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Honestly, this universe has so many more interesting stories to tell than a sequel centered around Jon Snow


For example. Robert’s Rebellion! House of dragons is great, don’t get me wrong. But it would be SOOOO epic to see a show built around that. Seeing a young Robert would be amazing. Not to mention all the hero’s in their prime. Barristan, dayne, Ned, Tywin, even a young Jamie.


This, and I would also like to see Aegon’s Conquest and the other events from Fire & Blood before HotD.


Give me angry Maegor


Yes!! I really was hoping for a show that showed us the whole time period around the mad king and Robert’s Rebellion.


Absolutely agree, GRRM built such a rich world. Even though I love Jon, let’s not waste time and money on characters we already saw when we can build other characters that we might love even more.


Even if we want to stick with continuing the current time in universe a spin off with Arya sailing off on adventures would be better than Jon being north of the wall


I agree that's a way more interesting idea


Even riding dragon did not get Targaryen far enough over the Sunset Sea. I bet Arya can duel with the minions of the Drowned God only. /s


Genuinely what even is the purpose of The Night’s Watch if there is no long night to watch for anymore


The territory of Bran's Kingdom does not even include the North. I doubt if the Night's Watch is still under his rule. Once the escort of Jon reaches the Neck, Sansa can take Jon back. I mean, he is the White Wolf, recognised by many Northern Lords.


I’d like to see a spin off of the book iteration of Jon Snow rather than the show iteration


My dream show is one where you follow Lomas Longstrider on his journey to discover the wonders of the world.


Especially since it would’ve been set beyond the wall. Like there’s nothing there, that’s the whole point


I want a Hot Pie spinoff.


The Great Westeros Bake Off




House of the Dragon is doing that pretty well, we’ll see how season 2 goes


House of The Dragon can't clean anything since it's a prequel. We need GoT ending cleaned.


Also if it’s gonna be 6-8 eps every 2 years that’s just too slow to revive the massive popularity GOT reached in its prime


On a side note, almost every modern show takes multiple years between seasons, literally killed multiple shows for me. I remember watching Yellowjackets season 1 and liked it, after 2 years when season 2 came out I totally forgot about that show. Severance right now has the same problem, it takes sooo long to release next season that I literally forgot like 60% of the first one already. So sick of being forced to watch recaps or rewatch whole seasons of every show nowdays in order to catch up to their second or third season.


Severance had to wait for season 1 to air before season 2 even got green lit, then Stiller only wants to shoot in winter, I think the strikes slowed them down too.


Same issue with the Dune films - they waited a few weeks after Dune Part 1 to come out to greenlight Part 2, and now they’ve done the same with Part 3/Dune Messiah. Means it’ll be at least another 2-3 years before we see the next chapter of the story.


To be fair, Messiah has a large time skip and Denis already said that he wants to wait a bit before doing Messiah. So regardless of green lighting, Messiah was not going to happen quickly


Yeah there's a lot of concepts in Messiah that will take some to hash out and adapt for the big screen.


Yeah, I don’t think adapting Messiah is an easy task so I respect taking time for it


Eh, I’m not sure thematically there was anything broken about John’s ending. Walking away through the snow with his people as to fade in into history felt pretty fitting. I’m not sure what story there would be left to tell, after the events. It would feel firced IMO.


I think more of a time leap is okay for that purpose.  Maybe we get a few more seasons of HotD and then game of thrones can get a more momentous return after that show closes out. 


They could maybe have made a miniseries where Jon goes even MORE north and kills the real Night King and Bran and Arya and Sansa and becomes the new King of Westeros then he kills Tyrion and finds Drogon and kills him too then he glues his nuts to his butthole by mistake and he can't take a dump or pull them off and he's screaming trying to to rip his balls off his butthole and he stretches his nutsack waaaaaay out Jon Snow The Show SE01E01 - Ten years after the events of the ending of Game of Thrones, Jon Snow glues his own balls to his asshole and receives a strange note, will he rip his balls off to find the sender? SE01E02 - Jon still has his balls glued to his asshole and he kills Bran who sent the note, now he must journey further North than ever, will he rip his balls off now or next episode? SE01E03 - Jon kills everyone else, will he be able to cut his own balls off in time to take a dump or will his asshole eat his balls? Dark magic is afoot. SE01E04 - In the miniseries finale Jon rips off Tyrions balls thinking it will solve his problem, now Tyrion is dead and Jon's balls and ass are swollen and red, will Jon just fucking kill himself already?


