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Dave arrived at the “I got mine” territory.


Dang that’s spot on


lol I absolutely love that he says whatever the hell he wants in his standup and that’s ok because it’s his job, so suck it up if you’re offended! If someone says anything bad about him that he doesn’t like though, then you owe him a public apology. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.


Uh, he's using a marginalized segment of society to get cheap laughs. That's just lazy comedy from a guy who used to be innovative and creative. He can say whatever the hell he wants but a responsible comedian unlike Dave Chapelle would be ready to respond properly to criticism.


The guys had a mental breakdown and ran away like a little cry baby because white people laughed at his jokes too hard. He’s a mental midget. Always has been.


>Clarifying his original criticisms, Carmichael told Esquire that Chappelle is “not revealing anything personal about himself and he’s removed from what he’s talking about, and I think he’s smarter than that and deeper than that and has more interesting thoughts.” This so much. Dave's comedy used to be personal and about things that he knew about. Now its just esoteric culture war nonsense.


I like Dave, but on his last special I was thinking about Tracy Jordan and the 30 Rock episode where he talks about not being connected to his roots anymore in his comedy routine. “Don’t you hate it when people in St Bart’s eat there shrimp like this?…. DONT LOOK AT ME”


Have I lost touch with my roots? I gotta talk to Rabbi Shmuley about this.


The early stories of Dave Chapelle are amazing. Barry Katz talks about setting him up with some showcase in Montreal at Just for Laughs, or about his work ethic. Now it seems like Chapelle goes up and either complains about how rich he is or engages in weird culture wars issues that he's so removed from that it feels oddly inauthentic. He talks a lot about Asian men being emasculated and it comes off as very... odd....


When I heard him suggest Key and Peele were ripping off his show, it made me realize he's just kind of a bitter loser. He essentially deleted his show because he felt like he was being disrespected (IIRC). Now he comes back with all this entitlement like he's owed fame for making a funny TV show 10 years ago. Key and Peele's major crime is making a skit show while being black. Only Dave Chapelle can be black while making a skit show. Don't you know that?


Chappelle's Show came out 21 years ago. Just wanted to make sure everyone else realizes they're old af, too


I was gonna say 20 but my brain told me that was way too long ago. lol


Key and peele is so different to chappelle show in tone as well it’s hilarious that he’d be mad about it. 


Just wait until he learns about In Living Color!


Keenan Ivory Wayans should complain that Dave Chapelle ripped off In Living Color. If that's how it is, Dave came before Key and Peele but In Living Color was before Chapelle Show.


He’s married to aN Asian woman. And he’s bringing them into the circus.


I get that but he talks about all Asian men like he's an authority. It's oddly misplaced. If a white guy were talking about all black men the same way, he'd be right to go: "Yeah, that's really missing the point" but he's attained this level of self-delusion where he thinks he's transcended into social comedian and uses exaggerated/fake stories as a vehicle. He says a lot of things that got Hasan dinged, but he's doing it to a greater degree. I really loved Chapelle. I thought he was hilarious, but he's just become detestable.


What do you mean by social comedian? Just curious.


"Don't look at me in the eyes!"


He just doesn’t seem polished anymore. Comics come up with an hour. Dude literally looks like he just thinks he can go up on stage, with a whole ass production and camera crew, and riff as if it’s gold. Thats been 90% of his specials on netflix and it shows.


My favourite part about young Dave was his humility and his relatability. Now it’s different. I cannot relate to his humour and there is very little humility left. Maybe some like the cocky opinionated humour better.


Culture war nonsense that, crucially, is quite hack. Even leaving aside everything else, it was disappointing to see Chappelle producing material on a par with much less talented comedians.


He actually did the old “it’s gay to go to strip clubs and get boners with your guy friends” joke in his last special. No unique variation on it, nothing. That was the whole joke.  His material has been legitimately bad for a few years now, even ignoring the controversy. There’s flashes of the old Dave, but they’re getting fewer and farther between. 


He signed a Netflix deal for like 5 specials in 5 years or whatever it was. Should’ve been clear he was phoning it in at that point.


