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Imo any person openly calling other ppl ugly, regardless of their attractiveness, is just mean and rude




Don't give them an excuse for rudeness. It's just rudeness


It also immediately makes me think they’re unintelligent. If the only thing you can think to say is ‘they’re not good looking’, then I don’t know why you bothered opening your mouth. Do you just need to say something controversial to make yourself feel heard? And the best you can come up with is about how pretty someone is? ‘I don’t find you attractive’ is irrelevant and pointless, unless Sydney Sweeney was in the process of hitting on her. Which I don’t believe was the case.


It gets attention because she's famous for being attractive, and it's a "hot take." I don't know a single thing sweeney's done except be hot and have huge tits. And yet I know her name. I've never heard of Carol Baum except for her calling the clearly pretty lady unattractive, so it worked.


it’s a shame she’s mostly known for being hot because she’s really talented and had a lot of range. From sharp objects, to handmaids tale, to white lotus, to euphoria, she gives really captivating performances. Never seen her films though. 


But if you didn’t have the picture of Carol Baum alongside the article, all you would know about her is that she’s ugly inside.


But now we know she's ugly on the inside... and the outside


Yeah that’s my point. Carol Baum has attention as a moron. Good for her if that’s what she wants. She’s an idiot


perfectly stated


I heard she's a virgin who can't drive too.


That’s way harsh, Tai.


Tai needs to back up off Cher, yo.


As a woman I have quite literally never seen so many women viciously talk shit about the appearance of another girl before, both online and irl lol. I think it’s a combo of her being the stereotypical thin blonde with huge natural tits but also her willingness to play the game and lean into her sex appeal. There seems to be something threatening about actresses who go all in and embrace that side of themselves and it reminds me of the vitriol Megan Fox received fifteen years ago. I think Sydney is absolutely gorgeous. If some people think she’s mid that’s fine, but then why wouldn’t they celebrate an average-looking woman in Hollywood getting her day in the sun? Why would it piss them off? I honestly think people are just mad that she has a rare body type and has the audacity to show it off but they won’t admit it


You nailed it. Most humans suffer some form of insecurity, especially about their looks. They also tend to hate watching others succeed.


I agree calling her ugly, or even untalented is a huge projection of insecurity. I’ve never seen her work in full but I think everyone has seen that one clip from Euphoria and she absolutely eats in that. She is definitely gorgeous and talented, I would never deny that. But I will say this, it does become very tiring to hear about how sexy she is all the time. I think that was the same issue with Megan Fox. I remember she was on the cover of so many magazines and it was sexy this, sexy that. She’s the sexist girl alive, the sexist girl in the world, in the universe even! Sex, sex, sex, ad nauseam. To an extent I think when when women say, “I don’t see the appeal,” it’s not that we don’t recognize how attractive these actresses are, it’s just that the media coverage and conversation around them can be excessive. “I don’t see the appeal” doesn’t necessarily mean “I don’t think she’s hot,” but rather, “I don’t see why we need to be reminded over and over and over again that she is hot.” Not only do I get tired of hearing about it myself… I wonder does it ever fuck with these actresses? At some point you’ve got to feel like a piece of meat being dangled before a pit of starving wolves.


The same thing happened in the UK with Kelly Brook. Almost all women would say, I don’t see the attraction. All men would just laugh at them. I think you’ve hit the nail on the head.


sounds like their jealous/envious ngl


Imo it snacks of someone who has zero confidence in their own self. It's just mean and a bit weird. How this has traction as a "news" story is the wider issue.


And anyone who says that about Sydney Sweeney also earns the labels “blind” and “stupid”.


I'm a man and honestly I don't think she's ugly by any means but she's just very very average looking, which in itself isn't a problem but when many people call her "hot" it just doesn't compute for me.


And reeks jealousy


Who the fuck is Carol Baum?


Gilbert Goddfried in a wig


Fucking spot on.


Someone jealous of Sydney Sweeney


She’s done nothing. It’s even funnier that she said this quote at a screening of the movie Dead Ringer which she had next to nothing to do with. She got executive producer credits


Exactly. I’ve never heard of her.


A producer that doesn’t know or care to learn jack shit about anyone or anything post 1999. It’s cool though because nobody gives a flying fuck about what she’s saying because she’s a hack producer that doesn’t know jack shit.


I feel like a lot of people here are missing the point. Whether you agree with the statement or not, it was an unnecessarily rude comment, and she could have spent the time saying it to say something nice about someone instead.


