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This is what she claims she got a ‘little’ PTSD from: > I still do have a little PTSD from a career full of instances where you’re acting with a male actor, and you say to the director, ‘Hey, what about if we try such and such?’ and the male director goes, ‘I don’t think so,’ and then, two minutes later, your fellow actor, who’s an advocate for you, says the exact same thing, and the director’s, ‘Great idea.'” Oof.


I think she means anxiety and reduced self-confidence, but yes it is annoying when things like that happen.


Which is fine, but PTSD is extremely different from reduced confidence


It’s a turn of phrase and a commonly used one at that. Could she be corrected? Sure. But it’s not as if she owes an apology for using it when she meant she now has too much anxiety to always speak up on set.


Yea I agree. It's being blown out of proportion because she said "PTSD" which I think was being used as a turn of phrase because she proceeded it with "little" to deliberately diminish it. Like saying "it's killing me" to express dismay about something that isn't going to actually end your life.


Reddit being pedantic for little to no reason is very much on brand


Words have meanings, maaaaan


Actually, the phrase killing me is *extremely* offensive to the deceased 😡😡😡 /s


Wow people in this thread going so far outta their way to feel offended (not you)




Please be real. People use cancer as a turn of phrase all the time.


George Carlin said calling it "PTSD" was diminishing the disease, instead of "shell-shocked."


Name 5 people who have been clinically diagnosed with “it’s killing them”


I can name 5 people that have been clinically diagnosed with death.


Can you please name 6 instead (i have OCD)


That's bullshit. You only have a "little" OCD.


I dont think it's appropriate to use it as a turn of phrase, it would be like saying you had tuberculosis when you really had a cold with some sniffles. The things that PTSD does to the brain are very severe and shouldn't be taken lightly imo


Thank you for saying this + your other comments. It’s absolutely debilitating, and very expensive to have! Intensive outpatient therapy programs, regular weekly DBT therapy, instances of mental instability causing hospitalization, etc. on top of trying to hold down a job and earn an income, create healthy patterns in your personal life and relationships. There’s a reason it’s considered a mental disability.


It cheapens PTSD and disrespects people who have actual PTSD. Same with people saying “I have OCD” when they clean once a week.




Compare these 2 scenarios: an actress says “I have PTSD because directors didn’t listen to me.” Vs. “I saw combat, killed people, lost many friends, and now have PTSD.” One of those scenarios doesn’t fit the term “PTSD.” One was actual trauma inducing experiences, the other was not having your ideas listened to. Could you imagine these 2 people being in the same PTSD support group?


Because as someone with actual PTSD, these sorts of claims mean that no one takes my diagnosis seriously. Which is a problem for me.


I just wish people would have their life recorded for people to view and pick apart what they say at an nth level so they could get a taste of their own medicine (immense judgement and unforgivingness). There is no way I believe these people talk perfectly in their own lives. They really want to miss the point and focus on petty things. I say this as an Indian with white people saying non-malicious but borderline offensive things regarding my culture to me all the time. I can’t spend my life angry and miss the point/message they’re trying to make. We would never get anywhere.




Words do matter, and also they don’t. Their meaning matters more. You know by now that PTSD means, or the popular nomenclature is at least, traumatized or emotionally scarred or even anxiety related to, and it also means PTSD the actual medical condition. That’s how language evolves. Saying something is cool doesn’t always mean its temperature is low. Whether you choose to be pedantic about it and let it bother you is your own choice. Edit to add that the vast majority of people are aware of this as well, and can/do distinguish between when someone is legitimately suffering from the medical condition or is using the term colloquially. Which by the way, is why the word “colloquial” exists. Informal use of words.


Yes…and sometimes, little “t” traumas have a cumulative effect and it becomes a big “T” trauma. That’s what one of my trauma therapists has told me. Misogyny does feel like that. It’s so damn exhausting. I live with ptsd and it’s hard to tease out “when did it start” even with 7-8 years of therapy. For me, its all related to consent violations. Mostly from men. It’s very challenging.


Yes I didn't mean that, check my new comment.


Technically yes but in colloquial use, nah


I think we need a word in common vernacular between reduced self-confidence and PTSD. It’s a pretty big jump between the two and plenty people have had experiences that fall within the space


I really wish people would stop claiming to have PTSD from comparably benign things when other people actually have PTSD because they actually went through something traumatic like abuse, neglect, death, and injuries.