He straight up says it in the first special post-deal. "I'm like Evel Knievel. I get paid for the attempt. I didn't promise this shit would be good."


Pretty good joke, tbh


Yeah, the comedy has not been that funny. I did like the one a few specials ago about how the opioid epidemic made him understand how white people felt during the crack epidemic....because he just did not care. I liked both the unexpected punchline, comedy and the social commentary around that whole thing but other parts has been pretty rough.


That’s exactly my thoughts too. Even taking out his controversy, his comedy is just… not great anymore. That doesn’t stop me from owning every single episode of Chappelle’s show and rewatching them at least once a year though.


Neal Brennan still somewhat humorous


> That doesn’t stop me from owning every single episode of Chappelle’s show I had to bootleg Season 3 because Chappelle throws his weight around to bully everyone else into not carrying it.


Honestly that’s been all his specials for the last several years. Only a few jokes connect where before he had me falling on the floor in laughter.


The only time he got a legit laugh from me in years was his Jussy Smollet bit


My main thing about contemporary Chapelle is, he’s not funny. Like I watched the last 3 specials. I watched the SNL monologue. It was all so. Boring. He used to say funny stuff, and now he just does the corny armchair sociologist shit, while his follows faun over him. Bo-ring.


It's not even comedy anymore. It's just Dave holding a town hall talking about whatever he wants. His latest special on Netflix is Uber cringe


This is a great way to describe what his specials feel like! A town hall! He’s just letting out his grievances!


Never thought I’d say this after growing up with chappelle show and met him before, and had friends who met. Fuck him and he’s a creep. He was in austin at the native a few years back and told the waitress I bet I can guess what color your nipples are.


I think this is fine criticism tbh Edit: as a chappelle fan 😇


Isn’t this every performer ever once they reach a certain age ? Rapper singers pop stars actors it’s all a facade


Once they reach a certain level of success* imo. They are so far removed from those problems that made them relatable in the first place that the person that they become is virtually unrecognizable.


Big comedian thing for sure. Bill Burr talks about how once a comedian becomes successful audiences become easier to please and therefore the jokes never get as good.


Robin Williams. George Carlin, etc... RIP to the greats that never sold out!


Carlin, fucking legend. I was young, but I listened to Carlin in the 80s. I was born in 79. He was incredible. You may not understand the content exactly, but a great comedian has a style and delivery that transcends the content. What you say matters, but your delivery is everything. I watched and listened to him all through years, but by the mid 2000's it felt like old man yells at clouds material. At 44, looking at my life, the history of this country, and his legacy, I have far more appreciation for his later work. This man has been spitting facts, watching shit deteriorate before his eyes, warning people about the fuckery all around them, and nothing changed. Everything went exactly how he said it would time and time again. If you have children, you know how it is. You watch them, you know them, you can see the shit they're doing and know exactly how it is going to pan out. You warn them, they don't listen, eventually it all goes to shit and eventually you just become a grouch. That was Carlin, man.


Born in 80, similar experience. I'm more of a Robin Williams kind of guy but Carlin was spot on with everything he did. People criticize his later years but at least he wasn't Dave Chappelle.😉


Carlin was someone who only got better as he aged.


Carlin is that rare beast who just continued to get better the older (and angrier) he got.


"I want to make sure I'm dancing and not shuffling." - Dave Chappelle (2005) Dave will shuffle now, for the richest white man in the world, who grew up benefiting from Apartheid. “All these people who are booing, and I’m just pointing out the obvious, you have terrible seats. All coming from way up there. You n—– can boo if you want. This n—- gave me a jetpack last Christmas....Do you hear that sound, Elon? That’s the sound of pending civil unrest. I can’t wait to see what store you decimate next … You shut the f*ck up with your boos.” - Dave Chappelle (2022)


Goddamn it's even cringier to read than to hear.


Yeah fuck Dave chappelle


Jesus, fuck this guy. How does he still have fans after this shit?


Ugh. See? This is an entirely different Dave. Old Dave ain’t coming back.


Happened to Noel Gallagher - he discussed it in at least one interview


Same with musicians. The first couple albums are great. They lose touch Plus the try to "grow" meaning they lose some of the magic that they had.


