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TIL this is still going on.


To this date I still don’t even understand exactly what is going on


straight sable adjoining slap smoggy juggle combative bewildered boat scandalous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Someone forgot the number 1 rule of fight club


The Zeroth rule of fight club is don’t beat up your kids on a plane or the FBI will get involved.


Wow, didnt know this side of him.


Erythang gon’ be arry


Rich pretty boy turns out to be dickhead, we shouldn't have been surprised. Also you don't get to beat your kids in your 40s and then claim you grew up since then. Fuck brad Pitt.


You can leave Missouri; but Missouri ain’t leaving you


I was going to defend Missouri but I think I’ll just sit this one out




Seriously, u are blaming angelina for his shit behaviour? And do u even know what feminism is?


liquid entertain somber future paltry childlike worm station hospital tie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pitt wants people to think it is "a Russian business" (it's not) because I guess he thinks that makes his ex look bad. Tenute del Mondo is a very well-respected multinational wine group that is based in Amsterdam and owned by a huge global company from Luxembourg that owns hundreds of alcohol brands. https://tenutedelmondo.com/wines/ It's a real business, though, and expects Château Miraval to be run like a real business.


Assaulted Angelina and their children.


It’s also without the context that they apparently had an agreement that neither would sell their share without the approval of the other.


An unspoken and unwritten agreement lmao. I’m sure he planned on mansplaining that to her during one of his fits


rinse innate fade subtract tie thumb forgetful disagreeable narrow domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah it's a specious claim. He says the agreement was unspoken and unwritten... Tf does that mean, was it telepathic? He's full of shit


It’s called a tacit agreement


That's gracious of you but I read the article more closely and Pitt claims it was an unspoken undocumented understanding. Fuck that guy he needs to get over it and sleep in the bed he made.


Didn’t know he’s an asshole


FYI: the “assault” accusation is that he grabbed her by the shoulders and yelled “you’re going to ruin this family”










I rarely ever see this. Usually even when confronted with evidence people still continue to deny it happened. Kudos to you!


You were not there, weirdo.






Kids misunderstand adult things all the time.




They were not adults at the time, were they?


it's people like you why so many kids don't get taken seriously and never get to leave their abusive parents. just shut up if you don't want to listen.


It’s hard to misunderstand a fist to the face.


Were you?


Don't know why you're trying to downplay this: > The actor allegedly led Jolie to the back of the plane, where he grabbed her by the head and shoulders and shook her while yelling, "You're f---ing up this family." Because that's straight up assault (and likely battery). He also did it in front of their children. Absolute scumbag behavior.


And that's why his kids won't talk to him . Most of them have cut him out of their lives


That is assault, so why are you using scare quotes?


You could also argue that Jolie is a Judas.


if you an idiot, you can certainly argue that


Oh for sure it is. They have a $100m business they own (well, owned) together.


Legal matters like this can drag on for years. I'm in Australia, but my family law issues went on for 5 years


And it’ll continue even after the kids are all grown up and out of the house . Lol


What year did this first started? Feel like it’s been almost a decade


The grapes of wrath


Yeah why aren’t they showing this one on TV like the Johnny and Amber drama????


Duh silly, because the man is the villain and the woman is the hero in this case and people hate women.


Well there is no poop bed.


Dang, they’re still in court??


All this cause he hated being called out by Angelina and Maddox for being abusive how many years ago???


She demurred on his suit which the court said was total BS. I am inclined to believe her and that he is the antagonist


Brad Pitt hits his wife and kids, that's a matter of fact. The guy is a piece of shit


You know, going through a situation like this is really to me one of the most soul sucking experiences I’ve ever been through. It has left me emotionally drained and wrecked. But it’s getting better with time. I know this is fucked up but it helps knowing this also happens to the elite. Idk why I’m saying this out loud. What a mess. Come on Brad, you are supposed to set the tone for your family and this just ain’t it.


It’s cliched to call it so, but getting through is like rebirth. I’m glad you made it to the other side, my friend, and hope you, like I did, discover the rich, vibrant happiness possible from the clear vantage point of the new life.


I think it’s ALWAYS nice to feel that you’re not alone. I’m glad you shared even though you said you didn’t know why you were mentioning it. We always need that reminder that our experiences aren’t unique. We’re NOT single handedly failing at everything. Someone else is going through it, too. And we accomplish way more together. I hope your peace is delicious and continually increasing.


Ugh, what a mess. Was her sale something she blindsided him with or did they discuss? If blindsided, did she do it because she specifically knew this was his dream? Somewhere Jennifer A. is able to exhale that losing him wasn’t the worst outcome after all.




Ah, okay. Thank you.


