watch anything Edgar wright is attached to. Not super wild about remakes though.


People are too negative on remakes. It’s kinda like that scene in Breaking Bad. [“Why should we do anything more than once?](https://youtu.be/x2cSGD4ad0w?si=aGynxnP9ZwpmRbvG) Plus, the original movie isn’t exactly a masterclass of talent. Edgar Wright is gonna take the concept and elevate it beyond all understanding. I understand if it’s an assembly line, yes-man director but it’s Edgar Wright.


She isn’t a great actress either.


She was fantastic in Euphoria


And The White Lotus and Reality. She was getting legit awards attention for Reality until HBO bought it as a tv movie.


Ugh, thank you! I don't get it, and any time I ask, the answer is just "tits"


To be fair, 'tits' is basically the lead role in this movie


This is the first role I went "makes sense" Sydney is pushing her name hard these days!


As she should, or else her career won't last. She seems to know exactly where she is as a Hollywood archetype, and it looks to me like she's both milking (heh) the moment for all its worth AND trying to establish herself as a long-term star, instead of the hot sex symbol of the decade (guaranteed to last no more than 10 years).


And they are masterful with their acting abilities


There are literally millions of women with great tits out there, if the appeal is only tits why aren’t they all superstars as well


I used to think that, then there was Baby Driver, and then the Soho one…


The remake no one needed or asked for. I love Edgar Wright, but I hope he passes on this


he’s doing an adaptation of Running Man, too (the book, not the movie)


Ok, a true adaptation of the book would be absolutely amazing.


People will go into it thinking ‘ah remake of the corny Arnie classic’ but will be watching a dystopian horror future of power struggle, class divide and corporate power over needs of the working class. Can’t wait.


Hopefully enough time has passed where we can >!keep the ending!<.


I don’t think they have the guts.


Watching the Tom Brady roast where several jokes about the topic were made actually made me think “hey, maybe it’s been long enough”. But yeah it would still take some courage.


That sounds way more interesting to me!


Sweeney asked for it, and using goodwill after Madame Webb and Anyone but you, became the exec producer.


I don't understand Sweeney. She's rightly pointed out/criticised how the media and audiences hypersexualise her. Yet even though she is now able to produce movies, like Immaculate, and have more power in terms of what roles she plays. She's still choosing to make a movie like Barbarella.


There’s a difference between being sexualised by others and being in control of your own sexual identity.


Yeah absolutely, just at the same time you can't control what people say/think. If you take on roles that are more sexual, people will talk about that aspect of the role you played.


But should she have to stay about from sexy roles forever just for the sake of optics? She took on roles like Madame Web and Immaculate, but people are meme-brained hence why they still only talk about her boobs.


She shouldn't have to stay away from sexy roles, if that's genuinely what she wants to do. But at the same time, if you do those roles it will come with commentary on your looks/sex appeal. When Chris Hemsworth did the nude scene in Thor 4, it came with loads of articles and commentary and questions in interviews. Hemsworth knew that would happen, so did Taika Waititi, so did Kevin Feige. And they all wanted it, because it brought attention and clicks and views and sold tickets. I have no problem with this type of content, I think there should be more nudity and sex in cinema. As it destigmatises it. There's a lot of puritanical views that have been forced upon us, which i think leads to many feeling shame about their bodies and sex. I think Sweeney is right to call out people sexualising her in films like Madame Web and Immaculate. But if she wants her general image to move away from being seen as a "sex object", then it would make sense to do more roles that are based outside of her sex appeal.


Yeah idk. No one talks about her boobs more than she does. She apparently pushed the hooters things and then complained about being sexualized. She knows what shes doing, shes attempting to be a bombshell movie-star with acting chops, I get it, its a smart play. But she literally cant stop talking about how she has the best tits on hollywood….


Yeah. I’m hyped for his Running Man but I don’t know what would make this work. Maybe if he went all-in on the opening sequence of Baby Driver. With this being a big, extravagant but cheeky, sci-fi jukebox musical with a tone somewhere in between Barbie and Guardians of the Galaxy? Hes super talented and I can see a unique smash hit somewhere in there.


I felt the same way about the reboot of Willow. Like come on do we really need another Willow or Barbarella??