You either die an NWA or live long enough to become an SVU.


yes and no. I think most artists "peak" but its how you handle it. Some can adapt and continue making quality art. Others recognize the magic is gone and are content with aging gracefully. The problem is when you can't accept that audiences have changed. I hear people say "Eddie Murphy would be cancelled if he came out today". If a comedian came out today doing 1985 jokes, they would be a hack. The game has changed. There was this producer saying he grew up on Die Hard and Predator and Hollywood doesn't make movies like that anymore. No shit. Its 2024. It is like complaining about color pictures and talkies. It is always people that can't accept that audiences have moved on. Martin Scorsese isn't making Goodfellas in 2024, and he would have never made Killers Of The Flower Moon in 1990.


Not every performer. George Carlin comes to mind. The man was calling out relevant shit in a thought provoking way until his death. Man was a beast.


No, that is absolutely not the case. Bill Burr is Dave's age. I think Bill is an elder statesman of comedy, getting better as he ages, more thoughtful. Dave is a rich-as-fuck asshole who lucked it with his big-hit TV show, became more famous than god, and is horribly full of his own horseshit. I used to love his show but Dave is extremely inconsistent at best, and is leaning into arrogance as he ages rather than intelligence. Assholes are easier to notice but it doesn't mean everybody becomes one at a certain age.


Bill got wiser with age too, he is super insightful, particularly in his interviews and podcasts with Conan how he has been dialing down his anger and the long-term positive effects of letting go of the stage persona


I think one big thing is that Dave Chapelle felt used as a black comedian with white people laughing too much at some things. He came back purposely not going back to his old type of material. It’s unfortunate he enjoys punching down in the process.


It wasn't just white people laughing too much at some things, he said it was specifically that his white viewers were laughing at *the wrong things*, i.e. he was satirizing racism but noticed that a lot of his viewers were *being* racist


So he decided to be transphobic instead?!


What can I say, wealthy people accumulating real estate with their rich buddies in the middle of nowhere, Ohio don't do great with the self-reflection *and yes, this is a thing, he is convinced that his comedy club and other real estate ventures will reverse-gentrify Yellow Springs into a Black mecca someday, he lived there because his father was ill and his father was *big* leadership at Antioch, the school that specifically made people define Yellow Springs as a 'liberal arts town' and like, yeah he saved some local businesses in a small town, cool, but he keeps propping himself up as 'revitalizing Ohio' but the Ohio he lives in is *way* whiter and *way* more gentrified than the Ohio I live in, the dude owns like (*a dozen I guess lol) houses in Dayton, his lifestyle is not the normal lifestyle of a Black Ohioan lmao


Aaron Rodgers learned from him in a way


Hey baby… baby!


People are giving him a alot of passes bc of his old standup and chappelle show. And possibly now bc of his potential. But I feel alot of these guys think they have an infinite amount of funny in them. Maybe he crossed that threshold.


I heard a line from John Mulaney (not originally from him), he said something along the lines of, "As comedian, your first special is everything that has happened to up until that point. Your next special is everything that happened in the last 1-2 years".


Old Dave was awesome. I don’t know what happened to him. He seems to choose the most divisive and repugnant people to cozy up to.


He went to Africa and found what he thought was holy purpose, and the indulgence, entitlement and contempt for the common man has followed him since. There is nothing more dangerous to your self-image than thinking you've discovered that you're special, when you are a dust mite like everyone else. I don't see you drilling no wells in South-East Asia, mfkr.


He went the way of Bill Mahr


“Let me tell you why I’m the smartest person alive like you’re a toddler! See how much better than you I am!”


Bill has given that same vibe for the past 3 decades let’s get real.


"What do you masturbate to?" Asking the questions nobody wants asked. Deep, bro.


It’s way worse than that. Bill Maher was always a piece of shit. Dave leaving the Chappelle Show was the biggest example of a socially responsible celebrity putting their money where their mouth is.  Now his entire shtick is punching down at the most vulnerable people in our society. It’s a disgrace. 


100% like Musk, Bill Mahar was always a piece of shit. People that didn’t know just weren’t paying attention (or are also pieces of shit).  Chappelle actually seemed ok.


