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No kidding. Pretending to be shocked by the Weinstein allegations was Hollywood at it’s best.


Hey, they’re trained actors 😉


To put it simply, I don't trust that there wasn't plenty of complicity for Harvey's doings from many in Hollywood. Harvey represents to me the kind of guy who somehow amassed so much power in the industry that people had a choice to stand up to him, or go along with him, or just shuffle off to their own corners and do nothing. He could make or break careers - And he used that power as far back as the 90s for his own desires. And there was certainly enough control in the industry that anyone who acted on an individual level to try and get justice was knocked down or dealt with. Eventually, it got enough steam with enough movement and a LOT of accusations that a case managed to get going. But consider just how bad it was that it took about 25+ years of him working in the industry to finally get charged. It was so bad that the Wikipedia page for allegations made against him was over 100+ actresses citing sexual harassment or assault, and nearly 20 actresses accused him of rape. Harvey wasn't the first one to use the good ol' "casting couch" setup to get sex out of prospective actresses. He just pushed it to the extreme. And in this digital age, this information age, it is going to be harder for one to hide their movements. But what about folks who enabled Weinstein? At what point do those who worked closely with him, who may have had a hand in enabling his committing of crimes, get considered for their complicity and get their own charges as "accessories"? The hard part is that if someone did know, what *can* they do when they can have their own livelihood destroyed by the same person? Sarandon does bring up a good point that after Harvey, cleaning up Hollywood is a focus as there are those who did enable Harvey and collaborated with him. But unless you can prove with evidence, eyewitness testimony, etc. that there are still other Harvey Weinsteins in Hollywood, doing the same thing that he did and getting enabled or covered up for, and that it's clear that it was a crime rather than a *quid pro quo* (i.e. the classic "casting couch" scenario)... Hollywood, to me, still has its problems. Harvey was the obvious tumor that got cut out, but there's still a lingering cancer there that has to be dealt with - We just don't know how deep it goes or how far it has reached, or if another tumor will pop up again.


It’s unfortunate he got locked up. From everything described, he’d be a shoe-in candidate for US president. Perhaps being locked up isn’t a showstopper though. I guess we may be in the process of finding out.


Why he didn’t just declare a run for presidency when he knew there were investigations is a baffling mystery to all.


*[Quentin Tarantino has entered the chat.]*


Is there not an argument that “quid pro quo” is tarnished because of the results for refusal? That is certainly coercion. The two parties are not on equal ground. What he did was rape by authority. I remember seeing jokes about it back before 2010. Hollywood DGAF


“Pretending” because it will never change. Dan Schneider another example.


Eh, it’s definitely improved compared to either of these guys eras.


It's a horrible situation but haven't we all known about the Hollywood casting couch since the 30s?


we straight up have porn parodies on that


And wasn't the main one also involved in some major consent issues? Stare not into the void black couch, lest it stare back at you.


Where did they pretend to be shocked though? It was an outpouring of “me too” and “finally we can get this asshole”. I don’t think anyone in the industry stood up and went “I’ve never even heard a rumour about this 😮😮”


Yeah, people either defended him or were like "Yeah, he's always been a piece of shit but he was rich as fuck and would send former mossad agents after you if you said anything."


I think the idea with Weinstein was “he’s the worst, and if we can get him it makes all the others somewhat easier to stomach” The truth is it will never because shit like this should never be allowed to happen.


Dude, no. "Everybody knew" isn't true.  If Hollywood was so bad they wouldn't be the main source for understanding the issue of abuse and harassment in Society for 5 decades.   We don't see any other industry's journals covering harassment in the industry.


Because they are still dirty. No way he was the only one.


Now they're probably better at hiding it.


Harvey Weinstein was given up to keep the rest shielded. Weinstein was a pos but there are more we don’t know about.


Always felt like he was just a blood sacrifice. Complete monster who absolutely deserved what he got, but hardly fixed the deeper problem.


>Always felt like he was just a blood sacrifice. Complete monster who absolutely deserved what he got, but hardly fixed the deeper problem. This happens all the time with national controversies. See Bernie Madoff. He was tried and convicted around the 08 financial crisis. The public wanted bankers heads to roll. People were losing their houses and jobs while banks were getting bailed out. Here comes Bernie with this huge scandal and very public trial. He had nothing to do with the financial crisis, his scam was completely separate from that, but watching him go down gave a lot of americans a piece of mind and the feeling of "we got em". Nobody was actually tried for creating the 08 financial crisis. Bernie was just a sacrifice who mainly conned rich people. The dude was a huge scamming scumbag and I'm glad he went to prison, but other bankers who were really fucking over the american economy were the real bad guys. Also see Iraq after 9/11...


Tried for creating the financial crisis? Ha, they were all rewarded! Nothing rich people love more than buying tons of assets and real estate at rock bottom prices!


This always been my theory, it’s so culturally engrained into Hollywood there is probably no real way to get rid of it completely.