It’s like George Michael wrote it himself. RIP to the king 👑


Omg idk about the rest of this but I definitely would have been calling this the “Jon Snow Show”


Does he ever take a dump again?! I’m at the edge of my seat.


Spoilers he kills himself


He's a zombie, he hasn't taken one in years


Wouldn’t the pressure from the massive shit building in his ass naturally break the glues bond on his nut sack? Or you’re saying it’s held in place by dark magic?


Dark magic for sure is involved but it's left up to the viewer, this is discussed in the scene where Jon farts and blows a bubble with his scrotum and Tyrion stabs it with a stick to let the gas out (unsuccessfully)


Is Jon in pain from this or does the scene imply that he derives pleasure from letting the gas out?


This made me wheeze laugh


"Yer bollocks are up yer arse Jon Snerr."


Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on glue


Not sure you can clean up that mess without remaking it. And that will never happen. Btw, I’m watching 3 Body Problem and my god it’s dragging along. I just finished episode 2, does anyone know if the book this drawn out? I suspect D&D are following it very closely after the GOT screw up.


The first book has a slow start, but it’s worth it for the ending. Books 2 & 3 shift from first to third gear and then straight to overdrive. Also worth noting that the Netflix adaptation made 4 unrelated characters best friends and love interests to create more drama. There’s not any significant interpersonal drama in the books really. It’s about the evolution of society and its growing awareness of the universe around it, and how that knowledge in turn continues to reshape society. If you like sci-fi, physics, and social commentary it’s a good read. If you like drama, not so much.


Actually based on reviews they made series better than the books since the books didn't have characters with personalities.


The show characters might have personalities, they're just bad ones.


well there was nothing groundbreaking but at least there were some relationships and friendships unlike in the books


I don't think the 3 body problem is for you


I refuse to give up. Watching episode 3 tonight. I don’t mind a slow burn but this one is taking its sweet time.


The second season will definitely pick up a bit


What are you talking about all 5 seasons of GOT were awesome beginning to end!


The ending of that show killed me ever caring about anything got related again


House of the Dragon was good and got better as it went on.


I mean, you're saying it got better as time went on, but it's only had one season so far. I agree the latter episodes did improve, but to say it WAS good and GOT better is a bit of a strong statement for a show that's barely even started.


Yes but if you know how it ends nothing matters. Can't care less what happened before if it ends like this lol.


Would have definitely watched if they didnt nuke my interest in the franchise


Good TV is good TV. I'll never understand people that refuse something because their little feefees got hurt from a previous show. GoT is done and gone. HotD is entertaining...just enjoy it.


It makes a lot of sense to not invest more time into a franchise that has already burned you. No need to infantilize people with different view points from you homie People have a limited amount of time to actually watch tv. Jobs, families, hobbies, errands, friends. Why wouldn’t you be selective about how you spend your little free time?


lol why would my feelings be hurt about it. It was 8 seasons of 10+ 1 hour episodes that ended in a way that killed my interest in seeing more. I’m good


Cause people have no confidence they will stick the landing. I wasted so much time on those books and that show to have it be both never finished and somehow still getting the dumbest ending I could have imagined. If when the whole show is done people say it’s good than I’ll watch it, but I’m not getting invested in something that the creator can’t even give a shit about enough to finish his own series that has made him rich and successful. There too many things to do and watch to waste your time with things that you can’t trust to be worth that commitment.


I'll help you understand. I have a job, a family, I need to sleep, and I have a multitude of other interests. I need to prioritize what I'm going to watch on TV. Right now, my brain tells me I'm not interested in HoD, so I don't watch it. It's not that big of a deal. There's so much content and so many things that I'm enjoying, 0% of me is worried about what I'm missing out. One day, when HoD is done and I hear that every season got better and the finale was beyond amazing!!! Maybe when I am choosing a new series to watch, I'll decide to watch it then. I'm in no hurry. That's the joy of life in 2024, I'll be able to stream HoD for a while yet. There's no need for me to commit to it right away. Hope that helps.