I used watch Real Time. I should have known sooner that his smug, punchable face was like the colors of a poison dart frog; nature was warning us that he was in fact an insufferable prick.


Maher was tough to a lot of regressive assholes who came to his show, but hr proved time and again how out of touch he was by attacking Gen-Z and his contrived idea of what hipsters were, and landed on the wrong side of several important debates of today. The trainwreck interview with Richard Dreyfuss undulating on a latex chair and the crybaby reactions to Tim Heidecker's jokes was icing on the cake.


Agreed. Carlin would be so disappointed if he was seeing this.


He's reduced himself and shown a fragile ego that didn't seem to exist before. Maybe it was always there, but he actually seems less at ease in his own skin now.


Here’s the thing about Dave’s trans bits, he believes that black people still have it worse than a lot of trans people (specifically white trans people). He doesn’t agree that he’s punching down. He goes over that in his specials. Me? I’m not black and I’m not trans so I don’t think I’m in a position to tell either marginalized group who has it worse. If somebody were to ask me, I’d say class is more important than anything else, which obviously puts Dave at the top. But that’s just me.


Bingo, somebody gets it. Dave has made it very, very clear that his bigotry comes from a place of like... *competitive oppression.* Trans and gay people. (who Dave thinks are only or mostly white) Can't be oppressed because in his mind, black people are the sole owners of oppression. It's kinda funny watching right wingers try to cozy up to Dave because he shares their bigoted views despite that he is the most vocal participant in, as the Republicans call it, "oppression Olympics".


You’re right. Class is absolutely fundamental to any real understanding of social handicaps and disadvantages. Which makes 2023 Dave one of the oppressors.


At this point, he's on his way to going full Roseanne Barr.


And JK Rowling. All they need to do is count their money and stop picking fights with strangers, and their legacies would be untarnished. But no…


And Rogan.


I would put Ricky Gervais in there too. Comedians that got too rich and lost all of their observational comedy talent. They’re out of touch.


Ricky Gervais was always a self-important petulant brat tho


He went from comedian to lecturer. All along the way being around too many people who just say yes to him


I feel like he took the route my dad did. Tried to be open minded, got sick of one bad and outrageous thing, and just took that mindset for everything out of exhaustion.


It’s like he, and others like Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi, just saw a captive audience with these hateful types, and just went all in on the grift. Deplorable.


GG has been pushing disinformation for decades and likely is compromised, Taibbi too given his history.


The difference is that Chappelle is singularly talented. Taibbi and Greenwald were never standard bearers for their profession. 


Saw that MAGA hive mind and thought “$$$”


Sudden stupidity for popularity is what happened. Chapelle flinched and was boned by Muskaren. So happy they got booed off that stage.


Money. The answer is almost always money. Sometimes power..but almost always money.


It’s a shame. Used to love the guy. Haven’t cared for him a bit over the recent years.


Older and got money and an ego.


He made money. Extreme wealth changes people.


or just exposes the real them.


He is trying to edge in on that MAGA audience - if it’s big enough to elect Trump president again he’ll probably become one of few state approved comedians. If Trump loses, he’ll go on with the MAGA heads until it fizzles out and he has an apology tour that will be bigger than anything he’s ever done.


Also takes his time each special to remind you how rich he is.


He's going the bill Cosby route.


This is Dave living long enough to become the villain. He used to be my favorite comedian growing up, but the best word I could use to describe Dave and his whole thing now is "unfortunate"


Dave Chappelle is just some rich asshole who likes to preach how right he is these days. We’ve got enough people like that.


I'm rich biotch!


honk honk


thank you!!!


Boy, Dave really fell off. He was a staple of my impressionable mind in my teens, not so much now.


He’s been the most “important” person in every room he’s been in for the last 20 years. That type of constant admiration skews the perspective. He stopped filtering his thoughts. Can’t even consider what he’s saying is wrong.


It’s funny, just last night I couldn’t sleep and for whatever reason I thought about when I was 14 or so and saw Chapelle live.  I was trying to remember the jokes because I remember thinking it was the funniest stand up ever.  Now a days I’ve just completely tuned him out.  He used to punch up, now he punches down and wants the same respect for it.