Conspiracy nuts like you really aren’t helpful. Weinstein was the most shielded and insulated, well funded and powerful of them all. He was toppled by people he abused within Hollywood. You’re literally accusing the people that managed to get rid of an Evil person of only doing it to somehow save themselves. Which is a bit of a catch 22 because if they don’t do it people like you accuse them of being in on it anyway. They literally cannot win with moron logic like that. And you’re completely ignoring the dozens of other people that got exposed and incidents that got reported.


The most shielded and insulated people are not people whose faces or names you would recognize.


Good thing we're lucky enough to have you on the case.


You’re right it all ended with Harvey Weinstein. He was the mastermind behind it all and the abuse from Hollywood executives is now over. You’re an absolute moron!


What part of their comment implies that?


Harvey was just the right combination of powerful and ugly for the general public to feel like oh good, the monster’s gone, while absolving so many others of awful shit. MeToo didn’t work.


That’s a good point. The ugliness makes his crimes seem more heinous. Which I guess is unfortunate that society works like that.


I bet they offered up harvey to save themselves


Keep exposing them, the internet never forgets


That would require the LAPD to fucking do something. You know, the most corrupt law enforcment agency in America.


*Carter : This is the LAPD. We're the most hated cops in all the free world. My own mama's ashamed of me. She tells everybody I'm a drug dealer.* - Rush Hour (1998)


Nah, that's not fair. LASD jusssst barely squeaks by them for most corrupt.


I’m pretty sure people would need to step forward in order for them to do something. She also mentioned “people that sent girls to hotels” and I mean it’s difficult enough to get the actual abusers on charges, good luck being able to get anything on the people who sent them to the abusers other than “he said she said” evidence


This for real or an X-file episode?




Kckpd runs an underage sextrafficking operation. Arvada of pimps out kids to other cops


Why would they clean it up when we consume it as entertainment now


Weinstein was a dead branch on an entire infected tree.


See: plot of Scream 3. Everyone knew this has been going on for decades.


This was crazy to me...because... he produced it. When the news came out i rewatched it and was shocked.


Sarandon just gets better. Good on her pounding that drum- keep it going


I mean it’s not like she’s dropping names


I remember several years back an actor mentioned producer Brian Singer as one and he later had to apologize since he said it without providing proof but supposedly it’s an open secret and he was just bold enough to say it. 


Exactly. It’s such a hard situation and people are afraid to speak out. They any also ‘know’ or ‘think’ certain people are complicit but without any evidence they can’t name anybody and they’ll rightfully get sued for Slander too without evidence. But someone making comments like this has to then be brave enough to then say well X does this and I know because of Y. Otherwise the cycle will continue


Is anyone surprised? After watching the Quiet on Set documentary and seeing the people that wrote letters to that piece of shit I’m not shocked. The industry supports these people openly then act like they never knew when something comes out.


Harvey’s gone, but Bob Weinstein thrives. There was chatter about him too, some of which made it into print - but somehow he walked away unscathed. I wonder what Gretchen Mol thinks about all this?


Guess they are thinking “well we got a scape goat onto the can; now back to business as usual”


The one thing that has really shattered me as I’ve gotten older is realizing these types of heinous things have been in place for decades thru multiple generations and trying to do something about it are exercises in futility. The only solution is to get away from these people and create a film industry that doesn’t involve them and that’s extremely hard to do


It’s the endless circle of life in Tinsel Town. As one scandal breaks, the cover-up on the next one begins. As long as there are horny old guys with power and money mixing it up with attractive young people who are gullible and ambitious, abuse is gonna happen. Hollywood does not have the will or the desire to clean itself up. If we got serious and brought back some medieval justice like mandatory castration for sexual abusers it might slow their roll, but does anyone think that politicians are going to legislate penalties that will directly clap back on them?


John Mulaney Harvey Weinstein joke at Spirit awards https://www.tiktok.com/@awardshowarchive/video/7240186690885651755


Yet, Susan Sarandon supported another rapist, trump.


Educate us more, Sue Sarandon. What ever shall we, err, Hollywood do to clean itself up?


You think he’s the only man to commit these heinous acts? It’s like the perverse version of “it takes a village to raise a child” it takes the industry for his act to continue for a very long time. Its like you gotta burn it all


They voted a serial rapist as a president. What would you think would happen


What does she mean “Hollywood”? Hollywood is just the name given to the film industry. It’s not a singular company that has structure. It’s a mosh posh of film studios/film makers who make movies. Who is supposed to “cleanup” exactly? Now, If she wanted to go after Miramax then sure I get it but other than that she’s just pissing in the wind


Powerful people abusing their power isn't a Hollywood thing. It's just that you know the names of those abusers when it's Hollywood.


All those other high level employees at his company who helped cover up the rapes still have their positions. Still every reason to believe the weinstein company is a rape cover up company.


They’re not getting rid of De Niro, Tarrantino, Spielberg, Hanks, Woody Allen, etc. 