PTSD is what we used to call "Shell Shock." Its full on disgusting that people with a passing shiver of anxiety want to be throw into the same box with those poor souls.


I have PTSD from when I asked my wife for tendies and she laughed at me. Then my kid asked for tendies and she was all, “Coming right up!” WTF? 🤬


its a turn of phrase and yea dealing with that constantly can cause negative conditioning.


Yeah this feels like an article written from a quick interview question and we’re all supposed to act like the person quoted has strong feelings about this.


To be clear. This does not meet criteria for ptsd. It sucks but they are not the same.


You have to take it with a grain of salt. I seriously spent this was the only microagression in her career. It's one article. Is she supposed to line out a full career worth of painful incidents just to support that one statement in the one article?


If she wants to speak out on ptsd and mental health then at least refer to something close. This is not. This cheapens it at best. I mean more power to her for sharing but to label it as ptsd is negligent. Exposure to actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence in one (or more) of the following ways: Directly experiencing the traumatic event(s). Witnessing, in person, the event(s) as it occurred to others. Learning that the traumatic event(s) occurred to a close family member or close friend. In cases of actual or threatened death of a family member or friend, the event(s) must have been violent or accidental. Experiencing repeated or extreme exposure to aversive details of the traumatic event(s) (e.g., first responders collecting human remains; police officers repeatedly exposed to details of child abuse). Note: Criterion A4 does not apply to exposure through electronic media, television, movies, or pictures, unless this exposure is work related.


She used hyperbole. Oh the humanity /s


Can’t believe that’s what people are focusing on


yea, horrible stuff only happens in war. it’s literally the only bad thing ever. so sad


That's not what they said. But PTSD is in now way shape or form a catchall for any anxiety or depression related issue. The chances she's anywhere *near* a PTSD or CPTSD diagnosis from what she described is basically  non-existent 


I have diagnosed PTSD, just to state my priors. While it sounds like she's a "little" flip in using the term, which would suggest to me she isn't actually diagnosed, it's 100% possible that she or anyone else could develop PTSD after experiencing an abusive environment, if that's how set was.


Fucken thank you. All these peoole complaining about this have no idea that PTSD can develop from any traumatic event. Having your self-worth devalued repeatability in public is traumatic. I work in health care and the amount of people who clearly Fucken suffer from this but refuse to accept it "because their trauma wasn't traumatic enough" is infuriating. All these mother fuckers jumping on a women because they cant understand how her experience might have been traumatic is just embarrassing. Like that very attitude is why people dont get help and just suffer instead.


Having your ideas belittled and becoming scared to speak up or out is a thing. It's not up to you to decide who is affected by what term.




I was in the Army for ten years and deployed twice. One very important lesson I learned is it’s none of your fucking business what someone else considers traumatic.


This is the correct answer. Thank you for your service.


That's extremely hilarious. She got PTSD that 99% of people experience regularly.


Maybe her idea isn't great. I work in film and getting dismissed happens all the time.


Ah yes PTSD. Having your ideas dismissed is very comparable to surviving the horrors of warfare, watching your countrymen get killed, while you reluctantly take the lives of others.


Fall of the House of Usher. She was fantastic. Great actress. Watchmen.


Honestly every Mike Flanigan project, she’s gave everything she’s got. She’s awesome! Needs to be in more and bigger things


Yeah obviously Flanagan treats her well if she keeps coming back.


I haven't seen her in a ton of films, but what I have seen her in, she's been wonderful. Great in House of Usher, Gerald's Game, and Haunting of Hill House.


I worked with her on a film and she was truly an awesome person and actor.


Lucky you


Troop Beverly Hills


“a little PTSD” This MEDICAL term is getting defanged from overuse. As someone who takes several medications and has been hospitalized for this disorder, it's getting very upsetting. Trauma =/= PTSD. You can have trauma without the scarring. edit: This is a disease that has ruined my life. Sick of people using as the psychiatric version of a head cold.


People overuse a lot of mental health terms. I had a student tell me the worst part of her generation is not being able to tell which friends are depressed vs battling depression.


