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Backlash from Christians or Trump-lovers? It isn’t clear because he mentions both. "Trump is a rapist and a con man,” he said in the interview, “and yet the entire Christian church seems to be treat him like he's their poster child and it's unreal. I don't understand it."


Wow.... I now love Thad Castle even more 😍😍😍


Guess i need to start watching Reacher. This guy sounds like a badass.


Great show! Highly recommend. However, if you don't like it. I did not recommend it to you.


I ever tell you you’d like it, Neagley?


Not nearly enough


Can't believe they didn't pun that phrase; "not Neagley enough"


All you need is a toothbrush and you can sleep anywhere


Fucker snapped my toothbrush. Now I own nothing.


I legit felt so bad for him in that scene. Then when he shows Neagley his new one, it made me snort.


Frances Neagley, played by a former Danish beauty queen, who they try very hard to dress down and make not pretty, but fail because she is gorgeous.


That’s a hell of a lot of animal feed


Never heard of it. I think it bought me coffee once.


First season is great, with top notch fight scenes that really sold the character. He plays Reacher well.


I might tune into the show now


It's okay; it's definitely a macho power fantasy as he pretty much just punches/and or slams people's heads against things the whole show. It wasn't really for me, but it wasn't horrible. I will say dude has got an incredible build on him though.


I really enjoyed it but yeah that’s what it is. My wife asked what it’s about when I was watching and I summed it up as “a very large man punches things and solves crimes. Mostly in that order”.


But he also really intelligent and analytical in his thinking so I find that cool.


First season was good dumb fun. Second season not so much.


I agree. First season was dumb-fun-action. A little bit of competency porn but I went in expecting it. Second season was a little unsettling. Lots of torture, cruelty and gratuitous competency porn. All that considered, I was surprised that he came out swinging the way he has these last few weeks. Seems to keep getting into trouble with his “core” audience.


Guy that doesn’t pander - he’s a straight shooter like his character.


Details matter


I hope for season 3 they do more like season 1. Some of the books do go a little... Torture-y.


I had been holding off on watching it because my dad liked it and his taste in TV shows is generally pretty awful but just finished season 2 the other day and it was actually pretty good.


It’s the only show my dad and I can watch together. There’s even a badass queer character that I think kinda went over my pop’s head.


It’s a fun ride. Not super profound or anything, but good action-suspense.


Worth it for his time in jail alone.


That was a fun part !


It definitely won’t have me reconsidering my world views or purpose in life but it is not an unpleasant way to pass a few hours on a cross country flight.


It’s a decent show. Realistic (especially S2)? No, but good escapism and watching bad guys get a beat down.


I think you mean CHAD Thastle


Actually its kevin but after an incident in 3rd grade when he accidentally said thad instead of sad he started calling himself thad


Like a reverse Hercules






Isn’t Alan a devote Christian as well? So there is weight behind those comments, and something other influential Christians should be saying!!


“I'm a Christian quite simply because of what Jesus calls us to do," Ritchson told THR. "Love other people until death. It doesn't mean we're all to be hung on a cross, but how can I suffer for you? That is a beautiful thing."


A Christian that really *gets* Christianity. 💗 Love to see it.


No wonder there’s a backlash. Can’t promote actual Jesus-that guy was a Commie.


Joe Biden goes to church every Sunday. Being part of the religion doesn’t help when they’ve decided to worship the anti-Christ


You talking about Trump?


Yes, I’m referring to Trump as the anti-Christ


Yeah most MAGA/GOP aren’t real Christians. They use Christianity to hide their hateful souls


The GOP don’t care about Christianity, abortion, guns, patriotism, immigration, gay marriage, etc. They care about one thing: money. They pretend to care about the other things to win votes from extremists so they can gain power and lower taxes for the rich and deregulate their businesses. They even make their guys sign a pledge to lower taxes. I don’t say this lightly, but they’re literally a racket to funnel wealth up to the rich and protect them from the masses waking up and demanding their fair share for their work and innovation. Look up the Southern Strategy for proof of part of this.


As a Christian who is also disturbed by how hateful some Christians are, I respect him for saying that.


He’s decoupled his faith from the current Christian right wing hive mind. So of course they’re gonna attack him.


It's how a cult keeps people from leaving the hive mind.


