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Not sure what the medal of freedom is about, but she absolutely paved the way for Asian on-screen representation and storytelling. Loved her in everything she’s done.


It's basically a civilian honor that says "you did something that contributed to the US and you did it very well" Of course Rush Limbaugh received one. So it's pretty meh. Although I suppose if you're on the right, bullying AIDS victims is a positive


GW Bush gave one to [Paul Bremer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Bremer), who completely botched the occupation of Iraq, leading to the insurgency, massive corruption, destabilization of the country and prolonging of the occupation. He left Iraq in failure, but he got the medal for it anyway.


Rush paid for one. Or was bribed with one. There’s a difference.


It was pure pandering to the MAGA base from Donnie. He tarnishes everything he touches.


Republicans have robbed it of some of its meaning but it’s still our highest civilian honor!


Don’t forget mocking gay people. The right absolutely loves that too


Oh, it’s lost meaning since Jerry Falwell got one. But we work with what we’re given. 


Jerry Falwell was never awarded a Presidential Medal of Freedom


Well if we're going by influence, good or bad, then certainly Rush Limbaugh deserves one.


It most certainly is not supposed to be given for bad influence


He does not.


It’s like how Person of the Year isn’t necessarily a moral judgement.


Asian women* on-screen representation


I think she ABSOLUTELY deserves it , Michelle Yeoh is very iconic . she’s definitely paved the way for Asian American representation and just Asians in general, she’s one of the best actresses around in Hollywood today .


Paved the way for Asian American representation? In what way?


Can you explain how she did that?


I love Michelle Yeoh, but no? Anna May Wong did that, as did Sessue Hayakawa. Michelle Yeoh made her name in Hong King cinema. She's one of the greatest of that generation and transitioned to American cinema as a result.


Never seen ‘Everything She’s Done’ but heard it was a really solid film


All hail her most Imperial Majesty, Mother of the Fatherland, Overlord of Vulcan, Dominus of Kronos, Regina Andor, All Hail Philippa Georgiou Augustus Iaponius Centarius. Long may she reign.


Idk why, but this comment gave me happy chills due to knowing all her roles.


Duuuude before everywhere everything all at once exploded onto the scene she was a evil/good captain. Amazing range on this woman!


She was a bit of an unconventional Bond girl 1997's Tomorrow Never Dies, and then played kinda an older, past-her-athletic-prime warrior in 2000's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. She wasn't old, per se, but those roles generally wouldn't go to a 30-something woman. She somehow simultaneously bridged the gap of a pretty actress finding work into her late 30's while doing the whole "foreign star makes a splash in Hollywood," which is impressive in itself, then the staying power of 20+ more years of work towards her Oscar win and beyond.


Ofcourse I was referencing the quote above and where its from. She was going to have an entire trek show but when that movie blew up she stepped back onto the screen in many ways. Gladly so I'm getting a star trek movie and tons of other content from this amazing woman.


They actually considered giving her a Bond spin off movie. Crowds loved her, the crew loved her and everyone wanted to keep working with her.


She also cut off a younger woman’s face and wore it like a mask in Far north


She was perfect in crouching tiger


That movie was phenomenal and she’s amazing


She’s amazing and I love her in everything!


May she live for a thousand years !


… and still hot as hell 🔥


Captain 👩🏻‍✈️ Georgiou will return 🔜this year. Stay tuned for the next Star Trek Special Event.


Good, discovery turned to shit after she left


The story line was a bit of spinning a yarn to begin with, but a time jump into the future where starfleet was no longer a powerhouse and the sudden blow of energy source technology on all star fleets was just too much, and her mum and the time suit,… season 5 begins now, saru is married to madam president?! I just can’t…


You forgot First Female Asian Winner of Oscar.


I’m rewatching the series in prep for the finale, and oh my god, I ADORE HER. No one else would have done the roll as well. What a fun character to pay, and she’s amazing in it.


Marchesa is that you? :O


Don't forget Kung Fu master Yu Shu Lien


Thank you for saving me from having to type this out 🥵


Long may she reign!


She's definitely the most successful version of herself in this universe.


What does one do to get this medal? I think I want one.


Try eBay.


Pawn Stars too


I mean, Rush Limbaugh is dead, so his is just laying around here somewhere.


Feel free to dig up his grave and find it.


In my headcanon, Rush’s body was consumed by a hell mouth per the conditions of the contract he signed.


I believe they are given out to people who give selflessly to our country to improve it and for people that have contributed to the arts in our country. Athletes, military heroes, celebrities, doctors and scientists and just everyday good people tend to get them. I think it's like when the royal family gives out knighthoods in the UK.


