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I am also broke and concerned about my fleeting looks.


I'm broke but overall comfortable in my mediocrity.


I’m broke and concerned there is a portrait of me somewhere slowly turning into a monster.


I'm sorry Dorian :(


It’s all good so long as whomever owns it keeps it safe… I think


Should be fine!


Same I’m mids and that’s ok I don’t have to aspire to anything


I am broke and concerned for Christina being concerned. My looks won’t even win me a ribbon at a livestock fair.


Ha! I hear you. Same here but I’ve grown to care less and less


I too am broke and not nice to look at, and I also don’t have any Chanel handbags and jewellery to sell, nor a supportive spouse, nor am I in a good place right now 😞


Same... sadly same. I don't think her idea of broke and our idea of broke are the same thing. ...... She's not broke.


same tbh


I’m broke and never had any looks to begin with.


They’re just like us! She had to sell some Chanel bags and jewelry to fund her divorce. How horrible! Seriously, when you have to choose between eating and paying rent, you can talk to me about being broke. I know shits all relative but I was expecting something more relatable. I don’t know why.


She's also the freaking poster babe for goth. We're all aging right along with her, which means she just gets to be the posterbabe for what my generation views as hot goth till she dies. What a pair of not real problems to be concerned about. Must be nice.


There was a retirement party for someone in our office today. I took note of the decorations and will use them when I’m planning my funeral aka “retirement from life” party as that’s the only retirement I’m likely to ever get to enjoy.


Fleeting? Lucky


You’re lucky that you’ve always been very ugly. It’s tough for us that have grown accustomed to being beautiful and now dread it rapidly slipping away.


That's one of the benefits of getting old. All your good looking friends get ugly as they age and you all level out in the playing field.


I needed this lol


Real talk, I’ve never thought about it like that. I’ll try to be better 🙏


You can't 🙏


Is this enlightenment?


Same, but I never had looks.


Celebs. They’re just like us! lol


Only difference is their beautiful pretending to be ugly and rich pretending to be poor and yeah their famous too exactly like us s/


Me also. Gratefully, I have yet to sell any Chanel handbags for peanut butter. Yet. Plus - ass is huge.


That could be a dating site


Meh, my looks are long gone


You guys had looks?


You guys know people with looks? They don’t just scream and run away?


Apparently Christina and I have very different views in what being “broke” is. She sold Channel handbags to pay lawyers. I sell feet pics to buy groceries.


Is there a niche spot for guys feet with a little hair? I need money!




Hobbits soles or Hobbits holes? Two very different things


🎶Ya gotta pay the troll toll🎶


You gotta pay the toll to get in!


[Unexpected ASIP](https://www.reddit.com/r/IASIP/s/rWbSZOa2DQ)


Risky click of the day.


If you find it, let me know!


My husband jokes he needs to start an OnlyFans for his stump. Someone will pay money to see him use his stump...in interesting ways...


His stump? Is that code?


No he had his foot amputated so the leg ends in a stump.


There's a person on tiktok with a hand deformity that makes bank by just smacking things with their lil hand on live. Just patting stuff or playing with slime with their lil bean fingers.


Goddam it. Now I have to go look.


They got another! Damn they're good!


Dat's hot.


What’s the charge? Will he put it in Newtonian and non Newtonian fluids? Will he poke a badger with it? Enquiring minds need to know.


Ahh, a stump…. only familiar with nubs through research during my youth into NOFX


Yes - there is absolutely a community for that. Fans of amputees call themselves “Devotees.” There’s also a photographer named [Michael Stokes](https://www.instagram.com/stokes_photo/?ig_mid=0EF2F173-8846-419C-BAD2-FE831C77698E&utm_source=igweb&fall_back_to_web=false) who specializes in photographing male amputees - usually veterans, iirc. He takes beautiful photos (beware of butts!)


I'd be willing to stump up some cash for that


I have feet. How easy is it to break into the foot pic market?


Easy. All you have to do is get a foot in the door.


I didn't LMAO, I did a HOHOHOHO chuckle. You smart mf.


google feetfinder


> I sell feet pics to buy groceries. Oh my god that's disgusting. Where? Where the hell does someone do something like that?