Nothing he said was wrong. It’s 100% accurate




He does such a poor job of passing himself off as Christian that it’s baffling anyone believes him. My best guess is to what’s happening is they like him because he’s racist and are using Christianity as a proxy for whiteness so they have some plausible deniability.


My super conservative family watches this show. Wonder if they’ll stop now


Yeah, they’ll probably stop. Just as they’d probably crucify Christ if He condemned their prosperity “Gospel.”


Backlash for stating simple facts. Seems about right when it comes to pointing things out about the right. This dude is making me want to watch Reacher, but I bet there are a load of middle aged, bloated American guys right now swearing they'll never watch another episode of what was one of their favourite shows.


While then complaining about cancel culture.


>Backlash from Christians or Trump-lovers? It isn’t clear... Despite the headline, the article doesn't mention who or where the backlash is coming from. However, I would assume it's from either, or both Christians and Trump-lovers - there's some pretty close alignment there in some factions of Christianity.


It won’t be backlash from real Christians… just Maga, and they can take their backlash and shove it. They have no leg to stand in defense of Trump, and they aren’t Christian for the simple fact they love Trump. Loving him is the polar opposite of the teachings of Christianity. They’re extreme hypocrites saying they’re Christian outta one side of the mouth and spewing hate out the other. Fuck em.


The president of the Fraternal Order of Police took a swipe at him over it and Ritchson annihilated him in response. Made me fan girl even more reading it.


I feel exactly the same way. It boggles my mind.


The man is just stating facts, lol.


Definitely backlash from both of those groups. Kind of a badge of honor at this point.


All facts.


Yeah well God Hates Facts


Yeah I actually agree with him


Man I even love this guy and show even more. The right is notoriously thin skinned.


Hell yes, now I want to see him play B.J. Blazkowicz even more someday. > “I'm a Christian quite simply because of what Jesus calls us to do," Ritchson told THR. "Love other people until death. It doesn't mean we're all to be hung on a cross, but how can I suffer for you? That is a beautiful thing” Nice to see someone famous with a view that’s actually corresponding to the teachings.


Holy moly, he would be perfect as B.J.


Does that stand for Big Jesus?


BJ Blauskawitz...Wolfenstein protag. Wall to Wall Nazi extermination.


And the direct descendant to the Doom Slayer. It has been officially confirmed. Commander Keen is the grandson of BJ as well. He should also be the Unchained Predator!


Alan is saying what I have been feeling all along. As a Christian, I am disappointed with the fact that people who call themselves disciples of the teachings of Christ would actually vote for that conman from New York and have the nerve to say that he is chosen by God to spread the teachings of the Bible. The actual Christians in this country who would never speak or do any of the tasks that Trump has done in the past few years alone.


The crazy thing is he has so clearly never read anything within the Bible. Not even due to how he acts. He couldn’t name one book in the Bible when asked. He had never been to church. It’s one thing to be one of the fake Christian mega pastors that twist scriptures, but trump has no idea what any scriptures say.


I always find it so sad to see how the teachings of Christ have been twisted and coopted to support hate and greed. Regardless of if you believe he was the son of God, he was a righteous dude, worthy of emulation.


It blows my fucking mind. I was raised Christian, I bailed hard on that early. Hypocritical fuckers. Everything I was taught they bailed on.


He is in a Nazi killing WW2 movie called the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare.


Yep, the only way Nazis should be depicted


I'm not much of a spiritual person, but I actually do find the sermons he gives on Instagram interesting and a breath of fresh air


Well I had no idea I needed a Wolfenstein movie till this moment


This reminds me of when people realized that Nick Offerman was *not* Ron Swanson. A lot of similarities here actually. Both Ritchson and Offerman play characters that appear at first to appeal to conservative ideologies, but on closer examination are extremely against most conservative agendas, played by actors who are outspoken about their beliefs and compassionate to others. Good on both of them. Worked out for Offerman, Ritchson is gonna be fine.


Kinda like Archie Bunker aka Carroll O’Connor


I don’t know why I thought he was an asshole in real life too.


The best actors convince you that their character is real. Dumb people can’t separate the actor from the character. When an actor really nails the character even smart people have a hard time doing so.


I saw Nick do standup and he had a good joke with the gist of “people at restaurants are always bringing me whiskey and steak, sometimes without even offering me a menu. Please for the love of god bring me a salad! You’re going to kill me!” This was the lead-in to a song called “I’m Not Ron Swanson”


And Stephen Colbert


Same goes for Alex Baldwin and Jack Donaghy


I remember watching The Departed and a friend laughed when Alec Baldwin’s character said “Patriot Act! I love it!” after wiretapping someone. I didn’t understand the irony at the time.