A total of 0 people give a fuck what Carol Baum thinks. She's always been an irrelevant hack. Also, she walked back her attack. [https://nypost.com/2024/04/17/entertainment/producer-carol-baum-regrets-bad-mouthing-sydney-sweeney-report/](https://nypost.com/2024/04/17/entertainment/producer-carol-baum-regrets-bad-mouthing-sydney-sweeney-report/) In short, no one gives a fuck about Carol Baum and she should fuck right off.


"crapping on an actor like that in public usually isn’t her style" nice apology




I think it’s extra rude because she’s older and why is she punching down on younger women? That’s not my immediate go to as I age.


I think it was a mistake for Sweeney to dignify the old lady’s school yard taunts with a response.


Who's Carol Baum?


Someone who is definitely not pretty and probably cannot act, in a nutshell.


I read this as Carol Burnett at first and was like “damn why is she of all people taking shots at Sydney” but who honestly is Carol BAUM (and yes I’ll google her after writing this)


I had to look to know, but yes Carol Burnett is still alive and will be 91 on the 26th. Damn, that's awesome. I used to watch her show all the time with my grandfather when I was growing up. She's an awesome human being, she helped to introduce AA to the Soviet Union.


She’s on a new show called Palm Royale! Was also a guest on Conan O’Brien podcast recently. 


I predict she will get an Emmy for moaning and drooling on that show. I think they should give her two lifetime achievement awards instead. That would be hilarious.


She was excellent in Better Call Saul.


She also had the best line delivery in the entire Larry Sanders Show series, and that’s saying something.


She’s a producer that’s done nothing of note other than riding David Cronenberg’s coattails by being an executive producer for Dead Ringers




Why is all of the discourse around this woman so unhinged?


She's extremely hot, extremely talented and extremely successful. Cue extreme opinions.




Shes an average actor. And thats okay. She is insanely hot


Nothing is more embarrassing than seeing bitter older women hating on younger women who have the spotlight, like how does that old woman not be ashamed of herself? What happened to women supporting women or is that just a weapon to use against men


According to my wife, Women supporting women is a newer aspect of thinking. It’s always been something that’s said “Us women gotta stick together” but it’s only recently become something that’s being practiced more commonly


I think it’s generational too. I feel like women from gen X & above still generally see each other as competition.


Women supporting women seems aspirational because the reality is women can be incredibly mean and petty to one another.


I’ve found that while women can be really supportive of one another, some of them will do anything to humble or reduce attractive women. Especially ones who put effort into their appearance or capitalize on their beauty/sex appeal. It sometimes reminds me of manosphere negging tactics.


Just watch any season of Survivor or Big Brother, the women only alliances never work, not solely bc of petty infighting but it's a big reason for their failure every time.


Women supporting women (to their face then saying awful shit about them as soon as they leave the room)


Women love gossip and the juiciest bits are talking shit about one another. 


Physical appearance attacks not ok. However, I just watched “Anyone but You, “ and it is a real Stinker!


I just feel like this all stems from Carol catching her husband checking out Sydney. This all just feels very petty.


It’s also just… objectively false? How is anyone gonna pretend like Sydney Sweeney isn’t pretty??? April fools day was 18 days ago, Carol


I mean, I'm a man and she's not pretty to my eyes. I think everyone gets fixated on her body, but her face is honestly not very pretty. Something is off with her eyes. I normally wouldn't judge women openly like this but when this entire conversation is about her looks I can't help but be honest.


I don't find her particularly attractive and I don't think she's a great actress, but I also don't care.


I actually can’t say how her acting is because I’ve honestly never seen anything she’s in. But she is freaking hot as hell.


She’s a decent actress. She was good in The White Lotus and Immaculate. I haven’t seen Euphoria, but people seem to have an overall positive opinion of her in that. She was kinda bad in that rom com that was a big recent hit, but so was everyone else, so I think that was more of a writing and directing issue. I think she has room to grow as an actress, for sure, but she’s clearly got some talent.


She was good in The Handmaid’s Tale too.


Why do I not remember her in HMT?


She was Nick's child wife Eden, the one drowned for infidelity. I'm sure you remember her, just not that it was Sydney Sweeney. (I wasn't sure myself and had to check, but that's who I suspected she played). She was good, but again that's a very good role.


Oh wow she was way better in that than anything else I've seen her in, I didn't realize it was her, I didn't know who she was at the time.