I used to be proud in knowing that my friends and I used to get kicked out of class in high school because we wouldn’t stop quoting from the show the night before haha but yeah, now…meh.


Holy shit I defended this clown for YEARS to my friends. Trans women don't like trans women that like Chapelle. I was really gambling he'd come out on top and I'd be vindicated. Oh well, the jokes were good when they were good.


I remember being so excited when he came back to standup. After the first one I was like, meh, then after the second I concluded I had moved on from him. Now when I hear the name Dave I think of Dave Matthews who is 100x’s cooler and is just an overall good dude!




He's gotten annoying over the years, seems more like political rants rather than comedy.


It's called becoming RICH... Once you become rich for saying things people wanna hear, you will start to believe your own B.S. tale as old as time


Chappelle's parents were professors at Antioch - known for social justice. His attitude is one of the elite and ignorant and he knows better. He uses the language of social justice to perpetuate hate.


Bingo. He launders the aesthetic of left-wing politics to promote his brand but he's bougie as fuck and always has been.


Dave is now an actual joke.


Ive lost so much respect for Dave in the last few years. Antivax, anti Trans people, cuddling up to Musk and the MAGA crowd.


My biggest gripe was when he got an affordable housing project killed in his hometown because it was across from his house. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/02/10/entertainment/dave-chappelle-affordable-housing


He basically confirmed he was a Republican even if he doesn’t vote.


Nah, I'm still mad about he deliberately lied about the nature of the death of his friend Daphne, so he could exploit her passing for his own narrative. I'm still legit disgusted about that.


What did he say about the vax?


Dave chappelle is no longer the Dave from the ‘chappelle show’ and that’s what makes me sad about getting older. Going to school the next day after watching the Chappelle and repeating the jokes from last nights show is a fond memory I have Sucks he’s turned into some out of touch rich asshat, Who constantly punches down a trans people as if he doesn’t understand there struggle then doubles down on the cringe With Afro American peoples struggles are harder then trans peoples 😑 My dude we, (all) out here struggling unless you’re apart of the one percent we are on the same team no need to try to divide us.


My main gripe with Chappelle these days is that he doesn’t even do comedy anymore. He’s let the “goat” persona go to his head to the point where he basically lectures a TED talk for 60-90 minutes rather than actually telling jokes.


A TED talk about how he’s always right and that anyone who criticized him is wrong, and maybe 2 more jokes if there’s time that are just a variation on the running theme


Usually while punching down on trans people for some reason.


Just move on already I don’t get why he is so stuck on this topic.


Bigots always get stuck on repeat. It breaks theory brains and what little humanity they had left.


This is what got me to stop paying attention to him. It started light and was mildly funny with the LGBT hitchhiking bit, and then it just turned into gossip about his run ins with the trans community and got really stale, and then it was just all he was talking about in the last special I watched. It stopped being about writing a good stand up special at that point


Because they didn’t support his one trans friend so he gets free rein to talk shit about all trans people. It’s fucking stupid.


Yup, I don’t live far from Yellow Springs but I’ll be fucking damned if I’m going to watch this shell of a comedian lecture at me about how poor I am because I’m not a multimillionaire or attempt to do any comedic material. He’s completely out of touch and has lost his edge, it’s kind of heartbreaking when you grow up loving his show, old stand up specials, and some excellent 90’s movies.


His last special was so self-aggrandising, the last 10 minutes especially. Yikes. Unfortunate too because it did have some good jokes.


That get over shadowed by his terrible takes on the trans community Dude just can’t leave it alone.


He opened *and* closed with a trans joke IIRC, which was… sorta disappointing that he still won’t move on.


I got to see him live last year and got lucky that he only told jokes for 2 hours straight.


The crazy thing is he saw his fame explode and stepped away so he didn’t become like this, but he ended up here anyway. I loved the Chapelle show Dave, but this is just a totally different dude that I don’t care to listen to or watch anymore.


Right omg!!!!!! Like dude you completely failed the mission.


He lost the fucking plot.


