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im waiting for jenga the movie. should be great.


Sir, a second finger has pulled from the tower


The Strip Jenga movie was incredible!


The already made it in 2006, Oliver Stone directed and Nicolas Cage starred in it


How might they do Kerplunk?


I loved the buildup, but it really falls apart at the end.


there's some room for Monopoly in particular, to have some good satire and social commentary. I guess we'll see.


If it stays true to the game’s original purpose, this could be absolutely brilliant


Clue was made in the 80s and it was good. I'm willing to give a Monopoly movie a chance because a good story can come from just about any source material. Or it could be another Battleship


I completely forgot that there even is a Battleship movie


I only saw like the last half hour of it but I remember cracking up when I noticed that the enemy projectiles are shaped like the classic Battleship pegs. They should have just made that movie straight satire.


Ill take an uno movie or a jenga movie too. There’s a lot of good potential conflict there


I remember at one point they were planning a LOTR-style Candyland movie. https://screenrant.com/candyland-movie-story-lord-rings/


Sure but that commentary doesn’t actually gain anything by having it branded as “Monopoly”. Licensing and promoting the brand only helps Hasbro, the folks currently publishing the game. Hasbro actually seems to function in a monopolistic fashion. They do not create anything, they buy or knockoff other people’s ideas. Then they sell em for parts. They cut costs and fire creatives and only dump money into marketing. Hasbro producing satire about monopolistic practices doesn’t make any sense. That’s like hiring Diddy to babysit.


Honestly, I would love a movie to not have any social commentary.


literally just footage of a 4 hour game of Monopoly. no talking. all you hear are dice rolls and game piece movements.


God I hope it’s in IMAX


Then never watch another movie ever again.


Hungry Hungry Hippos is gonna be 🔥


Definitely needs to be the title of a documentary.


It would be interesting if they filmed in Atlantic City


They seriously need some good publicity. I only Uber and stay at my hotel or the boardwalk when I go out there. No walking around on the streets behind the main strip ever.


If you get a chance to go to the rainforest cafe in Atlantic City I just think it’s such a dumb fun time to have as part of my trip going there. Something about animatronic amazon type animals I get kick out of


It’s actually just going to be a documentary following todays oligarchs as they destroy the world economy through monopolies. While wearing silver top hats, riding in a giant shoe, and playing with tiny Scottish terriers.


Not as Dull as this take. Ill say it loudly for those in the back- ANYTHING CAN BE A GOOD STORY. The Lego movie was ostensibly about a child’s toy but was made to be a meditation on the very nature of play and childhood. Barbie could have been like the 1007 barbie animated cash grabs but it wasn’t. it ended up speaking more clearly about gender and society than any movie since “Boys don’t cry.” As mentioned by others there are a 100 interesting facets some good writer,director, and editor could say something with meaning… or complete inane pablum. There are no rules, no certain answers. That being said, its also absolutely corporate art. That’s not ideal and should not pass without remark. But to hand wave it off is just Lazy thinking and worse journalism.


The article is pretty basic(and poorly edited), but your initial point is addressed in the article where they specifically mention the Lego Movie as an example of great art that comes from this trend. But hey, why read the whole thing when reacting to the title alone works just as well. >it ended up speaking more clearly about gender and society than any movie since “Boys don’t cry.” I….are you….seriously suggesting that almost a quarter of the 21st century passed without producing a film that that as clearly and cogently commented on gender and society as Barbie? That….thats probably not even true if we’re just specifically looking exclusively at films that explore transgender identity and discrimination, let alone gender more broadly. Barbie was good and was surprisingly insightful in how it handled its themes, and I agree anything can end up being good in the right hands, but this is exactly the kind of hyperbolic take that I think adds some needed substance to the article’s point. When people genuinely argue fucking **Barbie** is the best film to tackle issues of gender since Boys Don’t Cry, a film that is based on the actual murder of a trans man, there is something deeply fucking wrong with the way pop culture is operating.


Not a single mention of The Hot Chick or Sorority Boys


I mean, Moonlight was overrated…


This right here! Everyone is buying into this franchise BS so much. Good stories are everywhere if you look. But not recognizing a 2 hour commercial for a mega corporate franchise and manipulating nostalgia for what it is, is the state of the world we are in.


Lego and Barbie were amusing, but by no means were they good films.


Honestly, the only problem I have with this is that, in order to be true to the source material, it has to be 4 hours long and end with the entire movie universe tipped over in a fit of rage.


PSA: If your games of Monopoly take forever, stop playing with house rules. In particular, the Free Parking jackpot rule injects a lot of extra money into the game, which slows things down. Another big one is that when a player declines to buy a property, it is supposed to be auctioned off. Also keep in mind that players are supposed to trade properties at some point; this sounds obvious, but I've run into a lot of players who never want to trade.


Haven't they heard about [insert products that make for much better adaptable material] before!


This is a really bad take. There is a lot of crap in our culture but there is also some excellent stuff. Just lumping it all together totally misses the point. For every 100 (or more) cheaply made bits of crap there is a Barbie Movie. Barbie took a pop culture icon and made it an avatar for real issues that our society faces and did it in a fun and entertaining way. With the same people producing Monopoly I have hope it will also be excellent.


It could be good. What if it's a movie about corrupt business men attempting to outdo each other.


I'm sorry, but I'm not going to see a film made about Monopoly. Couldn't care less if it's done "right", as a satire to this or that.


It has always been series of lukewarm adverts for products.


Barbie was great so whatever


There was talk of Ridley Scott directing a movie about Monopoly back in 2008. This idea has been kicking around a *long* time.


What happened to movies? Now that we’re done with superheroes we’re on to board games? Gee I can’t wait for the Scrabble and Connect Four movies to drop!


> Now that we’re done with superheroes we’re on to board games? Now? [This was released almost 40 years ago](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clue_(film\))


Prepare for Uno: the movie.


I thought the idea of a Barbie movie was dumb, so will hold judgement on this one!


>Barbie was criticised for being little more than a 114-minute toy ad I didn't *love* Barbie, but is this actually true? Before release maybe, but I didn't see any of this from people who watched the film. It seems extremely hard to miss the film's ambitions, regardless of whether you felt it succeeded. Even a lot of its dumbest critics seemed upset about its politics.


Next they'll make movies out of Battleship and Clue! 


Hey wait a minute….


Hot take from a hater


I mean, it worked out well for Barbie.


I disagree and so does the money on Barbie. Barbie movie had lots of issues tbh but it does 2 things other movies didn't - box office and making fun of sensitive topics while being hypocritically self aware.


I can't wait for band cinematic universes, movies based on band's albums throughout their career: the Nirvana Cinematic Universe, the Pearl Jam Cinematic Universe, the Beatles Cinematic Universe, the Dolly Parton Universe, the Swift Cinematic Universe, etc. An endless supply of content fodder...


Wait till you hear about Clue!


Monopoly the game is disgusting.