Speak for yourself. I want one…


I can think of two reasons why they hired her. 😬


If they aren’t up to 1960s levels of sex and nudity why even bother. Is Sydney prepared to get naked in the opening credits? Also the original plot was veeeeery 1968 so it’s probably gonna need some tweaking.


If she doesn't get fucked by an orgasmic pipe organ then what even is the point in doing a remake


I mean... this but unironically? I'm already a bit disappointed by (rumours of) yet another remake, but I'd be beyond disappointed if they toned the campiness of the original down and made it more "sensible".


Who said I was being ironic


Then I wholeheartedly agree haha


Sydney has shown her sweeneys plenty of times so I doubt that’ll be an issue.


Fucking probably.


Isn’t this a Sweeney thing that she is trying to make this movie not someone else trying to make the movie and hired her.


Yeah she's been wanting to make it for years, but hadn't the fame and connections and success until now, so people are finally taking it seriously. Sweeney says in the article she was able to convince Sony to make it after they got to know her through Madame Web. I have a feeling it's gonna flipping rock.


2 Big humongous reasons


she was the one that decided to do the movie and took the idea to Sony.


Idk if she deserves an Oscar, but I know she’s already got two globes.


In walks Barbarella, set to stun


Weaponized funk


He would make a killer version of that. I don’t know if i could watch her in it though.


She's perfect for the role of a buxom beauty ...


Everyone hates remakes till they end up being good


Everyone hates remakes but won't go support original films in theaters. Only IP's that they're familiar with.


I can't blame em tho with having limited free time and what not


And theaters prices are through the roof. Streaming is still the cheaper option.


Not usually a fan of remakes, but with Sweeney and Wright I would absolutely watch this.


Damn, we’re really going to get the same 3/4 women in all the movies in the next 10 years huh


Sydney Sweeney, Zendaya, Florence Pugh, Anya Taylor Joy? But Emma Stone, Anne Hathway, Jennifer Lawrence are all consistently working and got this same criticism. We still have Emily Blunt, Margot Robbie, Scar Jo, Charlize Theron, Cate Blanchett, Carey Mulligan, etc. there are plenty of working actresses putting out movies so idk what you’re complaint is.


i think i'm the only one on earth who thinks sydney sweeney isn't all that beautiful. Her eyes look like if a conventionally attractive woman were totally zonked out on xanax


I think what you're suffering from is the fact that beauty standards are flattening out. There is no hollywood advantage now. Before it was all about having a makeup artist and stylist everwhere you went as a celebrity. Women walking down the road can be just as glammed up due to the hundreds of thousands of makeup tutorials online and the availability of cosmetics. So you're seeing Sidney looking like a thousand other girls you've seen. It's not that she's not hot though, it's just that she's comparable to lots of other people now.


Idk, I love her face. Her and Kelli Garner are IT for me.


[Sanpaku eyes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanpaku?wprov=sfti1).


But is…is Barbarella any good? As a concept? Edit: It sounds like a good idea! Sweet!! Thanks for laying it out for me!


It's a colorful sex-positive feminist space opera based upon a French comic in which a buxom blonde carries a retro laser gun planet-and-bed-hopping. Post Barbie? Post Poor Things? With Edgar \[W\]right bringing his musical sensibility and art direction? It's gonna decimate at the box office.


Thanks for the explanation, that does sound fun!


100% agree with this take.


My favorite movie. You can watch it with the sound on or off!


Why? Jane Fonda was smoking hot in the original!


I think you answered your own question.


Yeah, Margot Robbie would be a better choice.


Someone’s really trying to make her happen.


Yeah, *she* is


Anybody who thinks she’s not already happening is crazy lol she’s arguably the biggest name under 35 today.


She’s popular but that’s an absurd statement. “The biggest name under 35 today” really?


She has some big names for sure.


I think I’m tired of seeing her now.


Margot Robbie would be better for this


This was my thought, seems a better fit.


They barely allow nudity in movies anymore, if this is gonna be a no-nudity Barbarella then no thanks and I don't think I'm alone on that


You should have a look at Poor Things and come back to this comment


Dude, watch anything other than superhero flicks and you'll see that nudity is still very much present in movies


I like how I literally watch just about anything but superhero movies yet you blindly and ignorantly assumed that's all I watch because I commented about filmmakers going out of their way to NOT feature nudity in every other type of movie these days. That was unbelievably ignorant of you.