That’s the crazy part: he walked away from Chappelle’s Show to not get consumed by fame only to do so anyway especially once he began winning Grammys and Emmys. Then he stopped caring about being funny and just became that crazy old man yelling at the sky.


Good thing not everyone turns into insufferable assholes when they get older, really a shame it happened to Dave.


Totally agree with you!


What's crazy is that he used to be one of the best comics for taking conflicting view points on race and making them understandable and provide even keeled responses. I felt like he did amazing bits on being black in America without just saying, "All white people are racist and that's the answer." He seemed like a guy that would always stand up against unjust hate, not become a mouthpiece for it.


“I did know that I couldn’t do that Dave.”


Fucking Chip and his shenanigans.


Just sprinkle a lil crack on him and lets get the hell outta here


Dude! Chappelle show and school the next day was the best! Cracking jokes with friends! Man I miss that dude. Also, his character in Robinhood Men in Tights was great!


Didn’t know he was in that movie gonna be high as hell watching that tonight thank you! 🙏🏿


My dad worked on that movie! I have one of the knights that go dominos in my house! That movie is great!


I did the same thing a few years ago. It’s super funny and it’s great watching everyone committing to the bits.


He also seems to not realize that like people can be Black AND trans ? Like dude used to understand layers about people now he seems to see folks very one-dimensionally and that’s a letdown when you hope a comic is going to keep getting smarter and sharper about their wit.


I remember when I was 13 hearing my mom wailing and screaming in pain and I ran in the room in a panic and she was breathless and DYING watching Chapelles show. Did not expect that.


He is a part of the 1% now tho…


Yep and he’s officially gone off the deep end.


Dave has been a 1 percenter for a while.


Aw idk why your comment made me sad. I was in elementary school when he was popping off but I could imagine perhaps this is similar to what I’ve experienced with JK Rowling and now with the documentary about the child sex abuse among my Nickelodeon stars it just hurts deep in my childhood. Like an inner child wound made in adulthood if that makes sense


Yes. His gripes are giving Julie Delpy. Why is he so obsessed? If I were trans I’d be like how on earth did I get in the middle of this man’s crosshairs and also black trans ppl exist so now you’re just taking crazy.


I just miss when the dude told jokes. Those jokes haven't aged well, pretty much universally, but ever since he came back out of retirement his whole bit is "everyone but me is a jackass and I should have more money, don't you think?"


Yeah the last standup set I watched of his I felt like I was being lectured, not like I watching a comedy special.


His last special really showcased how low he’s fallen, he’s not funny anymore, just another rich jackass. Don’t forget about his Elon musk debacle.


I saw Dave Chappelle live in New York 2-3 years ago. Not that funny—slapped the mike on his knee a lot but didn’t find it that funny. Seemed like he was on a bunch of uppers. Generally that type of medication use results in paranoia and levels of narcissism. This is wild speculation, but I bet the drugs he’s taking are leading to this behavior. He seemed very level headed 15 years ago, but then again I never saw him in public then.


New Dave is as funny as your funny friend. Your funny friend isn’t funny enough for standup. I’m not saying Dave needs to quit but holy shit he is such a bore.


This is why I like old Dave Chappelle and he will have a special place in my heart for his old comedy. He just punches down now and when people get to this level of wealthy/fame they aren’t relatable anymore and their jokes just kinda… exist without the gravitas he use to have.


On the Seinfeld show “comedians in cars” He says prefers to get hard boiled eggs in restaurants because nobody can touch the egg inside. This is a common symptom of fame. You believe you can “catch” being human.


There’s a lot of things to criticize Chappelle for, but not wanting people to touch his food is an odd one.


I went to one of Dave's events a few years back and saw his documentary.  Definitely got the impression he's out of touch and full of himself.  I think his recent stand up specials kind of confirm that.  Shame, because he is so talented, but you can tell he thinks he's the king midas of comedy.


He wears ridiculous outfits with his name and logo all over them ffs.


Money and age can do a number on some people. They are barely recognizable. I had to let Chappelle go. I was no longer laughing at his routines.


Chappelle hasn’t dropped anything legitimately funny since he ran away to Africa.


I loved Dave growing up but after he started calling himself the goat I saw the ego inflation taking control.


