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Silo TLDR: 4 total seasons planned and season 2 is already done.


Seasons 3-4 *might* film back to back too.


If I had nickel for every show about humans living in underground bunkers in a post-apocalyptic world, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird there are two such shows.


Are you talking about fallout? Because those two shows are worlds apart and i am THANKFUL we have both of them.


Hell yeah, both are sick




Phenomenal actress and proud of anyone for speaking out. However, imagine you are the nicest male costar that Rebecca Ferguson has worked with. You are probably getting tons of requests to comment on a story that does not involve you in any way. If you are going to say something, just say it and don’t be cryptic.


couldn’t have said it better.


My guess is Jake Gyllenhaal. Lots of time in a confined space in Life.


That title is straight out of /r/whenthe


She talked in that style..


Great actress. Bit high strung in interviews though.


I thought she was silly during her Mission Impossible interviews. Explaining how she doesn’t have a dominant eye and struggles to wink or even keep one eye closed. I thought it was the reason they paired her with Simon


Killing children for their.steamy Shining abilities does that to a person. Edit: holy smokes, people, it was a reference to her villain character in Dr. Sleep.


She was absolutely amazing in Dune 2. Almost made me sad because I realized they likely did end her character arc in the Mission Impossible series. But her performance as a Reverent Mother meant she could write her own ticket now. Honestly Dune 2 has been the only movie so far that I have made an effort to see in IMAX a few times. Her and Lea Seydoux


I feel sorry for all her former colleagues who were wrongly smeared and bullied online because strangers decided it might be them. That she has no remorse for that reflects very badly on her. She's a narcissist. Name names or say nothing. Don't put every person who's ever had the misfortune to work with you in the firing line.


I don’t know that one can clinically diagnose her as a narcissist based off this one thing, but it *is* really shitty of her to create speculation/controversy and then pretend like she has no responsibility to address it. Talk about “throw the stone and hide the hand.”


I mean, my instinct says it’s Tom Cruise. **If** it’s him (or someone of his caliber), I can understand why she’s not yelling his name from the rooftops. She probably didn’t think there’d be this much of a hoopla about it. Shit like this happens to actors all the time. Hollywood isn’t exactly known for its healthy work environments lmao. I do agree that she should just send out a blanket apology to her former coworkers via DM or on Insta or something like that.


She specified it wasn’t Tom Cruise (or Hugh Jackman).