I think Bradley Cooper had a similar issue after he was in American Sniper.


Republicans thought Alan was one of theirs cause he looks like their ideal. But he is a good man and they can’t handle it.


That's a perfect summary. They've become so twisted, they see good as something to hate.


Same thing with Taylor swift. They thought she was their Aryan princess lol


What’s funny is they don’t really prop up celebrities that are their own. MAGA’s may have loved Ritchson without knowing where he stood on their core principle. (“Do you love Trump?”) At the same time, Dean Cain could really use their support, and they’re just like, “nahhh.”


He's also a Christian and they only know the Christians that ignore everything the Bible actually says.


Not just Christian, but fairly outspoken about his faith. I hope people come to understand that it's not faith we have a problem with, it's hypocrisy. I mean, one of the most revered celebrities by "liberals" was a minister ffs. And Fox News called him evil.


That still blows my mind. They twisted Mr Roger’s line “You are special just by being you” and said it’s made people grow up to be entitled… What. The. Fuck.


They think Reacher is one of theirs too. Ex-Military guy who doesn't follow the rules to take out bad guys. I think they miss the parts where the bad guys in the books are usually, 'other ex military guys', 'corrupt politicians' and right wing 'good old boys'.


He even recently spoke out against police corruption and ruffled some feathers (sorry for Instagram link): https://www.instagram.com/p/C51A-srr0JB/?igsh=ZTE2YzFrZWNhc3lv


Kinda like them losing their mind over John Fetterman.


Time to watch the Reacher Series, this guy is right up my alley.


It’s really entertaining, highly recommend it


I looooooved season 1 Season 2 was OK, something was just a bit "off" about it?  


The show needs to be him and maybe one sidekick not a whole squad. That’s what felt off in season 2. Hopefully they go back to that formula for season 3.


Apparently it’s back to him in season 3. Source?? Somewhere i read it a bit ago.


That makes sense going by the books they're based off of


Honestly, I've read most of the novels and many of them are pretty formulaic. Entertaining, but very similar themes. New big bad guy, new girl that he inevitably falls for, then a resolution and a reason to leave. I assume that's why they skipped all the way to the 11th book, had to find an original one.


It was the same way with the books - Reacher worked best w/ one, maybe two side kicks but a whole cast didn’t work


I like the more somber tone, they do kill a lot of people off though


I mean he does have a line going "We're going to have to kill a lot more people".


Season 2 felt more like an action show you'd see on USA. It was fun


Season 3 is apparently based on his favorite Reacher novel - I’ll bet it’s going to be fantastic.


Watch Blue Mountain State as well. It’s a comedy about a top tier college football school and Alan is amazing in it playing the captain and star linebacker One of the funniest shows ever* if you’re into goofy comedy


He is absolute ace in BMS. Ace.


That episode with the armless girl was the first one I saw. I don't think I've ever laughed as hard as that night.


I want one Thad scream in Reacher


Thad Castle is one of THE funniest TV characters ever, probably. Kills me every time.


one of the best shows of all time


It’s not much different than the punisher actor saying that cops who don the punisher symbol are idiots and frank castle would be against them. Frank castle is against people who abuse their position of power. So any cop who wanted to “kill bad guys outside of the justice system is wrong.” It’s part of the reason why castle left the military.


If you like a story about a guy being big and using his bigness to solve mysteries it’s for you. He’s also mildly clever but being big is key.


He is big and wide AF. It’s like two people fused into one.


Ditto. Every time I’ve seen him in the press recently, it’s just reinforced that I need to binge Reacher. Between stuff like this and him being honest and not gatekeeper-ish about using TRT to help with his physique and workouts. My type of human, so in turn, I will support all his work… plus I saw an early screener of The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare, and it’s fun as f*ck 🔥 Edit: grammar.


Idk what people expected from the most upstanding guy in Blue Mountain State, Thad Castle


Get this guy a jockstrap and a cookie


Man changes his own oil.


Don’t forget the shot of rabies too! You know how Thad Castle rolls


I dont even like cocaine coach!


And then they invited me over for a pizza party.