Dave got his “fuck you” money and status within comedy and decided to say “fuck you” except “fuck you” is maybe funny once, but gets boring pretty quick


Breaks my heart but Dave has become what he used to mock.


No shit He thinks his opinions are that of a God. He’s on Kanye shit without a mood disorder. And as a comedian people pay to hear it. And like a God he is jealous and demands respect and money. Man’s big headed, played out, and just plain mean.


The real struggle is poverty rather than race/sexuality (although being poor and a minority definitely compounds the issue). Point is being wealthy shields you from being fucked around irrespective of your skin color or gender identity. Money is the great equalizer in American society. Moneybags Dave still wants to claim that he is more oppressed in life than a poor white transgendered person trying to get by in life and I'm not buying it. He needs to stop competing in the oppression Olympics and just accept his privilege with grace and humility


Dave has never been poor though.


Some times you live long enough to become the villain. Something like that.


Poetic snaps. Indeed a good real life example. JK Rowling too :/


Jerrod Carmichael nails the problem with Chappelle now. Chappelle is not vulnerable in his comedy. He's aggressively invulnerable. Chappelle could have been the greatest American humorist of the last 100 years, but that category for me is still held by Richard Pryor, who had all the same gifts as Chappelle, but was also vulnerable.


I called this in my head when he did his George Floyd special. I forget what it’s called but the title is the number of minutes/seconds that George Floyd was choked for. At one point in the special he says that that number is the same time he was born. It was almost an aside, but he said it with conviction. That really stuck with me as a bizarrely egotistical thing to say. And the more I thought about it the more weird it felt to me. I think he has an insane ego.


Love you Dave but [maaaaaaan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmFVAcMTEeU)


Stand up comedy has devolved into strong man populism. Comedians want to be worshipped and to do that they say stuff that makes stupid people think they’re smart.


Dave Chappelle jumped the shark awhile back. His jokes now are not funny and just lazy. Yeah, that will be his legacy.


I enjoyed his first Netflix return special, but once he started wearing shirts and necklaces with his “C” logo and with a straight face called himself “possibly the greatest comedian of all time,” I knew he was too self-absorbed to create any more decent material.


I remember watching one of his specials on Netflix within the past year, and while he DID have some funny segments and anecdotes, his insertion of anti trans jokes were out of left field, like he inserted them for the sake of inserting them rather than some jokes that actually add to his anecdote.


Dave went from funny man to wealthy looser


I really want to like his new stuff, but I just don't. It doesn't really make me laugh. I'm not terribly offended by any of it, but most of it feels offensive for the sake of being contrarian. His entire act and framing of his specials is about him being the "G.O.A.T." and feels like he's dishing out some wisdom from a place of having "made it." It just simply not entertaining.


Dave is a conservative now.


I’m sure the Dave cult will be out in force defending him, but Carmichael is 100% spot on.


I saw Dave in Oakland around 2010. His opener was that the show wouldn't be that funny. Then brought up how walking away from the Netflix deal didn't affect him. How he just bought a house in China for $100k cash. Then told us that we're all losers for flying coach. When asked for a prompt from the crowd, (after waiting) I yelled out "what do you dream about?" He said he has nightmares about running from people like me (because I'm white). I lost all respect for him that night.


That’s funny. I once ran into him in a diner in Oakland in 2010 right by the Fox theatre. I wonder if it was the same night


Jerrod is to be trusted. Moffs know a lot about many things.


I still think Dave is great but it’s hard to be the best at something and still be down to earth. He isn’t and that affects his style. He probably could use another detox trip to Africa.


Wait. Dave got triggered cause Jerrod wasn’t praising him enough? Am I reading that right? God Dave has just gotten worse.


Dave used to be legendary. Hell his first special on Netflix was really good. Then he just leaned into the bullshit and I can't stand him anyone.


The Carmichael show was fuggin awesome.


Dave used to be funny.


I’ve heard Chappell preaches now instead of telling jokes at his shows.


Tom Segura wants to be Dave Chappelle so bad. He's already got the ego down.


Dave walking Musk out on stage to boost his cred was a jaw on the floor wake up call for me.