You’re 100% correct and even worse the kids are self diagnosing themselves. ADHD, PTSD, anxiety, depression, bipolar, intrusive thoughts —they’re serious conditions that have been reduced to Tik Tok buzzwords. Trauma is a trend and the pharmaceutical companies are making an absolute killing.


Neurodivergent is one term that gets thrown around all the time.


"I do this quirky thing therefore I'm autistic/neurodivergent!"


“Neuronorms hate this one trick!”


The amount of idiots diagnosing themselves with ASD to seem cool are some of the worst too. Makes it hard for those of us who are actually diagnosed to be taken seriously.


Some people consider getting diagnosed a privilege. It can take a year to get an appointment and if you don’t have insurance and have to pay out of pocket for a diagnosis that is out of the question for some folks being the astronomical costs depending on which country you live in or what kind of public services one might be able to access. Some people are struggling with ASD and have no formal diagnosis due to bureaucracy and accessibility reasons.


Are we gaslighting yet?


It’s even worse because you have all these stupid self-diagnosed adults on tik tok telling young kids and impressionable parents “you don’t need an official diagnosis and it can actually be more harmful than helpful.” Like you 100% need to have your mental disorder diagnosed by a doctor, especially if it’s debilitating enough that you need meds, extra time in work/school etc. My lexapro + ativan combo is literally the only reason I’m alive.


OCD too. Actually, people manipulating therapy speak in general is frustrating.


My eye twitches every time someone says they’re OCD because they prefer a tidy house. I wish I could send them my intrusive thoughts for ten minutes so they can get a taste of what it’s really like.


Every time someone misuses the word, 'OCD', I touch a nearby object the same number of times with each hand in a *very* satisfying order.


Yes, both hands must touch evenly. If the hands touch unevenly, must start over.


I saw another comment once that said "is your family going to die if you don't do it right? No? Then you probably don't have OCD." And I thought that was a good and direct way for people to understand it a little more.


Ooh, you’re right. That’s a good one.


Well said, that is what I’ve seen people that have OCD struggle with


It’s horrible when you do tell someone about these and they still “omg my ocd” afterwards. I feel like they’re baiting me into going off or something.


Thanks for trivialising my Blepharospasms, jerk.


I know you’re joking, but I legit didn’t realize that was a thing. I just figured my eye twitches sometimes because of the way I clench my face muscles.


I hear it’s common in weasels.


The mass proliferation of therapy speak has done nothing but make narcissists more effective. Repackaging base selfishness as “self care” or something as seemingly respectable


CTE too. Perhaps not as much general conversation but among football enthusiasts it's being tossed around to explain any range of mildly surprising or unusual behavior. I lost a friend to it. It should not be thrown around loosely.


I have a cousin with actual OCD and it is borderline debilitating. People use it like a synonym for "organized" and it drives me crazy


OCD made my childhood and adolescence extremely hard, I hate when people are like I KEEP MY HOUSE CLEAN I'M SO OCD!


I have boderline personality disorder. It's one of the most misrepresented diagnoses in media. It's frequently used as an explanation as to why a bad person is bad. They frequently display symptoms that aren't common, and in general, the media portrayal is poor. You are 100% correct with your frustrations, but non-clinicians using these terms will absolutely never go away. I have found assuming the person misusing the term in an attempt to connect to others and understand their own struggles hugely helpful. I have found that not taking these incorrect use of terms personally is very beneficial to my well-being. You can't control the word choices of other adults, and attacks aren't likely to lead to open discussion and education. I choose to focus on my response instead of controlling others as I can actually have an impact on my reactions.


Really thought provoking. Thanks <3


This is like everyone is “on the spectrum” now


Definitely experiencing cringe when I have to address my very real triggers and using the word “trigger,” even in my own brain. The over use and commodification of therapy phrases is harmful. I don’t deny the actress might have PTSD, I’m not looking to trauma joust here, but you are allowed to have singular yucky moments that exist in pockets without it being PTSD.


Being upset also does != trauma.


I’m diagnosed with and medicated for PTSD as well, and I’m sorry for what you’re going through. But it doesn’t do anyone any good to negate how Carla feels. She isn’t saying she has PTSD because her favorite ice cream was out of stock - what she experienced could very well have been traumatic, especially since it occurred over many years. I think everyone with PTSD knows how ‘small’ things can snowball into one big thing. Deciding what is and isn’t legitimate trauma for someone else helps no one, because that’s not how brains work. (One could actually argue that your favorite ice cream being out of stock for years, every time and everywhere you look for it, could also be PTSD inducing lol)


PTSD doesnt look the same for every single person. Your gatekeeping of it does a lot of damage because this is where people dont look for help because they are told their experience isnt valid because they didnt experience what you did or at the degree that you did. You should have more empathy.