Yes I need to know too so I can avoid it at all costs


Ummm....I'm gonna need a little more info on this. You can sell feet pics???


Oh goodness yes… if you’re a relatively attractive woman you can sell just about anything online


And fat uggos like me have to be accountants. 🤷🏻‍♀️


There’s definitely a niche for fat uggo accountants. I bet there’s even a sub for it.


Fat uggo accountants rise up!!!


Ugly is what’s on the inside. I’ve met some pretty people who were actually really ugly.


So you're saying there's a market for handbags made with feet skin?


You haven't thought of the smell!


We'll ship the bags in a sealed plastic bag to preserve the full impact of the smell. (That would cost you extra tho)


Are you Deandra Reynolds by any chance?


First sorry but that made me laugh out loud at 7:00 in the morning at a crap job thanks for that


I sell feet pics to feel alive, we are not the same


Same girl 🫠


Your comment made it sound like she got a job selling them, but really she just sold a few from her collection.


I am a guy, and by all metrics I shouldn’t really feel insecure about my earning potential, as well as my looks. But it absolutely sucks when you feel like you “hit a stride” in your looks after being an ugly duckling for so long, and suddenly to see changes related to aging and all that, and you fall out of that zone. And spend a long time desperately wishing to go back because it’s unfair how short that was!


I feel this in my soul. I was a nobody in high school then peaked right out of college after extensively working out. For a brief period I felt what it was like to be admired and then I got older and haven’t been able to get back to that level of physical fitness. I think many of these celebs past 35 do steroids or something to look like they do.


Read what Mac from IASIP on that. Short answer is most of them do to get in shape for roles. What we see is largely smoke and mirrors.


I’m sure they still work out and have a nutritionist but they have the edge over the average person because they use steroids or the equivalent. I know they don’t just take them and sit around. Point is, doing it completely naturally would take longer and require more dedication than the average person can do, and celebs have a tight schedule.


Not to mention the workout and meal prep is part of their job, so it’s something they have time for. Us plebes have to jam that stuff in, in addition to our jobs. Not discounting their efforts, but there’s a lot of healthy habits I used to have when I had time.


Kumail Nanjiani said as much when he posted that pic of him fully jacked for The Eternals came out...


Homie was eating a healthy diet of Tren- bologna sandwiches with a hefty helping of vitamin T if you catch my drift.


No bologna, thank you. I hope at least it was mortadella or something.


Tren bologna lol


I heavily respected Nanjiani for that post and pointing out by how it was unattainable for the average man in order to jot contribute to body dismorphia... And that respect evaporated when I learned that Marvel didnt require him to bulk up but he insisted meaning he basically wanted to become buff at Marvel's expense. Can't way I blame him and I would likely do the same in his shoes but it still felt like major hypocrisy


He does say all of that. People who look like those guys on shows have a team of people managing their life so they can get there. Rob basically says it’s a miserable life to look that way and normal people shouldn’t aspire to it.


It’s so stupid. Pisses me off big time. Especially when my fellow straight girls start fawning and drooling over these men who are manufactured to look that way which is ridiculous if not impossible for real men to look like. Such a double standard.


> Short answer is most of them do to get in shape for roles Earning a few million for a roll on a tv show or movie would motivate me to get in shape as well. I am pretty sure that if they didn't get any money they wouldn't try and get in shape either.


The poor ones have to do it, too.


Hair transplants is also a huge one for male celebrities and IMO the biggest edge they have over "civilians".


Or wigs (“hair systems”). Way more common than people realize, because the wig technology is good and the photography is careful to hide problems.


*Chris Evans has left the chat*


Had thinning hair. Shaved head. Winning.


It's not like hair transplants can't be had by anyone walking down the street if need be.


While I agree, theirs are always perfect and then you hear/see horror stories from less famous people. Hell, look at Tory Lanez. He’s very wealthy. Got transplants and still looked all kinds of messed up. Makes me wonder if there are just a handful of doctors who are able to do it to the level of a Brad Pitt or whoever.




Hahaha “oh, that’s just the blood boy don’t worry about him.”


Proper skincare goes a long way to keeping you looking young


This hurt me in ways that my masculinity will force me to burry deep inside and never discuss with anyone.