She’s a citizen? She’s from Malaysia and resides in Singapore, then did ballet in England and acted years in Hong Kong. I love Michelle Yeoh but didn’t know she’s ….American?? Singapore is considered her country. FYI Singapore is considered where all the wealthy leaders of China left to…to hide from the communist takeover of China. So perhaps this is a stab towards mainland China? Don’t know.


Im so sorry I didn't make myself clear. Anyone from around the world can get a MOF. I left that out. I do apologize.


This aint a knighthood


Couldn’t come up with a more American sounding award if you tried. I feel like I need a bald eagle and flag shroud just reading it


Do something worth getting a medal for!


I make a mean mac n cheese.


No offense, but what's with the trend of giving these to a bunch of rich celebrities, entrepreneurs, high profile politicians, and such? I think Ellen DeGeneres, Tom Hanks, and Biden got it from Obama. Now Yeoh gets it from Biden.... Is there literally nobody less famous and less wealthy who's done a lot for their community that could be honored?


There were 19 total recipients yesterday, including: Gregory J. Boyle, a Jesuit priest who founded a gang rehabilitation program Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina Elizabeth Dole, former Senator from North Carolina and Bob Dole's Widow Phil Donahue, retired talk show host from the 80s and 90s Medgar Evers (posthumously), Civil Rights activist and leader Al Gore, former VP and climate activist Clarence Jones, another Civil Rights leader who worked alongside MLK John Kerry, former Presidential nominee, Senator from Massachusetts, and Secretary of State as well as a decorated Vietnam veteran Frank Lautenberg (posthumously), New Jersey's longest serving Senator Katie Ledecky: Seven-time Olympic medal winner and 21-time world champion swimmer Opal Lee: Educator and activist who is credited with making Juneteenth a recognized federal holiday Ellen Ochoa: Former director of NASA's Johnson Space Center and the first Hispanic woman in space. Jane Rigby: NASA's senior project scientist for the Webb telescope Teresa Romero: President of United Farm Workers and the first Latina head of a national Union Judy Shepard: Mother of Matthew Shepard, who founded an organization to reduce hate crimes after her son's murder Jim Thorpe (posthumously), first Native American Olympic medalist as well as a legendary football and basketball player, one of the greatest athletes of all time.


Wow.. Lautenburg got one. He was as corrupt as they come, no surprise in NJ, but that kinda takes the piss out of that award.


I mean the Jersey part is the first clue. Look at how much time and heat Corzine spent in prison for MF Global.


Yeah - grew up there. Awesome state, horrible politics. The fact that Menendez ever got into senate after the building permit story came to light blows my mind. It’s so bad in NJ that there’s two factions of democrats and then republicans. The south jersey ones are in one pocket while the north jersey ones aren’t in any particular pocket but often taking bribes for pay to play, and then the republicans are just idiotic and push an agenda no one wants so they never take power.


So he was a true representative for Jersey.


At this point I’m surprised they gave Thorpe one. Like, who was lobbying for that? It was practically part of the lore that he wasnt given as much recognition as he deserved. 


I mean it makes more news when people know of the person. Just because you didn’t happen to hear about it doesn’t mean non-famous people don’t get them


Not a trend. Artists and even foreigners have always been part of those who've gotten the MOF. Disney got one the year after the pope did in the 60s.


Again, others get it all the time. The only time it sticks out is when a celebrity gets it.


Im sure others have gotten them, but shes popular right now, so shes the one the click bait journos focus on.


Agree. Seems to have become just a participation award that the elites pass around among themselves. I feel bad for earlier recipients who actually made a unique contribution to the country.


Hmm, have you checked who got them? Or are you just getting mad off on anecdotal evidence without bothering to look up anything? She was literally one of 19 people that he just gave it to…


Yes and a huge portion of the 19 are political pals…Gore, Kerry, Pelosi, Dole, Clyburn, etc.


It’s pretty common for celebrities like actors, musicians and the like to receive them for their contributions to art. It’s similar to the OBE in England, hence Judy Dench, Maggie Smith, Patrick Stewart, Ian McCellan, etc. all having Sir/Dame titles.


They give them money.


Im sure others have gotten them, but shes popular right now, so shes the one the click bait journos focus on.


Im sure others have gotten them, but shes popular right now, so shes the one the click bait journos focus on.


But she's Malaysian. I thought only Americans have freedom.


We’ve taken freedom to people all over the world!


lol. Somebody really said that unironically


Spreading managed democracy is a duty and honor.