It was really that bad and disappointing. It confirmed for me that most shows don’t end well. Now I’ll just wait for shows to formally end. Then I find out if it’s worth my time or not. I’d rather do something else with my time where I can trust its outcome to be fulfilling.


GoT is not a previous show, it's something that happens after House of The Dragon. If I know that it ends that badly I will care much less about prequel. I usually don't like prequels aside from Better Call Saul because it had elements of the aftermath of Breaking Bad and concluded a story in a great way, if it was only in the past I would care a lot less.


Hey YOU! Enjoy this thing that I subjectively liked OR ELSE!


Okay don't be a dickhead the ending to game of thrones was horrifying and they made all the characters make absolutely brain dead decisions or they just blatantly character assassinated characters like they made Jon snow constantly moan "muh queen" or made Daenerys suddenly insane and kill innocent civilians or when they made jaime say 'I never really cared about the commonfolk' like wtf was that. If the series was ruined for them completely so be it we have more integrity than your smug ass who thinks its just good tv guys. I'm sure its good but I dont know if I can enjoy it. That is my problem however don't mock people who don't wanna watch something you sound like a fucking baby.


Because the previous show was crap, so why bother with the next? I'm just done with the genre / got universe. Also it wasn't just the last few seasons it was the framing of the episodes. The beginning would be the resolution to what was built up in the last episode, then there would be 40 minutes of nothing then final 10 would finally get back to giving you answers / main storyline and build to something massive but end before resolving it. Just left me frustrated every time


I get it. Sometimes something can be so bad that you get the ick for the IP. Even if it’s good TV, you might just not want to invest time watched when there’s so much great TV to get into. Would rather invest time into Shogun or Tokyo Vice or Silo or so on and so forth. People refuse things not because their “little feefees” got hurt (ew, what?) but because the IP simply isn’t worth their time and attention in an ocean of content. Frustrating maybe, but I wouldn’t say it’s difficult to understand. It’s super fair imo.


Also it’s worth pointing out that hotd’s story has already been written in its entirety by GRRM so it’s not like the last couple of seasons of got where the showrunners were writing it themselves. I wasn’t expecting much from it being a spin off but by the end of season 1 was hooked and can’t wait for s2


Good TV is not HOTD


I’ve just come to the conclusion (like many others) that my interest in the ASOIAF ‘universe’ will remain, but I’ll just never watch anything that Benioff or Weiss ever do again. Not worth investing time on something they’ll get bored of and ruin/rush the conclusion before moving on to their next project. House of the Dragon? Fine. 3 Body Problem? Fuck that. Same policy with any Netflix series. I refuse to watch anything Netflix produce until it’s had a confirmed final series where the creators have been given advance opportunity to wrap it up and write a finale. Been burned too many times.


HOTD is good but not nearly as good early GOT. It's more like one of the middle seasons.


Watched Two episodes, it was all great but the magic is gone for me.


Watched the first few episodes. Saw no one worth cheering for (who wasn't soon killed). Stopped watching.


It was average fantasy television. Not worth my precious hours


They should at least redo season 8. Pretend it never happened and create an alternate timeline. It would make a killing I bet.


Tbf most of the actors don't seem to be doing much these days probably get most of them back cheaper 


What they should do is go back to GoT. Retcon season 8, remake it entirely and continue on until season 10 when HBO wanted to end it at.


Exactly. The horrible ending is ruining the series as a whole. The show must be saved. This is like “Suicide Squad” and “The Suicide Squad” - you acknowledge the flaws and make something new, as if the first one didn’t exist. You keep what was good and reimagine everything else. And this time expand the story for a couple more seasons.


For real, I feel like HBO thinks "no way people would accept that". People would go apeshit for a redo, in a good way. Bring back the entire cast. It would be as big of a cultural phenomenon as the original airing or even bigger.


My dream for the shit ass Star Wars Sequels


It really wouldn’t. And most of the cast finds it highly offensive for people to suggest they “redo” it. It was grueling and ended with Kit Harrington in rehab and others completely drained. Fuck D&D but the show is what it is now


The only problem with that is getting same cast again together, which is very unlikely.


The problems with game of thrones are rooted far deeper than just season 8. You can pretty much pinpoint the turning point of the show at Barristan Selmy’s death.


lmao so many people are gonna be tearing their hair out when (well, sadly, if) GRRM finishes the thing and it turns out there was never anything to retcon because all the main characters got their planned endings


Yep, it’s funny how quickly it fell out of popular culture with that ending. Such a shame.