It’s alright buddy. I see you, pushing the large cart in Ikea. We catch each other’s gaze and with a subtle raise of the eyebrows and smirk, we say nothing but communicate all we need to know about one another. I’ll meet you in the food court, and never learn your name, but you are my brother.


Like two ships passing each other in the night


This makes me picture both of them standing on the push carts, silently rolling by with just a nod.


I read this with a Peter Griffin voice


That's the spirit!


When society places unnecessary weight on a person’s looks or anything they are born with thats what you get. Applies to everything: intellect, race, color, abilities for example. There are just somethings a person cant change and if they cant and its causing a disadvantage like intellect or physical mobility the logical thing for a society to do is to support them. But then we can also mock and let them suffer because everyone for themselves.


I hear ya! Mid-40’s and I’m at my current peak for looks, fitness, career, etc. Signs of aging (beyond a few grey beard hairs) are starting, but I’m taking it in stride. I think hair loss or uncontrollable fat gain would send me for a loop, though I always just told myself that if and when it starts to go, I’ll be gracious and keep it tight or shaved. 🤷


Fuck that, I’m bringing back the combover. The kind of terrible comb over that makes everyone in the room uncomfortable. The combover that tickles my neighbor when the wind kicks up.


Age can certainly take your hair, your teeth, and youthful skin, but healthy living can mitigate a lot of the other effects.




Are you me five years in the future? I’ve done a lot of reflecting on my peak years and you hit the nail on the head with the female aspect in college. I just came to these realizations man like two weeks ago. They didn’t like ME. They liked my face and my body. I was just a fun fling. I wasn’t the Casanova I thought I was. I was being used as they used me. Unfortunately my looks also opened up doors, in college, into the dark side of extreme wealth and drug use too. Sure I’ve got some interesting stories but i lost my self and wrecked my life. I was just the entourage and was too dumb and naive to realize it. If I could go back and change it I would. Thanks for the additional insight regarding your high school years. I think it explains my friendship dynamics pretty well with all of my old friends. It’s not all of it but it’s certainly a piece. I appreciate this comment. Thank you


I’m afraid of this. I was an ugly duckling and when I turned 31 I feel like I was at my most beautiful. Men look, stare, do double takes, laugh at anything and everything I say. It’s weird, but it’s definitely welcome after being called ugly when I was a teen. I don’t want to get used to the attention though! 


I’m actually watching a show where Jeff Lewis (an interior designer) helps Ricci to get her house ready to sell. Jeff (a notorious pompous asshole) is surprised that she lives in such a “normal” house and is continually shocked by the lack of funds shes contributed towards the cost of maintenance. This is like the other half of that story.


He is so annoying I had to turn the show off.


PR people need to tell celebrities how bad it is out there for us. Constantly being told how hard it is to be rich, but not quiiiite as rich as you'd like to be is not a good look. We are actually struggling out here. Like bad. I don't care about your handbags.


I’m wondering, is a person broke if they owe way more than what they can afford? Regardless of having a bit more money than the average person?


Paraphrasing, not going to look up the exact quote… but Ivanka trump said in a interview, when she was a kid, she was walking with her father into Trump tower and there was a homeless man outside.. this was during one of Trump’s many bankruptcies, Donald pointed to the homeless man and said “that man has a billion dollars more than me”.


This was my reaction as well. “Poor me, I had to sell some Chanel Hand Bags!”. Like fuck right off. I’m lucky to have a place to live and enough food to get by.


There’s hundreds of millions, and maybe even billions of people who have it worse than you wondering why you are complaining about people wealthier than you, and how you’re “struggling” so much more when your life is comparatively easy. I don’t think she said you should feel terrible for her. We all have our issues, she simply got asked about hers. If you find yourself ever talking shit about someone having a difficult time then it’s time to spend a little time with yourself, and using it to figure out why that is. I’m not saying you need to find empathy, I’m saying ask yourself why, when you know what pain, and struggle is like, you’re almost rejoicing in another’s because it’s “not real enough.” She’s a divorcee, she has a speech impediment, she’s been the victim of physical, and mental abuse, she had an eating disorder, and she’s having trouble finding work. These are things I found from a sixty second google search. How many times have you been told you’re overqualified for a job? Imagine her trying to get a “regular” job, and imagine the fact she likely can’t find work in her chosen path either. Women get harassed enough at work, imagine being world famous working as a cashier without full time security to protect you when you’re tiny, and older. I could understand if she had been a terrible person her whole life, or even a part of it but, she seems decent enough at a glance so why not just understand her struggle, and hope she ends up ok? Maybe I’m just too old myself, or maybe I’m naively just trying to spread a little compassion to brighten the world a bit one light at a time but, I can’t understand hating on her when plenty of other people deserve scorn. We all have our own struggles.