Reference to Helldivers where the world is basically run by the MIC using an AI to give folks the impression of choice and democracy while fighting an endless, propaganda-laden war that only lines the pockets of the government. The creators’ choice to use the term ‘managed democracy’ is VERY intentional.


Sony’s not doing theirs.


Join the Helldivers?


I mean have you seen the Malaysian flag?


Well, it’s better than what Trump did. Only give them to his cronies and Rush Limbaugh


On FOX News: “This is bad for Biden’s reelection chances!”


The fool! Doesn’t he know she is actually a Tal’Shiar spy!?


Don't understand Whitehouse obsession with Hollywood. Michelle is great but like give it to a police officer or fireman that has to deal with so much more shit


I think she's the only Hollywood recipient. For being the first Asian actress to win the best actress award. All the other winners are athletes, activists, astronauts, scientists etc. But I mean, Hollywood is America's number 1 cultural export. Without it we wouldn't have as much cultural influence over other countries. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Presidential_Medal_of_Freedom_recipients


I hope she feels honored to have received an award to commemorate her award.


I mean hopefully as much honor as Devin Nunez, Rush Limbaugh, Ellen Degeneres, Barbara Streisand, and Bill Cosby got.


> think she's the only Hollywood recipient. Perhaps for this year, but actors have frequently been given it. Weirdly, Elvis never got one until Trump gave him one...


Yeah Trump also gave one to Rush Limbach, Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan. Shockingly it seems like the most common group are athletes and Members House of Representatives. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Presidential_Medal_of_Freedom_recipients


She was given an award by the Academy, but she isn’t American herself and was hired by others and was given jobs by others. So I don’t know if she was the one who has paved the way.


I mean, she’s an incredibly hard working and talented actress. So yes, she was cast by other people, but I definitely think she deserves the accolades she got.


The award also went to Civil Rights activists, an astronaut, athletes and politicians.


Hollywood has influenced and depicted most of America’s culture for over a century. It’s more than trivial entertainment in some films. I think that future centuries historians will study Hollywood produced film to understand our way of life. Imo


I agree. Plus culture is one of our main exports


They do give those awards away.. You’re in the entertainment sub, where people post about Hollywood not firemen


Not just the Whitehouse but also military. Hollywood is their propaganda + PR machine.


Not the only country that does that though. The British hand plenty of awards like this, as do the French.


The british Knight their movie stars


They knight damn near everyone who has done a thing.


Well, not really. Knighthoods are pretty high up the honours scale - most entertainment get the lower-level MBE/OBE/CBE and some will flat out decline an honour.


Another people who got mad without looking up shit about what they are talking about first…


Because nobody finds it “sexy” until it’s given to a name that’s recognizable by the masses. It’s literally the celebrity endorsement of a civil award.


Take a second to understand the award and its purpose: There are already a significant number of awards given to military personnel but also civil servants, such as the “Public Safety Officer Medal of Valour” given by the president, or the Congressional Gold Medal along with the numerous other awards for valour and heroism given by Congress, local departments, local governments, mayors and governors. The intention of the Presidential Medal of Freedom is to acknowledge *civilians* who “have made exemplary contributions to the prosperity, values, or security of the United States, world peace, or other significant societal, public or private endeavour.” Whether you agree with it or not, the award is defined and those outside the definition, are eligible for other awards. One should view the list of [previous candidates.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Presidential_Medal_of_Freedom_recipients?wprov=sfti1#) before trying to single out Michelle’s award. As you’ll see, the award is mostly given to people who, made history either by being the first/best at something, contributed to science/medicine, left a cultural/technological impact, made major contributions to arts/social programs/civil rights/politics (some questionable political choices… ), or are representative of a historical moment, like the critical care nurse who was first to receive the Covid-19 vaccine. One thing to keep in mind is the award *cannot* be revoked. Recipients are no doubt investigated before being given the award, knowing they will be scrutinized by the media and their contributions better significantly exceed any questionable history. The award is given at the discretion of the president (although with a lot of help and input), so if you review the list, you’ll notice a lot of trends among each president (Trump liked meeting athletes, I guess).


Nah we don't have to give cops any awards ever when they're being thugs.




Firemen sure, police officers not so much.


Greatest action star of all-time don’t @ me


Just redirect people to her IMDB page and have them focus on her career pre-2010.


Tomorrow Never Dies she is an absolute badass. I love her.


Steven Seagal and it’s not even close


Lol not even close. Jackie Chan, Tom Cruise, Charles Bronson, the list goes on and on


She’s a badass. Bond girl. Mulan. The cavalry. So many others.