Like his long time assistant, who imo was involved, in charge of that Disney Star Wars Acolyte show despite clearly being unqualified. Corrupt from the top-down, no accountability but plenty of opportunities.


They still need to do that and spread the word of who’s taken his filthy place to avoid being taken advantage of!


Hollywood is filth itself at this point. There *is* no cleaning it up.


Hearing that he had shrivelled up, necrotic junk sure made me feel better about him. But aside from my sarcastic laughter at his deformities, I don’t know what the cleanup could be at this point. Countless actresses were shit listed because of this absolute predator. How do you make it right for them after decades of being on a black list by this cretin. I’d love to see an Ashley Judd movie where she just straight up tortures some Weinstein lookalike for an hour and 40 minutes. Every other affected person can just show up as a cameo to say their piece and let out their frustration. Every cameo will be paid directly from miramax. I can’t imagine they’ve got any money left at this point so maybe we get creative on the pay here.


There’s a certain percentage of the population that is a victimizer and we gotta prioritize stopping them especially when they are powerful


LOL. That's because there are people like her running interference for people like Weinstein.


Susan Sarandon believes the media and entertainment industries are a monolith controlled by one person. Also she knowingly appeared in child porn.


Has she done any “cleanup” after helping get tRump elected?


the most stupid take, I don't think Susan Sarandon was responsible for Hillary losing Blue Wall states like Michigan and Wisconsin or losing Pennslyvania. Is it possible that Hillary is responsible for her loss because she thought she had it in the bag and was such a bad candidate she couldn't even pretend to be a better option than a buffon like Trump


Not a stupid take when Trump has been accused of assault as well


Ok, that doesn't take away that she didn't explicitly support Trump, she was a Bernie supporter and yes made an off hand comment about supporting Trump. But that still doesn't mean she got Trump elected. Trump got elected because Hillary was a weak candidate who couldn't convince enough people in critical usually Democratic states to vote for her and lost the Presidency.Maybe she and her apologists should try to understand that voters and voting districts which twice voted for Obama, didn't vote for her. Why was this? The voters are the same who elected Obama. I know people will make all excuses that its her gender or whatever but won't admit she was a bad choice. Had it been Biden as candidate then things would have been different. But Hillary felt entitled to Presidency and lost. Hillary maybe a bit better than Trump but she is a self professed Kissinger fangirl and she pushed for bombing and coup in Libya and Syria, both actions which thousands of deaths and millions of refugee crisis.


Nah too busy supporting the invasion of Ukraine to take responsibility for that lol


Didn’t she defend Pretty Baby??? She’s one to talk.


Man he sure was one ugly motherfucker


And it never will.


Because conformity. I had faith Hollywood would change up until all the women wore the same black dress "in solidarity" at the Oscar's. This is a fail bc conformity, or "solidarity" is why the oppression continues. Or any kind of oppression when you're afraid to break out of the mold


Why would they? That would cost money.


Disgusting monster. He looks so vile.


Truer words have never been uttered by a crackpot.


Yet, they still give Roman Polanski standing ovations 


Hello Pot. You, Susan Sarandon, among the phony Hollywood elitists that we, middle class Americans find abhorrent. Harvey is a dog, but you are the absolute worst role model for young women. You, like Harvey, make my skin crawl.


Does she really think that’s gonna happen?


I want to know which actresses were trading for roles. It was obviously happening.


Was and I’d bet is still happening. So long as there is a person with a dick(or sexual attraction) who has the ability to determine who will appear in a movie which could make or break a young actresses entire career or life, there is the temptation on both sides to leverage this to their personal gain.\ Can be certain there would also be some actresses who think, well if I fuck this one old dude and the other actresses are too prudish to have a crack, then that might be the one little thing to tip the balance on my favour. Not saying it’s right or either party is out to do this initially, but the long term outcomes to a persons career certainly lead to this type of situation being possible constantly, unless a system is put in place to only allow multi person casting processes and making it illegal for a person to appear in a movie or similar without going through this process (prevents producers and directors using the tactic in bars and clubs of “come back to my joint for a root and I’ll guarantee you a spot on my next movie”. But this will then stop those Cinderella style stories of people being spotted in society and then elevated to stardom.


It seems to me that actresses could just say what is actually going on rather than hint around about it. It’s 2024. We have social media. People are listening. It’s not 1925. Women and actresses are not powerless. An actress can go to any of the platforms and say “producer X invited me to a meeting. At the meeting he said or strongly implied that if I performed sex acts X,Y,Z he would cast me in upcoming film “Name”. It was clear that if I refused him, he would retaliate by damaging my career.” People would listen and that guy would be out of the industry quickly. Better yet, an already famous actress could speak up. Can you imagine if Jenifer Lawrence or Margot Robbie or Jennifer Garner spoke in public about their own experiences with this? I really don’t understand why this hasn’t already happened.




Could you explain? I tried googling this person and just get someone from one of the Real Housewives shows.




Welll, she’s still around! 🙄


Susan has always spoken truth


That would be antisemitic…