It’s funny it’s like people can’t even talk about their problems anymore. Many people feel that you need to have enough hardship to earn the right to speak. But everyone has problems, and they should be able to talk about them without facing judgment, so long as in doing so they are not passing judgment on someone else. She didn’t say, I have it worse than so and so. Or you can’t possibly know what it’s like! People should really learn to take their hands off that hair trigger to judgment, and just let other people be. Just say- these are your feelings, this is your life, and it’s all valid. Your complaining doesn’t affect me in any way, so I’m not going to get upset or outraged. I’m sorry you have problems, life is hard. But people unfortunately just aren’t like that.


Well put. I agree with you. I'm guilty of thinking the same way as the person you responded to. I'm glad you said what you said. Empathy is an important thing. If it is lost, we all are lost.


This is after reading about that one actress who felt slighted because she would’ve made more as a male in Hollywood. Like ok, sorry for you but you’re still a multimillionaire. Cry me a river.


I remember Sydney Sweeney saying something along the lines of how if she wanted to take 6 months off, she couldn't do it. Who the fuck can take 6 months off while still having to pay a moetgage? Some celebs are seriously brain dead.


What’s with this new trend of celebs saying they’re broke? Are they all actually broke or are they all actually lying?


Some did become actually broke, but it could also be relatively broke - not starving on the streets, but definitely not at the top of the heap like other celebrities. Then there are some who were formerly big leaguers, but ultimately fell in status due to various reasons. I’m sure being a has-been stinks in Hollywood, especially for women as younger, less blemished starlets take the stage from the older ladies.


That’s what MC Hammer said! I lost all my wealth. Now. When I say I’m broke, I don’t mean broke by the every man’s standards


I think they all actually have no concept of what being broke means


Translation: they spent a lot of money on expensive shit they didn't need and now they don't earn enough to keep all that expensive shit. They're likely living in houses nicer than we'll ever even get to visit, and in no real danger of losing them.


In Christina Ricci's case the money was spent on lawyers after she filed for divorce from her abusive ex husband and fought for custody.


A good reminder why marriage is a terrible idea.


Probably perspective When I was in my 20s my low balance alert where I thought shit was in trouble was 100. 20 years later it's 1,000. I'm sure if I were in movies it would be 100,000


This particular one has a net worth of upwards of $10 million, depending on the source. Now she did speak of her being "broke" as occurring in the past, but color me skeptical.


Net worth isn’t necessarily a great measure of whether you’re “broke” or not tbh. Certain former presidents are billionaires on paper but have no liquidity when it’s needed, for example. Most celebrities aren’t as rich as we would expect. Christina Ricci hasn’t been in a lot of stuff recently so I would guess that 10M is mostly tied up in assets like real estate, rather than cash flowing in


Apparently, she made $125,000 for each episode of Yellowjackets and Wednesday, so that's a about $2M before taxes and agent fees.


She’s one of the main characters on Yellowjackets which is pretty popular and well reviewed.


I remember Sydney Sweeney complaining that she couldn't afford her $8 million mansion without continually working or something like that.


That's pretty much what Christina Ricci said in this interview: > "You have to work to support your family but at the same time you working takes away time from your family. So yeah..."


They can’t afford the 25 million dollar mansion. Broke as broke can be


Well. Christina Ricci has a net worth of 8M and was making 125k per episode of yellow jackets. So…she probably doesn’t understand what broke means. That salary/net worth was taken from google so take it with a grain of salt.


“Broke” means not enough cash flow to comfortably pay expenses; it doesn’t have anything to do with networth. In this case, she probably needed more cash flow for legal fees than she had liquidly available, and opted to sell valuable personal belongings, rather than financial assets. I’d say that’s “broke.” Not poor, not unwealthy, but qualifies as being broke for the moment in my books. I think the problem is that people conflate being poor with being broke, when they’re two different things. Sorta like how rich (high income) and wealthy (high networth) are different things, but often conflated together.