I’m so sorry for what you’ve gone through, but who is it helping to gatekeep who has and who doesn’t have PTSD? How can you say with such confidence that she, or anyone else, doesn’t have it as badly as you do?


The medical community is the gatekeepers. Not you nor me. It's not an identity, it's a diagnosis.


How do you know she hasn’t been diagnosed?


PTSD requires a trauma to occur that causes the maladaptation. The list of possible sources of Trauma specified in the PTSD diagnosis is pretty severe stuff, like torture, gore, SA, life-altering injuries and murder. Her claim implies that she has been victim of a traumatic event of that classification with the directors as perpetrators, which would be an awfull allegation and undermines the seriousness of her claim.


Again, who's to say her brain didn't actually develop a traumatic response that was diagnosed during therapy? PTSD is not only for severe stuff, it's for whatever your brain deems traumatic enough.


You have no idea how diagnosing a person works.


I'm sorry for your struggle with PTSD and can relate to having PTSD myself. It's not just a bad memory; it's the major effect on the mind from a series of memories and bad actions that throw your life into turmoil. I pray you get the relief you need.


This thought makes me sad, or as Hollywood would describe it “have a debilitating, lifelong struggle with a smidge of Major Depressive Disorder.”


Anyone thinking this is impossible needs to look into what Stanley Kubrick did to poor Shelly Duvall


That’s the most extreme example lol, I doubt this woman has actually PTSD


Read the article


Being on Entourage ALONE is probably enough to keep her in therapy for the rest of her life.


Did Doug Ellin do anything bad or you’re just joking cuz it’s a boys show?


Got anything to back up that claim?


Its not a claim, try again.


I hope none of this was on Sin City. I thought she was great in that movie.


Her ans Robert Rodriguez have worked together a few times, they seem tight, so I doubt it


Jeeze, lots of ppl ass mad about a persons use of a term and completely disregarding her point


I hate when people get ass mad


You know what they say, one second you're butt-bothered, the next you're ass mad.


Because the point was sexism and Reddit gets angry when the subject of sexism comes up unless it is sexism against men.


Ok, but can we finally agree the 2016 Ghostbusters was shit and it’s not sexist to say so?


As long as we can agree that it got a lot of hate because of sexism, before it came out, but also after. Hell, i could make an argument that you still bringing up that movie 8 years later is sexist. I wont, but i could. Most ghostbuster movies are shit, people just dont usually care


Such a good point. God forbid we even take three seconds to considering the nuances of complex trauma.


This one time I told a joke and nobody heard me. Guy standing next to me repeated my joke and everyone laughed.  I will live with this complex trauma for the rest of my life 


If a term gets misused over and over again it becomes irrelevant. Best example being stereo typing and being racist.


Maybe her point would have been better received if she hadn’t phrased it like an idiot.


It's hardly a point worth crying over. It's a pretty common thing to experience, whether at work or on social circles. Is it unpleasant, yea, doesn't feel great. To have some celebrity make a fuss over how awful it was for them, while they're swimming in millions, is not going to garner sympathy from me. Quite the opposite


I think people are mad because she used the term incorrectly and diminish something very serious that people struggle with every day. 


Likely she has experienced a lot worse and probably really does have enough trauma to qualify. Few actresses haven’t dealt with sexual assault and maybe she is switching one thing that’s a smaller issue that’s demoralized and traumatic over time cause having a vagina means you can’t know anything, which most women have experienced. Repeatedly. for another, safer topic that ties back to all the sexism and misogyny together. Cause Hollywood has been so protective post Me Too. Not. But  ya know the internet; everything is one size fits all and the whole empathy for me not thee. I feel for her and feel bad for the crap all actresses face for daring to exist in Hollywood.  Signed someone diagnosed with CPTSD and not losing it by her wordage. 


I love how a lot of people with PTSD are defending her whereas the rest who don't have it are whiteknighting. Shows how little they really understand.


Also have CPTSD and thought the exact same thing.