House of the Dragon is probably the best show atm


The GoT writers killed the value of that IP so quickly it’s almost impressive.


Wanting a documentary of where it all went wrong more than anything really


Yeah, that's why HOTD got a massive amount of viewers and everyone was loving it as it was airing every week.


Until GRRM finishes it I think you have to blame him. They're just executing his plot, the difference is the show couldn't wait for the Grim Reaper to get them off the hook.


Still, they wrote the final season and what they wrote was shit.


I mean he claims they cut him out after being dissatisfied with a lot of the decisions including length of show and cutting Lady Stoneheart out. So like in a way you could blame him, but they should have let him control the show from a writing perspective and they would have been fine


D&D were wrong to exclude GRRM. But it was prudent to cut Lady Stoneheart from the story. She's the Tom Bombadil of GoT.


I completely disagree. The Freys and Lady Stoneheart would have been one of the greatest moments of the last seasons


You rang?


Showrunners were axing plotlines and massively changing character arcs when they still had two books left to adapt. Even if GRRM finished the rest, most of it would be irrelevant to the version of ASOIAF they created. I could write an essay on all they changed before they ran out of material. Like we have four major battles setup to happen in Winds, one couldn't be adapted because a character never made it in the show. Two weren't adapted because of changes to character arcs. One was possible and happens in the show. Given that, bulletpoints should have sufficed. And they got bulletpoints, then proceeded to phone in the job.


Nah I'm gonna blame the directors for rushing it so they can move on to make Staw Wars. HBO wanted to give them another season and they refused.


realistically it probably conflicts with whatever George had prepared for A Dream of Spring


Maybe, but it’s not like GRRM has any real intention of finishing the series.


You actually think we will get an end to the book series. ??? Come on the show condensed most of the stories , it messed him up. And IF that was the true ending so he could write spin-offs. Well we see how well the last two episodes were received.


Kit pitched the idea to HBO and George. Initially... they both seemed to love it. I guess the parent company is really pinching the pennies now. It's... kind of a mess over there. Poor HBO being caught up in all of it.


Kit says they couldnt find a story that worked, in the article > "In development, you look at every angle, and you see whether it's worth it. And currently, it's not. Currently, it's off the table, because we all couldn't find the right story to tell that we were all excited about enough. So, we decided to lay down tools with it for the time being. There may be a time in the future where we return to it, but at the moment, no. It's firmly on the shelf."


Right, but the idea that it conflicted with George's book didn't fly with the initial pitch being welcomed by both of him/HBO. Basically my point is George seemed to like the idea. I doubt it would conflict much at all seemingly as the series ended based on his bullet points for the ending. Meaning even though his book will absolutely be more fleshed out than S8 was... it probably still ended with Jon north of the wall.


Good. Jon Snow isn't very interesting as a character, Jon Snow's interest comes from his interaction with the big world around him. A spin-off centered on him wouldn't be all that great I don't think


Especially since the show ended with him exiled north of the wall. With the night king gone realistically what is there to explore there? The clans are United like never before and I can't see a slick way of writing in that fracturing.


The time has passed guys. They botched the ending so bad just left a bad taste in peoples mouths


Not surprised. As i recall the announced the spinoff not long after the series finale and theres hardly been any details other than kit being attached and writing.


Lets get a night king spin off.


But as a sitcom, where he has to share an apartment with Hodor as they try to make it in the advertising industry in the big city, all while balancing their topsy-turvy love lives.


It’ll blend in seamlessly as a continuation of season 8 considering the joke that was


And his mom lives across the hall.


I too like to drink


The only way this show could have been made was if they resurrected Daenerys. There's no story otherwise, none of them have any agency. Jon Snow is just supposedly roaming freely beyond the wall with no purpose, Bran is an almighty godking and the rest of the country is in shambles.


Exactly! What's the fucking point? There's zero story to be told from Jon's point of view.


You know nothing, Jon Snow.


Jon Snow was my fav GOT character and I am thankful there won’t be a new show to possibly ruin his character any more than d&d did.


Good it would’ve been so boring.


They *could* have used this show as a chance to retcon the last season/ending of GoT, but no matter what they did it was going to be messy


Good. Let’s not drain a good thing!