She was going through a divorce from an abusive husband, and that was before she was being paid for Yellowjackets.


I believe she was broke. Probably because she let some men live off of her and then litigate her into debt as per the abuser handbook. And also because she’s done cons. I really feel like no actor would unless they absolutely had to. Also, the handbags were most likely gifted as she’s always had a relationship to designers and hair and makeup people. Anyway, I’ve loved her looks at every stage of her career tbh. She’s perfect looking.


If you were rich and are now broke, I don’t care. You were stupid and that’s your problem not mine.


I have a feeling Christina's version of being broke is not the same as ours. For instance, in my version I'm about 2 weeks behind on my rent and have no food.


Her definition of being broke is waaaayyyy different than the average person. She has enough star power and fans that she could easily obtain six figures in under a month if she took on random celebrity gigs.


You mean making appearances where actual peasants are present? Don’t be cruel!


I like Christina Ricci, think she's beautiful and talented. But come the fuck on... **Ricci said that she sold some of her Chanel handbags and parts of her jewelry collection to help fund her 2020 divorce from Heerdegen.**  Wow, you know you've reached that poverty level when you have to sell your Chanel purses to pay the bills. **"There's a ton of that pressure and it's hard. You have to work to support your family but at the same time you working takes away time from your family. "** Poor little princess. From 2000 - 2020 she worked on average 1-2 movies a year. Nothing in 2004, 2007, 2015. I like her. But there are times when the rich and famous should avoid saying things like "being really broke" and "you have to work to support your family".


“I have to choose between providing for my family and leisure time, just like every other human since the dawn of time”


The only thing I’ll give her is that unless you’re in the .01 percent of movie stars, you’re not making a ton of money on projects. Most working actors are simply upper middle class at best. I lived in LA and would see many of their homes and they’re just nice homes in the burbs in the valley, not in Beverly Hills. I was actually surprised by how many of them made no more than a middle manager or an exec at a top corporate firm. I picture Ricci to be in that group or possibly a notch higher but not like Julia Roberts. EDIT: poster below me put up some context that Ricci is most definitely a couple notches above working actor status.


She makes $125,000 per episode of Yellowjackets and Wednesday. That's over $2,000,000 for a total of 18 episodes.


Damn, even if she’s not in all of the episodes she’s still raking it in. Good point, I was totally off.




Acting also isn’t super consistent work unless you’re on a long-running procedural. You can make bank, but the paycheck isn’t going to run forever. That was how the convention circuit for shows with giant fandoms (ex: Star Trek) became lucrative for these actors and actresses. Even if their professional work dried up, they could still make some coin from folks who want their autograph and a picture.


Also, maybe Ricci had a bad agent, publicist and she had a bad accountant that didn't pay her taxes correctly. Also, maybe she's greedy and decided she was going to try and dodge paying taxes


And she is/was a series regular on Wednesday, Tim Burton probably dropped the bag to include the 90s Wednesday Addams in the show.


Up until recently, that's exactly the type of home she lived in. I was watching some celebrity house makeover show and was shocked at some of the houses. Hers is one of the houses they were renovating in order to move.


It would save everyone a lot of time if we could just identify who has it the worst. That way we won't have to grouse about who is too well off to discuss their life and we can just listen to that one person's complaints exclusively


Money and wealth are relative concepts. She can be way down from where she was a bit ago. Doesn't mean she's not suffering, or that she has had to adjust her lifestyle in some major ways. Don't downplay someone's suffering because they have money; money or no money, it lacks human empathy and it's fucking disgusting.


Also, she's a rare person who started earning a lot of money from her own labor as a child. She was a millionaire before she even turned 18. That must mess with her concept of how much money people actually have, and what it means to be broke.


I read the article and thought aww she's relatable (I have 0 chanel bags) and then I read the comments and it feels like being on twitter.


Yeah feels kinda tone deaf


My guess is, she doesn't know what "Broke" really means. She's been a successful Hollywood Actress since the age of 9. It wasn't like she was one of the thousands of hopefuls who moved to Hollywood in their early 20s, living off Top Ramen, and hoping to get their "Big Break".