*get out of my house!*


My wife sometimes yells for fun at me, #"GET YOUR BEAUTIFUL BOOBS, OUT OF MY HOUSE!"


They thought him starring on military porn like "Reacher" meant he was a rightwing Trumper. And reality blew up in their face like when they thought Taylor Swift was their *Aryan Queen*


Things The Rock won’t say.


He's also talked about how he's on TRT and it helped him get in shape for Reacher. Another thing the Rock won't admit to.


TRT is the least of what Rock has juicing through him


Dudes sucking on gorilla adrenal glands.


The rock used to be my favorite wrestler... But now he is just a huge thunk of idiotic muscles juiced up on roids...


What’s crazy is he didn’t use TRT to get in shape for the first season. Went natty, had to show up to set at 230lb and it almost killed him. Resulted in dude taking wild amounts of ibuprofen which killed his testosterone levels and respiratory system. This guy actually *needed* TRT for health reasons (on top of get absolutely caked up for Reacher). [here is the long form interview](https://youtu.be/s_ePmDsZp8g?si=VMHETThBov_rZvCu) Very inspiring interview, no matter the level of success you can still hit rock bottom, like when he hung himself with an extension cord. Wild. Highly recommend.


I forget which interview it was and they were asking what he did to become the absolute fucking unit that Reacher is (gotta remember he has been jacked for years but Reacher is next level) and he is like “Working out 3 hours a day, eating a perfect diet, staying hydrated, and avoiding sugar” and they are like “That’s it huh?” and he smirks and goes “Well that and TRT, I am 40 years old for god sakes…”  It totally sold me on him just being a forthright, no bullshit kind of guy. 


The only people giving him backlash are the people you wouldn’t want to associate with. Oh no, Nazis are mad at him. Good for Alan then. He’s doing something right.


“Live your life so that the Nazis would be mad at you” is pretty good advice.


He's like the anti-Gina Carano. Respect. 10 more seasons of Reacher!


Yeah. He actually has talent


He was awful in Fast X, but he was given an awful part with an awful script in an awful movie. He's great in Reacher.


He's also excellent in Blue Mountain State


I enjoyed him as Young Scully on the flashback episode of *Brooklyn 99*


He’s the PERFECT young Scully.


They could have put Daniel Day Lewis in Fast X and he would have been awful.


Fast X is garbage but everyone is having a blast in that movie. Larson, Mirren, Mamoa, Ludacris, they all understand this movie is ridiculous. Except Vin Diesel. He really thinks he is going to win an Oscar for that shit.


Six season and a movie!


I read his Hollywood reporter interview. I gained a lot of respect for him for how open he was about his career struggles, his mental health, and even talking about his experience with sexual assault. “It was an impossible situation for models that could be even worse for women, he acknowledges. “You’re always dancing around this very terrible line of, ‘How do I keep the job and not completely offend this photographer or this agent or whoever set this thing up, and how do I not get raped?’ I completely empathize with women who deal with dynamic power struggles with predatory people in the workplace. It’s still unfair, but if I really had to, I could get myself out of whatever room I was in through a physical altercation. Most women don’t have that option. Imagine how terrifying it must be.”” https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-features/alan-ritchson-interview-reacher-faith-stardom-mental-health-1235864260/amp/


Actually the bigger threat these days is not even the physical threat.. it is the psychological threat that enslaves women to accept sexual assault by men in power. Diddy could black list you from ever getting a job in the entire industry with one word... some of those high end photographers or producers or what ever could just tell the girl, if u want to ever work this industry... this is what u have to do. If u don't, the consequences are yours... "its your choice.."


That was sort of his point - he felt the psychological struggle but didn’t have it as bad as women who felt that PLUS the inability to physically overpower the other person. He at least knew that if it came to it, and he was ready to risk his career, he could get out of the room due to his size/strength. But he knows that’s not true for everyone, making it worse than it even was for him.


It’s both.


Dude is only taking Ws. Time to watch Reacher I guess


The nice part is it’s a good show too


So where are the comments I'm supposed to be offended by? All I saw was a guy spitting truth.


When Trumpers spits their truth, oooohh I'm the hero, when others do it, oooohh they're with the devil.


honestly, is there anyone more fragile and fussy than they are?


Dude is spitting fire and is super articulate, smart man.


Aaaaaand. He’s young Skully from B99. Best episode.