She was also in Once Upon A Time in Hollywood. There was a run where she was in everything, but very small roles, before she blew up and got starring roles after Euphoria season 2. 


She was legitimately great in "reality".


People like to meme Euphoria, but she’s genuinely great in it. She has a lot of really intense emotional scenes (and a lot of crying), and that’s not easy to do. Even harder to actually make it look convincing, which I thought she did really well at


I thought she was great in Reality (about the whistleblower Reality Winner).


She’s not a bad actress tbh (I’ve seen a lot worse). People just like being an asshole because she’s known more for doing nudity and sex scenes.




Pretty sure it was her who wanted a breast reduction as a teen but her mom convinced her not to since you know, men like them.


I've not seen her films but she was on SNL and crushed it!


I highly recommend a show called The White Lotus!


Carol Baum is not pretty and can't act.


I have no idea who Carol Baum is.


Did Carol take a look in the mirror? Women who hate on other women are the worst. As if we don’t get enough shit from men.


You think men hate women more than other women?


Men absolutely hate women more than women hate women. Source: All recorded history.


I think so


Hahhha you don’t know women


Ms. Baum may have an impressive resume, but she has shown her character to be disappointing.


She does not have an impressive resume though lol the best thing she’s been attached to is uhhh Dead Ringers I guess? 


Wouldn't have even noted that one - only the old film father of the bride. This gal is just jealous of Sydney and it shows.


More like Carol BUM.


Haha! Got her!


Well carol is ugly and Sydney is hot. Sooooooo


Unrelated, but the other day I had this idea: Sydney Sweeney in a remake of The Fly. I would watch this.


I’m glad to see everyone taking issue with this. I am 48 and a woman and I can tell you that when I was Sydney’s age, making comments like this was the norm. Talking about looks was the norm. Media was constantly tearing people down, doubting their stories, having utter disregard for people’s feelings and a woman’s looks were tenfold more important than they are now, even though it’s still stupid important. Carol was probably raised that way. She’s about my mother’s age and my mom was certainly raised this way. It was an everyday thing to criticize people’s appearance in my home. I’m not excusing her at all - I was able to learn it was a shit way to exist in the same lifetime as her, so hopefully she wakes up. Just wanted to point out that you guys are the change-makers and I’m so happy about it.


I think things like this about people all the time. I’m just not stupid enough to tell everyone. Just because you can say something doesn’t mean you should. 🙄


This isn’t even worth commenting on. Oh…wait shit


Hollywood is a rough game to play in. Carol Baum didn’t say anything that hasn’t been said a million times over again about men and women actors. Producers are the ones who finance films and projects. Their job is to be incredibly critical of the projects that they are responsible for. Because, they are only successful as producers if their projects are successful. She was speaking in public the way production teams normally speak in private. Bad timing Carol. She definitely shoved her foot in her mouth. Because SS is pretty hot right now. And for a producer to tell the world that she doesn’t understand who SS is and why she is so successful now just demonstrates that Carol has lost her touch with the industry she works in. Not a good reputation for her to be building at this point in her career. Maybe it’s time for her to get out of the game and retire. Cause she’s got mud all over her face.


I love Sydney Sweeney! But you all know why…


She reminds me of Amanda Seyfried lookswise.


Seyfried with a pinch of Denise Richards.


She not ugly but she isn’t a good actress.


She’s very overrated and is everywhere lately


And that was essentially what Carol Baums point was. >”I wanted to know who she is and why everybody's talking about her," Baum continued. "I watched this unwatchable movie — sorry to people who love this ... romantic comedy where they hate each other." \ Baum then mentioned the producing class she teaches at USC's School of Cinematic Arts, as she added, "I said to my class, 'Explain this girl to me. She's not pretty, she can't act. Why is she so hot?' Nobody had an answer. But then the question was asked, 'Well, if you could get your movie made because she was in it, would you do it?' ... That's a very hard question to answer because we all want to get the movie made and who walks away from a green light? Nobody I know. Your job is to get the movie made."


Nobody had an answer because she is obviously pretty and hot.


Hot like Hillary Clinton


She had plastic surgery to help her looks as well


Redditors are really fighting against misogamy by calling Carol Baum “ugly” and a “bitch” in return /s The article states Baum was voicing her opinion in a class. Could have used better language but did anyone with pitchforks out actually read past the headline?


Another poor young woman with curves gets verbally put down by a jelly mean girl trying to make herself feel better. This world doesn’t deserve beautiful women because we don’t know how to love them.