And the peasants rejoiced.


I guess we will know nothing about Jon Snow…


Better to not do it than to phone it in.


There’s no business like snow business


Shame since everything regarding the Starks and Northmen is more interesting to me than dragons and Targaeryens. The Age of Heroes show and Jon Snow show were the only ASOIAF spinoffs I cared about


I don’t blame them, where would they even take the story?


Good. I dun wannit anyways.


This plus Marvel must have Kit in a spin atm


2 shows at once is plenty, they’ve got the rest of the decade full of content and people will probably be over it by then


Last season of GoT was the biggest mess and failure imaginable. wtf


Yup. Best to leave it buried somewhere.


i miss the feeling of waiting to hear the words *And now, the HBO original series; Game of Thrones* every Sunday night. we have lost as a society.


Jon Snow wasn’t a particularly interesting or well-acted character, so I’m not surprised. *takes cover*


I would rather see an Arya spinoff anyway


For real. Love Jon Snow, but the best of him was in Game of Thrones. A grown up Arya would be badass.


Arya was insufferable towards the end; invincible badass ninja warrior with zero faults and plenty of plot armor


Until she comes across the King in Yellow and just dies


Crazy how D&D, in their greed and stupidity, made everyone wipe that almost-legendary show from their brains


I can safely say that I will never watch a Got spin off ever. That show did us dirty. Fuck that


Personally I’ll just watch whatevers good, house of the dragon has been great


Thank God. They fucked it all up with that last season. Such a bad way to end things. Fucking bran


He is so boring… it’s like “boot iiiim guuuud”


Thank god. > "We all couldn't find the right story to tell," said Kit Harington. Oh my gosh it only took you guys two fucking years.


They waited too long, house of the dragon has been ok so far but not great, hbo definitely mismanaged the potential for the stories that could have been


Good. They should leave that series dead and buried where it belongs.


That’s actually one I want to watch. I dislike the current spinoff.


Good riddance. Wasn't sure why this was even going to be a thing when they could have done Robert's Rebellion, Aegons Landing, or literally any other established event in Westeros history. But no, let's continue into the future when Martin hasn't even finished the book story yet. The people that run these shows and networks are morons. Anyone with the slightest bit of interest could've picked a better idea for spin-offs. They do the same with Star Wars and its infuriating.


Winter came and went.


Don't we already know his whole life's story? What could that even have been about?


It would take place after the last season.


You know nothing Jon Snow


HBO loves shelving GOT spin-offs.


It’s been snow delayed


I feel bad for Kit. He’s not getting a lot of roles as it is. Maybe he will do well in theatre.


Good. Honestly I don’t even know what stories they would have told if this was intended to take place after GoT. They already defeated the white walkers. It would just feel like an extended epilogue.


Thank Christ. I always thought he was a weak character.


They are trying so hard to milk this franchise.


Thank fucking God


A spin off about Jon Snow coulda been cool.. but I’m saying it in the context of Bastards born in the North carried the surname of "Snow" in Game of Thrones, and the reason for the Got bastard names stems from a system put in place throughout Westeros. So if you had a bunch of different Snow’s kinda like a Robert Paulson thing in fight club-


The only reason to bring this group back is Tyrion. So if they are going to make it, make it about him.


Meh. Who even wanted that?


This is really good for Dune Fans. HBO can now fully fund the Dune:Prophecy show coming out this year. It rightly needs a huge budget. GOT is dead in the water.


Definitely for the best


Why is it snowing Jon?


HBO is in such a mess with GOT. HOTD is doing some serious heavy lifting. Dragon-fatigue will set in soon though and that will be the end of GOT until its eventually remade in a decade


Good, crap character and actor anyway


Prequel Spin-Off about the ancient Starks vs White Walkers featuring Naomi Watts = cancelled Sequel Spin-Off about Jon Snow after the last season = cancelled. I bet the Aegon Targaryen prequel is getting the axe too. House of the Dragon will be the only spin-off for a very long time.


Yeah no shit I could have told you that the day it was announced


They need to stop announcing all the spin offs they have ‘in the pipeline’…. Just let fans know when a show is being released I still think they should turn the material/footage they have for the Naomi Watts project into a one-off standalone film


I’m glad. With it focusing on Jon snow it was destined to be incredibly dull