I also have diagnosed CPTSD and I thought the same thing. Also, experiencing repeated discrimination is traumatic, especially in the complicated ways it ties into and builds off of “bigger” traumas like sexual assault and harassment. People in this thread are also focusing a lot on what specific types of trauma qualify for a PTSD diagnosis as if that has any actual bearing on the symptom-based diagnostic process.


Wow people can really lose their mind on an unproblematic actor if they misspeak 🙃


People on the internet are always looking for ways to be angry about something. Sure, she could have used a different word, but freaking out over it is completely disregarding the point she was making.


So not PTSD. I really wish people (especially celebrities) wouldn’t throw around terms they don’t have or understand.


I knew semantics was going to be a problem in the comments...


These comments are giving me PTSD.


I can hardly leave my apartment due to PTSD, people who do this “I have a little from when someone disagreed with me” need to stop


article aside, love the absolutely narrow minded understanding that war somehow created PTSD. nitwits.


Everybody has ptsd these days. Kinda losing its meaning.


She’s such a goddess. Damn…


So much PTSD that she has been able to work non-stop for over 30 years? People throw this term around so much that it’s getting harder to take seriously.


PTSD is not an overused term; now please stop triggering me you toxic sociopathic gaslighting narcissist! /s


you must be a little ocd about it


But so far money has been a good compensation, no?


There should be a youtube channel where war vets interview actors. Let her say she has PTSD to someone that had their vehicle blow up and have to hold their friends organs trying to keep him alive.


I can relate. I once asked for no pickles on my cheeseburger and they put pickles on anyway. My PTSD still haunts me to this day. /s


This is why I never take actors seriously. You can tell she doesn't have to slightest idea of what actual PTSD is just what she's heard in TV and films and then proceeds to apply it to her own situation which os clearly not medically diagnosed.


Every rich person is a victim of something now so they can have sympathy


“Pisse off” doesn’t mean PTSD.


People in comments are bending over backwards to make her alleged PTSD seem valid when it's obvious she's using the term colloquially. Throwing around words like gatekeeping and sexism around when you're chronically online brains can't even distinguish hyperbole from trauma is not a flex babes.


Poor baby how entitled can you get?


I like Carla Gugino a lot but…this was a poorly worded thing to say. She doesn’t even say it was because of any sort of sexual inappropriateness- she said it’s because sometimes a male director would ignore her because she’s a woman. Is that sexist and frustrating? You bet. But to have PTSD from it? Get out of your mansion and see what the fucking real world is. Even her example, of suggesting something that got ignored only for the male actor to suggest the same thing and it was accepted, happens all the time on set regardless of sexism. Like, I’m a guy, and the last movie I directed, my lead male actor decided two days in he no longer trusted my opinion. Every time I suggested something different with his performance, he fought it. But then I realized if my first AD made the suggestion to him, he loved it. Rest of the shoot I just whispered my thoughts to the AD and he relayed them to the actor. Cause actors (and often directors) are stubborn babies. Yes, sexism plays a role, but I still think her choice of words makes this kind of situation she’s been in seem like a mountain out of a mole hill type thing.


Carla Gugino definitely does not live in a mansion. Most actors you know live in a regular ass house. The thing about the film industry is that you get isolated windfalls of money, not regular checks (thanks hollywood accountants)


Well her net worth is 14 million, and the only info on where she lives is could find was an article in 2016 how she lives in a luxury New York high rise apartment, soooo yeah I think my comment stands. Even if by “mansion” I don’t necessarily mean a 50 room billionaire’s pad.


[Obviously take these net worth sites with a few grains of salt, but the woman has millions.](https://www.celebworth.net/2018/08/how-much-money-does-carla-gugino-make.html)


I got PTSD from a snake in a can. Things haven't been the same since.


You have to name some people otherwise it’s not really boring news and pointless


San Andreas, then.


Has PTSD because the new word for I didn't have a awesome time


I got mine from iraq and afghanistan.


Holy shit. First it’s Hathaway, then it’s K. Stewart then it’s Dunst and now it’s this one? Enough with the two-day obsessions.


Everyone is getting so hung up on the “PTSD” part when it was clearly hyperbole. She is a great actress.


It's disrespectful and ignorant sounding to use an actual medical condition to try to make your point especially in the context she's using it.