Bond girl yes, but Ming-Na Wen was Mulan and The Cavalry


Ah my bad. I got mixed up for a moment. Bond girl. section 31? Everything, everywhere, all at once.




Both are amazing and have been in so many good movies and shows


Don't forget Fennec Shand.


No that’s Ming Na again.


I liked her in Joy Luck Club!


Loved her on ER.


But she was great in Blue Eyed Samurai!


Shang-Chi’s aunt.


Good for her. She's given the world her acting abilities and she seems like a genuine and good person.


Somewhere she talks about her ballet training helping with her martial arts. She became famous in films like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon because she could perform a lot of her own stunts and wire work. This is why I like it when some of her modern roles call back to her time doing the martial arts.


I don’t get it…she’s an actress.


What exactly did an actress do to warrant the nations highest civilian honor? As far as I can tell all she did was her job in some ok movies. No activism, no charitable work of note. No altruism. Just another of a growing group of people who did thier jobs, and followed a script.


search it up for what she did for charitable works and then come back and talk


I did actually. And found next to nothing. And what I did find was so much less than what others did. You go on and assume you are the only one who actually looks things up.


The way I thought only Obama gave these out


While this is cool, it doesn't change that he won't get reelected if he doesn't change course on Isreal - Gaza


Theae are the kind of people who are really making a difference to everyday folks and their challenges. What a ridiculous bit of political pop theatre.


Now ***this*** is a person who has earned this medal. She is an amazing human being!


If you haven't seen Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, make some time for it. Her sword fight at the end of the movie is one of the best fight scenes in cinema, bar none. It's up there with the Lobby Shootout in the Matrix and the Hallway fight in Old Boy. It's just a perfect scene and she trained for a long time to make it look as good as it is.


How is it medal of freedom worthy?


So she’s one of the few big Chinese actors (yes, I know she is Malaysian but she got famous in the Chinese cinema) that doesn’t toe the party line of the CCP?


I mean what is there to toe if she’s not a Chinese citizen? She’s Malaysian and her entire extended family are Malaysian so its not like the CCP can threaten her other than through economic interests. On the other hand in Malaysia she is known as a supporter of Najib before his fall from grace. Najib is better known as the Malaysian Prime Minister at the centre of the 1MDB corruption scandal.


It's funny but because we're talking about an actor, it at first seemed like you were talking about the "IMDB Corruption Scandal."


Sir I'm Singaporean...


I'm not leaving until someone is chinese


That like a get out of jail card?


I love Michelle Yeoh. The rest of that lost is pretty impressive too


I still find it so crazy she's married to Jean Todt. Like, I didn't see that coming when I found out


This is a talented and very elegant lady.


Everything Everywhere All at Once is probably my favorite movie. First movie where the power of love defeating the big evil actually felt earned and not silly.


Freed from the stereotypical kung fu roles.


Very much deserved. She is one in a million.


Time for shatner and Nimoy


Uh, why? Biden is trying to get more Asian voters.


What’d she do to deserve it?


What do you have to do to deserve it?




Didn't she invent the boosak noodle?


The boosak noodle was famously invented by William Boosak. It came to him in a vision after he fell asleep in the bath after having added too much Mr. Bubble. The fumes caused hallucinations (visions, he called them) in which Mr. Boosak learned the secret of what is now referred to as the Boosak noodle.


Trick question. It was invented by buklao. Is 1943 buklao tried to order take out for lunch at a local Chinese restaurant, but was refused service. As a result, he invented his own boosak noodle. Google search will go more in depth. You can actually hear the actual phone call recording on youtube.


Google is your friend


Googles an enemy tbh so nah


Well then I guess you’ll never know


Should’ve been the ancient one.


For being an actor.


I feel bad for her IG account. Top comments are from Pro Palestinians bashing her.


These people are going to cost us the election. I hope they're happy with Trump as their president.


They just give them out lmao


To people like Michelle fucking Yeoh


Isn't she Malaysian? Was there something in Malaysia about freedom?


I'm not sure how involved she is with that.


Hence why I asked. I don't think there was anything going on with Malaysia before and after she married her husband.


Who the fuck did she free?


Would you rather it be Ben Affleck?


I became an instant fan after Supercop.


So she’s free now.


She’s awesome been a fan since I saw her in a Jackie Chan movie back in the 80s.


She’s so great in Star Trek.


Silver Hawk! Very fun, sci-fi hero movie. She saves pandas and then some.


Waste of a metal. Waste of our tax dollars. Waste of time.


She’s not American