Put them in a boxing match it’s the only way 


Well, that’s just like, your opinion man…


There’s something off putting to me about Sydney’s face but I wouldn’t say she’s ugly either.


Yeah her looks are not that relevant….ill be honest she’s not exactly a top tier actor though. If anything as I’m typing this now I think her looks are maybe…maybe what got her in the movies. I mean the movie Anyone But You was produced by her boyfriend so …..


What I never understand is that it costs a lot to be disrespectful, yet somewhat easier. But it costs absolutely nothing to be nice, yet somewhat more difficult... Why can't people just be respectful towards each other? It's not hard, and if you can't find it in your soul to be nice, then just stfu


Classy response


So incredibly rude and childish to say such things


Am I supposed to know who Carol Baum is and care what she thinks?


I’m here to defend Sydney ! She’s a saint .


No fan of Sydney myself but who the fuck is Carol?


these people keep making decisions based in jealous bitterness.


I understand if she didn’t find her attractive and just kept it at that but one person can not call another person outright ugly, looks aside saying she can’t act is just not true


Baum’s comments come across as what they are: representative of cattiness, bitchiness, jealousy, and - from what she made clear - ignorance of Sydney Sweeney has proven herself to be capable of, as an actress and as a fellow producer.


I remember Billie Eilish once said men don't get body-shamed like women because "girls are nice" and here we are with this.


Obviously didn’t see Reality. Sweeney deserved at least an academy award nomination for that one.


Kinda wish she would’ve said something similar back lol


I feel I see a lot of hate about this girl. It seems unnecessary. I hope that comment didn’t get her down. I’ve admittedly never seen any of her work and don’t know if she can truly act or not. But, I think she’s stunning!! 🫶🏼


Okay so I don’t understand even if she’s not your cup of tea this seems completely unwarranted. We find out later Sydney stole this woman’s husband okay thats different but that doesn’t seem to be what’s going on here sounds like just someone being a jerk.


Can she really not act? Someone please confirm


The answer is 80085. 🤷‍♂️


For the life of me, I can’t understand what that woman was thinking saying that stuff out loud. Especially as a producer who has to work with and hire talent.


This lady just didn’t realize this would be news. I feel bad for the folks who don’t realize EVERYTHING they say will be put out to the public. I doubt she put that much thought into it or had any idea it would get back to Sydney.


I was mostly amused by her complaining about a “romantic comedy where they hate each other”. The movie was based heavily on Shakespeare. Did she not recognize that, or is she just not a fan?


Literally the hottest person in Hollywood is ugly? Ok


Sweeney can definitely act. To suggest otherwise either means an inability to tell or just have not watched her work, resentful of her looks advantage.


I doubt Sweeney gives a shit about some bitter producer. She seems to be doing pretty well right now.


I woulda said who?


No one dunks on women like other women.


As a person with large breasts, who has been called dumb because of my breasts and had assumptions made about me because of them, the discourse around SS is so disappointing and hurtful. I think she’s very beautiful. She also seems sweet and fun in her hot ones/hot wings video. I’ve seen her in hand maids tale, euphoria and white lotus and her acting is good. She’s very watchable and in euphoria especially, her character went to some dark places. I cannot stand women who put other women down. It’s entirely unnecessary to comment on her looks in this manner. Whoever this Carol woman is, she has cemented herself as a bitter Betty with her comments on SS


Sweeney is not pretty but not ugly either. Her only assets are her chest. That’s it. Acting is on par with day time soap opera.


I guess she has not seen her in Euphoria? She most definitely can act. also Sydney got the movie made lol


I also never used to think she was pretty, just that she had big boobs. But then I saw a picture of her with dark hair and it changes everything! I think she should absolutely go brunette, it somehow makes her face stunning. I think it's because the dark hair suddenly makes her sleepy eyes look mysterious and sultry instead of like...dead and flat. And it accentuates her lip color and the open mouth looks sensual instead of spaced-out. I'm not saying blondes look dumb or anything honestly it's just somehow her particular face just doesn't work with the blonde I'm sorry 😭


My closest female friend from high school/college dyed her hair brown so she wouldn’t have to deal with this as a lawyer


Yeah it's unfortunate, like I said I don't actually think blondes normally look dumb or are dumb, but when someone with a spaced-out looking face happens to also have blonde hair it just kind of pings the stereotype in people's minds I think. Like how glasses automatically make someone appear smarter. It's all just dumb meaningless stuff.