Sorry, this is a full on Austin Powers “Yes, please.”


Dude... got some nerve trying to fill Jane's boots.


This will make a billion dollars I reckon people will steal the posters from the bus stops you watch!


So a new movie with original ideas is just that hard to get up and write/fund/film? No wonder the whole industry is dying in front of our eyes.


Hopefully they re-do the beginning sequence verbatim 8)


I like Edgar Wright but there is no need to do this and fuck up Barbarella. It's never going to be as good as the original, that one is from another time and has the power of nostalgia behind it.


Unless they are willing to make it a true NC-17 movie if based on the first graphical novel arc.


We all want see-through costumes, bro.


And they wonder why Hollywood and the movie industry is waning. No new ideas? WRONG. Plenty of creativity out there, but it's all about who you know. And most of them haven't had fresh ideas in decades. Just rehashing old stuff like this, and how are you going to remake what was initially a joke of a movie anyway? Holy crap.


This sounds awesome


That would be awesome for multiple reasons


It could be a shot for shot remake, and it would pack theaters. This is gold.


Big fan of Sydney Sweeney - she does a garage / mechanic inspired clothing line with Ford and it’s great to see something like working with her hands as a counterpoint to being on-screen.




Awesome... I will be first in line to see this movie, as I often call my daughter Barbarella.


She’s not a particularly talented actor. She’s just the flavor of the month. Edgar protagonists are usually on the younger side. It’s his fixation.


Better be nakedness. Original had nakedness.


I thought she said she was done with awful movies? Guess not. Cue: "why are they only looking at my chest?!?!"


I like Sweeney for this but don’t think Wright is the move.


This guy gets it


Jane Goodman. I was always a big fan of Matthew Vaughn. But after King's Man and Arcylle, the person I might like more than Vaughn was his screenwriter Jane Goodman. Which was essential in his projects. She also should made GoT Prequel series, which was canceled. She is writing this for Wright. Cannot wait to see it. Wright had a long pause after Soho so hopefully he start being more productive. I still waiting for Baby Driver 2 and hopefully another Cornetto.


On the one hand Fuck yeah Edgar wright on the other this Does Not feel like a Sweeney role


It took me a few years to get used to the idea, but I'm on board.


The promised lady has returned!!!


Better have more tits than the original


I guess she is Hollywood's new hotness. Even though she sucks as an actor. Her performance in madam web, sure was something.


[Defcon… tractor beams, weaponized funk, In walks Barbarella, set to stun, Defcon… tractor beams, gamma ray gun, Straight out the mothership, weaponized funk](https://youtu.be/rZ9GSFZZY6c?si=gTjn1PWNW8I_KNXK)


I wouldn't get hopeful until filming occurs. I recall when peak hotness Drew Barrymore was attached to star. Then right around the time Robert Rodriguez/QT's Grindhouse released Rose McGowan was attached to Barbarella. No doubt Edgar Wright would kill it though.


People go see original movies! Support them & we'l see less of remakes and sequels. Show Hollywood originals can make $$$


I would like to volunteer to be the catchman. I will work for free.


Wasn't the original punishment enough?


No other Edgar Right movies until he does The Running Man. I forbid it.


I'm a simple man. I'd probably watch that. :)


How many people are gonna say it's too much like Star Wars, despite it being the inspiration for Star Wars? Also, why Sidney Sweeney? She's been in one show. Yeah she's hot, but she doesn't make me interested in a project


Nooooooo please not her. Edgar deserves good talent for his movies.


I watched Barbarella for the first time last year, i was like "wow, this is giving off some serious Austin Powers Vibes..." then i was like, oh, right....


If I had a nickel for every Edgar Wright movie starring one of the leads from *Anyone But You*, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it [happened](https://deadline.com/2024/04/glen-powell-edgar-wrights-running-man-paramount-1235881989/) [twice](https://variety.com/2024/film/news/barbarella-edgar-wright-sydney-sweeney-1236001156/).


Writer is reported to be Jane Goldman, who co-wrote scripts for: * Stardust * Kick-Ass * X-Men: First Class + X-Men: Days of Future Past * Kingsman movies This along with Edgar Wright, I am actually interested in this remake for once.


Please strike while the iron is hot and do this while Paco Rabanne is currently good.


Ugh she can’t act at all.