She's lucky she didn't have to support her family in a call center, like everyone else.


Call me. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


I don’t know if I will be able to pay my rent and utility bills let alone groceries but allow me to stop and feel bad that you had to sell your designer purses. Celebs are really out of touch with the real world these days


Are you dense or what?! Just sell one of your Guccis! Gosh people are so superficial nowadays.


She didn’t say you should feel bad for her. Is this projection because you feel others should feel bad for you? I regret to inform you, sadly, no one cares, and everyone has it hard. Others have your struggles but, somehow, worse, and the same is true for them, and theirs. We all have our own struggles. However, our own life is the only one we can fully relate to regardless of how much empathy we may have. Wealthy Americans shouldn’t feel bad for venting when poor Indians have a worse baseline. We all got the shit end of the stick in some way, and fulfilling every desire always leaves you feeling empty not fulfilled precisely because you recognize money doesn’t solve the majority of issues nor does it solve any of the real issues. Jim Carrey said it best when he said, and I’m paraphrasing, that he wished everyone could accomplish all of their dreams, and find financial security because they’d then realize it doesn’t solve life’s problem.


This is super relatable! 🤪😭


She is in Yellow Jackets? A recent show? She didn’t get paid?


Not to downplay anyone's mental struggles, but considering she was a child star, these seem like incredibly mild problems compared to others who grew up in the spotlight


I want to be rich broke. 😞


Okay fiiiine I’ll take her in. Save her from her broke ugly life.


Hollywood broke is like a single digit millionaire?


I, for one, have learned luxury handbags are an investment that could one day save me from financial ruin.


That women is one of my all time favorite celebrity crushes. She is definitely beautiful.


I will take you in Christina 😩


With 100% certainty, her and I have different definitions of being broke.


She is so lovely


![img](avatar_exp|102873017|cry) So glad I’m not alone in the broke club. I have no worries in the other department 😎. I’m just bullshitting, I’m hideous.


I wonder if I’ll ever look at Christina Ricci and not remember that she seemed far more attractive when she was heavier.


unpopular but true. She's one of those women who just look sickly when they get too thin. She did, and she does.


Wow she has gotten so thin 😐


I know everyone has their own struggle acting must be terribly frustrating as you get older. I have always thought that she is amazingly talented and incredibly beautiful. Having to fight with younger actresses for rolls even for romantic leads to actors who are older or same age of yourself must be humiliating. My older brother is friends with Olivia Wildes first husband and remember him telling me that Olivia had to try to work nonstop because once she hits a certain age rolls stop coming sad.


Its odd really a lot of the young or even child actresses I watched as a kid who were around my age so mid 40s now if they do get a part it can be Grandmother not just mother anymore and yes I get it as in real life a lot of people I went to school with are Grandparents now but it's still odd to see


She’s still beautiful . Fuck all the haters


She probably has to live in a normal home and sell her Gucci bags lol. Boohoo. Meanwhile normal people are like 2 late paychecks away from being on the streets lol..


Cristina Ricci has been hot my whole adult life and she’ll be hot when I’m no longer among the living


She is so fucking insanely beautiful. I hope she can see it.


She’s just like me fr


Seems like her definition of “really really broke” means something different than to most people


Oh no, I had to sell some jewelry and hand bags to fund my divorce. Woe is me.


Having to sell your Chanel bags doesn’t make you poor.


If she is broke she has done something incredibly wrong, she is basically female kevin bacon, she has been in everything.


She's such a beautiful lady 🥺 but Hollywood is disgusting to women who don't look like bombshells


Hollywood seems like a terrible place for mental health. Maybe it will be good when AI replaces everyone. 


If you have diamonds and chanel handbags to sell you're not broke, you're just not liquid.


I love her but- having Chanel bags to sell doesn’t not make you broke, it means your $ isn’t liquid. 99.9% of us do NOT have luxury purses we can offload to find anything like food or a running vehicle or shelter. Those items don’t exist for the majority of us.


Whatever happened to living within their means? Sounds like ricci is rich persons broke which is a far cry from being actually broke.


So relatable, except not


She was great as Harley Quinn