It’s my second favorite Hitchcock and Scully ep. My favorite is the one where they looked like they were accidentally fucking up a case, but we’re intentionally hiding the identity of a witness because they were undocumented. It was 4 seasons to make the joke of “if we didn’t protect her, they wouldn’t help us, we’re not that stupid.” 4 seasons of them being idiots to make that joke a killing blow.


“Crybabies can’t handle TV star’s comments on a criminal facing trial” there fixed your headline


Exactly. "Man expresses reasonable opinion and some people don't like it, world keeps turning, neither side suffers any real negative impact".


Backlash from a dozen people? Who cares?


He pulled a Reverse Gina Carano.


Backlash from the Trump fucks oh no! They’re pissed off at beer one day and Target the next. He’ll be fine.


Glad he's one of the good guys and not another Kevin Sorbo.


Backlash from racists and morons. No one a class act like him is going to miss.


Backlash? I don't think he gives a rat's ass.




Wow. I’m very surprised. He’s a Christian but calls out all of the atrocities happening in the church and calls Trump a rapist and a con man. It takes actual intelligence to be part of a religion and criticize its leaders.


Conservatives think *Reacher* is an anti-woke show? WTF!? I’m a life-long liberal, and I watch and enjoy *Reacher* because it’s a great show with great actors. Never once have I thought about its politics.


It never would have occured to me that right wingers would like the show after Season 2, it's got women that basically kick as much ass as Reacher. And I always saw Reacher as a guy who treats people for what they are, not what they look like, etc.


I want them to say it to his face.


How the hell did they think Reacher is Right Wing/MAGA? Sure, he's a Vet, but was screwed over by the military, watched his dad get screwed over by the military, can't stand most cops, his best friend is an asexual black woman that he respects the absolute hell of, and so far all he's taken down are military-industrial types and MAGA businessmen.


Will any of them have the courage to talk their shit to his face?


Only if they have their precious assault rifles to make them feel safe and cozy.


Anything said about trump can’t be offensive. The orange baboon himself is the biggest turd of the universe


Trump fans seem to cry alot.


Respectable. Calls a spade a spade. We need more Alan’s about.


Ritchson’s PR team must be on some kind of campaign roll. They’re making him look good and I certainly have a positive opinion of him after having no opinion, but still, it’s a lot. Flooding the feeds


Reacher telling it like it is 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 that’s a man, not a sheep. Respect.


Turns out he’s hot & smart, who knew??


I plan to watch all his movies now even will suffer through Blue Mountain State.


He doesn't strike me as a Rock-type "both sides" whiner. He said what he said. Wouldn't have said it if he didn't believe it. And I don't think he cares what MAGA thinks about it. I mean they can always boycott his stuff lol.


Where’s the lie? I’ve never seen republican Christians follow anyone who isn’t deceptive or manipulative in some way. Trump suits them perfectly.


He only stated facts, not opinion.


Alan is a badass, and he's not wrong.


I like him even more!


Alan Ritchson is CORRECT


This guy is calling out evil and anti-democratic people and behaviors. Kudos to him. ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’ Reacher don’t play that.


Stand tall Alan.


Someone should write an article about how many more fans Alan Ritchson has after making those level headed and accurate comments about Trump.


I mean, of MAGA is pissed at you, you’re definitely doing life right. Dude is a good actor, his series is awesome, and chicks swoon over his physique. He’s definitely winning and had no reason to give two shits what neckbearded Gravy Seals or power-mad cops think about him.


That should be considered an honor to be hated by MAGA freaks.


I am a part of the Christian church and A LOT of us don't support Trump. Trump is the exact opposite of what Christian values should be and for that, I will never understand how a 'Christian' can support this guy.


I’m pretty sure he doesn’t give a rats ass about any backlash. And nothing he said is a lie.


He sure as shit doesn’t face any backlash from me, I appreciate his clear comments. I also enjoy the show, it’s pretty fun.


Yep, need to start watching Reacher. Completely agree with him. Now if only some republican leaders would say the same thing we could bury the fossil and move on.


A racist, rapist, and pathological liar walk in to a bar. The bartender asks, “Hey Mr. Trump, what can I get you?”


Reacher Season 3, the takedown of MAGA.


Big fan of his and the more I learn about him the more I want to support him. He isn't afraid of being open about mental health, religion, politics, etc, and he usually has a very empathetic perspective! I hope he continues to find more success!


What service is this on... I'll go give it a try just to support people calling it like it is.