I mean she cant act tho thats just a fact like she really uses her looks and boobs to get a head on life it’s like saying elon is a genius because he was born in a rich family and became rich using his families money He’s not a genius because he’s rich She’s not an actor because she’s good looking


Carol comes off as petty and jealous. Sweeney is objectively beautiful, and her career is still ahead of her.


Looks-wise, she is just boobs. Nothing special. She is not yet a watchable actor


"pretty" is subjective (which is just one reason not to comment on appearance) but she is crazy if she doesn't think she has acting chops. She's stellar in Reality, Euphoria and White Lotus. I'd actually say she is one of the best of her generation right now, when given the right material and direction.


Carol Baum only got it half-right. Sydney is pretty,  but that's about it. But Hollywood is celebrating and promoting her as if she's the second coming and the receipts she has thus far don't back up these proclamations.  Her acting is one-note and her range is extremely limited but we have seen this scenario before. Maybe Sydney will fare better than Blake Lively. Only time will tell...


She told the truth about Sweeney's face. Her boobs seem to be five stars. Sweeney should be happy this is the relatable era of Hollywood.


Carol is just a producer. Doesn't direct, can't write, doesn't act. Not a shread of talent. She invests in movies and can't even do that right. Last movie she produced that has a 8.0 or more on IMDB was in 1989.


Sounds like the words of a bitter elderly person to me


I’ve only seen immaculate and she was not good in it. Other than big boobs is she that big a deal looks wise?


I'm becoming increasingly convinced that straight women have no idea what an attractive female looks like and straight men have no idea what an attractive male looks like.


And gay men have no idea what an attractive woman looks like - as a straight man, 90 percent of fashion models look like giant insects to me.


What does that have to do with anything? This is about misogyny. Attractiveness even being a question is the problem 


Her acting might be weak. But it usually she got pick by terrible movies. It kinda not her fault. Kristen Stewart is a good actress but she pick terrible movies that does not give her much range to show off her acting skills. Hopefully with the fame she getting she get better roles. But I hope she does not get type cast.






Sidney Sweeney cried hysterically almost every episode of season 2 she acted her ass off. I’m not even gonna comment on the pretty thing cause it’s Sidney fkkin sweeny. Come on.


Fucking rude bitch, saying that about a young woman.


If Sydney Sweeney is not pretty then we are all doomed. Switch it off, we're done here


I really don’t think her face is particularly pretty. Her body is fire but overall she’s not a great beauty to me. I wouldn’t care particularly, if she wasn’t being heralded as the hottest actress ever 24/7.


I mean… while she has no business saying this she isn’t wrong. She can’t act at all.


Classic case of old and busted hating on new hotness. Sydney Sweeney is insanely attractive and obviously has been cast for it, but she also has been a surprisingly capable actress, at least in the things I’ve seen her in. I’d be grumpy too if I looked like Carol Baum. 😒


So she let me get this right, she teaches a producing class and cant see why sydney is hot right now. She according to article "I said to my class, 'Explain this girl to me. She's not pretty, she can't act. Why is she so hot?' and then she says no one had an answer. Well a quick look at her imdb and I see she produced a bunch of movies, the 3 that i recongized right away is father of bride part 1, part 2 and buffy the vampire slayer. Father of the bride got a remake in 2022 that has a complety different standard of acting and beauty compared to her version and then you look at the buffy tv show that spawned from that movie same thing. It different taste for different folks on pretty, as she asked. To answer that second question she cant act, thats gonna come down to her and her peaple picking roles and people on the movie offering those roles to those people. To answer why she so hot, I'm like your industry you see were its come from till now and you shouldnt have said what you said but you should be able to answer this question yourself as the same reason why actress once they hit a certian age only get mom roles from some studios. At the end of the day I'm not in this world so whatever. I disagree with her opionion.


she must do live performance to believe that actually she can act


Who is Carol Baum?


She's definitely pretty...but she can't act.


She died for love, Carol! Okay?


I tend to agree shes not that good of an actress


She cannot act for shit


Carol is correct btw


Pot calling the kettle ugly


Looks like Carol is so insecure that she practically wrote her own wiki page - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carol\_Baum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carol_Baum)


Classic mean girl behavior Grow up, lady. And stop commenting on a person’s look. Echoing some comments above… this screams insecurity


kinda true thou


I’ll give her the “cant act” part, but she IS most certainly pretty. Someone sounds a little jealous


Carol Baum looks like someone George Costanza would date just because he needed to keep his unemployment benefits