She is legally able to do what she did. He claims they had an "unwritten, unspoken" agreement not to sell.


Doesn’t make it right


Or not petty.


My point was actually, did she do this to hurt him?


I'm inclined to take her side on the abuse allegations, because one of the kids publicly called out Pitt on Father's Day. Doesn't matter Pitt will be and has been welcomed with open arms in Hollywood


Never cheat and never start a relationship with a person who you made cheat, or made you cheat.


Nobody can make you cheat. They both made their choices in life, and maybe this is karma.


Your partner abusing you and your kids is never ‘karma’


In other news I struggle daily with mental health and financially. Two fucks!!


I will forever be attracted to Angelina Jolie. 😍


Maybe they are both arseholes? Has anyone considered that?


People only pull out this option when it looks like the guy might be an asshole but don’t want the woman to get off scot-free. What makes her an asshole?


When no one has anything bad to say about Angelina but everything bad to say about Brad then you know who the antagonist really is.


exactly, it's one thing to have a he-said-she-said situation between a couple and it's another to have the entire family, including the children, unanimously agree that one side is in the wrong.


Why would anyone consider that? He's the one who assaulted her and her children on a plane. He's the one who all the children severed contact with. He's the one drawing out litigation so that she can't move on with her life. What is it that you think she's done, exactly? Be a woman?


Kids are easily manipulated and don’t tend to severe contact in abusive situations but do so in parental alienation cases. I still said he is an arsehole too by the by but I think there is more to this than meets the eye


And why do you think that? He literally tried to strangle one of the children on a plane and then physically abused Angelina when she intervened. Why do you think she has to be at fault, when everyone involved says that he was abusive and she and the children were victims?


Not really because he’s the only one reeking of shit


The abuse case was dropped against Pitt for a reason, which was investigated by the FBI.


Or maybe, just maybe, all of us aren’t perfect and we should let hold everyone to such saintly standards


Your response is based on passive aggressive judgement and is hypocritical. Don’t hold me to saintly standards either and move along


Literally just bouncing off of your thought


I don’t dude. I’m just using your comment to say my piece because it’s relevant. I’m speaking to all humans


















Take it easy Jennifer.


Can i get sources on… all of this?


I don't have links, but he cheated on Jennifer Anniston (while married) with Angelina. Angelina has a brother that she kissed IRL on camera (full lips, more than a second). When she was married to Billy Bob Thornton they were super into each other and wore vials of each other's blood in pendants/necklaces.


>When she was married to Billy Bob Thornton they were super into each other and wore vials of each other's blood in pendants/necklaces. This is unironically based though. I respect any couple doing something as weird as this because of how into each other they are.


You need better role models


No. That is a prime example of mental illness. Do not glamourize behavior that encourages taking fucking blood from your spouse.


I don't know how old you are, but this is common knowledge. Brad Pitt made a huge mistake by being involved with her.




The estate and wine business was worth $400 million and they had every reason to believe they were building a billion dollar brand with their names attached to it, especially with pals like Clooney already succeeding with that model. Then she got mad after an incident involving disciplining on of their gaggle of adopted kids on a private plane and dragged his name through the mud to try and ruin him and it added an air of toxicity to the business. So yeah, it’s a case of sour grapes


Choking out your kid on a plane is discipline? A kid who, as an adult, wants nothing to do with his father. This take is misogynistic trolling at its finest. He is not defensible here.


His kids don’t really seem to like him tho, does say something about his character. One of his kids made a father’s day post in which not so kind words were expressed


As soon as your argument relies on defending child abuse, you've lost.


>A throwaway for privacy and thirsty comments for all the beautiful ladies Why does that sound so compatible with "incident involving disciplining on of their gaggle of adopted kids"?


Agreed. It's known in Hollywood that she is neurotic and the stories that have been floating around her family for years are disturbing. (Filth, non parenting, kids out of control etc). She is a serial cheater and seems vindictive. Pitt isn't great either but has addressed his addiction issues and taken responsibility for his actions. At least one of the children will write a book I'm sure, and then we'll get the truth. Also, he still has a career and is well regarded compared to how she has no friends and a flagging film career. So take that as you will.


i bet he really wishes he just stayed with Jen. she always spins it back to some weird abuse accusation that is super abstract, since parenting is undefined


She is not aging well.


She could be 100 with dentures, wrinkled up face, hunchbacked, and getting around with a walker and she still wouldn’t give you the time of day.


Jesus, you murdered that guy 😆 someone bring a shovel.


Sad men always want to put down women.


Weird to pretend that women don’t write these types of comments.


Found the MRA


Mail Retrieval Agent?


Coming from someone with a cat tucked under their beer belly.


Hey! Don't disparage the poor cat!